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Laravel Up & Running A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps Matt Stauffer Second Edition Matt Stau€er Laravel: Up & Running A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps SECOND EDITION Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo 978-1-492-04121-4 [LSI] Laravel: Up & Running by Matt Stauffer Copyright © 2019 Matt Stauffer. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://oreilly.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com. Editor: Alicia Young Production Editor: Christopher Faucher Copyeditor: Rachel Head Proofreader: Amanda Kersey Indexer: WordCo Indexing Services, Inc. Interior Designer: David Futato Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest December 2016: First Edition April 2019: Second Edition Revision History for the Second Edition 2019-04-01: First Release See http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781492041214 for release details. The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Laravel: Up & Running, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. The views expressed in this work are those of the author, and do not represent the publisher’s views. While the publisher and the author have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights. €is book is dedicated to my family. Mia, my little princess and bundle of joy and energy. Malachi, my little prince and adventurer and empath. Tereva, my inspiration, encourager, upgrader, pusher, rib. Table of Contents Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii 1. Why Laravel?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Why Use a Framework? 1 “I’ll Just Build It Myself ” 2 Consistency and Flexibility 2 A Short History of Web and PHP Frameworks 2 Ruby on Rails 2 The Influx of PHP Frameworks 3 The Good and the Bad of CodeIgniter 3 Laravel 1, 2, and 3 3 Laravel 4 4 Laravel 5 4 What’s So Special About Laravel? 4 The Philosophy of Laravel 5 How Laravel Achieves Developer Happiness 5 The Laravel Community 6 How It Works 7 Why Laravel? 9 2. Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 System Requirements 11 Composer 12 Local Development Environments 12 Laravel Valet 12 Laravel Homestead 13 Creating a New Laravel Project 13 Installing Laravel with the Laravel Installer Tool 14 v Installing Laravel with Composer’s create-project Feature 14 Lambo: Super-Powered “Laravel New” 14 Laravel’s Directory Structure 15 The Folders 16 The Loose Files 17 Configuration 18 The .env File 19 Up and Running 21 Testing 21 TL;DR 22 3. Routing and Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A Quick Introduction to MVC, the HTTP Verbs, and REST 23 What Is MVC? 23 The HTTP Verbs 24 What Is REST? 25 Route Definitions 26 Route Verbs 28 Route Handling 28 Route Parameters 29 Route Names 31 Route Groups 33 Middleware 34 Path Prefixes 36 Fallback Routes 36 Subdomain Routing 37 Namespace Prefixes 37 Name Prefixes 38 Signed Routes 38 Signing a Route 39 Modifying Routes to Allow Signed Links 40 Views 40 Returning Simple Routes Directly with Route::view() 41 Using View Composers to Share Variables with Every View 42 Controllers 42 Getting User Input 45 Injecting Dependencies into Controllers 46 Resource Controllers 47 API Resource Controllers 49 Single Action Controllers 49 Route Model Binding 50 Implicit Route Model Binding 50 vi | Table of Contents Custom Route Model Binding 51 Route Caching 52 Form Method Spoofing 52 HTTP Verbs in Laravel 52 HTTP Method Spoofing in HTML Forms 53 CSRF Protection 53 Redirects 55 redirect()->to() 56 redirect()->route() 56 redirect()->back() 57 Other Redirect Methods 57 redirect()->with() 57 Aborting the Request 59 Custom Responses 60 response()->make() 60 response()->json() and ->jsonp() 60 response()->download(), ->streamDownload(), and ->file() 60 Testing 61 TL;DR 62 4. Blade Templating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Echoing Data 64 Control Structures 65 Conditionals 65 Loops 65 Template Inheritance 68 Defining Sections with @section/@show and @yield 68 Including View Partials 70 Using Stacks 72 Using Components and Slots 73 View Composers and Service Injection 75 Binding Data to Views Using View Composers 76 Blade Service Injection 79 Custom Blade Directives 80 Parameters in Custom Blade Directives 81 Example: Using Custom Blade Directives for a Multitenant App 82 Easier Custom Directives for “if ” Statements 83 Testing 83 TL;DR 84 5. Databases and Eloquent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Configuration 87 Table of Contents | vii Database Connections 88 Other Database Configuration Options 89 Defining Migrations 90 Running Migrations 97 Seeding 98 Creating a Seeder 98 Model Factories 99 Query Builder 105 Basic Usage of the DB Facade 105 Raw SQL 106 Chaining with the Query Builder 107 Transactions 116 Introduction to Eloquent 117 Creating and Defining Eloquent Models 119 Retrieving Data with Eloquent 120 Inserts and Updates with Eloquent 122 Deleting with Eloquent 126 Scopes 128 Customizing Field Interactions with Accessors, Mutators, and Attribute Casting 131 Eloquent Collections 135 Eloquent Serialization 137 Eloquent Relationships 139 Child Records Updating Parent Record Timestamps 152 Eloquent Events 154 Testing 155 TL;DR 157 6. Frontend Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Laravel Mix 159 Mix Folder Structure 161 Running Mix 161 What Does Mix Provide? 162 Frontend Presets and Auth Scaffolding 169 Frontend Presets 169 Auth Scaffolding 170 Pagination 170 Paginating Database Results 170 Manually Creating Paginators 171 Message Bags 172 Named Error Bags 174 String Helpers, Pluralization, and Localization 174 viii | Table of Contents The String Helpers and Pluralization 174 Localization 175 Testing 179 Testing Message and Error Bags 179 Translation and Localization 179 TL;DR 180 7. Collecting and Handling User Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Injecting a Request Object 181 $request->all() 182 $request->except() and $request->only() 182 $request->has() 183 $request->input() 183 $request->method() and ->isMethod() 184 Array Input 184 JSON Input (and $request->json()) 185 Route Data 186 From Request 186 From Route Parameters 186 Uploaded Files 187 Validation 189 validate() on the Request Object 189 Manual Validation 192 Custom Rule Objects 192 Displaying Validation Error Messages 193 Form Requests 194 Creating a Form Request 194 Using a Form Request 195 Eloquent Model Mass Assignment 196 {{ Versus {!! 197 Testing 197 TL;DR 199 8. Artisan and Tinker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 An Introduction to Artisan 201 Basic Artisan Commands 202 Options 203 The Grouped Commands 203 Writing Custom Artisan Commands 206 A Sample Command 208 Arguments and Options 209 Using Input 211 Table of Contents | ix Prompts 213 Output 214 Writing Closure-Based Commands 215 Calling Artisan Commands in Normal Code 216 Tinker 217 Laravel Dump Server 218 Testing 219 TL;DR 219 9. User Authentication and Authorization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 The User Model and Migration 222 Using the auth() Global Helper and the Auth Facade 225 The Auth Controllers 226 RegisterController 226 LoginController 227 ResetPasswordController 229 ForgotPasswordController 229 VerificationController 229 Auth::routes() 229 The Auth Scaffold 231 “Remember Me” 232 Manually Authenticating Users 233 Manually Logging Out a User 233 Invalidating Sessions on Other Devices 233 Auth Middleware 234 Email Verification 235 Blade Authentication Directives 236 Guards 236 Changing the Default Guard 237 Using Other Guards Without Changing the Default 237 Adding a New Guard 237 Closure Request Guards 238 Creating a Custom User Provider 238 Custom User Providers for Nonrelational Databases 239 Auth Events 239 Authorization (ACL) and Roles 240 Defining Authorization Rules 240 The Gate Facade (and Injecting Gate) 241 Resource Gates 242 The Authorize Middleware 243 Controller Authorization 243 Checking on the User Instance 245 x | Table of Contents Blade Checks 246 Intercepting Checks 246 Policies 247 Testing 249 TL;DR 252 10. Requests, Responses, and Middleware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Laravel’s Request Lifecycle 253 Bootstrapping the Application 254 Service Providers 255 The Request Object 257 Getting a Request Object in Laravel 257 Getting Basic Information About a Request 258 The Response Object 262 Using and Creating Response Objects in Controllers 263 Specialized Response Types 264 Laravel and Middleware 269 An Introduction to Middleware 269 Creating Custom Middleware 270 Binding Middleware 272 Passing Parameters to Middleware 275 Trusted Proxies 276 Testing 277 TL;DR 278 11. The Container. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 A Quick Introduction to Dependency Injection 279 Dependency Injection and Laravel 281 The app() Global Helper 281 How the Container Is Wired 282 Binding Classes to the Container 283 Binding to a Closure 283 Binding to Singletons, Aliases, and Instances 284 Binding a Concrete Instance to an Interface 285 Contextual Binding 286 Constructor Injection in Laravel Framework Files 287 Method Injection 287 Facades and the Container 289 How Facades Work 289 Real-Time Facades 291 Service Providers 291 Testing 292 Table of Contents | xi TL;DR 293 12. Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Testing Basics 296 Naming Tests 300 The Testing Environment 301 The Testing Traits 301 RefreshDatabase 302 WithoutMiddleware 302 DatabaseMigrations 302 DatabaseTransactions 302 Simple Unit Tests 303 Application Testing: How It Works 304 TestCase 304 HTTP Tests 305 Testing Basic Pages with $this->get() and Other HTTP Calls 305 Testing JSON APIs with $this->getJson() and Other JSON HTTP Calls 306 Assertions Against $response 306 Authenticating Responses 309 A Few Other Customizations to Your HTTP Tests 310 Handling Exceptions in Application Tests 310 Database Tests 311 Using Model Factories in Tests 312 Seeding in Tests 312 Testing Other Laravel Systems 312 Event Fakes 312 Bus and Queue Fakes 314 Mail Fakes 315 Notification Fakes 316 Storage Fakes 317 Mocking 318 A Quick Introduction to Mocking 318 A Quick Introduction to Mockery 318 Faking Other Facades 321 Testing Artisan Commands 322 Asserting Against Artisan Command Syntax 322 Browser Tests 323 Choosing a Tool 324 Testing with Dusk 324 TL;DR 335 xii | Table of Contents 13. Writing APIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 The Basics of REST-Like JSON APIs 337 Controller Organization and JSON Returns 339 Reading and Sending Headers 342 Sending Response Headers in Laravel 343 Reading Request Headers in Laravel 343 Eloquent Pagination 344 Sorting and Filtering 345 Sorting Your API Results 346 Filtering Your API Results 347 Transforming Results 348 Writing Your Own Transformer 349 Nesting and Relationships with Custom Transformers 350 API Resources 352 Creating a Resource Class 352 Resource Collections 354 Nesting Relationships 355 Using Pagination with API Resources 356 Conditionally Applying Attributes 357 More Customizations for API Resources 357 API Authentication with Laravel Passport 357 A Brief Introduction to OAuth 2.0 358 Installing Passport 358 Passport’s API 360 Passport’s Available Grant Types 360 Managing Clients and Tokens with the Passport API and Vue Components 368 Passport Scopes 371 Deploying Passport 373 API Token Authentication 373 Customizing 404 Responses 374 Triggering the Fallback Route 374 Testing 374 Testing Passport 375 TL;DR 375 14. Storage and Retrieval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Local and Cloud File Managers 377 Configuring File Access 377 Using the Storage Facade 378 Adding Additional Flysystem Providers 380 Basic File Uploads and Manipulation 380 Simple File Downloads 382 Table of Contents | xiii Sessions 382 Accessing the Session 383 Methods Available on Session Instances 383 Flash Session Storage 385 Cache 386 Accessing the Cache 386 Methods Available on Cache Instances 387 Cookies 388 Cookies in Laravel 388 Accessing the Cookie Tools 389 Logging 391 When and Why to Use Logs 392 Writing to the Logs 392 Log Channels 393 Full-Text Search with Laravel Scout 396 Installing Scout 396 Marking Your Model for Indexing 397 Searching Your Index 397 Queues and Scout 397 Performing Operations Without Indexing 398 Conditionally Indexing Models 398 Manually Triggering Indexing via Code 398 Manually Triggering Indexing via the CLI 398 Testing 399 File Storage 399 Session 400 Cache 401 Cookies 402 Log 403 Scout 403 TL;DR 404 15. Mail and Noti€cations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Mail 405 “Classic” Mail 406 Basic “Mailable” Mail Usage 406 Mail Templates 409 Methods Available in build() 410 Attachments and Inline Images 410 Markdown Mailables 411 Rendering Mailables to the Browser 413 Queues 414 xiv | Table of Contents Local Development 415 Notifications 416 Defining the via() Method for Your Notifiables 419 Sending Notifications 419 Queueing Notifications 420 Out-of-the-Box Notification Types 421 Testing 424 Mail 425 Notifications 425 TL;DR 426 16. Queues, Jobs, Events, Broadcasting, and the Scheduler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Queues 427 Why Queues? 428 Basic Queue Configuration 428 Queued Jobs 428 Controlling the Queue 435 Queues Supporting Other Functions 436 Laravel Horizon 436 Events 437 Firing an Event 437 Listening for an Event 439 Broadcasting Events over WebSockets, and Laravel Echo 442 Configuration and Setup 443 Broadcasting an Event 443 Receiving the Message 446 Advanced Broadcasting Tools 448 Laravel Echo (the JavaScript Side) 452 Scheduler 457 Available Task Types 457 Available Time Frames 458 Defining Time Zones for Scheduled Commands 459 Blocking and Overlap 460 Handling Task Output 460 Task Hooks 461 Testing 461 TL;DR 463 17. Helpers and Collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Helpers 465 Arrays 465 Strings 467 Table of Contents | xv Application Paths 469 URLs 470 Miscellaneous 472 Collections 475 The Basics 475 A Few Methods 477 TL;DR 481 18. The Laravel Ecosystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Tools Covered in This Book 483 Valet 483 Homestead 484 The Laravel Installer 484 Mix 484 Dusk 484 Passport 484 Horizon 484 Echo 485 Tools Not Covered in This Book 485 Forge 485 Envoyer 485 Cashier 486 Socialite 486 Nova 486 Spark 487 Lumen 487 Envoy 487 Telescope 488 Other Resources 488 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 xvi | Table of Contents Preface The story of how I got started with Laravel is a common one: I had written PHP for years, but I was on my way out the door, pursuing the power of Rails and other modern web frameworks. Rails in particular had a lively community, a perfect combi‐ nation of opinionated defaults and flexibility, and the power of Ruby Gems to lever‐ age prepackaged common code. Something kept me from jumping ship, and I was glad for that when I found Laravel. It offered everything I was drawn to in Rails, but it wasn’t just a Rails clone; this was an innovative framework with incredible documentation, a welcoming community, and clear influences from many languages and frameworks. Since that day I’ve been able to share my journey of learning Laravel through blog‐ ging, podcasting, and speaking at conferences; I’ve written dozens of apps in Laravel for work and side projects; and I’ve met thousands of Laravel developers online and in person. I have plenty of tools in my development toolkit, but I am honestly happi‐ est when I sit down in front of a command line and type laravel new projectName. What This Book Is About This is not the first book about Laravel, and it won’t be the last. I don’t intend for this to be a book that covers every line of code or every implementation pattern. I don’t want this to be the sort of book that goes out of date when a new version of Laravel is released. Instead, its primary purpose is to provide developers with a high-level over‐ view and concrete examples to learn what they need to work in any Laravel codebase with any and every Laravel feature and subsystem. Rather than mirroring the docs, I want to help you understand the foundational concepts behind Laravel. Laravel is a powerful and flexible PHP framework. It has a thriving community and a wide ecosystem of tools, and as a result it’s growing in appeal and reach. This book is for developers who already know how to make websites and applications and want to learn how to do so well in Laravel. xvii Laravel’s documentation is thorough and excellent. If you find that I don’t cover any particular topic deeply enough for your liking, I encourage you to visit the online documentation and dig deeper into that particular topic. I think you will find the book a comfortable balance between high-level introduction and concrete application, and by the end you should feel comfortable writing an entire application in Laravel, from scratch. And, if I did my job well, you’ll be excited to try. Who This Book Is For This book assumes knowledge of basic object-oriented programming practices, PHP (or at least the general syntax of C-family languages), and the basic concepts of the Model–View–Controller (MVC) pattern and templating. If you’ve never made a website before, you may find yourself in over your head. But as long as you have some programming experience, you don’t have to know anything about Laravel before you read this book—we’ll cover everything you need to know, from the sim‐ plest “Hello, world!” Laravel can run on any operating system, but there will be some bash (shell) com‐ mands in the book that are easiest to run on Linux/macOS. Windows users may have a harder time with these commands and with modern PHP development, but if you follow the instructions to get Homestead (a Linux virtual machine) running, you’ll be able to run all of the commands from there. How This Book Is Structured This book is structured in what I imagine to be a chronological order: if you’re build‐ ing your first web app with Laravel, the early chapters cover the foundational compo‐ nents you’ll need to get started, and the later chapters cover less foundational or more esoteric features. Each section of the book can be read on its own, but for someone new to the frame‐ work, I’ve tried to structure the chapters so that it’s actually very reasonable to start from the beginning and read until the end. Where applicable, each chapter will end with two sections: “Testing” and “TL;DR.” If you’re not familiar, “TL;DR” means “too long; didn’t read.” These final sections will show you how to write tests for the features covered in each chapter and will give a high-level overview of what was covered. The book is written for Laravel 5.8, but will cover features and syntax changes back to Laravel 5.1. xviii | Preface About the Second Edition The first edition of Laravel: Up & Running came out in November 2016 and covered Laravel versions 5.1 to 5.3. This second edition adds coverage for 5.4 to 5.8 and Lara‐ vel Dusk and Horizon, and adds an 18th chapter about community resources and other non-core Laravel packages that weren’t covered in the first 17 chapters. Conventions Used in This Book The following typographical conventions are used in this book: Italic Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions. Constant width Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program ele‐ ments such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords. Constant width bold Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user. Constant width italic Shows code text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context. {Italic in braces} Shows file names or file pathways that should be replaced with user-supplied val‐ ues or by values determined by context. This element signifies a tip or suggestion. This element signifies a general note. This element indicates a warning or caution. Preface | xix Because this book covers Laravel from versions 5.1 to 5.8, you’ll find markers throughout the book indicating version-specific comments. Generally speaking, the indicator is showing the version of Laravel a feature was introduced in (so you’ll see a 5.3 next to a feature that’s only accessible in Laravel 5.3 and higher). O’Reilly Online Learning For almost 40 years, O’Reilly Media has provided technology and business training, knowledge, and insight to help compa‐ nies succeed. Our unique network of experts and innovators share their knowledge and expertise through books, articles, conferences, and our online learning platform. O’Reilly’s online learning platform gives you on-demand access to live training courses, indepth learning paths, interactive coding environments, and a vast collection of text and video from O’Reilly and 200+ other publishers. For more information, please visit http://oreilly.com. How to Contact Us Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA 95472 800-998-9938 (in the United States or Canada) 707-829-0515 (international or local) 707-829-0104 (fax) We have a web page for this book, where we list errata, examples, and any additional information. You can access this page at http://bit.ly/laravel-up-and-running-2e. To comment or ask technical questions about this book, send email to bookques‐ tions@oreilly.com. For more information about our books, courses, conferences, and news, see our web‐ site at http://www.oreilly.com. Find us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/oreilly Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/oreillymedia Watch us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/oreillymedia xx | Preface Acknowledgments for the First Edition This book would not have happened without the gracious support of my amazing wife, Tereva, or the understanding (“Daddy’s writing, buddy!”) of my son Malachi. And while she wasn’t explicitly aware of it, my daughter Mia was around for almost the entire creation of the book, so this book is dedicated to the whole family. There were many, many long evening hours and weekend Starbucks trips that took me away from them, and I couldn’t be more grateful for their support and also their presence just making my life awesome. Additionally, the entire Tighten family has supported and encouraged me through the writing of the book, several colleagues even editing code samples (Keith Damiani, editor extraordinaire) and helping me with challenging ones (Adam Wathan, King of the Collection Pipeline). Dan Sheetz, my partner in Tighten crime, has been gracious enough to watch me while away many a work hour cranking on this book and was nothing but supportive and encouraging; and Dave Hicking, our operations manager, helped me arrange my schedule and work responsibilities around writing time. Taylor Otwell deserves thanks and honor for creating Laravel—and therefore creating so many jobs and helping so many developers love our lives that much more. He deserves appreciation for how he’s focused on developer happiness and how hard he’s worked to have empathy for developers and to build a positive and encouraging com‐ munity. But I also want to thank him for being a kind, encouraging, and challenging friend. Taylor, you’re a boss. Thanks to Jeffrey Way, who is one of the best teachers on the internet. He originally introduced me to Laravel and introduces more people every day. He’s also, unsurpris‐ ingly, a fantastic human being whom I’m glad to call a friend. Thank you to Jess D’Amico, Shawn McCool, Ian Landsman, and Taylor for seeing value in me as a conference speaker early on and giving me a platform to teach from. Thanks to Dayle Rees for making it so easy for so many to learn Laravel in the early days. Thanks to every person who put their time and effort into writing blog posts about Laravel, especially early on: Eric Barnes, Chris Fidao, Matt Machuga, Jason Lewis, Ryan Tablada, Dries Vints, Maks Surguy, and so many more. And thanks to the entire community of friends on Twitter, IRC, and Slack who’ve interacted with me over the years. I wish I could name every name, but I would miss some and then feel awful about missing them. You all are brilliant, and I’m honored to get to interact with you on a regular basis. Thanks to my O’Reilly editor, Ally MacDonald, and all of my technical editors: Keith Damiani, Michael Dyrynda, Adam Fairholm, and Myles Hyson. Preface | xxi And, of course, thanks to the rest of my family and friends, who supported me directly or indirectly through this process—my parents and siblings, the Gainesville community, other business owners and authors, other conference speakers, and the inimitable DCB. I need to stop writing because by the time I run out of space here I’ll be thanking my Starbucks baristas. Acknowledgments for the Second Edition The second edition is very similar to the first, so all of the previous acknowledgments are still valid. But I’ve gotten help from a few new people this time around. My tech‐ nical proofreaders have been Tate Peñaranda, Andy Swick, Mohamed Said, and Samantha Geitz, and my new O’Reilly editor has been Alicia Young, who’s kept me on task through a lot of changes in my life and the Laravel community over the last year. Matt Hacker on the Atlas team answered all my stupid AsciiDoc formatting ques‐ tions, including about the surprisingly difficult formatting for the __() method. And I couldn’t have made it through the process of writing a second edition without the help of my research assistant, Wilbur Powery. Wilbur was willing to sift through the last several years’ worth of changelogs and pull requests and announcements and match each feature up with the current structure of the book, and he even tested every single code example in the book in Laravel 5.7 (and then, later, 5.8) so that I could focus my limited time and energy on writing the new and updated segments. Also, my daughter, Mia, is out of her mama’s belly now. So, let’s just add her joy and energy and love and cuteness and adventurous spirit to my list of sources of inspira‐ tion. xxii | Preface CHAPTER 1 Why Laravel? In the early days of the dynamic web, writing a web application looked a lot different than it does today. Developers then were responsible for writing the code for not just the unique business logic of our applications, but also each of the components that are so common across sites—user authentication, input validation, database access, templating, and more. Today, programmers have dozens of application development frameworks and thou‐ sands of components and libraries easily accessible. It’s a common refrain among pro‐ grammers that, by the time you learn one framework, three newer (and purportedly better) frameworks have popped up intending to replace it. “Just because it’s there” might be a valid justification for climbing a mountain, but there are better reasons to choose to use a specific framework—or to use a framework at all. It’s worth asking the question, why frameworks? More specifically, why Laravel? Why Use a Framework? It’s easy to see why it’s beneficial to use the individual components, or packages, that are available to PHP developers. With packages, someone else is responsible for developing and maintaining an isolated piece of code that has a well-defined job, and in theory that person has a deeper understanding of this single component than you have time to have. Frameworks like Laravel—and Symfony, Lumen, and Slim—prepackage a collection of third-party components together with custom framework “glue” like configuration files, service providers, prescribed directory structures, and application bootstraps. So, the benefit of using a framework in general is that someone has made decisions not just about individual components for you, but also about how those components should ƒt together. 1 “I’ll Just Build It Myself” Let’s say you start a new web app without the benefit of a framework. Where do you begin? Well, it should probably route HTTP requests, so you now need to evaluate all of the HTTP request and response libraries available and pick one. Then you’ll have to pick a router. Oh, and you’ll probably need to set up some form of routes configu‐ ration file. What syntax should it use? Where should it go? What about controllers? Where do they live, and how are they loaded? Well, you probably need a dependency injection container to resolve the controllers and their dependencies. But which one? Furthermore, if you do take the time to answer all those questions and successfully create your application, what’s the impact on the next developer? What about when you have four such custom framework–based applications, or a dozen, and you have to remember where the controllers live in each, or what the routing syntax is? Consistency and Flexibility Frameworks address this issue by providing a carefully considered answer to the question “Which component should we use here?” and ensuring that the particular components chosen work well together. Additionally, frameworks provide conven‐ tions that reduce the amount of code a developer new to the project has to under‐ stand—if you understand how routing works in one Laravel project, for example, you understand how it works in all Laravel projects. When someone prescribes rolling your own framework for each new project, what they’re really advocating is the ability to control what does and doesn’t go into your application’s foundation. That means the best frameworks will not only provide you with a solid foundation, but also give you the freedom to customize to your heart’s content. And this, as I’ll show you in the rest of this book, is part of what makes Lara‐ vel so special. A Short History of Web and PHP Frameworks An important part of being able to answer the question “Why Laravel?” is under‐ standing Laravel’s history—and understanding what came before it. Prior to Laravel’s rise in popularity, there were a variety of frameworks and other movements in PHP and other web development spaces. Ruby on Rails David Heinemeier Hansson released the first version of Ruby on Rails in 2004, and it’s been hard to find a web application framework since then that hasn’t been influ‐ enced by Rails in some way. 2 | Chapter 1: Why Laravel? Rails popularized MVC, RESTful JSON APIs, convention over configuration, Active‐ Record, and many more tools and conventions that had a profound influence on the way web developers approached their applications—especially with regard to rapid application development. The Influx of PHP Frameworks It was clear to most developers that Rails and similar web application frameworks were the wave of the future, and PHP frameworks, including those admittedly imitat‐ ing Rails, started popping up quickly. CakePHP was the first in 2005, and it was soon followed by Symfony, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, and Kohana (a CodeIgniter fork). Yii arrived in 2008, and Aura and Slim in 2010. 2011 brought FuelPHP and Laravel, both of which were not quite CodeIgniter offshoots, but instead proposed as alternatives. Some of these frameworks were more Rails-y, focusing on database object-relational mappers (ORMs), MVC structures, and other tools targeting rapid development. Others, like Symfony and Zend, focused more on enterprise design patterns and ecommerce. The Good and the Bad of CodeIgniter CakePHP and CodeIgniter were the two early PHP frameworks that were most open about how much their inspiration was drawn from Rails. CodeIgniter quickly rose to fame and by 2010 was arguably the most popular of the independent PHP frameworks. CodeIgniter was simple, easy to use, and boasted amazing documentation and a strong community. But its use of modern technology and patterns advanced slowly; and as the framework world grew and PHP’s tooling advanced, CodeIgniter started falling behind in terms of both technological advances and out-of-the-box features. Unlike many other frameworks, CodeIgniter was managed by a company, and it was slow to catch up with PHP 5.3’s newer features like namespaces and the moves to Git‐ Hub and later Composer. It was in 2010 that Taylor Otwell, Laravel’s creator, became dissatisfied enough with CodeIgniter that he set off to write his own framework. Laravel 1, 2, and 3 The first beta of Laravel 1 was released in June 2011, and it was written completely from scratch. It featured a custom ORM (Eloquent); closure-based routing (inspired by Ruby Sinatra); a module system for extension; and helpers for forms, validation, authentication, and more. A Short History of Web and PHP Frameworks | 3 Early Laravel development moved quickly, and Laravel 2 and 3 were released in November 2011 and February 2012, respectively. They introduced controllers, unit testing, a command-line tool, an inversion of control (IoC) container, Eloquent rela‐ tionships, and migrations. Laravel 4 With Laravel 4, Taylor rewrote the entire framework from the ground up. By this point Composer, PHP’s now-ubiquitous package manager, was showing signs of becoming an industry standard, and Taylor saw the value of rewriting the framework as a collection of components, distributed and bundled together by Composer. Taylor developed a set of components under the code name Illuminate and, in May 2013, released Laravel 4 with an entirely new structure. Instead of bundling the majority of its code as a download, Laravel now pulled in the majority of its compo‐ nents from Symfony (another framework that released its components for use by oth‐ ers) and the Illuminate components through Composer. Laravel 4 also introduced queues, a mail component, facades, and database seeding. And because Laravel was now relying on Symfony components, it was announced that Laravel would be mirroring (not exactly, but soon after) the six-monthly release schedule Symfony follows. Laravel 5 Laravel 4.3 was scheduled to release in November 2014, but as development pro‐ gressed it became clear that the significance of its changes merited a major release, and Laravel 5 was released in February 2015. Laravel 5 featured a revamped directory structure, removal of the form and HTML helpers, the introduction of the contract interfaces, a spate of new views, Socialite for social media authentication, Elixir for asset compilation, Scheduler to simplify cron, dotenv for simplified environment management, form requests, and a brand new REPL (read–evaluate–print loop). Since then it’s grown in features and maturity, but there have been no major changes like in previous versions. What’s So Special About Laravel? So what is it that sets Laravel apart? Why is it worth having more than one PHP framework at any time? They all use components from Symfony anyway, right? Let’s talk a bit about what makes Laravel “tick.” 4 | Chapter 1: Why Laravel? The Philosophy of Laravel You only need to read through the Laravel marketing materials and READMEs to start seeing its values. Taylor uses light-related words like “Illuminate” and “Spark.” And then there are these: “Artisans.” “Elegant.” Also, these: “Breath of fresh air.” “Fresh start.” And finally: “Rapid.” “Warp speed.” The two most strongly communicated values of the framework are to increase devel‐ oper speed and developer happiness. Taylor has described the “Artisan” language as intentionally contrasting against more utilitarian values. You can see the genesis of this sort of thinking in his 2011 question on StackExchange in which he stated, “Sometimes I spend ridiculous amounts of time (hours) agonizing over making code ‘look pretty’”—just for the sake of a better experience of looking at the code itself. And he’s often talked about the value of making it easier and quicker for developers to take their ideas to fruition, getting rid of unnecessary barriers to creating great products. Laravel is, at its core, about equipping and enabling developers. Its goal is to provide clear, simple, and beautiful code and features that help developers quickly learn, start, and develop, and write code that’s simple, clear, and lasting. The concept of targeting developers is clear across Laravel materials. “Happy devel‐ opers make the best code” is written in the documentation. “Developer happiness from download to deploy” was the unofficial slogan for a while. Of course, any tool or framework will say it wants developers to be happy. But having developer happiness as a primary concern, rather than secondary, has had a huge impact on Laravel’s style and decision-making progress. Where other frameworks may target architectural purity as their primary goal, or compatibility with the goals and values of enterprise development teams, Laravel’s primary focus is on serving the individual developer. That doesn’t mean you can’t write architecturally pure or enterprise-ready applica‐ tions in Laravel, but it won’t have to be at the expense of the readability and compre‐ hensibility of your codebase. How Laravel Achieves Developer Happiness Just saying you want to make developers happy is one thing. Doing it is another, and it requires you to question what in a framework is most likely to make developers unhappy and what is most likely to make them happy. There are a few ways Laravel tries to make developers’ lives easier. First, Laravel is a rapid application development framework. That means it focuses on a shallow (easy) learning curve and on minimizing the steps between starting a new app and publishing it. All of the most common tasks in building web applications, from database interactions to authentication to queues to email to caching, are made simpler by the components Laravel provides. But Laravel’s components aren’t just What’s So Special About Laravel? | 5 great on their own; they provide a consistent API and predictable structures across the entire framework. That means that, when you’re trying something new in Laravel, you’re more than likely going to end up saying, “… and it just works.” This doesn’t end with the framework itself, either. Laravel provides an entire ecosys‐ tem of tools for building and launching applications. You have Homestead and Valet for local development, Forge for server management, and Envoyer for advanced deployment. And there’s a suite of add-on packages: Cashier for payments and sub‐ scriptions, Echo for WebSockets, Scout for search, Passport for API authentication, Dusk for frontend testing, Socialite for social login, Horizon for monitoring queues, Nova for building admin panels, and Spark to bootstrap your SaaS. Laravel is trying to take the repetitive work out of developers’ jobs so they can do something unique. Next, Laravel focuses on “convention over configuration”—meaning that if you’re willing to use Laravel’s defaults, you’ll have to do much less work than with other frameworks that require you to declare all of your settings even if you’re using the recommended configuration. Projects built on Laravel take less time than those built on most other PHP frameworks. Laravel also focuses deeply on simplicity. It’s possible to use dependency injection and mocking and the Data Mapper pattern and repositories and Command Query Responsibility Segregation and all sorts of other more complex architectural patterns with Laravel, if you want. But while other frameworks might suggest using those tools and structures on every project, Laravel and its documentation and community lean toward starting with the simplest possible implementation—a global function here, a facade there, ActiveRecord over there. This allows developers to create the simplest possible application to solve for their needs, without limiting its usefulness in com‐ plex environments. An interesting source of how Laravel is different from other PHP frameworks is that its creator and its community are more connected to and inspired by Ruby and Rails and functional programming languages than by Java. There’s a strong current in modern PHP to lean toward verbosity and complexity, embracing the more Javaesque aspects of PHP. But Laravel tends to be on the other side, embracing expressive, dynamic, and simple coding practices and language features. The Laravel Community If this book is your first exposure to the Laravel community, you have something spe‐ cial to look forward to. One of the distinguishing elements of Laravel, which has con‐ tributed to its growth and success, is the welcoming, teaching community that surrounds it. From Jeffrey Way’s Laracasts video tutorials to Laravel News to Slack and IRC and Discord channels, from Twitter friends to bloggers to podcasts to the Laracon conferences, Laravel has a rich and vibrant community full of folks who’ve 6 | Chapter 1: Why Laravel? been around since day one and folks who are just starting their own “day one.” And this isn’t an accident: From the very beginning of Laravel, I’ve had this idea that all people want to feel like they are part of something. It’s a natural human instinct to want to belong and be accepted into a group of other like-minded people. So, by injecting personality into a web framework and being really active with the community, that type of feeling can grow in the community. —Taylor Otwell, Product and Support interview Taylor understood from the early days of Laravel that a successful open source project needed two things: good documentation and a welcoming community. And those two things are now hallmarks of Laravel. How It Works Up until now, everything I’ve shared here has been entirely abstract. What about the code, you ask? Let’s dig into a simple application (Example 1-1) so you can see what working with Laravel day to day is actually like. Example 1-1. “Hello, World” in routes/web.php <?php Route::get('/', function () { return 'Hello, World!'; }); The simplest possible action you can take in a Laravel application is to define a route and return a result any time someone visits that route. If you initialize a brand new Laravel application on your machine, define the route in Example 1-1, and then serve the site from the public directory, you’ll have a fully functioning “Hello, World” exam‐ ple (see Figure 1-1). Figure 1-1. Returning “Hello, World!” with Laravel It looks very similar with controllers, as you can see in Example 1-2. How It Works | 7 Example 1-2. “Hello, World” with controllers // File: routes/web.php <?php Route::get('/', 'WelcomeController@index'); // File: app/Http/Controllers/WelcomeController.php <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; class WelcomeController extends Controller { public function index() { return 'Hello, World!'; } } And if you’re storing your greetings in a database, it’ll also look pretty similar (see Example 1-3). Example 1-3. Multigreeting “Hello, World” with database access // File: routes/web.php body = ‘Hello, World!’; $greeting->save(); }); Route::get(‘first-greeting’, function () { return Greeting::first()->body; }); // File: app/Greeting.php <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Greeting extends Model { // } 8 | Chapter 1: Why Laravel? // File: database/migrations/2015_07_19_010000_create_greetings_table.php bigIncrements(‘id’); $table->string(‘body’); $table->timestamps(); }); } public function down() { Schema::dropIfExists(‘greetings’); } } Example 1-3 might be a bit overwhelming, and if so, just skip over it. You’ll learn about everything that’s happening here in later chapters, but you can already see that with just a few lines of code, you can set up database migrations and models and pull records out. It’s just that simple. Why Laravel? So—why Laravel? Because Laravel helps you bring your ideas to reality with no wasted code, using modern coding standards, surrounded by a vibrant community, with an empowering ecosystem of tools. And because you, dear developer, deserve to be happy. Why Laravel? | 9 CHAPTER 2 Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment Part of PHP’s success has been because it’s hard to find a web server that can’t serve PHP. However, modern PHP tools have stricter requirements than those of the past. The best way to develop for Laravel is to ensure a consistent local and remote server environment for your code, and thankfully, the Laravel ecosystem has a few tools for this. System Requirements Everything we’ll cover in this chapter is possible with Windows machines, but you’ll need dozens of pages of custom instructions and caveats. I’ll leave those instructions and caveats to actual Windows users, so the examples here and in the rest of the book will focus on Unix/Linux/macOS developers. Whether you choose to serve your website by installing PHP and other tools on your local machine, serve your development environment from a virtual machine via Vagrant or Docker, or rely on a tool like MAMP/WAMP/XAMPP, your development environment will need to have all of the following installed in order to serve Laravel sites: • PHP >= 7.1.3 for Laravel versions 5.6 to 5.8, PHP >= 7.0.0 for version 5.5, PHP >= 5.6.4 for version 5.4, PHP between 5.6.4 and 7.1.* for version 5.3, or PHP >= 5.5.9 for versions 5.2 and 5.1 • OpenSSL PHP extension • PDO PHP extension • Mbstring PHP extension 11 • Tokenizer PHP extension • XML PHP extension (Laravel 5.3 and higher) • Ctype PHP extension (Laravel 5.6 and higher) • JSON PHP extension (Laravel 5.6 and higher) • BCMath PHP extension (Laravel 5.7 and higher) Composer Whatever machine you’re developing on will need to have Composer installed glob‐ ally. If you’re not familiar with Composer, it’s a tool that’s at the foundation of most modern PHP development. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, much like NPM for Node or RubyGems for Ruby. But like NPM, Composer is also the founda‐ tion of much of our testing, local script loading, installation scripts, and much more. You’ll need Composer to install Laravel, update Laravel, and bring in external depen‐ dencies. Local Development Environments For many projects, hosting your development environment using a simpler toolset will be enough. If you already have MAMP or WAMP or XAMPP installed on your system, that will likely be fine to run Laravel. You can also just run Laravel with PHP’s built-in web server, assuming your system PHP is the right version. All you really need to get started is the ability to run PHP. Everything past that is up to you. However, Laravel offers two tools for local development, Valet and Homestead, and we’ll cover both briefly. If you’re unsure of which to use, I’d recommend using Valet and just becoming briefly familiar with Homestead; however, both tools are valuable and worth understanding. Laravel Valet If you want to use PHP’s built-in web server, your simplest option is to serve every site from a localhost URL. If you run php -S localhost:8000 -t public from your Laravel site’s root folder, PHP’s built-in web server will serve your site at http://local‐ host:8000/. You can also run php artisan serve once you have your application set up to easily spin up an equivalent server. But if you’re interested in tying each of your sites to a specific development domain, you’ll need to get comfortable with your operating system’s hosts file and use a tool like dnsmasq. Let’s instead try something simpler. 12 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment If you’re a Mac user (there are also unofficial forks for Windows and Linux), Laravel Valet takes away the need to connect your domains to your application folders. Valet installs dnsmasq and a series of PHP scripts that make it possible to type laravel new myapp && open myapp.test and for it to just work. You’ll need to install a few tools using Homebrew, which the documentation will walk you through, but the steps from initial installation to serving your apps are few and simple. Install Valet—see the docs for the latest installation instructions—and point it at one or more directories where your sites will live. I ran valet park from my ~/Sites direc‐ tory, which is where I put all of my under-development apps. Now, you can just add .test to the end of the directory name and visit it in your browser. Valet makes it easy to serve all folders in a given folder as {foldername}.test using valet park, to serve just a single folder using valet link, to open the Valet-served domain for a folder using valet open, to serve the Valet site with HTTPS using valet secure, and to open an ngrok tunnel so you can share your site with others with valet share. Laravel Homestead Homestead is another tool you might want to use to set up your local development environment. It’s a configuration tool that sits on top of Vagrant (which is a tool for managing virtual machines) and provides a preconfigured virtual machine image that is perfectly set up for Laravel development and mirrors the most common production environment that many Laravel sites run on. Homestead is also likely the best local development environment for developers running Windows machines. The Homestead docs are robust and kept constantly up to date, so I’ll just refer you to them if you want to learn how it works and how to get it set up. Vessel It’s not an official Laravel project, but Chris Fidao of Servers for Hackers and Shipping Docker has created a simple tool for creating Docker environments for Laravel development called Vessel. Take a look at the Vessel documentation to learn more. Creating a New Laravel Project There are two ways to create a new Laravel project, but both are run from the com‐ mand line. The first option is to globally install the Laravel installer tool (using Com‐ poser); the second is to use Composer’s create-project feature. You can learn about both options in greater detail on the Installation documentation page, but I’d recommend the Laravel installer tool. Creating a New Laravel Project | 13 Installing Laravel with the Laravel Installer Tool If you have Composer installed globally, installing the Laravel installer tool is as sim‐ ple as running the following command: composer global require “laravel/installer” Once you have the Laravel installer tool installed, spinning up a new Laravel project is simple. Just run this command from your command line: laravel new projectName This will create a new subdirectory of your current directory named {projectName} and install a bare Laravel project in it. Installing Laravel with Composer’s create-project Feature Composer also offers a feature called create-project for creating new projects with a particular skeleton. To use this tool to create a new Laravel project, issue the follow‐ ing command: composer create-project laravel/laravel projectName Just like the installer tool, this will create a subdirectory of your current directory named {projectName} that contains a skeleton Laravel install, ready for you to develop. Lambo: Super-Powered “Laravel New” Because I often take the same series of steps after creating a new Laravel project, I made a simple script called Lambo that automates those steps every time I create a new project. Lambo runs laravel new and then commits your code to Git, sets up your .env cre‐ dentials with reasonable defaults, opens the project in a browser, and (optionally) opens it in your editor and takes a few other helpful build steps. 14 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment You can install Lambo using Composer’s global require: composer global require tightenco/lambo And you can use it just like laravel new: cd Sites lambo my-new-project Laravel’s Directory Structure When you open up a directory that contains a skeleton Laravel application, you’ll see the following files and directories: app/ bootstrap/ config/ public/ resources/ routes/ storage/ tests/ vendor/ .editorconfig .env .env.example .gitattributes .gitignore artisan composer.json composer.lock package.json phpunit.xml readme.md server.php webpack.mix.js Different Build Tools in Laravel Prior to 5.4 In projects created prior to Laravel 5.4, you’ll likely see a gulpƒle.js instead of webpack.mix.js; this shows the project is running Laravel Elixir instead of Laravel Mix. Let’s walk through them one by one to get familiar. Laravel’s Directory Structure | 15 The Folders The root directory contains the following folders by default: app Where the bulk of your actual application will go. .Models, controllers, com‐ mands, and your PHP domain code all go in here. bootstrap Contains the files that the Laravel framework uses to boot every time it runs. conƒg Where all the configuration files live. database Where database migrations, seeds, and factories live. public The directory the server points to when it’s serving the website. This contains index.php, which is the front controller that kicks off the bootstrapping process and routes all requests appropriately. It’s also where any public-facing files like images, stylesheets, scripts, or downloads go. resources Where files that are needed for other scripts live. Views, language files, and (optionally) Sass/Less/source CSS and source JavaScript files live here. routes Where all of the route definitions live, both for HTTP routes and “console routes,” or Artisan commands. storage Where caches, logs, and compiled system files live. tests Where unit and integration tests live. vendor Where Composer installs its dependencies. It’s Git-ignored (marked to be exclu‐ ded from your version control system), as Composer is expected to run as a part of your deploy process on any remote servers. 16 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment The Loose Files The root directory also contains the following files: .editorconƒg Gives your IDE/text editor instructions about Laravel’s coding standars (e.g., the size of indents, the charset, and whether to trim trailing whitespace). You’ll see this in any Laravel apps running 5.5 and later. .env and .env.example Dictate the environment variables (variables that are expected to be different in each environment and are therefore not committed to version con‐ trol). .env.example is a template that each environment should duplicate to create its own .env file, which is Git-ignored. .gitignore and .gitattributes Git configuration files. artisan Allows you to run Artisan commands (see Chapter 8) from the command line. composer.json and composer.lock Configuration files for Composer; composer.json is user-editable and com‐ poser.lock is not. These files share some basic information about the project and also define its PHP dependencies. package.json Like composer.json but for frontend assets and dependencies of the build system; it instructs NPM on which JavaScript-based dependencies to pull in. phpunit.xml A configuration file for PHPUnit, the tool Laravel uses for testing out of the box. readme.md A Markdown file giving a basic introduction to Laravel. You won’t see this file if you use the Laravel installer. server.php A backup server that tries to allow less-capable servers to still preview the Laravel application. webpack.mix.js The (optional) configuration file for Mix. If you’re using Elixir, you’ll instead see gulpƒle.js. These files are for giving your build system directions on how to com‐ pile and process your frontend assets. Laravel’s Directory Structure | 17 Con€guration The core settings of your Laravel application—database connection settings, queue and mail settings, etc.—live in files in the conƒg folder. Each of these files returns a PHP array, and each value in the array is accessible by a config key that is comprised of the filename and all descendant keys, separated by dots (.). So, if you create a file at conƒg/services.php that looks like this: // config/services.php [ ‘secret’ => ‘abcdefg’, ], ]; you can access that config variable using config(‘services.sparkpost.secret’). Any configuration variables that should be distinct for each environment (and there‐ fore not committed to source control) will instead live in your .env files. Let’s say you want to use a different Bugsnag API key for each environment. You’d set the config file to pull it from .env: // config/services.php [ ‘api_key’ => env(‘BUGSNAG_API_KEY’), ], ]; This env() helper function pulls a value from your .env file with that same key. So now, add that key to your .env (settings for this environment) and .env.example (tem‐ plate for all environments) files: # In .env BUGSNAG_API_KEY=oinfp9813410942 # In .env.example BUGSNAG_API_KEY= Your .env file will already contain quite a few environment-specific variables needed by the framework, like which mail driver you’ll be using and what your basic database settings are. 18 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment Using env() Outside of Con€g Files Certain features in Laravel, including some caching and optimiza‐ tion features, aren’t available if you use env() calls anywhere out‐ side of config files. The best way to pull in environment variables is to set up config items for anything you want to be environment-specific. Have those config items read the environment variables, and then refer‐ ence the config variables anywhere within your app: // config/services.php return [ ‘bugsnag’ => [ ‘key’ => env(‘BUGSNAG_API_KEY’), ], ]; // In controller, or whatever $bugsnag = new Bugsnag(config(‘services.bugsnag.key’)); The .env File Let’s take a quick look at the default contents of the .env file. The exact keys will vary depending on which version of Laravel you’re using, but take a look at Example 2-1 to see what they look like in 5.8. Example 2-1. €e default environment variables in Laravel 5.8 APP_NAME=Laravel APP_ENV=local APP_KEY= APP_DEBUG=true APP_URL=http://localhost LOG_CHANNEL=stack DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=homestead DB_USERNAME=homestead DB_PASSWORD=secret BROADCAST_DRIVER=log CACHE_DRIVER=file QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 REDIS_HOST= Con€guration | 19 REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= PUSHER_APP_ID= PUSHER_APP_KEY= PUSHER_APP_SECRET= PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=mt1 MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY=”${PUSHER_APP_KEY}” MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=”${PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER}” I won’t go into all of them, because quite a few are just groups of authentication infor‐ mation for various services (Pusher, Redis, DB, Mail). Here are two important envi‐ ronment variables you should know about, though: APP_KEY A randomly generated string that’s used to encrypt data. If this is ever empty, you may run into the error “No application encryption key has been specified.” In that case, just run php artisan key:generate and Laravel will generate one for you. APP_DEBUG A Boolean determining whether the users of this instance of your application should see debug errors—great for local and staging environments, terrible for production. The rest of the non-authentication settings (BROADCAST_DRIVER, QUEUE_CONNECTION, etc.) are given default values that work with as little reliance on external services as possible, which is perfect for when you’re getting started. When you start your first Laravel app, the only change you’ll likely want to make for most projects is to the database configuration settings. I use Laravel Valet, so I change DB_DATABASE to the name of my project, DB_USERNAME to root, and DB_PASSWORD to an empty string: DB_DATABASE=myProject DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= 20 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment Then, I create a database with the same name as my project in my favorite MySQL client, and I’m ready to go. Up and Running You’re now up and running with a bare Laravel install. Run git init, commit the bare files with git add . and git commit, and you’re ready to start coding. That’s it! And if you’re using Valet, you can run the following commands and instantly see your site live in your browser: laravel new myProject && cd myProject && valet open Every time I start a new project, these are the steps I take: laravel new myProject cd myProject git init git add . git commit -m “Initial commit” I keep all of my sites in a ~/Sites folder, which I have set up as my primary Valet direc‐ tory, so in this case I’d instantly have myProject.test accessible in my browser with no added work. I can edit .env and point it to a particular database, add that database in my MySQL app, and I’m ready to start coding. And remember, if you use Lambo, all of these steps are already taken for you. Testing In every chapter after this, the “Testing” section at the end of the chapter will show you how to write tests for the feature or features that were covered. Since this chapter doesn’t cover a testable feature, let’s talk tests quickly. (To learn more about writing and running tests in Laravel, head over to Chapter 12.) Out of the box, Laravel brings in PHPUnit as a dependency and is configured to run the tests in any file in the tests directory whose name ends with Test.php (for example, tests/UserTest.php). So, the simplest way to write tests is to create a file in the tests directory with a name that ends with Test.php. And the easiest way to run them is to run ./vendor/bin/ phpunit from the command line (in the project root). If any tests require database access, be sure to run your tests from the machine where your database is hosted—so if you’re hosting your database in Vagrant, make sure to ssh into your Vagrant box to run your tests from there. Again, you can learn about this and much more in Chapter 12. Up and Running | 21 Also, some of the testing sections will use testing syntax and features that you will not be familiar with yet if you’re reading the book for the first time. If code in any of the testing sections is confusing, just skip it and come back to it after you’ve had a chance to read the testing chapter. TL;DR Since Laravel is a PHP framework, it’s very simple to serve it locally. Laravel also pro‐ vides two tools for managing your local development: a simpler tool called Valet that uses your local machine to provide your dependencies, and a preconfigured Vagrant setup named Homestead. Laravel relies on and can be installed by Composer and comes out of the box with a series of folders and files that reflect both its conventions and its relationship with other open source tools. 22 | Chapter 2: Setting Up a Laravel Development Environment CHAPTER 3 Routing and Controllers The essential function of any web application framework is to take requests from a user and deliver responses, usually via HTTP(S). This means defining an application’s routes is the first and most important project to tackle when learning a web frame‐ work; without routes, you have little to no ability to interact with the end user. In this chapter we will examine routes in Laravel; you’ll see how to define them, how to point them to the code they should execute, and how to use Laravel’s routing tools to handle a diverse array of routing needs. A Quick Introduction to MVC, the HTTP Verbs, and REST Most of what we’ll talk about in this chapter references how Model–View–Controller (MVC) applications are structured, and many of the examples we’ll be looking at use REST-ish route names and verbs, so let’s take a quick look at both. What Is MVC? In MVC, you have three primary concepts: model Represents an individual database table (or a record from that table)—think “Company” or “Dog.” view Represents the template that outputs your data to the end user—think “the login page template with this given set of HTML and CSS and JavaScript.” 23 controller Like a traffic cop, takes HTTP requests from the browser, gets the right data out of the database and other storage mechanisms, validates user input, and eventu‐ ally sends a response back to the user. In Figure 3-1, you can see that the end user will first interact with the controller by sending an HTTP request using their browser. The controller, in response to that request, may write data to and/or pull data from the model (database). The controller will then likely send data to a view, and then the view will be returned to the end user to display in their browser. Figure 3-1. A basic illustration of MVC We’ll cover some use cases for Laravel that don’t fit this relatively simplistic way of looking at application architecture, so don’t get hung up on MVC, but this will at least get you ready to approach the rest of this chapter as we talk about views and control‐ lers. The HTTP Verbs The most common HTTP verbs are GET and POST, followed by PUT and DELETE. There are also HEAD, OPTIONS, and PATCH, and two others that are pretty much never used in normal web development, TRACE and CONNECT. Here’s a quick rundown: GET Request a resource (or a list of resources). HEAD Ask for a headers-only version of the GET response. POST Create a resource. 24 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers PUT Overwrite a resource. PATCH Modify a resource. DELETE Delete a resource. OPTIONS Ask the server which verbs are allowed at this URL. Table 3-1 shows the actions available on a resource controller (more on these in “Resource Controllers” on page 47). Each action expects you to call a specific URL pattern using a specific verb, so you can get a sense of what each verb is used for. Table 3-1. €e methods of Laravel’s resource controllers Verb URL Controller method Name Description GET tasks index() tasks.index Show all tasks GET tasks/create create() tasks.create Show the create task form POST tasks store() tasks.store Accept form submission from the create task form GET tasks/{task} show() tasks.show Show one task GET tasks/ {task}/edit edit() tasks.edit Edit one task PUT/PATCH tasks/{task} update() tasks.update Accept form submission from the edit task form DELETE tasks/{task} destroy() tasks.destroy Delete one task What Is REST? We’ll cover REST in greater detail in “The Basics of REST-Like JSON APIs” on page 337, but as a brief introduction, it’s an architectural style for building APIs. When we talk about REST in this book, we’ll mainly be referencing a few characteristics, such as: • Being structured around one primary resource at a time (e.g., tasks) • Consisting of interactions with predictable URL structures using HTTP verbs (as seen in Table 3-1) • Returning JSON and often being requested with JSON A Quick Introduction to MVC, the HTTP Verbs, and REST | 25 There’s more to it, but usually “RESTful” as it’ll be used in this book will mean “pat‐ terned after these URL-based structures so we can make predictable calls like GET /tasks/14/edit for the edit page.” This is relevant (even when not building APIs) because Laravel’s routing structures are based around a REST-like structure, as you can see in Table 3-1. REST-based APIs follow mainly this same structure, except they don’t have a create route or an edit route, since APIs just represent actions, not pages that prep for the actions. Route De€nitions In a Laravel application, you will define your web routes in routes/web.php and your API routes in routes/api.php. Web routes are those that will be visited by your end users; API routes are those for your API, if you have one. For now, we’ll primarily focus on the routes in routes/web.php. Routes File Location in Laravel Prior to 5.3 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.3, there will be only one routes file, located at app/Http/routes.php. The simplest way to define a route is to match a path (e.g., /) with a closure, as seen in Example 3-1. Example 3-1. Basic route deƒnition // routes/web.php Route::get(‘/’, function () { return ‘Hello, World!’; }); What’s a Closure? Closures are PHP’s version of anonymous functions. A closure is a function that you can pass around as an object, assign to a variable, pass as a parameter to other func‐ tions and methods, or even serialize. You’ve now defined that if anyone visits / (the root of your domain), Laravel’s router should run the closure defined there and return the result. Note that we return our content and don’t echo or print it. 26 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers A Quick Introduction to Middleware You might be wondering, “Why am I returning ‘Hello, World!’ instead of echoing it?” There are quite a few answers, but the simplest is that there are a lot of wrappers around Laravel’s request and response cycle, including something called middleware. When your route closure or controller method is done, it’s not time to send the output to the browser yet; returning the content allows it to continue flowing through the response stack and the middleware before it is returned back to the user. Many simple websites could be defined entirely within the web routes file. With a few simple GET routes combined with some templates, as illustrated in Example 3-2, you can serve a classic website easily. Example 3-2. Sample website Route::get(‘/’, function () { return view(‘welcome’); }); Route::get(‘about’, function () { return view(‘about’); }); Route::get(‘products’, function () { return view(‘products’); }); Route::get(‘services’, function () { return view(‘services’); }); Static Calls If you have much experience developing with PHP, you might be surprised to see static calls on the Route class. This is not actually a static method per se, but rather service location using Laravel’s facades, which we’ll cover in Chapter 11. If you prefer to avoid facades, you can accomplish these same defi‐ nitions like this: $router->get(‘/’, function () { return ‘Hello, World!’; }); Route De€nitions | 27 Route Verbs You might’ve noticed that we’ve been using Route::get() in our route definitions. This means we’re telling Laravel to only match for these routes when the HTTP request uses the GET action. But what if it’s a form POST, or maybe some JavaScript sending PUT or DELETE requests? There are a few other options for methods to call on a route definition, as illustrated in Example 3-3. Example 3-3. Route verbs Route::get(‘/’, function () { return ‘Hello, World!’; }); Route::post(‘/’, function () { // Handle someone sending a POST request to this route }); Route::put(‘/’, function () { // Handle someone sending a PUT request to this route }); Route::delete(‘/’, function () { // Handle someone sending a DELETE request to this route }); Route::any(‘/’, function () { // Handle any verb request to this route }); Route::match([‘get’, ‘post’], ‘/’, function () { // Handle GET or POST requests to this route }); Route Handling As you’ve probably guessed, passing a closure to the route definition is not the only way to teach it how to resolve a route. Closures are quick and simple, but the larger your application gets, the clumsier it becomes to put all of your routing logic in one file. Additionally, applications using route closures can’t take advantage of Laravel’s route caching (more on that later), which can shave up to hundreds of milliseconds off of each request. The other common option is to pass a controller name and method as a string in place of the closure, as in Example 3-4. 28 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Example 3-4. Routes calling controller methods Route::get(‘/’, ‘WelcomeController@index’); This is telling Laravel to pass requests to that path to the index() method of the App\Http\Controllers\WelcomeController controller. This method will be passed the same parameters and treated the same way as a closure you might’ve alternatively put in its place. Laravel’s Controller/Method Reference Syntax Laravel has a convention for how to refer to a particular method in a given controller: ControllerName@methodName. Sometimes this is just a casual communication con‐ vention, but it’s also used in real bindings, like in Example 3-4. Laravel parses what’s before and after the @ and uses those segments to identify the controller and method. Laravel 5.7 also introduced the “tuple” syntax (Route::get(‘/’, [WelcomeControl ler::class, ‘index’])) but it’s still common to use ControllerName@methodName to describe a method in written communication. Route Parameters If the route you’re defining has parameters—segments in the URL structure that are variable—it’s simple to define them in your route and pass them to your closure (see Example 3-5). Example 3-5. Route parameters Route::get(‘users/{id}/friends’, function ($id) { // }); You can also make your route parameters optional by including a question mark (?) after the parameter name, as illustrated in Example 3-6. In this case, you should also provide a default value for the route’s corresponding variable. Example 3-6. Optional route parameters Route::get(‘users/{id?}’, function ($id = ‘fallbackId’) { // }); Route De€nitions | 29 And you can use regular expressions (regexes) to define that a route should only match if a parameter meets particular requirements, as in Example 3-7. Example 3-7. Regular expression route constraints Route::get(‘users/{id}’, function ($id) { // })->where(‘id’, ‘[0-9]+’); Route::get(‘users/{username}’, function ($username) { // })->where(‘username’, ‘[A-Za-z]+’); Route::get(‘posts/{id}/{slug}’, function ($id, $slug) { // })->where([‘id’ => ‘[0-9]+’, ‘slug’ => ‘[A-Za-z]+’]); As you’ve probably guessed, if you visit a path that matches a route string but the regex doesn’t match the parameter, it won’t be matched. Since routes are matched top to bottom, users/abc would skip the first closure in Example 3-7, but it would be matched by the second closure, so it would get routed there. On the other hand, posts/abc/123 wouldn’t match any of the closures, so it would return a 404 (Not Found) error. The Naming Relationship Between Route Parameters and Closure/Controller Method Parameters As you can see in Example 3-5, it’s most common to use the same names for your route parameters ({id}) and the method parameters they inject into your route defi‐ nition (function ($id)). But is this necessary? Unless you’re using route model binding, discussed later in this chapter, no. The only thing that defines which route parameter matches with which method parameter is their order (left to right), as you can see here: Route::get(‘users/{userId}/comments/{commentId}’, function ( $thisIsActuallyTheUserId, $thisIsReallyTheCommentId ) { // }); That having been said, just because you can make them different doesn’t mean you should. I recommend keeping them the same for the sake of future developers, who could get tripped up by inconsistent naming. 30 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Route Names The simplest way to refer to these routes elsewhere in your application is just by their path. There’s a url() global helper to simplify that linking in your views, if you need it; see Example 3-8 for an example. The helper will prefix your route with the full domain of your site. Example 3-8. €e url() helper <a href="”> // Outputs However, Laravel also allows you to name each route, which enables you to refer to it without explicitly referencing the URL. This is helpful because it means you can give simple nicknames to complex routes, and also because linking them by name means you don’t have to rewrite your frontend links if the paths change (see Example 3-9). Example 3-9. Deƒning route names // Defining a route with name() in routes/web.php: Route::get(‘members/{id}’, ‘MembersController@show’)->name(‘members.show’); // Linking the route in a view using the route() helper: <a href=" 14]); ?>”> This example illustrates a few new concepts. First, we’re using fluent route definition to add the name, by chaining the name() method after the get() method. This method allows us to name the route, giving it a short alias to make it easier to refer‐ ence elsewhere. De€ning Custom Routes in Laravel 5.1 Fluent route definitions don’t exist in Laravel 5.1. You’ll need to instead pass an array to the second parameter of your route defini‐ tion; check the Laravel docs to see more about how this works. Here’s Example 3-9 in Laravel 5.1: Route::get(‘members/{id}’, [ ‘as’ => ‘members.show’, ‘uses’ => ‘MembersController@show’, ]); In our example, we’ve named this route members.show; resourcePlural.action is a common convention within Laravel for route and view names. Route De€nitions | 31 Route Naming Conventions You can name your route anything you’d like, but the common convention is to use the plural of the resource name, then a period, then the action. So, here are the routes most common for a resource named photo: photos.index photos.create photos.store photos.show photos.edit photos.update photos.destroy To learn more about these conventions, see “Resource Controllers” on page 47. This example also introduced the route() helper. Just like url(), it’s intended to be used in views to simplify linking to a named route. If the route has no parameters, you can simply pass the route name (route(‘members.index’)) and receive a route string (http://myapp.com/members). If it has parameters, pass them in as an array as the second parameter like we did in Example 3-9. In general, I recommend using route names instead of paths to refer to your routes, and therefore using the route() helper instead of the url() helper. Sometimes it can get a bit clumsy—for example, if you’re working with multiple subdomains—but it provides an incredible level of flexibility to later change the application’s routing structure without major penalty. Passing Route Parameters to the route() Helper When your route has parameters (e.g., users/id), you need to define those parame‐ ters when you’re using the route() helper to generate a link to the route. There are a few different ways to pass these parameters. Let’s imagine a route defined as users/userId/comments/commentId. If the user ID is 1 and the comment ID is 2, let’s look at a few options we have available to us: Option 1: route(‘users.comments.show’, [1, 2]) // http://myapp.com/users/1/comments/2 Option 2: route(‘users.comments.show’, [‘userId’ => 1, ‘commentId’ => 2]) // http://myapp.com/users/1/comments/2 32 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Option 3: route(‘users.comments.show’, [‘commentId’ => 2, ‘userId’ => 1]) // http://myapp.com/users/1/comments/2 Option 4: route(‘users.comments.show’, [‘userId’ => 1, ‘commentId’ => 2, ‘opt’ => ‘a’]) // http://myapp.com/users/1/comments/2?opt=a As you can see, nonkeyed array values are assigned in order; keyed array values are matched with the route parameters matching their keys, and anything left over is added as a query parameter. Route Groups Often a group of routes share a particular characteristic—a certain authentication requirement, a path prefix, or perhaps a controller namespace. Defining these shared characteristics again and again on each route not only seems tedious but also can muddy up the shape of your routes file and obscure some of the structures of your application. Route groups allow you to group several routes together and apply any shared config‐ uration settings once to the entire group, to reduce this duplication. Additionally, route groups are visual cues to future developers (and to your own brain) that these routes are grouped together. To group two or more routes together, you “surround” the route definitions with a route group, as shown in Example 3-10. In reality, you’re actually passing a closure to the group definition, and defining the grouped routes within that closure. Example 3-10. Deƒning a route group Route::group(function () { Route::get(‘hello’, function () { return ‘Hello’; }); Route::get(‘world’, function () { return ‘World’; }); }); By default, a route group doesn’t actually do anything. There’s no difference between using the group in Example 3-10 and separating a segment of your routes with code comments. Route Groups | 33 Middleware Probably the most common use for route groups is to apply middleware to a group of routes. You’ll learn more about middleware in Chapter 10, but, among other things, they’re what Laravel uses for authenticating users and restricting guest users from using certain parts of a site. In Example 3-11, we’re creating a route group around the dashboard and account views and applying the auth middleware to both. In this example, this means users have to be logged in to the application to view the dashboard or the account page. Example 3-11. Restricting a group of routes to logged-in users only Route::middleware(‘auth’)->group(function() { Route::get(‘dashboard’, function () { return view(‘dashboard’); }); Route::get(‘account’, function () { return view(‘account’); }); }); Modifying Route Groups Prior to Laravel 5.4 Just like fluent route definition didn’t exist in Laravel prior to 5.2, fluently applying modifiers like middleware, prefixes, domains, and more to route groups wasn’t possible prior to 5.4. Here’s Example 3-11 in Laravel 5.3 and prior: Route::group([‘middleware’ => ‘auth’], function () { Route::get(‘dashboard’, function () { return view(‘dashboard’); }); Route::get(‘account’, function () { return view(‘account’); }); }); Applying middleware in controllers Often it’s clearer and more direct to attach middleware to your routes in the control‐ ler instead of at the route definition. You can do this by calling the middleware() method in the constructor of your controller. The string you pass to the middle ware() method is the name of the middleware, and you can optionally chain modifier methods (only() and except()) to define which methods will receive that middle‐ ware: 34 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers class DashboardController extends Controller { public function __construct() { $this->middleware(‘auth’); $this->middleware(‘admin-auth’) ->only(‘editUsers’); $this->middleware(‘team-member’) ->except(‘editUsers’); } } Note that if you’re doing a lot of “only” and “except” customizations, that’s often a sign that you should break out a new controller for the exceptional routes. Rate limiting If you need to limit users to only accessing any give route(s) a certain number of times in a given time frame (called rate limiting, and most common with APIs), there’s an out-of-the-box middleware for that in version 5.2 and above. Apply the throttle middleware, which takes two parameters: the first is the number of tries a user is permitted and the second is the number of minutes to wait before resetting the attempt count. Example 3-12 demonstrates its use. Example 3-12. Applying the rate limiting middleware to a route Route::middleware(‘auth:api’, ‘throttle:60,1’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘/profile’, function () { // }); }); Dynamic rate limiting. If you’d like to differentiate one user’s rate limit from another’s, you can instruct the throttle middleware to pull the tries count (its first parameter) from the user’s Eloquent model. Instead of passing a tries count as the first parameter of throttle, instead pass the name of an attribute on the Eloquent model, and that attribute will be used to calculate whether the user has passed their rate limit. So, if your user model has a plan_rate_limit attribute on it, you could use the mid‐ dleware with throttle:plan_rate_limit,1. Route Groups | 35 A Brief Introduction to Eloquent We’ll be covering Eloquent, database access, and Laravel’s query builder in depth in Chapter 5, but there will be a few references between now and then that will make a basic understanding useful. Eloquent is Laravel’s ActiveRecord database object-relational mapper (ORM), which makes it easy to relate a Post class (model) to the posts database table and get all records with a call like Post::all(). The query builder is the tool that makes it possible to make calls like Post::where(‘active’, true)->get() or even DB::table(‘users’)->all(). You’re building a query by chaining methods one after another. Path Pre€xes If you have a group of routes that share a segment of their path—for example, if your site’s dashboard is prefixed with /dashboard—you can use route groups to simplify this structure (see Example 3-13). Example 3-13. Preƒxing a group of routes Route::prefix(‘dashboard’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘/’, function () { // Handles the path /dashboard }); Route::get(‘users’, function () { // Handles the path /dashboard/users }); }); Note that each prefixed group also has a / route that represents the root of the prefix —in Example 3-13 that’s /dashboard. Fallback Routes In Laravel prior to 5.6, you could define a “fallback route” (which you need to define at the end of your routes file) to catch all unmatched paths: Route::any(‘{anything}’, ‘CatchAllController’)->where(‘anything’, ‘*’); 36 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers In Laravel 5.6+, you can use the Route::fallback() method instead: Route::fallback(function () { // }); Subdomain Routing Subdomain routing is the same as route prefixing, but it’s scoped by subdomain instead of route prefix. There are two primary uses for this. First, you may want to present different sections of the application (or entirely different applications) to dif‐ ferent subdomains. Example 3-14 shows how you can achieve this. Example 3-14. Subdomain routing Route::domain(‘api.myapp.com’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘/’, function () { // }); }); Second, you might want to set part of the subdomain as a parameter, as illustrated in Example 3-15. This is most often done in cases of multitenancy (think Slack or Har‐ vest, where each company gets its own subdomain, like tighten.slack.co). Example 3-15. Parameterized subdomain routing Route::domain(‘{account}.myapp.com’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘/’, function ($account) { // }); Route::get(‘users/{id}’, function ($account, $id) { // }); }); Note that any parameters for the group get passed into the grouped routes’ methods as the first parameter(s). Namespace Pre€xes When you’re grouping routes by subdomain or route prefix, it’s likely their control‐ lers have a similar PHP namespace. In the dashboard example, all of the dashboard routes’ controllers might be under a Dashboard namespace. By using the route group namespace prefix, as shown in Example 3-16, you can avoid long controller refer‐ ences in groups like “Dashboard/UsersController@index” and “Dashboard/Purcha sesController@index”. Route Groups | 37 Example 3-16. Route group namespace preƒxes // App\Http\Controllers\UsersController Route::get(‘/’, ‘UsersController@index’); Route::namespace(‘Dashboard’)->group(function () { // App\Http\Controllers\Dashboard\PurchasesController Route::get(‘dashboard/purchases’, ‘PurchasesController@index’); }); Name Pre€xes The prefixes don’t stop there. It’s common that route names will reflect the inheri‐ tance chain of path elements, so users/comments/5 will be served by a route named users.comments.show. In this case, it’s common to use a route group around all of the routes that are beneath the users.comments resource. Just like we can prefix URL segments and controller namespaces, we can also prefix strings to the route name. With route group name prefixes, we can define that every route within this group should have a given string prefixed to its name. In this con‐ text, we’re prefixing “users.” to each route name, then “comments.” (see Example 3-17). Example 3-17. Route group name preƒxes Route::name(‘users.’)->prefix(‘users’)->group(function () { Route::name(‘comments.’)->prefix(‘comments’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘{id}’, function () { })->name(‘show’); }); }); Signed Routes Many applications regularly send notifications about one-off actions (resetting a pass‐ word, accepting an invitation, etc.) and provide simple links to take those actions. Let’s imagine sending an email confirming the recipient was willing to be added to a mailing list. There are three ways to send that link: 1. Make that URL public and hope no one else discovers the approval URL or modifies their own approval URL to approve someone else. 38 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers 2. Put the action behind authentication, link to the action, and require the user to log in if they’re not logged in yet (which, in this case, may be impossible, as many mailing list recipients likely won’t be users). 3. “Sign” the link so that it uniquely proves that the user received the link from your email, without them having to log in; something like http://myapp.com/invita‐ tions/5816/yes?signature=030ab0ef6a8237bd86a8b8. One simple way to accomplish the last option is to use a feature introduced in Laravel 5.6.12 called signed URLs, which makes it easy to build a signature authentication sys‐ tem for sending out authenticated links. These links are composed of the normal route link with a “signature” appended that proves that the URL has not been changed since it was sent (and therefore that no one has modified the URL to access someone else’s information). Signing a Route In order to build a signed URL to access a given route, the route must have a name: Route::get(‘invitations/{invitation}/{answer}’, ‘InvitationController’) ->name(‘invitations’); To generate a normal link to this route you would use the route() helper, as we’ve already covered, but you could also use the URL facade to do the same thing: URL::route(‘invitations’, [‘invitation’ => 12345, ‘answer’ => ‘yes’]). To generate a signed link to this route, simply use the signedRoute() method instead. And if you want to generate a signed route with an expiration, use temporarySigned Route(): // Generate a normal link URL::route(‘invitations’, [‘invitation’ => 12345, ‘answer’ => ‘yes’]); // Generate a signed link URL::signedRoute(‘invitations’, [‘invitation’ => 12345, ‘answer’ => ‘yes’]); // Generate an expiring (temporary) signed link URL::temporarySignedRoute( ‘invitations’, now()->addHours(4), [‘invitation’ => 12345, ‘answer’ => ‘yes’] ); Signed Routes | 39 Using the now() Helper Since version 5.5 Laravel has offered a now() helper that’s the equivalent of Carbon::now(); it returns a Carbon object repre‐ sentative of today, right at this second. If you’re working with Lara‐ vel prior to 5.5, you can replace any instance of now() in this book with Carbon::now(). Carbon, if you’re not familiar with it, is a datetime library that’s included with Laravel. Modifying Routes to Allow Signed Links Now that you’ve generated a link to your signed route, you need to protect against any unsigned access. The easiest option is to apply the signed middleware (which, if it’s not in your $routeMiddleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php, should be, backed by Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ValidateSignature): Route::get(‘invitations/{invitation}/{answer}’, ‘InvitationController’) ->name(‘invitations’) ->middleware(‘signed’); If you’d prefer, you can manually validate using the hasValidSignature() method on the Request object instead of using the signed middleware: class InvitationController { public function __invoke(Invitation $invitation, $answer, Request $request) { if (! $request->hasValidSignature()) { abort(403); } // } } Views In a few of the route closures we’ve looked at so far, we’ve seen something along the lines of return view(‘account’). What’s going on here? In the MVC pattern (Figure 3-1), views (or templates) are files that describe what some particular output should look like. You might have views for JSON or XML or emails, but the most common views in a web framework output HTML. In Laravel, there are two formats of view you can use out of the box: plain PHP, or Blade templates (see Chapter 4). The difference is in the filename: about.php will 40 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers be rendered with the PHP engine, and about.blade.php will be rendered with the Blade engine. Three Ways to Load a View There are three different ways to return a view. For now, just con‐ cern yourself with view(), but if you ever see View::make(), it’s the same thing, or you could inject the Illuminate\View\ViewFactory if you prefer. Once you’ve “loaded” a view with the view() helper, you have the option to simply return it (as in Example 3-18), which will work fine if the view doesn’t rely on any variables from the controller. Example 3-18. Simple view() usage Route::get(‘/’, function () { return view(‘home’); }); This code looks for a view in resources/views/home.blade.php or resources/views/ home.php, and loads its contents and parses any inline PHP or control structures until you have just the view’s output. Once you return it, it’s passed on to the rest of the response stack and eventually returned to the user. But what if you need to pass in variables? Take a look at Example 3-19. Example 3-19. Passing variables to views Route::get(‘tasks’, function () { return view(‘tasks.index’) ->with(‘tasks’, Task::all()); }); This closure loads the resources/views/tasks/index.blade.php or resources/views/tasks/ index.php view and passes it a single variable named tasks, which contains the result of the Task::all() method. Task::all() is an Eloquent database query you’ll learn about in Chapter 5. Returning Simple Routes Directly with Route::view() Because it’s so common for a route to just return a view with no custom data, Laravel 5.5+ allows you to define a route as a “view” route without even passing the route definition a closure or a controller/method reference, as you can see in Example 3-20. Views | 41 Example 3-20. Route::view() // Returns resources/views/welcome.blade.php Route::view(‘/’, ‘welcome’); // Passing simple data to Route::view() Route::view(‘/’, ‘welcome’, [‘User’ => ‘Michael’]); Using View Composers to Share Variables with Every View Sometimes it can become a hassle to pass the same variables over and over. There may be a variable that you want accessible to every view in the site, or to a certain class of views or a certain included subview—for example, all views related to tasks, or the header partial. It’s possible to share certain variables with every template or just certain templates, like in the following code: view()->share(‘variableName’, ‘variableValue’); To learn more, check out “View Composers and Service Injection” on page 75. Controllers I’ve mentioned controllers a few times, but until now most of the examples have shown route closures. In the MVC pattern, controllers are essentially classes that organize the logic of one or more routes together in one place. Controllers tend to group similar routes together, especially if your application is structured in a tradi‐ tionally CRUD-like format; in this case, a controller might handle all the actions that can be performed on a particular resource. What is CRUD? CRUD stands for create, read, update, delete, which are the four pri‐ mary operations that web applications most commonly provide on a resource. For example, you can create a new blog post, you can read that post, you can update it, or you can delete it. It may be tempting to cram all of the application’s logic into the controllers, but it’s better to think of controllers as the traffic cops that route HTTP requests around your application. Since there are other ways requests can come into your application —cron jobs, Artisan command-line calls, queue jobs, etc.—it’s wise to not rely on controllers for much behavior. This means a controller’s primary job is to capture the intent of an HTTP request and pass it on to the rest of the application. 42 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers So, let’s create a controller. One easy way to do this is with an Artisan command, so from the command line run the following: php artisan make:controller TasksController Artisan and Artisan Generators Laravel comes bundled with a command-line tool called Artisan. Artisan can be used to run migrations, create users and other database records manually, and perform many other manual, onetime tasks. Under the make namespace, Artisan provides tools for generating skeleton files for a variety of system files. That’s what allows us to run php artisan make:controller. To learn more about this and other Artisan features, see Chapter 8. This will create a new file named TasksController.php in app/Http/Controllers, with the contents shown in Example 3-21. Example 3-21. Default generated controller <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class TasksController extends Controller { // } Modify this file as shown in Example 3-22, creating a new public method called index(). We’ll just return some text there. Example 3-22. Simple controller example <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; class TasksController extends Controller { public function index() { return 'Hello, World!'; Controllers | 43 } } Then, like we learned before, we’ll hook up a route to it, as shown in Example 3-23. Example 3-23. Route for the simple controller // routes/web.php with(‘tasks’, Task::all()); } This controller method loads the resources/views/tasks/index.blade.php or resources/ views/tasks/index.php view and passes it a single variable named tasks, which con‐ tains the result of the Task::all() Eloquent method. 44 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Generating Resource Controllers If you ever used php artisan make:controller in Laravel prior to 5.3, you might be expecting it to autogenerate methods for all of the basic resource routes like create() and update(). You can bring this behavior back in Laravel 5.3+ by passing the –resource flag when you create the controller: php artisan make:controller TasksController –resource Getting User Input The second most common action to perform in a controller method is to take input from the user and act on it. That introduces a few new concepts, so let’s take a look at a bit of sample code and walk through the new pieces. First, let’s bind our route; see Example 3-25. Example 3-25. Binding basic form actions // routes/web.php Route::get(‘tasks/create’, ‘TasksController@create’); Route::post(‘tasks’, ‘TasksController@store’); Notice that we’re binding the GET action of tasks/create (which shows a form for creating a new task) and the POST action of tasks/ (which is where our form will POST to when we’re creating a new task). We can assume the create() method in our controller just shows a form, so let’s look at the store() method in Example 3-26. Example 3-26. Common form input controller method // TasksController.php … public function store() { Task::create(request()->only([‘title’, ‘description’])); return redirect(‘tasks’); } This example makes use of Eloquent models and the redirect() functionality, and we’ll talk about them more later, but for now let’s talk quickly about how we’re getting our data here. We’re using the request() helper to represent the HTTP request (more on that later) and using its only() method to pull just the title and description fields the user submitted. Controllers | 45 We’re then passing that data into the create() method of our Task model, which cre‐ ates a new instance of the Task with title set to the passed-in title and description set to the passed-in description. Finally, we redirect back to the page that shows all tasks. There are a few layers of abstraction at work here, which we’ll cover in a second, but know that the data coming from the only() method comes from the same pool of data all common methods used on the Request object draw from, including all() and get(). The set of data each of these methods is pulling from represents all userprovided data, whether from query parameters or POST values. So, our user filled out two fields on the “add task” page: “title” and “description.” To break down the abstraction a bit, request()->only() takes an associative array of input names and returns them: request()->only([‘title’, ‘description’]); // returns: [ ‘title’ => ‘Whatever title the user typed on the previous page’, ‘description’ => ‘Whatever description the user typed on the previous page’, ] And Task::create() takes an associative array and creates a new task from it: Task::create([ ‘title’ => ‘Buy milk’, ‘description’ => ‘Remember to check the expiration date this time, Norbert!’, ]); Combining them together creates a task with just the user-provided “title” and “description” fields. Injecting Dependencies into Controllers Laravel’s facades and global helpers present a simple interface to the most useful classes in Laravel’s codebase. You can get information about the current request and user input, the session, caches, and much more. But if you prefer to inject your dependencies, or if you want to use a service that doesn’t have a facade or a helper, you’ll need to find some way to bring instances of these classes into your controller. This is our first exposure to Laravel’s service container. For now, if this is unfamiliar, you can think about it as a little bit of Laravel magic; or, if you want to know more about how it’s actually functioning, you can skip ahead to Chapter 11. All controller methods (including the constructors) are resolved out of Laravel’s con‐ tainer, which means anything you typehint that the container knows how to resolve will be automatically injected. 46 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Typehints in PHP “Typehinting” in PHP means putting the name of a class or inter‐ face in front of a variable in a method signature: public function __construct(Logger $logger) {} This typehint is telling PHP that whatever is passed into the method must be of type Logger, which could be either an interface or a class. As a nice example, what if you’d prefer having an instance of the Request object instead of using the global helper? Just typehint Illuminate\Http\Request in your method parameters, like in Example 3-27. Example 3-27. Controller method injection via typehinting // TasksController.php … public function store(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { Task::create($request->only([‘title’, ‘description’])); return redirect(‘tasks’); } So, you’ve defined a parameter that must be passed into the store() method. And since you typehinted it, and since Laravel knows how to resolve that class name, you’re going to have the Request object ready for you to use in your method with no work on your part. No explicit binding, no anything else—it’s just there as the $request variable. And, as you can tell from comparing Example 3-26 and Example 3-27, the request() helper and the Request object behave exactly the same. Resource Controllers Sometimes naming the methods in your controllers can be the hardest part of writing a controller. Thankfully, Laravel has some conventions for all of the routes of a tradi‐ tional REST/CRUD controller (called a “resource controller” in Laravel); additionally, it comes with a generator out of the box and a convenience route definition that allows you to bind an entire resource controller at once. To see the methods that Laravel expects for a resource controller, let’s generate a new controller from the command line: php artisan make:controller MySampleResourceController –resource Controllers | 47 Now open app/Http/Controllers/MySampleResourceController.php. You’ll see it comes prefilled with quite a few methods. Let’s walk over what each represents. We’ll use a Task as an example. The methods of Laravel’s resource controllers Remember the table from earlier? Table 3-1 shows the HTTP verb, the URL, the con‐ troller method name, and the name for each of these default methods that are gener‐ ated in Laravel’s resource controllers. Binding a resource controller So, we’ve seen that these are the conventional route names to use in Laravel, and also that it’s easy to generate a resource controller with methods for each of these default routes. Thankfully, you don’t have to generate routes for each of these controller methods by hand, if you don’t want to. There’s a trick for that, called resource control‐ ler binding. Take a look at Example 3-28. Example 3-28. Resource controller binding // routes/web.php Route::resource(‘tasks’, ‘TasksController’); This will automatically bind all of the routes listed in Table 3-1 for this resource to the appropriate method names on the specified controller. It’ll also name these routes appropriately; for example, the index() method on the tasks resource controller will be named tasks.index(). artisan route:list If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re wondering what routes your current application has available, there’s a tool for that: from the command line, run php artisan route:list and you’ll get a listing of all of the available routes (see Figure 3-2). Figure 3-2. artisan route:list 48 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers API Resource Controllers When you’re working with RESTful APIs, the list of potential actions on a resource is not the same as it is with an HTML resource controller. For example, you can send a POST request to an API to create a resource, but you can’t really “show a create form” in an API. Laravel 5.6 introduced a new way to generate an API resource controller, which has the same structure as a resource controller except it excludes the create and edit actions. We can generate API resource controllers by passing the –api flag when creating a controller: php artisan make:controller MySampleResourceController –api Binding an API resource controller To bind an API resource controller, use the apiResource() method instead of the resource() method, as shown in Example 3-29. Example 3-29. API resource controller binding // routes/web.php Route::apiResource(‘tasks’, ‘TasksController’); Single Action Controllers There will be times in your applications when a controller should only service a single route. You may find yourself wondering how to name the controller method for that route. Thankfully, you can point a single route at a single controller without concern‐ ing yourself with naming the one method. As you may already know, the __invoke() method is a PHP magic method that allows you to “invoke” an instance of a class, treating it like a function and calling it. This is the tool Laravel’s single action controllers use to allow you to point a route to a single controller, as you can see in Example 3-30. Example 3-30. Using the __invoke() method // \App\Http\Controllers\UpdateUserAvatar.php public function __invoke(User $user) { // Update the user’s avatar image } // routes/web.php Route::post(‘users/{user}/update-avatar’, ‘UpdateUserAvatar’); Controllers | 49 Route Model Binding One of the most common routing patterns is that the first line of any controller method tries to find the resource with the given ID, like in Example 3-31. Example 3-31. Getting a resource for each route Route::get(‘conferences/{id}’, function ($id) { $conference = Conference::findOrFail($id); }); Laravel provides a feature that simplifies this pattern called route model binding. This allows you to define that a particular parameter name (e.g., {conference}) will indi‐ cate to the route resolver that it should look up an Eloquent database record with that ID and then pass it in as the parameter instead of just passing the ID. There are two kinds of route model binding: implicit and custom (or explicit). Implicit Route Model Binding The simplest way to use route model binding is to name your route parameter some‐ thing unique to that model (e.g., name it $conference instead of $id), then typehint that parameter in the closure/controller method and use the same variable name there. It’s easier to show than to describe, so take a look at Example 3-32. Example 3-32. Using an implicit route model binding Route::get(‘conferences/{conference}’, function (Conference $conference) { return view(‘conferences.show’)->with(‘conference’, $conference); }); Because the route parameter ({conference}) is the same as the method parameter ($conference), and the method parameter is typehinted with a Conference model (Conference $conference), Laravel sees this as a route model binding. Every time this route is visited, the application will assume that whatever is passed into the URL in place of {conference} is an ID that should be used to look up a Conference, and then that resulting model instance will be passed in to your closure or controller method. 50 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Customizing the Route Key for an Eloquent Model Any time an Eloquent model is looked up via a URL segment (usu‐ ally because of route model binding), the default column Eloquent will look it up by is its primary key (ID). To change the column your Eloquent model uses for URL lookups, add a method to your model named getRouteKeyName(): public function getRouteKeyName() { return ‘slug’; } Now, a URL like conferences/{conference} will expect to get an entry from the slug column instead of the ID, and will perform its lookups accordingly. Implicit route model binding was added in Laravel 5.2, so you won’t have access to it in 5.1. Custom Route Model Binding To manually configure route model bindings, add a line like the one in Example 3-33 to the boot() method in App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider. Example 3-33. Adding a route model binding public function boot() { // Just allows the parent’s boot() method to still run parent::boot(); // Perform the binding Route::model(‘event’, Conference::class); } You’ve now specified that whenever a route has a parameter in its definition named {event}, as demonstrated in Example 3-34, the route resolver will return an instance of the Conference class with the ID of that URL parameter. Example 3-34. Using an explicit route model binding Route::get(‘events/{event}’, function (Conference $event) { return view(‘events.show’)->with(‘event’, $event); }); Route Model Binding | 51 Route Caching If you’re looking to squeeze every millisecond out of your load time, you may want to take a look at route caching. One of the pieces of Laravel’s bootstrap that can take anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred milliseconds is parsing the routes/* files, and route caching speeds up this process dramatically. To cache your routes file, you need to be using all controller, redirect, view, and resource routes (no route closures). If your app isn’t using any route closures, you can run php artisan route:cache and Laravel will serialize the results of your routes/* files. If you want to delete the cache, run php artisan route:clear. Here’s the drawback: Laravel will now match routes against that cached file instead of your actual routes/* files. You can make endless changes to your routes files, and they won’t take effect until you run route:cache again. This means you’ll have to recache every time you make a change, which introduces a lot of potential for confusion. Here’s what I would recommend instead: since Git ignores the route cache file by default anyway, consider only using route caching on your production server, and run the php artisan route:cache command every time you deploy new code (whether via a Git post-deploy hook, a Forge deploy command, or as a part of whatever other deploy system you use). This way you won’t have confusing local development issues, but your remote environment will still benefit from route caching. Form Method Spoo€ng Sometimes you need to manually define which HTTP verb a form should send as. HTML forms only allow for GET or POST, so if you want any other sort of verb, you’ll need to specify that yourself. HTTP Verbs in Laravel As we’ve seen already, you can define which verbs a route will match in the route defi‐ nition using Route::get(), Route::post(), Route::any(), or Route::match(). You can also match with Route::patch(), Route::put(), and Route::delete(). But how does one send a request other than GET with a web browser? First, the method attribute in an HTML form determines its HTTP verb: if your form has a method of “GET”, it will submit via query parameters and a GET method; if the form has a method of “POST”, it will submit via the post body and a POST method. JavaScript frameworks make it easy to send other requests, like DELETE and PATCH. But if you find yourself needing to submit HTML forms in Laravel with verbs other than GET or POST, you’ll need to use form method spooƒng, which means spoofing the HTTP method in an HTML form. 52 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers HTTP Method Spoo€ng in HTML Forms To inform Laravel that the form you’re currently submitting should be treated as something other than a POST, add a hidden variable named _method with the value of either “PUT”, “PATCH”, or “DELETE”, and Laravel will match and route that form sub‐ mission as if it were actually a request with that verb. The form in Example 3-35, since it’s passing Laravel the method of “DELETE”, will match routes defined with Route::delete() but not those with Route::post(). Example 3-35. Form method spooƒng @method(‘DELETE’) CSRF Protection If you’ve tried to submit a form in a Laravel application already, including the one in Example 3-35, you’ve likely run into the dreaded TokenMismatchException. By default, all routes in Laravel except “read-only” routes (those using GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS) are protected against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks by requiring a token, in the form of an input named _token, to be passed along with each request. This token is generated at the start of every session, and every non–read-only route compares the submitted _token against the session token. What is CSRF? A cross-site request forgery is when one website pretends to be another. The goal is for someone to hijack your users’ access to your website, by submitting forms from their website to your web‐ site via the logged-in user’s browser. The best way around CSRF attacks is to protect all inbound routes —POST, DELETE, etc.—with a token, which Laravel does out of the box. You have two options for getting around this CSRF error. The first, and preferred, method is to add the _token input to each of your submissions. In HTML forms, that’s simple; look at Example 3-36. CSRF Protection | 53 Example 3-36. CSRF tokens <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="”> @csrf CSRF Helpers in Laravel Prior to 5.6 The @csrf Blade directive is not available in projects running ver‐ sions of Laravel prior to 5.6. Instead, you’ll need to use the csrf_field() helper function. In JavaScript applications, it takes a bit more work, but not much. The most common solution for sites using JavaScript frameworks is to store the token on every page in a tag like this one: <meta name="csrf-token" content="” id=”token”> Storing the token in a tag makes it easy to bind it to the correct HTTP header, which you can do once globally for all requests from your JavaScript framework, like in Example 3-37. Example 3-37. Globally binding a header for CSRF // In jQuery: $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { ‘X-CSRF-TOKEN’: $(‘meta[name=”csrf-token”]’).attr(‘content’) } }); // With Axios: window.axios.defaults.headers.common[‘X-CSRF-TOKEN’] = document.head.querySelector(‘meta[name=”csrf-token”]’); Laravel will check the X-CSRF-TOKEN on every request, and valid tokens passed there will mark the CSRF protection as satisfied. Note that the Vue syntax for CSRF in this example is not necessary if you’re working with the default Vue bootstrap in a Laravel installation; it already does this work for you. 54 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Binding CSRF Tokens with Vue Resource In projects running Laravel 5.3 and earlier and Vue, you may be relying on a library called Vue Resource to make Ajax calls. Boot‐ strapping the CSRF token into Vue Resource looks a bit different than it does for Laravel; see the Vue Resource docs for examples. Redirects So far the only things we’ve explicitly talked about returning from a controller method or route definition have been views. But there are a few other structures we can return to give the browser instructions on how to behave. First, let’s cover the redirect. You’ve already seen a few of these in other examples. There are two common ways to generate a redirect; we’ll use the redirect() global helper here, but you may prefer the facade. Both create an instance of Illuminate \Http\RedirectResponse, perform some convenience methods on it, and then return it. You can also do this manually, but you’ll have to do a little more work your‐ self. Take a look at Example 3-38 to see a few ways you can return a redirect. Example 3-38. Different ways to return a redirect // Using the global helper to generate a redirect response Route::get(‘redirect-with-helper’, function () { return redirect()->to(‘login’); }); // Using the global helper shortcut Route::get(‘redirect-with-helper-shortcut’, function () { return redirect(‘login’); }); // Using the facade to generate a redirect response Route::get(‘redirect-with-facade’, function () { return Redirect::to(‘login’); }); // Using the Route::redirect shortcut in Laravel 5.5+ Route::redirect(‘redirect-by-route’, ‘login’); Note that the redirect() helper exposes the same methods as the Redirect facade, but it also has a shortcut; if you pass parameters directly to the helper instead of chaining methods after it, it’s a shortcut to the to() redirect method. Also note that the (optional) third parameter for the Route::redirect() route helper can be the status code (e.g., 302) for your redirect. Redirects | 55 redirect()->to() The method signature for the to() method for redirects looks like this: function to($to = null, $status = 302, $headers = [], $secure = null) $to is a valid internal path, $status is the HTTP status (defaulting to 302), $headers allows you to define which HTTP headers to send along with your redirect, and $secure allows you to override the default choice of http versus https (which is nor‐ mally set based on your current request URL). Example 3-39 shows an example of its use. Example 3-39. redirect()->to() Route::get(‘redirect’, function () { return redirect()->to(‘home’); // Or same, using the shortcut: return redirect(‘home’); }); redirect()->route() The route() method is the same as the to() method, but rather than pointing to a particular path, it points to a particular route name (see Example 3-40). Example 3-40. redirect()->route() Route::get(‘redirect’, function () { return redirect()->route(‘conferences.index’); }); Note that, since some route names require parameters, its parameter order is a little different. route() has an optional second parameter for the route parameters: function route($to = null, $parameters = [], $status = 302, $headers = []) So, using it might look a little like Example 3-41. Example 3-41. redirect()->route() with parameters Route::get(‘redirect’, function () { return redirect()->route(‘conferences.show’, [‘conference’ => 99]); }); 56 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers redirect()->back() Because of some of the built-in conveniences of Laravel’s session implementation, your application will always have knowledge of what the user’s previously visited page was. That opens up the opportunity for a redirect()->back() redirect, which simply redirects the user to whatever page they came from. There’s also a global shortcut for this: back(). Other Redirect Methods The redirect service provides other methods that are less commonly used, but still available: home() Redirects to a route named home. refresh()::Redirects to the same page the user is currently on. away()::Allows for redirecting to an external URL without the default URL validation. secure() Like to() with the secure parameter set to “true”. action() Allows you to link to a controller and method in one of two ways: as a string (redirect()->action(‘MyController@myMethod’)) or as a tuple (redirect()- >action([MyController::class, ‘myMethod’])). guest() Used internally by the authentification system (discussed in Chapter 9); when a user visits a route they’re not authenticated for, this captures the “intended” route and then redirects the user (usually to a login page). intended() Also used internally by the auth system; after a successful authentication, this grabs the “intended” URL stored by the guest() method and redirects the user there. redirect()->with() While it is structured similarly to the other methods you can call on redirect(), with() is different in that it doesn’t define where you’re redirecting to, but what data you’re passing along with the redirect. When you’re redirecting users to different pages, you often want to pass certain data along with them. You could manually flash the data to the session, but Laravel has some convenience methods to help you with that. Redirects | 57 Most commonly, you can pass along either an array of keys and values or a single key and value using with(), like in Example 3-42. This saves your with() data to the ses‐ sion just for the next page load. Example 3-42. Redirect with data Route::get(‘redirect-with-key-value’, function () { return redirect(‘dashboard’) ->with(‘error’, true); }); Route::get(‘redirect-with-array’, function () { return redirect(‘dashboard’) ->with([‘error’ => true, ‘message’ => ‘Whoops!’]); }); Chaining Methods on Redirects As with many other facades, most calls to the Redirect facade can accept fluent method chains, like the with() calls in Example 3-42. You’ll learn more about fluency in “What Is a Fluent Interface?” on page 105. You can also use withInput(), as in Example 3-43, to redirect with the user’s form input flashed; this is most common in the case of a validation error, where you want to send the user back to the form they just came from. Example 3-43. Redirect with form input Route::get(‘form’, function () { return view(‘form’); }); Route::post(‘form’, function () { return redirect(‘form’) ->withInput() ->with([‘error’ => true, ‘message’ => ‘Whoops!’]); }); The easiest way to get the flashed input that was passed with withInput() is using the old() helper, which can be used to get all old input (old()) or just the value for a particular key as shown in the following example, with the second parameter as the default if there is no old value). You’ll commonly see this in views, which allows this HTML to be used both on the “create” and the “edit” view for this form: 58 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers <input name="username" value="”> Speaking of validation, there is also a useful method for passing errors along with a redirect response: withErrors(). You can pass it any “provider” of errors, which may be an error string, an array of errors, or, most commonly, an instance of the Illumi‐ nate Validator, which we’ll cover in Chapter 10. Example 3-44 shows an example of its use. Example 3-44. Redirect with errors Route::post(‘form’, function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $this->validationRules); if ($validator->fails()) { return back() ->withErrors($validator) ->withInput(); } }); withErrors() automatically shares an $errors variable with the views of the page it’s redirecting to, for you to handle however you’d like. The validate() Method on Requests Don’t like how Example 3-44 looks? There’s a simple and powerful tool that will make it easy for you to clean up that code. Read more in “validate() on the Request Object” on page 189. Aborting the Request Aside from returning views and redirects, the most common way to exit a route is to abort. There are a few globally available methods (abort(), abort_if(), and abort_unless()), which optionally take HTTP status codes, a message, and a headers array as parameters. As Example 3-45 shows, abort_if() and abort_unless() take a first parameter that is evaluated for its truthiness and perform the abort depending on the result. Example 3-45. 403 Forbidden aborts Route::post(‘something-you-cant-do’, function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { abort(403, ‘You cannot do that!’); abort_unless($request->has(‘magicToken’), 403); Aborting the Request | 59 abort_if($request->user()->isBanned, 403); }); Custom Responses There are a few other options available for us to return, so let’s go over the most com‐ mon responses after views, redirects, and aborts. Just like with redirects, you can run these methods on either the response() helper or the Response facade. response()->make() If you want to create an HTTP response manually, just pass your data into the first parameter of response()->make(): for example, return response()->make(Hello, World!). Once again, the second parameter is the HTTP status code and the third is your headers. response()->json() and ->jsonp() To create a JSON-encoded HTTP response manually, pass your JSON-able content (arrays, collections, or whatever else) to the json() method: for example return response()->json(User::all()). It’s just like make(), except it +json_encode+s your content and sets the appropriate headers. response()->download(), ->streamDownload(), and ->€le() To send a file for the end user to download, pass either an SplFileInfo instance or a string filename to download(), with an optional second parameter of the download filename: for example, return response()->download(‘file501751.pdf’, ‘myFile.pdf’), which would send a file that’s at ƒle501751.pdf and rename it, as it’s sent, myFile.pdf. To display the same file in the browser (if it’s a PDF or an image or something else the browser can handle), use response()->file() instead, which takes the same parameters as response->download(). If you want to make some content from an external service available as a download without having to write it directly to your server’s disk, you can stream the download using response()->streamDownload(). This method expects as parameters a closure that echoes a string, a filename, and optionally an array of headers; see Example 3-46. Example 3-46. Streaming downloads from external servers return response()->streamDownload(function () { echo DocumentService::file(‘myFile’)->getContent(); }, ‘myFile.pdf’); 60 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers Testing In some other communities the idea of unit-testing controller methods is common, but within Laravel (and most of the PHP community) it’s typical to rely on applica‐ tion testing to test the functionality of routes. For example, to verify that a POST route works correctly, we can write a test like Example 3-47. Example 3-47. Writing a simple POST route test // tests/Feature/AssignmentTest.php public function test_post_creates_new_assignment() { $this->post(‘/assignments’, [ ‘title’ => ‘My great assignment’, ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘assignments’, [ ‘title’ => ‘My great assignment’, ]); } Did we directly call the controller methods? No. But we ensured that the goal of this route—to receive a POST and save its important information to the database— was met. You can also use similar syntax to visit a route and verify that certain text shows up on the page, or that clicking certain buttons does certain things (see Example 3-48). Example 3-48. Writing a simple GET route test // AssignmentTest.php public function test_list_page_shows_all_assignments() { $assignment = Assignment::create([ ‘title’ => ‘My great assignment’, ]); $this->get(‘/assignments’) ->assertSee(‘My great assignment’); } Testing | 61 Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4 assertDatabaseHas() should be replaced by seeInDatabase(), and get() and assertSee() should be replaced by visit() and see(). TL;DR Laravel’s routes are defined in routes/web.php and routes/api.php. You can define the expected path for each route, which segments are static and which are parameters, which HTTP verbs can access the route, and how to resolve it. You can also attach middleware to routes, group them, and give them names. What is returned from the route closure or controller method dictates how Laravel responds to the user. If it’s a string or a view, it’s presented to the user; if it’s other sorts of data, it’s converted to JSON and presented to the user; and if it’s a redirect, it forces a redirect. Laravel provides a series of tools and conveniences to simplify common routingrelated tasks and structures. These include resource controllers, route model binding, and form method spoofing. 62 | Chapter 3: Routing and Controllers CHAPTER 4 Blade Templating Compared to most other backend languages, PHP actually functions relatively well as a templating language. But it has its shortcomings, and it’s also just ugly to be using <?php inline all over the place, so you can expect most modern frameworks to offer a templating language. Laravel offers a custom templating engine called Blade, which is inspired by .NET’s Razor engine. It boasts a concise syntax, a shallow learning curve, a powerful and intuitive inheritance model, and easy extensibility. For a quick look at what writing Blade looks like, check out Example 4-1. Example 4-1. Blade samples

{{ $group->title }}

{!! $group->heroImageHtml() !!} @forelse ($users as $user) • {{ $user->first_name }} {{ $user->last_name }}
@empty No users in this group. @endforelse As you can see, Blade uses curly braces for its “echo” and introduces a convention in which its custom tags, called “directives,” are prefixed with an @. You’ll use directives for all of your control structures and also for inheritance and any custom functional‐ ity you want to add. Blade’s syntax is clean and concise, so at its core it’s just more pleasant and tidy to work with than the alternatives. But the moment you need anything of any complex‐ ity in your templates—nested inheritance, complex conditionals, or recursion—Blade 63 starts to really shine. Just like the best Laravel components, it takes complex applica‐ tion requirements and makes them easy and accessible. Additionally, since all Blade syntax is compiled into normal PHP code and then cached, it’s fast and it allows you to use native PHP in your Blade files if you want. However, I’d recommend avoiding usage of PHP if at all possible—usually if you need to do anything that you can’t do with Blade or a custom Blade directive, it doesn’t belong in the template. Using Twig with Laravel Unlike many other Symfony-based frameworks, Laravel doesn’t use Twig by default. But if you’re just in love with Twig, there’s a Twig Bridge package that makes it easy to use Twig instead of Blade. Echoing Data As you can see in Example 4-1, {{ and }} are used to wrap sections of PHP that you’d like to echo. {{ $variable }} is similar to in plain PHP. It’s different in one way, however, and you might’ve guessed this already: Blade escapes all echoes by default using PHP’s htmlentities() to protect your users from malicious script insertion. That means {{ $variable }} is functionally equivalent to . If you want to echo without the escaping, use {!! and !!} instead. {{ and }} When Using a Frontend Templating Framework You might’ve noticed that the echo syntax for Blade ({{ }}) is similar to the echo syn‐ tax for many frontend frameworks. So how does Laravel know when you’re writing Blade versus Handlebars? Blade will ignore any {{ that’s prefaced with an @. So, it will parse the first of the fol‐ lowing examples, but the second will be echoed out directly: // Parsed as Blade; the value of $bladeVariable is echoed to the view {{ $bladeVariable }} // @ is removed and “{{ handlebarsVariable }}” echoed to the view directly @{{ handlebarsVariable }} You can also wrap any large sections of script content with the @verbatim directive. 64 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating Control Structures Most of the control structures in Blade will be very familiar. Many directly echo the name and structure of the same tag in PHP. There are a few convenience helpers, but in general, the control structures just look cleaner than they would in PHP. Conditionals First, let’s take a look at the control structures that allow for logic. @if Blade’s @if ($condition) compiles to . @else, @elseif, and @endif also compile to the exact same style of syntax in PHP. Take a look at Example 4-2 for some examples. Example 4-2. @if, @else, @elseif, and @endif @if (count($talks) === 1) There is one talk at this time period. @elseif (count($talks) === 0) There are no talks at this time period. @else There are {{ count($talks) }} talks at this time period. @endif Just like with the native PHP conditionals, you can mix and match these how you want. They don’t have any special logic; there’s literally a parser looking for something with the shape of @if ($condition) and replacing it with the appropriate PHP code. @unless and @endunless @unless, on the other hand, is a new syntax that doesn’t have a direct equivalent in PHP. It’s the direct inverse of @if. @unless ($condition) is the same as hasPaid()) You can complete your payment by switching to the payment tab. @endunless Loops Next, let’s take a look at the loops. Control Structures | 65 @for, @foreach, and @while @for, @foreach, and @while work the same in Blade as they do in PHP; see Examples 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6. Example 4-4. @for and @endfor @for ($i = 0; $i slotsCount(); $i++) The number is {{ $i }}
@endfor Example 4-5. @foreach and @endforeach @foreach ($talks as $talk) • {{ $talk->title }} ({{ $talk->length }} minutes)
@endforeach Example 4-6. @while and @endwhile @while ($item = array_pop($items)) {{ $item->orSomething() }}
@endwhile @forelse and @endforelse @forelse is a @foreach that also allows you to program in a fallback if the object you’re iterating over is empty. We saw it in action at the start of this chapter; Example 4-7 shows another example. Example 4-7. @forelse @forelse ($talks as $talk) • {{ $talk->title }} ({{ $talk->length }} minutes)
@empty No talks this day. @endforelse 66 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating $loop Within @foreach and @forelse The @foreach and @forelse directives (introduced in Laravel 5.3) add one feature that’s not available in PHP foreach loops: the $loop variable. When used within a @foreach or @forelse loop, this variable will return a stdClass object with these properties: index The 0-based index of the current item in the loop; 0 would mean “first item” iteration The 1-based index of the current item in the loop; 1 would mean “first item” remaining How many items remain in the loop count The count of items in the loop first A Boolean indicating whether this is the first item in the loop last A Boolean indicating whether this is the last item in the loop depth How many “levels” deep this loop is: 1 for a loop, 2 for a loop within a loop, etc. parent A reference to the $loop variable for the parent loop item if this loop is within another @foreach loop; otherwise, null Here’s an example of how to use it:
    @foreach ($pages as $page)
  • {{ $loop->iteration }}: {{ $page->title }} @if ($page->hasChildren())
      @foreach ($page->children() as $child)
    • {{ $loop->parent->iteration }} .{{ $loop->iteration }}: {{ $child->title }}
    • @endforeach
  • @endforeach
Control Structures | 67 Template Inheritance Blade provides a structure for template inheritance that allows views to extend, mod‐ ify, and include other views. Let’s take a look at how inheritance is structured with Blade. De€ning Sections with @section/@show and @yield Let’s start with a top-level Blade layout, like in Example 4-8. This is the definition of a generic page wrapper that we’ll later place page-specific content into. Example 4-8. Blade layout My Site | @yield(‘title’, ‘Home Page’)
@section(‘footerScripts’) @show This looks a bit like a normal HTML page, but you can see we’ve yielded in two places (title and content) and we’ve defined a section in a third (footerScripts). We have three Blade directives here: @yield(‘content’) alone, @yield(‘title’, ‘Home Page’) with a defined default, and @section/@show with actual content in it. While they each look a little different, all three function essentially the same. All three are defining that there’s a section with a given name (the first parameter) that can be extended later, and all three are defining what to do if the section isn’t extended. They do this either by providing a string fallback (‘Home Page’), no fallback (which will just not show anything if it’s not extended), or an entire block fallback (in this case, ). What’s different? Well, clearly, @yield(‘content’) has no default content. But addi‐ tionally, the default content in @yield(‘title’) will only be shown if it’s never exten‐ ded. If it is extended, its child sections will not have programmatic access to the default value. @section/@show, on the other hand, is both defining a default and doing so in such a way that its default contents will be available to its children, through @parent. 68 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating Once you have a parent layout like this, you can extend it in a new template file like in Example 4-9. Example 4-9. Extending a Blade layout @extends(‘layouts.master’) @section(‘title’, ‘Dashboard’) @section(‘content’) Welcome to your application dashboard! @endsection @section(‘footerScripts’) @parent @endsection @show Versus @endsection You may have noticed that Example 4-8 uses @section/@show, but Example 4-9 uses @section/@endsection. What’s the difference? Use @show when you’re defining the place for a section, in the par‐ ent template. Use @endsection when you’re defining the content for a template in a child template. This child view allows us to cover a few new concepts in Blade inheritance. @extends In Example 4-9, with @extends(‘layouts.master’), we define that this view should not be rendered on its own but that it instead extends another view. That means its role is to define the content of various sections, but not to stand alone. It’s almost more like a series of buckets of content, rather than an HTML page. This line also defines that the view it’s extending lives at resources/views/layouts/master.blade.php. Each file should only extend one other file, and the @extends call should be the first line of the file. @section and @endsection With @section(‘title’, ‘Dashboard’), we provide our content for the first section, title. Since the content is so short, instead of using @section and @end section, we’re just using a shortcut. This allows us to pass the content in as the sec‐ Template Inheritance | 69 ond parameter of @section and then move on. If it’s a bit disconcerting to see @section without @endsection, you could just use the normal syntax. With @section(‘content’) and on, we use the normal syntax to define the contents of the content section. We’ll just throw a little greeting in for now. Note, however, that when you’re using @section in a child view, you end it with @endsection (or its alias @stop), instead of @show, which is reserved for defining sections in parent views. @parent Finally, with @section(‘footerScripts’) and on, we use the normal syntax to define the contents of the footerScripts section. But remember, we actually defined that content (or, at least, its “default”) already in the master layout. So this time, we have two options: we can either overwrite the con‐ tent from the parent view, or we can add to it. You can see that we have the option to include the content from the parent by using the @parent directive within the section. If we didn’t, the content of this section would entirely overwrite anything defined in the parent for this section. Including View Partials Now that we’ve established the basics of inheritance, there are a few more tricks we can perform. @include What if we’re in a view and want to pull in another view? Maybe we have a call-toaction “Sign up” button that we want to reuse around the site. And maybe we want to customize the button text every time we use it. Take a look at Example 4-10. Example 4-10. Including view partials with @include

Here’s why you should sign up for our app: It’s Great.

@include(‘sign-up-button’, [‘text’ => ‘See just how great it is’])
{{ $text }} 70 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating @include pulls in the partial and, optionally, passes data into it. Note that not only can you explicitly pass data to an include via the second parameter of @include, but you can also reference any variables within the included file that are available to the including view ($pageName, in this example). Once again, you can do whatever you want, but I would recommend you consider always explicitly passing every variable that you intend to use, just for clarity. You also use the @includeIf, @includeWhen, and @includeFirst directives, as shown in Example 4-11. Example 4-11. Conditionally including views {{– Include a view if it exists –}} @includeIf(‘sidebars.admin’, [‘some’ => ‘data’]) {{– Include a view if a passed variable is truth-y –}} @includeWhen($user->isAdmin(), ‘sidebars.admin’, [‘some’ => ‘data’]) {{– Include the first view that exists from a given array of views –}} @includeFirst([‘customs.header’, ‘header’], [‘some’ => ‘data’]) @each You can probably imagine some circumstances in which you’d need to loop over an array or collection and @include a partial for each item. There’s a directive for that: @each. Let’s say we have a sidebar composed of modules, and we want to include multiple modules, each with a different title. Take a look at Example 4-12. Example 4-12. Using view partials in a loop with @each Template Inheritance | 71 Consider that @each syntax. The first parameter is the name of the view partial. The second is the array or collection to iterate over. The third is the variable name that each item (in this case, each element in the $modules array) will be passed to the view as. And the optional fourth parameter is the view to show if the array or collection is empty (or, optionally, you can pass a string in here that will be used as your template). Using Stacks One common pattern that can be difficult to manage using basic Blade includes is when each view in a Blade include hierarchy needs to add something to a certain sec‐ tion—almost like adding an entry to an array. The most common situation for this is when certain pages (and sometimes, more broadly, certain sections of a website) have specific unique CSS and JavaScript files they need to load. Imagine you have a site-wide “global” CSS file, a “jobs section” CSS file, and an “apply for a job” page CSS file. Blade’s stacks are built for exactly this situation. In your parent template, define a stack, which is just a placeholder. Then, in each child template you can “push” entries onto that stack with @push/@endpush, which adds them to the bottom of the stack in the final render. You can also use @prepend/@endprepend to add them to the top of the stack. Example 4-13 illustrates. Example 4-13. Using Blade stacks @stack(‘scripts’) @extends(‘layouts.app’) @push(‘scripts’) @endpush @extends(‘jobs’) @prepend(‘scripts’) 72 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating @endprepend These generate the following result: Using Components and Slots Laravel offers another pattern for including content between views, which was intro‐ duced in 5.4: components and slots. Components make the most sense in contexts when you find yourself using view partials and passing large chunks of content into them as variables. Take a look at Example 4-14 for an example of a model, or popover, that might alert the user in response to an error or other action. Example 4-14. A modal as an awkward view partial @include(‘partials.modal’, [ ‘body’ => ‘

The password you have provided is not valid. Here are the rules for valid passwords: […]

‘ ]) This is too much for this variable, and it’s the perfect fit for a component. Components with slots are view partials that are explicitly designed to have big chunks (“slots”) that are meant to get content from the including template. Take a look at Example 4-15 to see how to refactor Example 4-14 with components and slots. Example 4-15. A modal as a more appropriate component with slots @component(‘partials.modal’)

The password you have provided is not valid. Here are the rules for valid passwords: […]

@endcomponent As you can see in Example 4-15, the @component directive allows us to pull our HTML out of a cramped variable string and back into the template space. The $slot variable in our component template receives whatever content is passed in the @compo nent directive. Multiple slots The method we used in Example 4-15 is called the “default” slot; whatever you pass in between @component and @endcomponent is passed to the $slot variable. But you can also have more than just the default slot. Let’s imagine a modal with a title, like in Example 4-16. Example 4-16. A modal view partial with two variables You can use the @slot directive in your @component calls to pass content to slots other than the default, as you can see in Example 4-17. Example 4-17. Passing more than one slot to a component @component(‘partials.modal’) @slot(‘title’) Password validation failure @endslot

The password you have provided is not valid. Here are the rules for valid passwords: […]

@endcomponent 74 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating And if you have other variables in your view that don’t make sense as a slot, you can still pass an array of content as the second parameter to @component, just like you can with @include. Take a look at Example 4-18. Example 4-18. Passing data to a component without slots @component(‘partials.modal’, [‘class’ => ‘danger’]) … @endcomponent Aliasing a component to be a directive There’s a clever trick you can use to make your components even easier to call: alias‐ ing. Simply call Blade::component() on the Blade facade—the most common loca‐ tion is the boot() method of the AppServiceProvider—and pass it first the location of the component and second the name of your desired directive, as shown in Example 4-19. Example 4-19. Aliasing a component to be a directive // AppServiceProvider@boot Blade::component(‘partials.modal’, ‘modal’); @modal Modal content here @endmodal Importing Facades This is our first time working with a facade in a namespaced class. We’ll cover them in more depth later, but just know that if you use facades in namespaced classes, which is most classes in recent ver‐ sions of Laravel, you might find errors showing that the facade can‐ not be found. This is because facades are just normal classes with normal namespaces, but Laravel does a bit of trickery to make them available from the root namespace. So, in Example 4-19, we’d need to import the Illuminate\Support \Facades\Blade facade at the top of the file. View Composers and Service Injection As we covered in Chapter 3, it’s simple to pass data to our views from the route defi‐ nition (see Example 4-20). View Composers and Service Injection | 75 Example 4-20. Reminder of how to pass data to views Route::get(‘passing-data-to-views’, function () { return view(‘dashboard’) ->with(‘key’, ‘value’); }); There may be times, however, when you find yourself passing the same data over and over to multiple views. Or you might find yourself using a header partial or some‐ thing similar that requires some data; will you have to pass that data in from every route definition that might ever load that header partial? Binding Data to Views Using View Composers Thankfully, there’s a simpler way. The solution is called a view composer, and it allows you to define that any time a particular view loads, it should have certain data passed to it—without the route definition having to pass that data in explicitly. Let’s say you have a sidebar on every page, which is defined in a partial named partials.sidebar (resources/views/partials/sidebar.blade.php) and then included on every page. This sidebar shows a list of the last seven posts that were published on your site. If it’s on every page, every route definition would normally have to grab that list and pass it in, like in Example 4-21. Example 4-21. Passing sidebar data in from every route Route::get(‘home’, function () { return view(‘home’) ->with(‘posts’, Post::recent()); }); Route::get(‘about’, function () { return view(‘about’) ->with(‘posts’, Post::recent()); }); That could get annoying quickly. Instead, we’re going to use view composers to “share” that variable with a prescribed set of views. We can do this a few ways, so let’s start simple and move up. Sharing a variable globally First, the simplest option: just globally “share” a variable with every view in your application like in Example 4-22. 76 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating Example 4-22. Sharing a variable globally // Some service provider public function boot() { … view()->share(‘recentPosts’, Post::recent()); } If you want to use view()->share(), the best place would be the boot() method of a service provider so that the binding runs on every page load. You can create a custom ViewComposerServiceProvider (see Chapter 11 for more about service providers), but for now just put it in App\Providers\AppServiceProvider in the boot() method. Using view()->share() makes the variable accessible to every view in the entire application, however, so it might be overkill. View-scoped view composers with closures The next option is to use a closure-based view composer to share variables with a sin‐ gle view, like in Example 4-23. Example 4-23. Creating a closure-based view composer view()->composer(‘partials.sidebar’, function ($view) { $view->with(‘recentPosts’, Post::recent()); }); As you can see, we’ve defined the name of the view we want it shared with in the first parameter (partials.sidebar) and then passed a closure to the second parameter; in the closure we’ve used $view->with() to share a variable, but only with a specific view. View Composers for Multiple Views Anywhere a view composer is binding to a particular view (like in Example 4-23, which binds to partials.sidebar), you can pass an array of view names instead to bind to multiple views. You can also use an asterisk in the view path, as in partials.* or tasks.*: view()->composer( [‘partials.header’, ‘partials.footer’], function () { $view->with(‘recentPosts’, Post::recent()); } ); View Composers and Service Injection | 77 view()->composer(‘partials.*’, function () { $view->with(‘recentPosts’, Post::recent()); }); View-scoped view composers with classes Finally, the most flexible but also most complex option is to create a dedicated class for your view composer. First, let’s create the view composer class. There’s no formally defined place for view composers to live, but the docs recommend App\Http\ViewComposers. So, let’s create App\Http\ViewComposers\RecentPostsComposer like in Example 4-24. Example 4-24. A view composer with(‘recentPosts’, Post::recent()); } } As you can see, when this composer is called, it runs the compose() method, in which we bind the posts variable to the result of running the Post model’s recent() method. Like the other methods of sharing variables, this view composer needs to have a bind‐ ing somewhere. Again, you’d likely create a custom ViewComposerServiceProvider, but for now, as seen in Example 4-25, we’ll just put it in the boot() method of App \Providers\AppServiceProvider. Example 4-25. Registering a view composer in AppServiceProvider public function boot() { view()->composer( ‘partials.sidebar’, \App\Http\ViewComposers\RecentPostsComposer::class 78 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating ); } Note that this binding is the same as a closure-based view composer, but instead of passing a closure, we’re passing the class name of our view composer. Now, every time Blade renders the partials.sidebar view, it’ll automatically run our provider and pass the view a recentPosts variable set to the results of the recent() method on our Post model. Blade Service Injection There are three primary types of data we’re most likely to inject into a view: collec‐ tions of data to iterate over, single objects that we’re displaying on the page, and serv‐ ices that generate data or views. With a service, the pattern will most likely look like Example 4-26, where we inject an instance of our analytics service into the route definition by typehinting it in the route’s method signature, and then pass it into the view. Example 4-26. Injecting services into a view via the route deƒnition constructor Route::get(‘backend/sales’, function (AnalyticsService $analytics) { return view(‘backend.sales-graphs’) ->with(‘analytics’, $analytics); }); Just as with view composers, Blade’s service injection offers a convenient shortcut to reduce duplication in your route definitions. Normally, the content of a view using our analytics service might look like Example 4-27. Example 4-27. Using an injected navigation service in a view
{{ $analytics->getBalance() }} / {{ $analytics->getBudget() }}
Blade service injection makes it easy to inject an instance of a class from the container directly from the view, like in Example 4-28. Example 4-28. Injecting a service directly into a view @inject(‘analytics’, ‘App\Services\Analytics’)
{{ $analytics->getBalance() }} / {{ $analytics->getBudget() }}
View Composers and Service Injection | 79 As you can see, this @inject directive has actually made an $analytics variable available, which we’re using later in our view. The first parameter of @inject is the name of the variable you’re injecting, and the second parameter is the class or interface that you want to inject an instance of. This is resolved just like when you typehint a dependency in a constructor elsewhere in Laravel; if you’re unfamiliar with how that works, check out Chapter 11 to learn more. Just like view composers, Blade service injection makes it easy to make certain data or functionality available to every instance of a view, without having to inject it via the route definition every time. Custom Blade Directives All of the built-in syntax of Blade that we’ve covered so far—@if, @unless, and so on—are called directives. Each Blade directive is a mapping between a pattern (e.g., @if ($condition)) and a PHP output (e.g., ). Directives aren’t just for the core; you can actually create your own. You might think directives are good for making little shortcuts to bigger pieces of code—for example, using @button(‘buttonName’) and having it expand to a larger set of button HTML. This isn’t a terrible idea, but for simple code expansion like this you might be better off including a view partial. Custom directives tend to be the most useful when they simplify some form of repeated logic. Say we’re tired of having to wrap our code with @if (auth()->guest()) (to check if a user is logged in or not) and we want a custom @ifGuest directive. As with view composers, it might be worth having a custom ser‐ vice provider to register these, but for now let’s just put it in the boot() method of App\Providers\AppServiceProvider. Take a look at Example 4-29 to see what this binding will look like. Example 4-29. Binding a custom Blade directive in a service provider public function boot() { Blade::directive(‘ifGuest’, function () { return “guest()): ?>”; }); } We’ve now registered a custom directive, @ifGuest, which will be replaced with the PHP code guest()): ?>. 80 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating This might feel strange. You’re writing a string that will be returned and then executed as PHP. But what this means is that you can now take the complex, or ugly, or unclear, or repetitive aspects of your PHP templating code and hide them behind clear, sim‐ ple, and expressive syntax. Custom Directive Result Caching You might be tempted to do some logic to make your custom direc‐ tive faster by performing an operation in the binding and then embedding the result within the returned string: Blade::directive(‘ifGuest’, function () { // Antipattern! Do not copy. $ifGuest = auth()->guest(); return “”; }); The problem with this idea is that it assumes this directive will be recreated on every page load. However, Blade caches aggressively, so you’re going to find yourself in a bad spot if you try this. Parameters in Custom Blade Directives What if you want to accept parameters in your custom logic? Check out Example 4-30. Example 4-30. Creating a Blade directive with parameters // Binding Blade::directive(‘newlinesToBr’, function ($expression) { return “”; }); // In use


The $expression parameter received by the closure represents whatever’s within the parentheses. As you can see, we then generate a valid PHP code snippet and return it. $expression Parameter Scoping Before Laravel 5.3 Before Laravel 5.3, the $expression parameter also included the parentheses themselves. So, in Example 4-30, $expression (which is $message->body in Laravel 5.3 and later) would have instead been ($message->body), and we would’ve had to write . Custom Blade Directives | 81 If you find yourself constantly writing the same conditional logic over and over, you should consider a Blade directive. Example: Using Custom Blade Directives for a Multitenant App Let’s imagine we’re building an application that supports multitenancy, which means users might be visiting the site from www.myapp.com, client1.myapp.com, cli‐ ent2.myapp.com, or elsewhere. Suppose we have written a class to encapsulate some of our multitenancy logic and named it Context. This class will capture information and logic about the context of the current visit, such as who the authenticated user is and whether the user is visiting the public website or a client subdomain. We’ll probably frequently resolve that Context class in our views and perform condi‐ tionals on it, like in Example 4-31. app(‘context’) is a shortcut to get an instance of a class from the container, which we’ll learn more about in Chapter 11. Example 4-31. Conditionals on context without a custom Blade directive @if (app(‘context’)->isPublic()) © Copyright MyApp LLC @else © Copyright {{ app(‘context’)->client->name }} @endif What if we could simplify @if (app(‘context’)->isPublic()) to just @ifPublic? Let’s do it. Check out Example 4-32. Example 4-32. Conditionals on context with a custom Blade directive // Binding Blade::directive(‘ifPublic’, function () { return “isPublic()): ?>”; }); // In use @ifPublic © Copyright MyApp LLC @else © Copyright {{ app(‘context’)->client->name }} @endif Since this resolves to a simple if statement, we can still rely on the native @else and @endif conditionals. But if we wanted, we could also create a custom @elseIfClient directive, or a separate @ifClient directive, or really whatever else we want. 82 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating Easier Custom Directives for “if” Statements While custom Blade directives are powerful, the most common use for them is if statements. So there’s a simpler way to create custom “if ” directives: Blade::if(). Example 4-33 shows how we could refactor Example 4-32 using the Blade::if() method: Example 4-33. Deƒning a custom “if” Blade directive // Binding Blade::if(‘ifPublic’, function () { return (app(‘context’))->isPublic(); }); You’ll use the directives exactly the same way, but as you can see, defining them is a bit simpler. Instead of having to manually type out PHP braces, you can just write a closure that returns a Boolean. Testing The most common method of testing views is through application testing, meaning that you’re actually calling the route that displays the views and ensuring the views have certain content (see Example 4-34). You can also click buttons or submit forms and ensure that you are redirected to a certain page, or that you see a certain error. (You’ll learn more about testing in Chapter 12.) Example 4-34. Testing that a view displays certain content // EventsTest.php public function test_list_page_shows_all_events() { $event1 = factory(Event::class)->create(); $event2 = factory(Event::class)->create(); $this->get(‘events’) ->assertSee($event1->title) ->assertSee($event2->title); } You can also test that a certain view has been passed a particular set of data, which, if it accomplishes your testing goals, is less fragile than checking for certain text on the page. Example 4-35 demonstrates this approach. Testing | 83 Example 4-35. Testing that a view was passed certain content // EventsTest.php public function test_list_page_shows_all_events() { $event1 = factory(Event::class)->create(); $event2 = factory(Event::class)->create(); $response = $this->get(‘events’); $response->assertViewHas(‘events’, Event::all()); $response->assertViewHasAll([ ‘events’ => Event::all(), ‘title’ => ‘Events Page’, ]); $response->assertViewMissing(‘dogs’); } Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, get() and assertSee() should be replaced by visit() and see(). In 5.3 we gained the ability to pass a closure to assertViewHas(), meaning we can customize how we want to check more complex data structures. Example 4-36 illus‐ trates how we might use this. Example 4-36. Passing a closure to assertViewHas() // EventsTest.php public function test_list_page_shows_all_events() { $event1 = factory(Event::class)->create(); $response = $this->get(“events/{ $event->id }”); $response->assertViewHas(‘event’, function ($event) use ($event1) { return $event->id === $event1->id; }); } TL;DR Blade is Laravel’s templating engine. Its primary focus is a clear, concise, and expres‐ sive syntax with powerful inheritance and extensibility. Its “safe echo” brackets are {{ and }}, its unprotected echo brackets are {!! and !!}, and it has a series of custom tags called directives that all begin with @ (@if and @unless, for example). 84 | Chapter 4: Blade Templating You can define a parent template and leave “holes” in it for content using @yield and @section/@show. You can then teach its child views to extend it using @extends(‘parent.view’), and define their sections using @section/@endsection. You use @parent to reference the content of the block’s parent. View composers make it easy to define that, every time a particular view or subview loads, it should have certain information available to it. And service injection allows the view itself to request data straight from the application container. TL;DR | 85 CHAPTER 5 Databases and Eloquent Laravel provides a suite of tools for interacting with your application’s databases, but the most notable is Eloquent, Laravel’s ActiveRecord ORM (object-relational mapper). Eloquent is one of Laravel’s most popular and influential features. It’s a great example of how Laravel is different from the majority of PHP frameworks; in a world of Data‐ Mapper ORMs that are powerful but complex, Eloquent stands out for its simplicity. There’s one class per table, which is responsible for retrieving, representing, and per‐ sisting data in that table. Whether or not you choose to use Eloquent, however, you’ll still get a ton of benefit from the other database tools Laravel provides. So, before we dig into Eloquent, we’ll start by covering the basics of Laravel’s database functionality: migrations, seeders, and the query builder. Then we’ll cover Eloquent: defining your models; inserting, updating, and deleting; customizing your responses with accessors, mutators, and attribute casting; and finally relationships. There’s a lot going on here, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but if we take it one step at a time we’ll make it through. Con€guration Before we get into how to use Laravel’s database tools, let’s pause for a second and go over how to configure your database credentials and connections. The configuration for database access lives in conƒg/database.php and .env. Like many other configuration areas in Laravel, you can define multiple “connections” and then decide which the code will use by default. 87 Database Connections By default, there’s one connection for each of the drivers, as you can see in Example 5-1. Example 5-1. €e default database connections list ‘connections’ => [ ‘sqlite’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘sqlite’, ‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, database_path(‘database.sqlite’)), ‘prefix’ => ”, ], ‘mysql’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘mysql’, ‘host’ => env(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’), ‘port’ => env(‘DB_PORT’, ‘3306’), ‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘forge’), ‘username’ => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ‘forge’), ‘password’ => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”), ‘unix_socket’ => env(‘DB_SOCKET’, ”), ‘charset’ => ‘utf8’, ‘collation’ => ‘utf8_unicode_ci’, ‘prefix’ => ”, ‘strict’ => false, ‘engine’ => null, ], ‘pgsql’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘pgsql’, ‘host’ => env(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’), ‘port’ => env(‘DB_PORT’, ‘5432’), ‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘forge’), ‘username’ => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ‘forge’), ‘password’ => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”), ‘charset’ => ‘utf8’, ‘prefix’ => ”, ‘schema’ => ‘public’, ‘sslmode’ => ‘prefer’, ], ‘sqlsrv’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘sqlsrv’, ‘host’ => env(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’), ‘port’ => env(‘DB_PORT’, ‘1433’), ‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘forge’), ‘username’ => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ‘forge’), ‘password’ => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”), ‘charset’ => ‘utf8’, 88 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent ‘prefix’ => ”, ], ] Nothing is stopping you from deleting or modifying these named connections or cre‐ ating your own. You can create new named connections, and you’ll be able to set the drivers (MySQL, Postgres, etc.) in them. So, while there’s one connection per driver by default, that’s not a constraint; you could have five different connections, all with the mysql driver, if you wanted. Each connection allows you to define the properties necessary for connecting to and customizing each connection type. There are a few reasons for the idea of multiple drivers. To start with, the “connec‐ tions” section as it comes out of the box is a simple template that makes it easy to start apps that use any of the supported database connection types. In many apps, you can pick the database connection you’ll be using, fill out its information, and even delete the others if you’d like. I usually just keep them all there, in case I might eventually use them. But there are also some cases where you might need multiple connections within the same application. For example, you might use different database connections for two different types of data, or you might read from one and write to another. Support for multiple connections makes this possible. Other Database Con€guration Options The conƒg/database.php configuration section has quite a few other configuration settings. You can configure Redis access, customize the table name used for migra‐ tions, determine the default connection, and toggle whether non-Eloquent calls return stdClass or array instances. With any service in Laravel that allows connections from multiple sources—sessions can be backed by the database or file storage, the cache can use Redis or Memcached, databases can use MySQL or PostgreSQL—you can define multiple connections and also choose that a particular connection will be the “default,” meaning it will be used any time you don’t explicitly ask for a particular connection. Here’s how you ask for a specific connection, if you want to: $users = DB::connection(‘secondary’)->select(‘select * from users’); [role=”less_space pagebreak-before”]’ === Migrations Modern frameworks like Laravel make it easy to define your database structure with code-driven migrations. Every new table, column, index, and key can be defined in Con€guration | 89 code, and any new environment can be brought from bare database to your app’s per‐ fect schema in seconds. De€ning Migrations A migration is a single file that defines two things: the modifications desired when running this migration up and, optionally, the modifications desired when running this migration down. “Up” and “Down” in Migrations Migrations are always run in order by date. Every migration file is named something like this: 2018_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php. When a new system is migra‐ ted, the system grabs each migration, starting at the earliest date, and runs its up() method—you’re migrating it “up” at this point. But the migration system also allows you to “roll back” your most recent set of migrations. It’ll grab each of them and run its down() method, which should undo whatever changes the up migration made. So, the up() method of a migration should “do” its migration, and the down() method should “undo” it. Example 5-2 shows what the default “create users table” migration that comes with Laravel looks like. Example 5-2. Laravel’s default “create users table” migration bigIncrements(‘id’); $table->string(‘name’); $table->string(’email’)->unique(); $table->timestamp(’email_verified_at’)->nullable(); $table->string(‘password’); $table->rememberToken(); 90 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent $table->timestamps(); }); } /** * Reverse the migrations. * * @return void */ public function down() { Schema::dropIfExists(‘users’); } } Email Veri€cation The email_verified_at column is only present in apps built in Laravel 5.7 and later. It stores a timestamp indicating when the user verified their email address. As you can see, we have an up() method and a down() method. up() tells the migra‐ tion to create a new table named users with a few fields, and down() tells it to drop the users table. Creating a migration As you will see in Chapter 8, Laravel provides a series of command-line tools you can use to interact with your app and generate boilerplate files. One of these commands allows you to create a migration file. You can run it using php artisan make:migra tion, and it has a single parameter, which is the name of the migration. For example, to create the table we just covered, you would run php artisan make:migration create_users_table. There are two flags you can optionally pass to this command. –create=table_name prefills the migration with code designed to create a table named table_name, and –table=table_name just prefills the migration for modifications to an existing table. Here are a few examples: php artisan make:migration create_users_table php artisan make:migration add_votes_to_users_table –table=users php artisan make:migration create_users_table –create=users Creating tables We already saw in the default create_users_table migration that our migrations depend on the Schema facade and its methods. Everything we can do in these migra‐ tions will rely on the methods of Schema. Con€guration | 91 To create a new table in a migration, use the create() method—the first parameter is the table name, and the second is a closure that defines its columns: Schema::create(‘users’, function (Blueprint $table) { // Create columns here }); Creating columns To create new columns in a table, whether in a create table call or a modify table call, use the instance of Blueprint that’s passed into your closure: Schema::create(‘users’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string(‘name’); }); Let’s look at the various methods available on Blueprint instances for creating col‐ umns. I’ll describe how they work in MySQL, but if you’re using another database, Laravel will just use the closest equivalent. The following are the simple field Blueprint methods: integer(colName), tinyInteger(colName), smallInteger(colName), mediumInteger(colName), bigInteger(colName) Adds an INTEGER type column, or one of its many variations string(colName, length) Adds a VARCHAR type column with an optional length binary(colName) Adds a BLOB type column boolean(colName) Adds a BOOLEAN type column (a TINYINT(1) in MySQL) char(colName, length) Adds a CHAR column with an optional length datetime(colName) Adds a DATETIME column decimal(colName, precision, scale) Adds a DECIMAL column, with precision and scale—for example, deci mal(‘amount’, 5, 2) specifies a precision of 5 and a scale of 2 double(colName, total digits, digits after decimal) Adds a DOUBLE column—for example, double(‘tolerance’, 12, 8) specifies 12 digits long, with 8 of those digits to the right of the decimal place, as in 7204.05691739 92 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent enum(colName, [choiceOne, choiceTwo]) Adds an ENUM column, with provided choices float(colName, precision, scale) Adds a FLOAT column (same as double in MySQL) json(colName) and jsonb(colName) Adds a JSON or JSONB column (or a TEXT column in Laravel 5.1) text(colName), mediumText(colName), longText(colName) Adds a TEXT column (or its various sizes) time(colName) Adds a TIME column timestamp(colName) Adds a TIMESTAMP column uuid(colName) Adds a UUID column (CHAR(36) in MySQL) And these are the special (joined) Blueprint methods: increments(colName) and bigIncrements(colName) Add an unsigned incrementing INTEGER or BIG INTEGER primary key ID timestamps() and nullableTimestamps() Adds created_at and updated_at timestamp columns rememberToken() Adds a remember_token column (VARCHAR(100)) for user “remember me” tokens softDeletes() Adds a deleted_at timestamp for use with soft deletes morphs(colName) For a provided colName, adds an integer colName_id and a string colName_type (e.g., morphs(tag) adds integer tag_id and string tag_type); for use in polymor‐ phic relationships Building extra properties fluently Most of the properties of a field definition—its length, for example—are set as the second parameter of the field creation method, as we saw in the previous section. But there are a few other properties that we’ll set by chaining more method calls after the creation of the column. For example, this email field is nullable and will be placed (in MySQL) right after the last_name field: Con€guration | 93 Schema::table(‘users’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string(’email’)->nullable()->after(‘last_name’); }); The following methods are used to set additional properties of a field: nullable() Allows NULL values to be inserted into this column default(‘default content’) Specifies the default content for this column if no value is provided unsigned() Marks integer columns as unsigned (not negative or positive, but just an integer) first() (MySQL only) Places the column first in the column order after(colName) (MySQL only) Places the column after another column in the column order unique() Adds a UNIQUE index primary() Adds a primary key index index() Adds a basic index Note that unique(), primary(), and index() can also be used outside of the fluent column building context, which we’ll cover later. Dropping tables If you want to drop a table, there’s a dropIfExists() method on Schema that takes one parameter, the table name: Schema::dropIfExists(‘contacts’); Modifying columns To modify a column, just write the code you would write to create the column as if it were new, and then append a call to the change() method after it. Required Dependency Before Modifying Columns Before you modify any columns (or drop any columns in SQLite), you’ll need to run composer require doctrine/dbal. 94 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent So, if we have a string column named name that has a length of 255 and we want to change its length to 100, this is how we would write it: Schema::table(‘users’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string(‘name’, 100)->change(); }); The same is true if we want to adjust any of its properties that aren’t defined in the method name. To make a field nullable, we do this: Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string(‘deleted_at’)->nullable()->change(); }); Here’s how we rename a column: Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn(‘promoted’, ‘is_promoted’); }); And this is how we drop a column: Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(‘votes’); }); Modifying Multiple Columns at Once in SQLite If you try to drop or modify multiple columns within a single migration closure and you are using SQLite, you’ll run into errors. In Chapter 12 I recommend that you use SQLite for your testing database, so even if you’re using a more traditional database, you may want to consider this a limitation for testing purposes. However, you don’t have to create a new migration for each. Instead, just create multiple calls to Schema::table() within the up() method of your migration: public function up() { Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(‘is_promoted’); }); Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(‘alternate_email’); }); } Con€guration | 95 Indexes and foreign keys We’ve covered how to create, modify, and delete columns. Let’s move on to indexing and relating them. If you’re not familiar with indexes, your databases can survive if you just never use them, but they’re pretty important for performance optimization and for some data integrity controls with regard to related tables. I’d recommend reading up on them, but if you absolutely must, you can skip this section for now. Adding indexes. Check out Example 5-3 for examples of how to add indexes to your column. Example 5-3. Adding column indexes in migrations // After columns are created… $table->primary(‘primary_id’); // Primary key; unnecessary if used increments() $table->primary([‘first_name’, ‘last_name’]); // Composite keys $table->unique(’email’); // Unique index $table->unique(’email’, ‘optional_custom_index_name’); // Unique index $table->index(‘amount’); // Basic index $table->index(‘amount’, ‘optional_custom_index_name’); // Basic index Note that the first example, primary(), is not necessary if you’re using the increments() or bigIncrements() methods to create your index; this will automati‐ cally add a primary key index for you. Removing indexes. We can remove indexes as shown in Example 5-4. Example 5-4. Removing column indexes in migrations $table->dropPrimary(‘contacts_id_primary’); $table->dropUnique(‘contacts_email_unique’); $table->dropIndex(‘optional_custom_index_name’); // If you pass an array of column names to dropIndex, it will // guess the index names for you based on the generation rules $table->dropIndex([’email’, ‘amount’]); Adding and removing foreign keys. To add a foreign key that defines that a particular column references a column on another table, Laravel’s syntax is simple and clear: $table->foreign(‘user_id’)->references(‘id’)->on(‘users’); Here we’re adding a foreign index on the user_id column, showing that it references the id column on the users table. Couldn’t get much simpler. 96 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent If we want to specify foreign key constraints, we can do that too, with onDelete() and onUpdate(). For example: $table->foreign(‘user_id’) ->references(‘id’) ->on(‘users’) ->onDelete(‘cascade’); To drop a foreign key, we can either delete it by referencing its index name (which is automatically generated by combining the names of the columns and tables being ref‐ erenced): $table->dropForeign(‘contacts_user_id_foreign’); or by passing it an array of the fields that it’s referencing in the local table: $table->dropForeign([‘user_id’]); Running Migrations Once you have your migrations defined, how do you run them? There’s an Artisan command for that: php artisan migrate This command runs all “outstanding” migrations (by running the up() method on each). Laravel keeps track of which migrations you have run and which you haven’t. Every time you run this command, it checks whether you’ve run all available migra‐ tions, and if you haven’t, it’ll run any that remain. There are a few options in this namespace that you can work with. First, you can run your migrations and your seeds (which we’ll cover next): php artisan migrate –seed You can also run any of the following commands: migrate:install Creates the database table that keeps track of which migrations you have and haven’t run; this is run automatically when you run your migrations, so you can basically ignore it. migrate:reset Rolls back every database migration you’ve run on this instance. migrate:refresh Rolls back every database migration you’ve run on this instance, and then runs every migration available. It’s the same as running migrate:reset and then migrate, one after the other. Con€guration | 97 migrate:fresh Drops all of your tables and runs every migration again. It’s the same as refresh but doesn’t bother with the “down” migrations—it just deletes the tables and then runs the “up” migrations again. migrate:rollback Rolls back just the migrations that ran the last time you ran migrate, or, with the added option –step=n, rolls back the number of migrations you specify. migrate:status Shows a table listing every migration, with a Y or N next to each showing whether or not it has run yet in this environment. Migrating with Homestead/Vagrant If you’re running migrations on your local machine and your .env file points to a database in a Vagrant box, your migrations will fail. You’ll need to ssh into your Vagrant box and then run the migra‐ tions from there. The same is true for seeds and any other Artisan commands that affect or read from the database. Seeding Seeding with Laravel is so simple, it has gained widespread adoption as a part of nor‐ mal development workflows in a way it hasn’t in previous PHP frameworks. There’s a database/seeds folder that comes with a DatabaseSeeder class, which has a run() method that is called when you call the seeder. There are two primary ways to run the seeders: along with a migration, or separately. To run a seeder along with a migration, just add –seed to any migration call: php artisan migrate –seed php artisan migrate:refresh –seed And to run it independently: php artisan db:seed php artisan db:seed –class=VotesTableSeeder This will call the run() method of the DatabaseSeeder by default, or the seeder class specified by –class. Creating a Seeder To create a seeder, use the make:seeder Artisan command: php artisan make:seeder ContactsTableSeeder 98 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent You’ll now see a ContactsTableSeeder class show up in the database/seeds directory. Before we edit it, let’s add it to the DatabaseSeeder class, as shown in Example 5-5, so it will run when we run our seeders. Example 5-5. Calling a custom seeder from DatabaseSeeder.php // database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php … public function run() { $this->call(ContactsTableSeeder::class); } Now let’s edit the seeder itself. The simplest thing we can do there is manually insert a record using the DB facade, as illustrated in Example 5-6. Example 5-6. Inserting database records in a custom seeder insert([ ‘name’ => ‘Lupita Smith’, ’email’ => ‘lupita@gmail.com’, ]); } } This will get us a single record, which is a good start. But for truly functional seeds, you’ll likely want to loop over some sort of random generator and run this insert() many times, right? Laravel has a feature for that. Model Factories Model factories define one (or more) patterns for creating fake entries for your data‐ base tables. By default each factory is named after an Eloquent class, but you can also just name them after the table if you’re not going to work with Eloquent. Example 5-7 shows the same factory set up both ways. Seeding | 99 Example 5-7. Deƒning model factories with Eloquent class and table name keys $factory->define(User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => $faker->name, ]; }); $factory->define(‘users’, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => $faker->name, ]; }); Theoretically you can name these factories anything you like, but naming the factory after your Eloquent class is the most idiomatic approach. Creating a model factory Model factories are located in database/factories. In Laravel 5.5 and later each factory is usually defined in its own class, with a key (name) and a closure defining how to create a new instance of the defined class. The $factory->define() method takes the factory name as the first parameter and a closure that’s run for each generation as the second parameter. The Model Factory File in Laravel 5.4 and Earlier In Laravel prior to 5.5, all factories should be defined in database/ factories/ModelFactory.php. There are no separate classes for each factory until 5.5. To generate a new factory class, use the Artisan make:factory command; just like with naming the factory keys, it’s also most common to name factory classes after the Eloquent models they’re meant to generate instances of: php artisan make:factory ContactFactory This will generate a new file within the database/factories directory called ContactFac‐ tory.php. The simplest factory we could define for a contact might look something like Example 5-8: Example 5-8. €e simplest possible factory deƒnition $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => ‘Lupita Smith’, ’email’ => ‘lupita@gmail.com’, 100 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent ]; }); Now we can use the factory() global helper to create an instance of Contact in our seeding and testing: // Create one $contact = factory(Contact::class)->create(); // Create many factory(Contact::class, 20)->create(); However, if we used that factory to create 20 contacts, all 20 would have the same information. That’s less useful. We will get even more benefit from model factories when we take advantage of the instance of Faker that’s passed into the closure; Faker makes it easy to randomize the creation of structured fake data. The previous example now turns into Example 5-9. Example 5-9. A simple factory, modiƒed to use Faker $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => $faker->name, ’email’ => $faker->email, ]; }); Now, every time we create a fake contact using this model factory, all of our proper‐ ties will be randomly generated. Guaranteeing the Uniqueness of Randomly Generated Data If you want to guarantee that the randomly generated values of any given entry are unique compared to the other randomly generated values during that PHP process, you can use Faker’s unique() method: return [’email’ => $faker->unique()->email]; Using a model factory There are two primary contexts in which we’ll use model factories: testing, which we’ll cover in Chapter 12, and seeding, which we’ll cover here. Let’s write a seeder using a model factory; take a look at Example 5-10. Seeding | 101 Example 5-10. Using model factories factory(Post::class)->create([ ‘title’ => ‘My greatest post ever’, ]); // Pro-level factory; but don’t get overwhelmed! factory(User::class, 20)->create()->each(function ($u) use ($post) { $post->comments()->save(factory(Comment::class)->make([ ‘user_id’ => $u->id, ])); }); To create an object, we use the factory() global helper and pass it the name of the factory—which, as we just saw, is the name of the Eloquent class we’re generating an instance of. That returns the factory, and then we can run one of two methods on it: make() or create(). Both methods generate an instance of this specified model, using the definition in the factory file. The difference is that make() creates the instance but doesn’t (yet) save it to the database, whereas create() saves it to the database instantly. You can see both in use in the two examples in Example 5-10. The second example will make more sense once we cover relationships in Eloquent later in this chapter. Overriding properties when calling a model factory. If you pass an array to either make() or create(), you can override specific keys from the factory, like we did in Example 5-10 to set the user_id on the comment and to manually set the title of our post. Generating more than one instance with a model factory. If you pass a number as the sec‐ ond parameter to the factory() helper, you can specify that you’re creating more than one instance. Instead of returning a single instance, it’ll return a collection of instances. This means you can treat the result like an array, you can associate each of its instances with another entity, or you can use other entity methods on each instance—like we used each() in Example 5-10 to add a comment from each newly created user. Pro-level model factories Now that we’ve covered the most common uses for and arrangements of model facto‐ ries, let’s dive into some of the more complicated ways we can use them. 102 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Attaching relationships when de€ning model factories. Sometimes you need to create a related item along with the item you’re creating. You can use a closure on that prop‐ erty to create a related item and pull its ID, as shown in Example 5-11. Example 5-11. Creating a related term item in a seeder $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => ‘Lupita Smith’, ’email’ => ‘lupita@gmail.com’, ‘company_id’ => function () { return factory(App\Company::class)->create()->id; }, ]; }); Each closure is passed a single parameter, which contains the array form of the gener‐ ated item up until that point. This can be used in other ways, as demonstrated in Example 5-12. Example 5-12. Using values from other parameters in a seeder $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => ‘Lupita Smith’, ’email’ => ‘lupita@gmail.com’, ‘company_id’ => function () { return factory(App\Company::class)->create()->id; }, ‘company_size’ => function ($contact) { // Uses the “company_id” property generated above return App\Company::find($contact[‘company_id’])->size; }, ]; }); De€ning and accessing multiple model factory states. Let’s go back to ContactFactory.php (from Example 5-8 and Example 5-9) for a second. We have a base Contact factory defined: $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => $faker->name, ’email’ => $faker->email, ]; }); Seeding | 103 But sometimes you need more than one factory for a class of object. What if we need to be able to add some contacts who are very important people (VIPs)? We can use the state() method to define a second factory state for this, as seen in Example 5-13. The first parameter to state() is still the name of the entity you’re generating, the second is the name of your state, and the third is an array of any attributes you want to specifically set for this state. Example 5-13. Deƒning multiple factory states for the same model $factory->define(Contact::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘name’ => $faker->name, ’email’ => $faker->email, ]; }); $factory->state(Contact::class, ‘vip’, [ ‘vip’ => true, ]); If the modified attributes require more than a simple static value, you can pass a clo‐ sure instead of an array as the second parameter and then return an array of the attributes you want to modify, like in Example 5-14. Example 5-14. Specifying a factory state with a closure $factory->state(Contact::class, ‘vip’, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ ‘vip’ => true, ‘company’ => $faker->company, ]; }); Now, let’s make an instance of a specific state: $vip = factory(Contact::class, ‘vip’)->create(); $vips = factory(Contact::class, ‘vip’, 3)->create(); Factory States Prior to Laravel 5.3 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.3, factory states were called factory types, and you’ll want to use $factory- >defineAs() instead of $factory->state(). You can learn more about this in the 5.2 docs. 104 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Whew. That was a lot. Don’t worry if that was tough to follow—the last bit was defi‐ nitely higher-level stuff. Let’s get back down to the basics and talk about the core of Laravel’s database tooling: the query builder. Query Builder Now that you’re connected and you’ve migrated and seeded your tables, let’s get started with how to use the database tools. At the core of every piece of Laravel’s database functionality is the query builder, a fluent interface for interacting with sev‐ eral different types of databases with a single clear API. What Is a Fluent Interface? A fluent interface is one that primarily uses method chaining to provide a simpler API to the end user. Rather than expecting all of the relevant data to be passed into either a constructor or a method call, fluent call chains can be built gradually, with consecutive calls. Consider this comparison: // Non-fluent: $users = DB::select([‘table’ => ‘users’, ‘where’ => [‘type’ => ‘donor’]]); // Fluent: $users = DB::table(‘users’)->where(‘type’, ‘donor’)->get(); Laravel’s database architecture can connect to MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server through a single interface, with just the change of a few configuration settings. If you’ve ever used a PHP framework, you’ve likely used a tool that allows you to run “raw” SQL queries with basic escaping for security. The query builder is that, with a lot of convenience layers and helpers on top. So, let’s start with some simple calls. Basic Usage of the DB Facade Before we get into building complex queries with fluent method chaining, let’s take a look at a few sample query builder commands. The DB facade is used both for query builder chaining and for simpler raw queries, as illustrated in Example 5-15. Example 5-15. Sample raw SQL and query builder usage // Basic statement DB::statement(‘drop table users’); // Raw select, and parameter binding DB::select(‘select * from contacts where validated = ?’, [true]); Query Builder | 105 // Select using the fluent builder $users = DB::table(‘users’)->get(); // Joins and other complex calls DB::table(‘users’) ->join(‘contacts’, function ($join) { $join->on(‘users.id’, ‘=’, ‘contacts.user_id’) ->where(‘contacts.type’, ‘donor’); }) ->get(); Raw SQL As you saw in Example 5-15, it’s possible to make any raw call to the database using the DB facade and the statement() method: DB::statement(‘SQL statement here’). But there are also specific methods for various common actions: select(), insert(), update(), and delete(). These are still raw calls, but there are differences. First, using update() and delete() will return the number of rows affected, whereas statement() won’t; second, with these methods it’s clearer to future developers exactly what sort of statement you’re making. Raw selects The simplest of the specific DB methods is select(). You can run it without any addi‐ tional parameters: $users = DB::select(‘select * from users’); This will return a collection of stdClass objects. Illuminate Collections Prior to Laravel 5.3, the DB facade returned a stdClass object for methods that return only one row (like first()) and an array for any that return multiple rows (like all()). In Laravel 5.3+, the DB facade, like Eloquent, returns a collection for any method that returns (or can return) multiple rows. The DB facade returns an instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection and Eloquent returns an instance of Illuminate \Database\Eloquent\Collection, which extends Illuminate\Support\Collection with a few Eloquent-specific methods. Collection is like a PHP array with superpowers, allowing you to run map(), filter(), reduce(), each(), and much more on your data. You can learn more about collections in Chapter 17. 106 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Parameter bindings and named bindings Laravel’s database architecture allows for the use of PDO parameter binding, which protects your queries from potential SQL attacks. Passing a parameter to a statement is as simple as replacing the value in your statement with a ?, then adding the value to the second parameter of your call: $usersOfType = DB::select( ‘select * from users where type = ?’, [$type] ); You can also name those parameters for clarity: $usersOfType = DB::select( ‘select * from users where type = :type’, [‘type’ => $userType] ); Raw inserts From here, the raw commands all look pretty much the same. Raw inserts look like this: DB::insert( ‘insert into contacts (name, email) values (?, ?)’, [‘sally’, ‘sally@me.com’] ); Raw updates Updates look like this: $countUpdated = DB::update( ‘update contacts set status = ? where id = ?’, [‘donor’, $id] ); Raw deletes And deletes look like this: $countDeleted = DB::delete( ‘delete from contacts where archived = ?’, [true] ); Chaining with the Query Builder Up until now, we haven’t actually used the query builder, per se. We’ve just used sim‐ ple method calls on the DB facade. Let’s actually build some queries. Query Builder | 107 The query builder makes it possible to chain methods together to, you guessed it, build a query. At the end of your chain you’ll use some method—likely get()—to trigger the actual execution of the query you’ve just built. Let’s take a look at a quick example: $usersOfType = DB::table(‘users’) ->where(‘type’, $type) ->get(); Here, we built our query—users table, $type type—and then we executed the query and got our result. Let’s take a look at what methods the query builder allows you to chain. The methods can be split up into what I’ll call constraining methods, modifying methods, condi‐ tional methods, and ending/returning methods. Constraining methods These methods take the query as it is and constrain it to return a smaller subset of possible data: select() Allows you to choose which columns you’re selecting: $emails = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->select(’email’, ’email2 as second_email’) ->get(); // Or $emails = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->select(’email’) ->addSelect(’email2 as second_email’) ->get(); where() Allows you to limit the scope of what’s being returned using WHERE. By default, the signature of the where() method is that it takes three parameters—the col‐ umn, the comparison operator, and the value: $newContacts = DB::table(‘contact’) ->where(‘created_at’, ‘>’, now()->subDay()) ->get(); However, if your comparison is =, which is the most common comparison, you can drop the second operator: $vipContacts = DB::table(‘contacts’)->where(‘vip’,true)->get(); If you want to combine where() statements, you can either chain them after each other, or pass an array of arrays: 108 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent $newVips = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->where(‘vip’, true) ->where(‘created_at’, ‘>’, now()->subDay()); // Or $newVips = DB::table(‘contacts’)->where([ [‘vip’, true], [‘created_at’, ‘>’, now()->subDay()], ]); orWhere() Creates simple OR WHERE statements: $priorityContacts = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->where(‘vip’, true) ->orWhere(‘created_at’, ‘>’, now()->subDay()) ->get(); To create a more complex OR WHERE statement with multiple conditions, pass orWhere() a closure: $contacts = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->where(‘vip’, true) ->orWhere(function ($query) { $query->where(‘created_at’, ‘>’, now()->subDay()) ->where(‘trial’, false); }) ->get(); Query Builder | 109 Potential Confusion with Multiple where() and orWhere() Calls If you are using orWhere() calls in conjunction with multiple where() calls, you need to be very careful to ensure the query is doing what you think it is. This isn’t because of any fault with Lara‐ vel, but because a query like the following might not do what you expect: $canEdit = DB::table(‘users’) ->where(‘admin’, true) ->orWhere(‘plan’, ‘premium’) ->where(‘is_plan_owner’, true) ->get(); SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin = 1 OR plan = ‘premium’ AND is_plan_owner = 1; If you want to write SQL that says “if this OR (this and this),” which is clearly the intention in the previous example, you’ll want to pass a closure into the orWhere() call: $canEdit = DB::table(‘users’) ->where(‘admin’, true) ->orWhere(function ($query) { $query->where(‘plan’, ‘premium’) ->where(‘is_plan_owner’, true); }) ->get(); SELECT * FROM users WHERE admin = 1 OR (plan = ‘premium’ AND is_plan_owner = 1); whereBetween(colName, [low, high]) Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column is between two values (inclusive of the two values): $mediumDrinks = DB::table(‘drinks’) ->whereBetween(‘size’, [6, 12]) ->get(); The same works for whereNotBetween(), but it will select the inverse. whereIn(colName, [1, 2, 3]) Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column value is in an explicitly provided list of options: $closeBy = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->whereIn(‘state’, [‘FL’, ‘GA’, ‘AL’]) ->get(); The same works for whereNotIn(), but it will select the inverse. 110 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent whereNull(colName) and whereNotNull(colName) Allow you to select only rows where a given column is NULL or is NOT NULL, respectively. whereRaw() Allows you to pass in a raw, unescaped string to be added after the WHERE state‐ ment: $goofs = DB::table(‘contacts’)->whereRaw(‘id = 12345’)->get() Beware of SQL Injection! Any SQL queries passed to whereRaw() will not be escaped. Use this method carefully and infrequently; this is a prime opportunity for SQL injection attacks in your app. whereExists() Allows you to select only rows that, when passed into a provided subquery, return at least one row. Imagine you only want to get those users who have left at least one comment: $commenters = DB::table(‘users’) ->whereExists(function ($query) { $query->select(‘id’) ->from(‘comments’) ->whereRaw(‘comments.user_id = users.id’); }) ->get(); distinct() Selects only rows where the selected data is unique when compared to the other rows in the returned data. Usually this is paired with select(), because if you use a primary key, there will be no duplicated rows: $lastNames = DB::table(‘contacts’)->select(‘city’)->distinct()->get(); Modifying methods These methods change the way the query’s results will be output, rather than just lim‐ iting its results: orderBy(colName, direction) Orders the results. The second parameter may be either asc (the default, ascend‐ ing order) or desc (descending order): $contacts = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->orderBy(‘last_name’, ‘asc’) ->get(); Query Builder | 111 groupBy() and having() or havingRaw() Groups your results by a column. Optionally, having() and havingRaw() allow you to filter your results based on properties of the groups. For example, you could look for only cities with at least 30 people in them: $populousCities = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->groupBy(‘city’) ->havingRaw(‘count(contact_id) > 30’) ->get(); skip() and take() Most often used for pagination, these allow you to define how many rows to return and how many to skip before starting the return—like a page number and a page size in a pagination system: // returns rows 31-40 $page4 = DB::table(‘contacts’)->skip(30)->take(10)->get(); latest(colName) and oldest(colName) Sort by the passed column (or created_at if no column name is passed) in descending (latest()) or ascending (oldest()) order. inRandomOrder() Sorts the result randomly. Conditional methods There are two methods, available in Laravel 5.2 and later, that allow you to condition‐ ally apply their “contents” (a closure you pass to them) based on the Boolean state of a value you pass in: when() Given a truthy first parameter, applies the query modification contained in the closure; given a falsy first parameter, it does nothing. Note that the first parame‐ ter could be a Boolean (e.g., $ignoreDrafts, set to true or false), an optional value ($status, pulled from user input and defaulting to null), or a closure that returns either; what matters is that it evaluates to truthy or falsy. For example: $status = request(‘status’); // Defaults to null if not set $posts = DB::table(‘posts’) ->when($status, function ($query) use ($status) { return $query->where(‘status’, $status); }) ->get(); // Or $posts = DB::table(‘posts’) 112 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent ->when($ignoreDrafts, function ($query) { return $query->where(‘draft’, false); }) ->get(); You can also pass a third parameter, another closure, which will only be applied if the first parameter is falsy. unless() The exact inverse of when(). If the first parameter is falsy, it will run the second closure. Ending/returning methods These methods stop the query chain and trigger the execution of the SQL query. Without one of these at the end of the query chain, your return will always just be an instance of the query builder; chain one of these onto a query builder and you’ll actually get a result: get() Gets all results for the built query: $contacts = DB::table(‘contacts’)->get(); $vipContacts = DB::table(‘contacts’)->where(‘vip’, true)->get(); first() and firstOrFail() Get only the first result—like get(), but with a LIMIT 1 added: $newestContact = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->orderBy(‘created_at’, ‘desc’) ->first(); first() fails silently if there are no results, whereas firstOrFail() will throw an exception. If you pass an array of column names to either method, it will return the data for just those columns instead of all columns. find(id) and findOrFail(id) Like first(), but you pass in an ID value that corresponds to the primary key to look up. find() fails silently if a row with that ID doesn’t exist, while findOrFail() will throw an exception: $contactFive = DB::table(‘contacts’)->find(5); value() Plucks just the value from a single field from the first row. Like first(), but if you only want a single column: Query Builder | 113 $newestContactEmail = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->orderBy(‘created_at’, ‘desc’) ->value(’email’); count() Returns an integer count of all of the matching results: $countVips = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->where(‘vip’, true) ->count(); min() and max() Return the minimum or maximum value of a particular column: $highestCost = DB::table(‘orders’)->max(‘amount’); sum() and avg() Return the sum or average of all of the values in a particular column: $averageCost = DB::table(‘orders’) ->where(‘status’, ‘completed’) ->avg(‘amount’); Writing raw queries inside query builder methods with DB::raw You’ve already seen a few custom methods for raw statements—for example, select() has a selectRaw() counterpart that allows you to pass in a string for the query builder to place after the WHERE statement. You can also, however, pass in the result of a DB::raw() call to almost any method in the query builder to achieve the same result: $contacts = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->select(DB::raw(‘*, (score * 100) AS integer_score’)) ->get(); Joins Joins can sometimes be a pain to define, and there’s only so much a framework can do to make them simpler, but the query builder does its best. Let’s look at a sample: $users = DB::table(‘users’) ->join(‘contacts’, ‘users.id’, ‘=’, ‘contacts.user_id’) ->select(‘users.*’, ‘contacts.name’, ‘contacts.status’) ->get(); The join() method creates an inner join. You can also chain together multiple joins one after another, or use leftJoin() to get a left join. Finally, you can create more complex joins by passing a closure into the join() method: 114 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent DB::table(‘users’) ->join(‘contacts’, function ($join) { $join ->on(‘users.id’, ‘=’, ‘contacts.user_id’) ->orOn(‘users.id’, ‘=’, ‘contacts.proxy_user_id’); }) ->get(); Unions You can union two queries (join their results together into one result set) by creating them first and then using the union() or unionAll() method: $first = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->whereNull(‘first_name’); $contacts = DB::table(‘contacts’) ->whereNull(‘last_name’) ->union($first) ->get(); Inserts The insert() method is pretty simple. Pass it an array to insert a single row or an array of arrays to insert multiple rows, and use insertGetId() instead of insert() to get the autoincrementing primary key ID back as a return: $id = DB::table(‘contacts’)->insertGetId([ ‘name’ => ‘Abe Thomas’, ’email’ => ‘athomas1987@gmail.com’, ]); DB::table(‘contacts’)->insert([ [‘name’ => ‘Tamika Johnson’, ’email’ => ‘tamikaj@gmail.com’], [‘name’ => ‘Jim Patterson’, ’email’ => ‘james.patterson@hotmail.com’], ]); Updates Updates are also simple. Create your update query and, instead of get() or first(), just use update() and pass it an array of parameters: DB::table(‘contacts’) ->where(‘points’, ‘>’, 100) ->update([‘status’ => ‘vip’]); You can also quickly increment and decrement columns using the increment() and decrement() methods. The first parameter of each is the column name, and the sec‐ ond (optional) is the number to increment/decrement by: DB::table(‘contacts’)->increment(‘tokens’, 5); DB::table(‘contacts’)->decrement(‘tokens’); Query Builder | 115 Deletes Deletes are even simpler. Build your query and then end it with delete(): DB::table(‘users’) ->where(‘last_login’, ‘subYear()) ->delete(); You can also truncate the table, which deletes every row and also resets the autoincre‐ menting ID: DB::table(‘contacts’)->truncate(); JSON operations If you have JSON columns, you can update or select rows based on aspects of the JSON structure by using the arrow syntax to traverse children: // Select all records where the “isAdmin” property of the “options” // JSON column is set to true DB::table(‘users’)->where(‘options->isAdmin’, true)->get(); // Update all records, setting the “verified” property // of the “options” JSON column to true DB::table(‘users’)->update([‘options->isVerified’, true]); This is a new feature since Laravel 5.3. Transactions If you’re not familiar with database transactions, they’re a tool that allows you to wrap up a series of database queries to be performed in a batch, which you can choose to roll back, undoing the entire series of queries. Transactions are often used to ensure that all or none, but not some, of a series of related queries are performed—if one fails, the ORM will roll back the entire series of queries. With the Laravel query builder’s transaction feature, if any exceptions are thrown at any point within the transaction closure, all the queries in the transaction will be rol‐ led back. If the transaction closure finishes successfully, all the queries will be com‐ mitted and not rolled back. Let’s take a look at the sample transaction in Example 5-16. Example 5-16. A simple database transaction DB::transaction(function () use ($userId, $numVotes) { // Possibly failing DB query DB::table(‘users’) ->where(‘id’, $userId) ->update([‘votes’ => $numVotes]); 116 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent // Caching query that we don’t want to run if the above query fails DB::table(‘votes’) ->where(‘user_id’, $userId) ->delete(); }); In this example, we can assume we had some previous process that summarized the number of votes from the votes table for a given user. We want to cache that number in the users table and then wipe those votes from the votes table. But, of course, we don’t want to wipe the votes until the update to the users table has run successfully. And we don’t want to keep the updated number of votes in the users table if the votes table deletion fails. If anything goes wrong with either query, the other won’t be applied. That’s the magic of database transactions. Note that you can also manually begin and end transactions—and this applies both for query builder queries and for Eloquent queries. Start with DB::beginTransaction(), end with DB::commit(), and abort with DB::rollBack(): DB::beginTransaction(); // Take database actions if ($badThingsHappened { DB::rollBack(); } // Take other database actions DB::commit(); Introduction to Eloquent Now that we’ve covered the query builder, let’s talk about Eloquent, Laravel’s flagship database tool that’s built on the query builder. Eloquent is an ActiveRecord ORM, which means it’s a database abstraction layer that provides a single interface to interact with multiple database types. “ActiveRecord” means that a single Eloquent class is responsible for not only providing the ability to interact with the table as a whole (e.g., User::all() gets all users), but also represent‐ ing an individual table row (e.g., $sharon = new User). Additionally, each instance is capable of managing its own persistence; you can call $sharon->save() or $sharon->delete(). Eloquent has a primary focus on simplicity, and like the rest of the framework, it relies on “convention over configuration” to allow you to build powerful models with minimal code. Introduction to Eloquent | 117 For example, you can perform all of the operations in Example 5-18 with the model defined in Example 5-17. Example 5-17. €e simplest Eloquent model first_name = $request->input(‘first_name’); $contact->last_name = $request->input(‘last_name’); $conatct->email = $request->input(’email’); $contact->save(); return redirect(‘contacts’); } public function show($contactId) { // Return a JSON representation of a contact based on a URL segment; // if the contact doesn’t exist, throw an exception return Contact::findOrFail($contactId); } public function vips() { // Unnecessarily complex example, but still possible with basic Eloquent // class; adds a “formalName” property to every VIP entry return Contact::where(‘vip’, true)->get()->map(function ($contact) { $contact->formalName = “The exalted {$contact->first_name} of the {$contact->last_name}s”; return $contact; }); } How? Convention. Eloquent assumes the table name (Contact becomes contacts), and with that you have a fully functional Eloquent model. Let’s cover how we work with Eloquent models. 118 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Creating and De€ning Eloquent Models First, let’s create a model. There’s an Artisan command for that: php artisan make:model Contact This is what we’ll get, in app/Contact.php: get(); We can see that the Eloquent facade gives us the ability to chain constraints, and from there the constraints get very familiar: $newestContacts = Contact::orderBy(‘created_at’, ‘desc’) ->take(10) ->get(); It turns out that once you move past the initial facade name, you’re just working with Laravel’s query builder. You can do a lot more—we’ll cover that soon—but everything you can do with the query builder on the DB facade you can do on your Eloquent objects. Get one Like we covered earlier in the chapter, you can use first() to return only the first record from a query, or find() to pull just the record with the provided ID. For either, if you append “OrFail” to the method name, it will throw an exception if there are no matching results. This makes findOrFail() a common tool for looking up an entity by a URL segment (or throwing an exception if a matching entity doesn’t exist), like you can see in Example 5-19. 120 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Example 5-19. Using an Eloquent OrFail() method in a controller method // ContactController public function show($contactId) { return view(‘contacts.show’) ->with(‘contact’, Contact::findOrFail($contactId)); } Any method intended to return a single record (first(), firstOrFail(), find(), or findOrFail()) will return an instance of the Eloquent class. So, Contact::first() will return an instance of the class Contact with the data from the first row in the table filling it out. Exceptions As you can see in Example 5-19, we don’t need to catch Eloquent’s model not found exception (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent \ModelNotFoundException) in our controllers; Laravel’s routing system will catch it and throw a 404 for us. You could, of course, catch that particular exception and handle it, if you’d like. Get many get() works with Eloquent just like it does in normal query builder calls—build a query and call get() at the end to get the results: $vipContacts = Contact::where(‘vip’, true)->get(); However, there is an Eloquent-only method, all(), which you’ll often see people use when they want to get an unfiltered list of all data in the table: $contacts = Contact::all(); Using get() Instead of all() Any time you can use all(), you could use get(). Contact::get() has the same response as Contact::all(). However, the moment you start modifying your query—adding a where() filter, for exam‐ ple—all() will no longer work, but get() will continue working. So, even though all() is very common, I’d recommend using get() for everything, and ignoring the fact that all() even exists. The other thing that’s different about Eloquent’s get() method (versus all()) is that, prior to Laravel 5.3, it returned an array of models instead of a collection. In 5.3 and later, they both return collections. Introduction to Eloquent | 121 Chunking responses with chunk() If you’ve ever needed to process a large amount (thousands or more) of records at a time, you may have run into memory or locking issues. Laravel makes it possible to break your requests into smaller pieces (chunks) and process them in batches, keep‐ ing the memory load of your large request smaller. Example 5-20 illustrates the use of chunk() to split a query into “chunks” of 100 records each. Example 5-20. Chunking an Eloquent query to limit memory usage Contact::chunk(100, function ($contacts) { foreach ($contacts as $contact) { // Do something with $contact } }); Aggregates The aggregates that are available on the query builder are available on Eloquent quer‐ ies as well. For example: $countVips = Contact::where(‘vip’, true)->count(); $sumVotes = Contact::sum(‘votes’); $averageSkill = User::avg(‘skill_level’); Inserts and Updates with Eloquent Inserting and updating values is one of the places where Eloquent starts to diverge from normal query builder syntax. Inserts There are two primary ways to insert a new record using Eloquent. First, you can create a new instance of your Eloquent class, set your properties man‐ ually, and call save() on that instance, like in Example 5-21. Example 5-21. Inserting an Eloquent record by creating a new instance $contact = new Contact; $contact->name = ‘Ken Hirata’; $contact->email = ‘ken@hirata.com’; $contact->save(); // or $contact = new Contact([ ‘name’ => ‘Ken Hirata’, ’email’ => ‘ken@hirata.com’, 122 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent ]); $contact->save(); // or $contact = Contact::make([ ‘name’ => ‘Ken Hirata’, ’email’ => ‘ken@hirata.com’, ]); $contact->save(); Until you save(), this instance of Contact represents the contact fully—except it has never been saved to the database. That means it doesn’t have an id, if the application quits it won’t persist, and it doesn’t have its created_at and updated_at values set. You can also pass an array to Model::create(), as shown in Example 5-22. Unlike make(), create() saves the instance to the database as soon as it’s called. Example 5-22. Inserting an Eloquent record by passing an array to create() $contact = Contact::create([ ‘name’ => ‘Keahi Hale’, ’email’ => ‘halek481@yahoo.com’, ]); Also be aware that in any context where you are passing an array (to new Model(), Model::make(), Model::create(), or Model::update()), every property you set via Model::create() has to be approved for “mass assignment,” which we’ll cover shortly. This is not necessary with the first example in Example 5-21, where you assign each property individually. Note that if you’re using Model::create(), you don’t need to save() the instance— that’s handled as a part of the model’s create() method. Updates Updating records looks very similar to inserting. You can get a specific instance, change its properties, and then save, or you can make a single call and pass an array of updated properties. Example 5-23 illustrates the first approach. Example 5-23. Updating an Eloquent record by updating an instance and saving $contact = Contact::find(1); $contact->email = ‘natalie@parkfamily.com’; $contact->save(); Introduction to Eloquent | 123 Since this record already exists, it will already have a created_at timestamp and an id, which will stay the same, but the updated_at field will be changed to the current date and time. Example 5-24 illustrates the second approach. Example 5-24. Updating one or more Eloquent records by passing an array to the update() method Contact::where(‘created_at’, ‘subYear()) ->update([‘longevity’ => ‘ancient’]); // or $contact = Contact::find(1); $contact->update([‘longevity’ => ‘ancient’]); This method expects an array where each key is the column name and each value is the column value. Mass assignment We’ve looked at a few examples of how to pass arrays of values into Eloquent class methods. However, none of these will actually work until you define which fields are “fillable” on the model. The goal of this is to protect you from (possibly malicious) user input accidentally setting new values on fields you don’t want changed. Consider the common scenario in Example 5-25. Example 5-25. Updating an Eloquent model using the entirety of a request’s input // ContactController public function update(Contact $contact, Request $request) { $contact->update($request->all()); } If you’re not familiar with the Illuminate Request object, Example 5-25 will take every piece of user input and pass it to the update() method. That all() method includes things like URL parameters and form inputs, so a malicious user could easily add some things in there, like id and owner_id, that you likely don’t want updated. Thankfully, that won’t actually work until you define your model’s fillable fields. You can either whitelist the fillable fields, or blacklist the “guarded” fields to determine which fields can or cannot be edited via “mass assignment”—that is, by passing an array of values into either create() or update(). Note that nonfillable properties can 124 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent still be changed by direct assignment (e.g., $contact->password = ‘abc’;). Example 5-26 shows both approaches. Example 5-26. Using Eloquent’s ƒllable or guarded properties to deƒne mass-assignable ƒelds class Contact { protected $fillable = [‘name’, ’email’]; // or protected $guarded = [‘id’, ‘created_at’, ‘updated_at’, ‘owner_id’]; } Using Request::only() with Eloquent Mass Assignment In Example 5-25, we needed Eloquent’s mass assignment guard because we were using the all() method on the Request object to pass in the entirety of the user input. Eloquent’s mass assignment protection is a great tool here, but there’s also a helpful trick to keep you from accepting any old input from the user. The Request class has an only() method that allows you to pluck only a few keys from the user input. So now you can do this: Contact::create($request->only(‘name’, ’email’)); €rstOrCreate() and €rstOrNew() Sometimes you want to tell your application, “Get me an instance with these proper‐ ties, or if it doesn’t exist, create it.” This is where the firstOr*() methods come in. The firstOrCreate() and firstOrNew() methods take an array of keys and values as their first parameter: $contact = Contact::firstOrCreate([’email’ => ‘luis.ramos@myacme.com’]); They’ll both look for and retrieve the first record matching those parameters, and if there are no matching records, they’ll create an instance with those properties; firstOrCreate() will persist that instance to the database and then return it, while firstOrNew() will return it without saving it. If you pass an array of values as the second parameter, those values will be added to the created entry (if it’s created) but won’t be used to look up whether the entry exists. Introduction to Eloquent | 125 Deleting with Eloquent Deleting with Eloquent is very similar to updating with Eloquent, but with (optional) soft deletes, you can archive your deleted items for later inspection or even recovery. Normal deletes The simplest way to delete a model record is to call the delete() method on the instance itself: $contact = Contact::find(5); $contact->delete(); However, if you only have the ID, there’s no reason to look up an instance just to delete it; you can pass an ID or an array of IDs to the model’s destroy() method to delete them directly: Contact::destroy(1); // or Contact::destroy([1, 5, 7]); Finally, you can delete all of the results of a query: Contact::where(‘updated_at’, ‘subYear())->delete(); Soft deletes Soft deletes mark database rows as deleted without actually deleting them from the database. This gives you the ability to inspect them later, to have records that show more than “no information, deleted” when displaying historic information, and to allow your users (or admins) to restore some or all data. The hard part about handcoding an application with soft deletes is that every query you ever write will need to exclude the soft-deleted data. Thankfully, if you use Elo‐ quent’s soft deletes, every query you ever make will be scoped to ignore soft deletes by default, unless you explicitly ask to bring them back. Eloquent’s soft delete functionality requires a deleted_at column to be added to the table. Once you enable soft deletes on that Eloquent model, every query you ever write (unless you explicitly include soft-deleted records) will be scoped to ignore softdeleted rows. When Should I Use Soft Deletes? Just because a feature exists, it doesn’t mean you should always use it. Many folks in the Laravel community default to using soft deletes on every project just because the feature is there. There are real costs to soft deletes, though. It’s pretty likely that, if you view your database directly in a tool like Sequel Pro, you’ll forget to check the 126 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent deleted_at column at least once. And if you don’t clean up old soft-deleted records, your databases will get larger and larger. Here’s my recommendation: don’t use soft deletes by default. Instead, use them when you need them, and when you do, clean out old soft deletes as aggressively as you can using a tool like Quicksand. The soft delete feature is a powerful tool, but not worth using unless you need it. Enabling soft deletes. You enable soft deletes by doing three things: adding the deleted_at column in a migration, importing the SoftDeletes trait in the model, and adding the deleted_at column to your $dates property. There’s a softDeletes() method available on the schema builder to add the deleted_at col‐ umn to a table, as you can see in Example 5-27. And Example 5-28 shows an Elo‐ quent model with soft deletes enabled. Example 5-27. Migration to add the soft delete column to a table Schema::table(‘contacts’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->softDeletes(); }); Example 5-28. An Eloquent model with soft deletes enabled get(); Introduction to Eloquent | 127 Next, you can use the trashed() method to see if a particular instance has been softdeleted: if ($contact->trashed()) { // do something } Finally, you can get only soft-deleted items: $deletedContacts = Contact::onlyTrashed()->get(); Restoring soft-deleted entities. If you want to restore a soft-deleted item, you can run restore() on an instance or a query: $contact->restore(); // or Contact::onlyTrashed()->where(‘vip’, true)->restore(); Force-deleting soft-deleted entities. You can delete a soft-deleted entity by calling forceDelete() on an entity or query: $contact->forceDelete(); // or Contact::onlyTrashed()->forceDelete(); Scopes We’ve covered “filtered” queries, meaning any query where we’re not just returning every result for a table. But every time we’ve written them so far in this chapter, it’s been a manual process using the query builder. Local and global scopes in Eloquent allow you to define prebuilt “scopes” (filters) that you can use either every time a model is queried (“global”) or every time you query it with a particular method chain (“local”). Local scopes Local scopes are the simplest to understand. Let’s take this example: $activeVips = Contact::where(‘vip’, true)->where(‘trial’, false)->get(); First of all, if we write this combination of query methods over and over, it will get tedious. But additionally, the knowledge of how to define someone being an “active VIP” is now spread around our application. We want to centralize that knowledge. What if we could just write this? $activeVips = Contact::activeVips()->get(); 128 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent We can—it’s called a local scope. And it’s easy to define on the Contact class, as you can see in Example 5-29. Example 5-29. Deƒning a local scope on a model class Contact { public function scopeActiveVips($query) { return $query->where(‘vip’, true)->where(‘trial’, false); } To define a local scope, we add a method to the Eloquent class that begins with “scope” and then contains the title-cased version of the scope name. This method is passed a query builder and needs to return a query builder, but of course you can modify the query before returning—that’s the whole point. You can also define scopes that accept parameters, as shown in Example 5-30. Example 5-30. Passing parameters to scopes class Contact { public function scopeStatus($query, $status) { return $query->where(‘status’, $status); } And you use them in the same way, just passing the parameter to the scope: $friends = Contact::status(‘friend’)->get(); Global scopes Remember how we talked about soft deletes only working if you scope every query on the model to ignore the soft-deleted items? That’s a global scope. And we can define our own global scopes, which will be applied on every query made from a given model. There are two ways to define a global scope: using a closure or using an entire class. In each, you’ll register the defined scope in the model’s boot() method. Let’s start with the closure method, illustrated in Example 5-31. Example 5-31. Adding a global scope using a closure … class Contact extends Model { Introduction to Eloquent | 129 protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::addGlobalScope(‘active’, function (Builder $builder) { $builder->where(‘active’, true); }); } That’s it. We just added a global scope named active, and now every query on this model will be scoped to only rows with active set to true. Next, let’s try the longer way, as shown in Example 5-32. Create a class that imple‐ ments Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope, which means it will have an apply() method that takes an instance of a query builder and an instance of the model. Example 5-32. Creating a global scope class where(‘active’, true); } } To apply this scope to a model, once again override the parent’s boot() method and call addGlobalScope() on the class using static, as shown in Example 5-33. Example 5-33. Applying a class-based global scope get(); If you’re removing a single class-based global scope, you can pass the class name to withoutGlobalScope() or withoutGlobalScopes(): Contact::withoutGlobalScope(ActiveScope::class)->get(); Contact::withoutGlobalScopes([ActiveScope::class, VipScope::class])->get(); Or, you can just disable all global scopes for a query: Contact::withoutGlobalScopes()->get(); Customizing Field Interactions with Accessors, Mutators, and Attribute Casting Now that we’ve covered how to get records into and out of the database with Elo‐ quent, let’s talk about decorating and manipulating the individual attributes on your Eloquent models. Accessors, mutators, and attribute casting all allow you to customize the way individ‐ ual attributes of Eloquent instances are input or output. Without using any of these, each attribute of your Eloquent instance is treated like a string, and you can’t have any attributes on your models that don’t exist on the database. But we can change that. Accessors Accessors allow you to define custom attributes on your Eloquent models for when you are reading data from the model instance. This may be because you want to change how a particular column is output, or because you want to create a custom attribute that doesn’t exist in the database table at all. Introduction to Eloquent | 131 You define an accessor by writing a method on your model with the following struc‐ ture: get{PascalCasedPropertyName}Attribute. So, if your property name is first_name, the accessor method would be named getFirstNameAttribute. Let’s try it out. First, we’ll decorate a preexisting column (Example 5-34). Example 5-34. Decorating a preexisting column using Eloquent accessors // Model definition: class Contact extends Model { public function getNameAttribute($value) { return $value ?: ‘(No name provided)’; } } // Accessor usage: $name = $contact->name; But we can also use accessors to define attributes that never existed in the database, as seen in Example 5-35. Example 5-35. Deƒning an attribute with no backing column using Eloquent accessors // Model definition: class Contact extends Model { public function getFullNameAttribute() { return $this->first_name . ‘ ‘ . $this->last_name; } } // Accessor usage: $fullName = $contact->full_name; Mutators Mutators work the same way as accessors, except they’re for determining how to pro‐ cess setting the data instead of getting it. Just like with accessors, you can use them to modify the process of writing data to existing columns, or to allow for setting col‐ umns that don’t exist in the database. You define a mutator by writing a method on your model with the following struc‐ ture: set{PascalCasedPropertyName}Attribute. So, if your property name is first_name, the mutator method would be named setFirstNameAttribute. 132 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Let’s try it out. First, we’ll add a constraint to updating a preexisting column (Example 5-36). Example 5-36. Decorating setting the value of an attribute using Eloquent mutators // Defining the mutator class Order extends Model { public function setAmountAttribute($value) { $this->attributes[‘amount’] = $value > 0 ? $value : 0; } } // Using the mutator $order->amount = ’15’; This reveals that the way mutators are expected to “set” data on the model is by set‐ ting it in $this->attributes with the column name as the key. Now let’s add a proxy column for setting, as shown in Example 5-37. Example 5-37. Allowing for setting the value of a nonexistent attribute using Eloquent mutators // Defining the mutator class Order extends Model { public function setWorkgroupNameAttribute($workgroupName) { $this->attributes[’email’] = “{$workgroupName}@ourcompany.com”; } } // Using the mutator $order->workgroup_name = ‘jstott’; As you can probably guess, it’s relatively uncommon to create a mutator for a nonexistent column, because it can be confusing to set one property and have it change a different column—but it is possible. Attribute casting You can probably imagine writing accessors to cast all of your integer-type fields as integers, encode and decode JSON to store in a TEXT column, or convert TINYINT 0 and 1 to and from Boolean values. Thankfully, there’s a system for that in Eloquent already. It’s called attribute casting, and it allows you to define that any of your columns should always be treated, both Introduction to Eloquent | 133 on read and on write, as if they are of a particular data type. The options are listed in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Possible attribute casting column types Type Description int|integer Casts with PHP (int) real|float|double Casts with PHP (float) string Casts with PHP (string) bool|boolean Casts with PHP (bool) object Parses to/from JSON, as a stdClass object array Parses to/from JSON, as an array collection Parses to/from JSON, as a collection date|datetime Parses from database DATETIME to Carbon, and back timestamp Parses from database TIMESTAMP to Carbon, and back Example 5-38 shows how you use attribute casting in your model. Example 5-38. Using attribute casting on an Eloquent model class Contact { protected $casts = [ ‘vip’ => ‘boolean’, ‘children_names’ => ‘array’, ‘birthday’ => ‘date’, ]; } Date mutators You can choose for particular columns to be mutated as timestamp columns by adding them to the dates array, as seen in Example 5-39. Example 5-39. Deƒning columns to be mutated as timestamps class Contact { protected $dates = [ ‘met_at’, ]; } By default, this array contains created_at and updated_at, so adding entries to dates just adds them to the list. 134 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent However, there’s no difference between adding columns to this list and adding them to $this->casts as timestamp, so this is becoming a bit of an unnecessary feature now that attribute casting can cast timestamps (new since Laravel 5.2). Eloquent Collections When you make any query call in Eloquent that has the potential to return multiple rows, instead of an array they’ll come packaged in an Eloquent collection, which is a specialized type of collection. Let’s take a look at collections and Eloquent collections, and what makes them better than plain arrays. Introducing the base collection Laravel’s Collection objects (Illuminate\Support\Collection) are a little bit like arrays on steroids. The methods they expose on array-like objects are so helpful that, once you’ve been using them for a while, you’ll likely want to pull them into nonLaravel projects—which you can, with the Tightenco/Collect package. The simplest way to create a collection is to use the collect() helper. Either pass an array in, or use it without arguments to create an empty collection and then push items into it later. Let’s try it: $collection = collect([1, 2, 3]); Now let’s say we want to filter out any even numbers: $odds = $collection->reject(function ($item) { return $item % 2 === 0; }); Or what if we want to get a version of the collection where each item is multiplied by 10? We can do that as follows: $multiplied = $collection->map(function ($item) { return $item * 10; }); We can even get only the even numbers, multiply them all by 10, and reduce them to a single number by sum(): $sum = $collection ->filter(function ($item) { return $item % 2 == 0; })->map(function ($item) { return $item * 10; })->sum(); As you can see, collections provide a series of methods, which can optionally be chained, to perform functional operations on your arrays. They provide the same functionality as native PHP methods like array_map() and array_reduce(), but you Introduction to Eloquent | 135 don’t have to memorize PHP’s unpredictable parameter order, and the method chain‐ ing syntax is infinitely more readable. There are more than 60 methods available on the Collection class, including meth‐ ods like max(), whereIn(), flatten(), and flip(), and there’s not enough space to cover them all here. We’ll talk about more in Chapter 17, or you can check out the Laravel collections docs to see all of the methods. Collections in the Place of Arrays Collections can also be used in any context (except typehinting) where you can use arrays; they allow for iteration, so you can pass them to foreach, and they allow for array access, so if they’re keyed you can try $a = $collection[‘a’]. What Eloquent collections add Each Eloquent collection is a normal collection, but extended for the particular needs of a collection of Eloquent results. Once again, there’s not enough room here to cover all of the additions, but they’re centered around the unique aspects of interacting with a collection not just of generic objects, but objects meant to represent database rows. For example, every Eloquent collection has a method called modelKeys() that returns an array of the primary keys of every instance in the collection. find($id) looks for an instance that has the primary key of $id. One additional feature available here is the ability to define that any given model should return its results wrapped in a specific class of collection. So, if you want to add specific methods to any collection of objects of your Order model—possibly related to summarizing the financial details of your orders—you could create a cus‐ tom OrderCollection that extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection, and then register it in your model, as shown in Example 5-40. Example 5-40. Custom Collection classes for Eloquent models … class OrderCollection extends Collection { public function sumBillableAmount() { return $this->reduce(function ($carry, $order) { return $carry + ($order->billable ? $order->amount : 0); }, 0); } } 136 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent … class Order extends Model { public function newCollection(array $models = []) { return new OrderCollection($models); } Now, any time you get back a collection of Orders (e.g., from Order::all()), it’ll actually be an instance of the OrderCollection class: $orders = Order::all(); $billableAmount = $orders->sumBillableAmount(); Eloquent Serialization Serialization is what happens when you take something complex—an array, or an object—and convert it to a string. In a web-based context, that string is often JSON, but it could take other forms as well. Serializing complex database records can be, well, complex, and this is one of the places many ORMs fall short. Thankfully, you get two powerful methods for free with Eloquent: toArray() and toJson(). Collections also have toArray() and toJson(), so all of these are valid: $contactArray = Contact::first()->toArray(); $contactJson = Contact::first()->toJson(); $contactsArray = Contact::all()->toArray(); $contactsJson = Contact::all()->toJson(); You can also cast an Eloquent instance or collection to a string ($string = (string) $contact;), but both models and collections will just run toJson() and return the result. Returning models directly from route methods Laravel’s router eventually converts everything routes return to a string, so there’s a clever trick you can use. If you return the result of an Eloquent call in a controller, it will be automatically cast to a string, and therefore returned as JSON. That means a JSON-returning route can be as simple as either of the ones in Example 5-41. Example 5-41. Returning JSON from routes directly // routes/web.php Route::get(‘api/contacts’, function () { return Contact::all(); }); Introduction to Eloquent | 137 Route::get(‘api/contacts/{id}’, function ($id) { return Contact::findOrFail($id); }); Hiding attributes from JSON It’s very common to use JSON returns in APIs, and it’s very common to want to hide certain attributes in these contexts, so Eloquent makes it easy to hide any attributes every time you cast to JSON. You can either blacklist attributes, hiding the ones you list: class Contact extends Model { public $hidden = [‘password’, ‘remember_token’]; or whitelist attributes, showing only the ones you list: class Contact extends Model { public $visible = [‘name’, ’email’, ‘status’]; This also works for relationships: class User extends Model { public $hidden = [‘contacts’]; public function contacts() { return $this->hasMany(Contact::class); } Loading the Contents of a Relationship By default, the contents of a relationship are not loaded when you get a database record, so it doesn’t matter whether you hide them or not. But, as you’ll learn shortly, it’s possible to get a record with its related items, and in this context, those items will not be included in a serialized copy of that record if you choose to hide that relationship. In case you’re curious now, you can get a User with all contacts— assuming you’ve set up the relationship correctly—with the follow‐ ing call: $user = User::with(‘contacts’)->first(); There might be times when you want to make an attribute visible just for a single call. That’s possible, with the Eloquent method makeVisible(): $array = $user->makeVisible(‘remember_token’)->toArray(); 138 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Adding a Generated Column to Array and JSON Output If you have created an accessor for a column that doesn’t exist—for example, our full_name column from Example 5-35—add it to the $appends array on the model to add it to the array and JSON output: class Contact extends Model { protected $appends = [‘full_name’]; public function getFullNameAttribute() { return “{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}”; } } Eloquent Relationships In a relational database model, it’s expected that you will have tables that are related to each other—hence the name. Eloquent provides simple and powerful tools to make the process of relating your database tables easier than ever before. Many of our examples in this chapter have been centered around a user who has many contacts, a relatively common situation. In an ORM like Eloquent, you would call this a one-to-many relationship: the one user has many contacts. If it was a CRM where a contact could be assigned to many users, then this would be a many-to-many relationship: many users can be related to one contact, and each user can be related to many contacts. A user has and belongs to many contacts. If each contact can have many phone numbers, and a user wanted a database of every phone number for their CRM, you would say the user has many phone numbers through contacts—that is, a user has many contacts, and the contact has many phone numbers, so the contact is sort of an intermediary. And what if each contact has an address, but you’re only interested in tracking one address? You could have all the address fields on the Contact, but you might also cre‐ ate an Address model—meaning the contact has one address. Finally, what if you want to be able to star (favorite) contacts, but also events? This would be a polymorphic relationship, where a user has many stars, but some may be contacts and some may be events. So, let’s dig into how to define and access these relationships. Introduction to Eloquent | 139 One to one Let’s start simple: a Contact has one PhoneNumber. This relationship is defined in Example 5-42. Example 5-42. Deƒning a one-to-one relationship class Contact extends Model { public function phoneNumber() { return $this->hasOne(PhoneNumber::class); } As you can tell, the methods defining relationships are on the Eloquent model itself ($this->hasOne()) and take, at least in this instance, the fully qualified class name of the class that you’re relating them to. How should this be defined in your database? Since we’ve defined that the Contact has one PhoneNumber, Eloquent expects that the table supporting the PhoneNumber class (likely phone_numbers) has a contact_id column on it. If you named it some‐ thing different (for instance, owner_id), you’ll need to change your definition: return $this->hasOne(PhoneNumber::class, ‘owner_id’); Here’s how we access the PhoneNumber of a Contact: $contact = Contact::first(); $contactPhone = $contact->phoneNumber; Notice that we define the method in Example 5-42 with phoneNumber(), but we access it with ->phoneNumber. That’s the magic. You could also access it with ->phone_number. This will return a full Eloquent instance of the related PhoneNumber record. But what if we want to access the Contact from the PhoneNumber? There’s a method for that, too (see Example 5-43). Example 5-43. Deƒning a one-to-one relationship’s inverse class PhoneNumber extends Model { public function contact() { return $this->belongsTo(Contact::class); } Then we access it the same way: $contact = $phoneNumber->contact; 140 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Inserting Related Items Each relationship type has its own quirks for how to relate models, but here’s the core of how it works: pass an instance to save(), or an array of instances to saveMany(). You can also pass properties to create() or createMany() and they’ll make new instances for you: $contact = Contact::first(); $phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber; $phoneNumber->number = 8008675309; $contact->phoneNumbers()->save($phoneNumber); // or $contact->phoneNumbers()->saveMany([ PhoneNumber::find(1), PhoneNumber::find(2), ]); // or $contact->phoneNumbers()->create([ ‘number’ => ‘+13138675309’, ]); // or $contact->phoneNumbers()->createMany([ [‘number’ => ‘+13138675309’], [‘number’ => ‘+15556060842’], ]); The createMany() method is only available in Laravel 5.4 and later. One to many The one-to-many relationship is by far the most common. Let’s take a look at how to define that our User has many Contacts (Example 5-44). Example 5-44. Deƒning a one-to-many relationship class User extends Model { public function contacts() { return $this->hasMany(Contact::class); } Introduction to Eloquent | 141 Once again, this expects that the Contact model’s backing table (likely contacts) has a user_id column on it. If it doesn’t, override it by passing the correct column name as the second parameter of hasMany(). We can get a User’s Contacts as follows: $user = User::first(); $usersContacts = $user->contacts; Just like with one to one, we use the name of the relationship method and call it as if it were a property instead of a method. However, this method returns a collection instead of a model instance. And this is a normal Eloquent collection, so we can have all sorts of fun with it: $donors = $user->contacts->filter(function ($contact) { return $contact->status == ‘donor’; }); $lifetimeValue = $contact->orders->reduce(function ($carry, $order) { return $carry + $order->amount; }, 0); Just like with one to one, we can also define the inverse (Example 5-45). Example 5-45. Deƒning a one-to-many relationship’s inverse class Contact extends Model { public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } And just like with one to one, we can access the User from the Contact: $userName = $contact->user->name; 142 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Attaching and Detaching Related Items from the Attached Item Most of the time we attach an item by running save() on the par‐ ent and passing in the related item, as in $user->contacts()->save($contact). But if you want to perform these behaviors on the attached (“child”) item, you can use associate() and dissociate() on the method that returns the belongsTo relationship: $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->user()->associate(User::first()); $contact->save(); // and later $contact->user()->dissociate(); $contact->save(); Using relationships as query builders. Until now, we’ve taken the method name (e.g., contacts()) and called it as if were a property (e.g., $user->contacts). What hap‐ pens if we call it as a method? Instead of processing the relationship, it will return a pre-scoped query builder. So if you have User 1, and you call its contacts() method, you will now have a query builder prescoped to “all contacts that have a field user_id with the value of 1.” You can then build out a functional query from there: $donors = $user->contacts()->where(‘status’, ‘donor’)->get(); Selecting only records that have a related item. You can choose to select only records that meet particular criteria with regard to their related items using has(): $postsWithComments = Post::has(‘comments’)->get(); You can also adjust the criteria further: $postsWithManyComments = Post::has(‘comments’, ‘>=’, 5)->get(); You can nest the criteria: $usersWithPhoneBooks = User::has(‘contacts.phoneNumbers’)->get(); And finally, you can write custom queries on the related items: // Gets all contacts with a phone number containing the string “867-5309” $jennyIGotYourNumber = Contact::whereHas(‘phoneNumbers’, function ($query) { $query->where(‘number’, ‘like’, ‘%867-5309%’); }); Introduction to Eloquent | 143 Has many through hasManyThrough() is really a convenience method for pulling in relationships of a relationship. Think of the example I gave earlier, where a User has many Contacts and each Contact has many PhoneNumbers. What if you want to get a user’s list of contact phone numbers? That’s has-many-through relation. This structure assumes that your contacts table has a user_id to relate the contacts to the users and the phone_numbers table has a contact_id to relate it to the contacts. Then, we define the relationship on the User as in Example 5-46. Example 5-46. Deƒning a has-many-through relationship class User extends Model { public function phoneNumbers() { return $this->hasManyThrough(PhoneNumber::class, Contact::class); } You’d access this relationship using $user->phone_numbers, and as always you can customize the relationship key on the intermediate model (with the third parameter of hasManyThrough()) and the relationship key on the distant model (with the fourth parameter). Has one through hasOneThrough() is just like hasManyThrough(), but instead of accessing many related items through intermediate items, you’re only accessing a single related item through a single intermediate item. What if each user belonged to a company, and that company had a single phone num‐ ber, and you wanted to be able to get a user’s phone number by pulling their compa‐ ny’s phone number? That’s hasOneThrough(). Example 5-47. Deƒning a has-one-through relationship class User extends Model { public function phoneNumber() { return $this->hasOneThrough(PhoneNumber::class, Company::class); } 144 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Many to many This is where things start to get complex. Let’s take our example of a CRM that allows a User to have many Contacts, and each Contact to be related to multiple Users. First, we define the relationship on the User as in Example 5-48. Example 5-48. Deƒning a many-to-many relationship class User extends Model { public function contacts() { return $this->belongsToMany(Contact::class); } } And since this is many to many, the inverse looks exactly the same (Example 5-49). Example 5-49. Deƒning a many-to-many relationship’s inverse class Contact extends Model { public function users() { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class); } } Since a single Contact can’t have a user_id column and a single User can’t have a contact_id column, many-to-many relationships rely on a pivot table that connects the two. The conventional naming of this table is done by placing the two singular table names together, ordered alphabetically, and separating them by an underscore. So, since we’re linking users and contacts, our pivot table should be named contacts_users (if you’d like to customize the table name, pass it as the second parameter to the belongsToMany() method). It needs two columns: contact_id and user_id. Just like with hasMany(), we get access to a collection of the related items, but this time it’s from both sides (Example 5-50). Example 5-50. Accessing the related items from both sides of a many-to-many relationship $user = User::first(); $user->contacts->each(function ($contact) { Introduction to Eloquent | 145 // do something }); $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->users->each(function ($user) { // do something }); $donors = $user->contacts()->where(‘status’, ‘donor’)->get(); Getting data from the pivot table. One thing that’s unique about many to many is that it’s our first relationship that has a pivot table. The less data you have in a pivot table, the better, but there are some cases where it’s valuable to store information in your pivot table—for example, you might want to store a created_at field to see when this relationship was created. In order to store these fields, you have to add them to the relationship definition, like in Example 5-51. You can define specific fields using withPivot() or add created_at and updated_at timestamps using withTimestamps(). Example 5-51. Adding ƒelds to a pivot record public function contacts() { return $this->belongsToMany(Contact::class) ->withTimestamps() ->withPivot(‘status’, ‘preferred_greeting’); } When you get a model instance through a relationship, it will have a pivot property on it, which will represent its place in the pivot table you just pulled it from. So, you can do something like Example 5-52. Example 5-52. Getting data from a related item’s pivot entry $user = User::first(); $user->contacts->each(function ($contact) { echo sprintf( ‘Contact associated with this user at: %s’, $contact->pivot->created_at ); }); If you’d like, you can customize the pivot key to have a different name using the as() method, as shown in Example 5-53. 146 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Example 5-53. Customizing the pivot attribute name // User model public function groups() { return $this->belongsToMany(Group::class) ->withTimestamps() ->as(‘membership’); } // Using this relationship: User::first()->groups->each(function ($group) { echo sprintf( ‘User joined this group at: %s’, $group->membership->created_at ); }); Unique Aspects of Attaching and Detaching Many-to-Many Related Items Since your pivot table can have its own properties, you need to be able to set those properties when you’re attaching a many-to-many related item. You can do that by passing an array as the second parameter to save(): $user = User::first(); $contact = Contact::first(); $user->contacts()->save($contact, [‘status’ => ‘donor’]); Additionally, you can use attach() and detach() and, instead of passing in an instance of a related item, you can just pass an ID. They work just the same as save() but can also accept an array of IDs without you needing to rename the method to something like attachMany(): $user = User::first(); $user->contacts()->attach(1); $user->contacts()->attach(2, [‘status’ => ‘donor’]); $user->contacts()->attach([1, 2, 3]); $user->contacts()->attach([ 1 => [‘status’ => ‘donor’], 2, 3, ]); $user->contacts()->detach(1); $user->contacts()->detach([1, 2]); $user->contacts()->detach(); // Detaches all contacts If your goal is not to attach or detach, but instead just to invert whatever the current attachment state is, you want the toggle() method. When you use toggle(), if the Introduction to Eloquent | 147 given ID is currently attached, it will be detached; and if it is currently detached, it will be attached: $user->contacts()->toggle([1, 2, 3]); You can also use updateExistingPivot() to make changes just to the pivot record: $user->contacts()->updateExistingPivot($contactId, [ ‘status’ => ‘inactive’, ]); And if you’d like to replace the current relationships, effectively detaching all previous relationships and attaching new ones, you can pass an array to sync(): $user->contacts()->sync([1, 2, 3]); $user->contacts()->sync([ 1 => [‘status’ => ‘donor’], 2, 3, ]); Polymorphic Remember, our polymorphic relationship is where we have multiple Eloquent classes corresponding to the same relationship. We’re going to use Stars (like favorites) right now. A user can star both Contacts and Events, and that’s where the name polymor‐ phic comes from: there’s a single interface to objects of multiple types. So, we’ll need three tables, and three models: Star, Contact, and Event (four of each, technically, because we’ll need users and User, but we’ll get there in a second). The contacts and events tables will just be as they normally are, and the stars table will contain id, starrable_id, and starrable_type fields. For each Star, we’ll be defin‐ ing which “type” (e.g., Contact or Event) and which ID of that type (e.g., 1) it is. Let’s create our models, as seen in Example 5-54. Example 5-54. Creating the models for a polymorphic starring system class Star extends Model { public function starrable() { return $this->morphTo(); } } class Contact extends Model { public function stars() { 148 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent return $this->morphMany(Star::class, ‘starrable’); } } class Event extends Model { public function stars() { return $this->morphMany(Star::class, ‘starrable’); } } So, how do we create a Star? $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->stars()->create(); It’s that easy. The Contact is now starred. In order to find all of the Stars on a given Contact, we call the stars() method like in Example 5-55. Example 5-55. Retrieving the instances of a polymorphic relationship $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->stars->each(function ($star) { // Do stuff }); If we have an instance of Star, we can get its target by calling the method we used to define its morphTo relationship, which in this context is starrable(). Take a look at Example 5-56. Example 5-56. Retrieving the target of a polymorphic instance $stars = Star::all(); $stars->each(function ($star) { var_dump($star->starrable); // An instance of Contact or Event }); Finally, you might be wondering, “What if I want to know who starred this contact?” That’s a great question. It’s as simple as adding user_id to your stars table, and then setting up that a User has many Stars and a Star belongs to one User—a one-tomany relationship (Example 5-57). The stars table becomes almost a pivot table between your User and your Contacts and Events. Introduction to Eloquent | 149 Example 5-57. Extending a polymorphic system to differentiate by user class Star extends Model { public function starrable() { return $this->morphsTo; } public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } } class User extends Model { public function stars() { return $this->hasMany(Star::class); } } That’s it! You can now run $star->user or $user->stars to find a list of a User’s Stars or to find the starring User from a Star. Also, when you create a new Star, you’ll now want to pass the User: $user = User::first(); $event = Event::first(); $event->stars()->create([‘user_id’ => $user->id]); Many to many polymorphic The most complex and least common of the relationship types, many-to-many poly‐ morphic relationships are like polymorphic relationships, except instead of being one to many, they’re many to many. The most common example for this relationship type is the tag, so I’ll keep it safe and use that as our example. Let’s imagine you want to be able to tag Contacts and Events. The uniqueness of many-to-many polymorphism is that it’s many to many: each tag may be applied to multiple items, and each tagged item might have multiple tags. And to add to that, it’s polymorphic: tags can be related to items of several dif‐ ferent types. For the database, we’ll start with the normal structure of the polymor‐ phic relationship but also add a pivot table. This means we’ll need a contacts table, an events table, and a tags table, all shaped like normal with an ID and whatever properties you want, and a new taggables table, which will have tag_id, taggable_id, and taggable_type fields. Each entry into the taggables table will relate a tag with one of the taggable content types. 150 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Now let’s define this relationship on our models, as seen in Example 5-58. Example 5-58. Deƒning a polymorphic many-to-many relationship class Contact extends Model { public function tags() { return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, ‘taggable’); } } class Event extends Model { public function tags() { return $this->morphToMany(Tag::class, ‘taggable’); } } class Tag extends Model { public function contacts() { return $this->morphedByMany(Contact::class, ‘taggable’); } public function events() { return $this->morphedByMany(Event::class, ‘taggable’); } } Here’s how to create your first tag: $tag = Tag::firstOrCreate([‘name’ => ‘likes-cheese’]); $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->tags()->attach($tag->id); We get the results of this relationship like normal, as seen in Example 5-59. Example 5-59. Accessing the related items from both sides of a many-to-many polymorphic relationship $contact = Contact::first(); $contact->tags->each(function ($tag) { // Do stuff }); $tag = Tag::first(); Introduction to Eloquent | 151 $tag->contacts->each(function ($contact) { // Do stuff }); Child Records Updating Parent Record Timestamps Remember, any Eloquent models by default will have created_at and updated_at timestamps. Eloquent will set the updated_at timestamp automatically any time you make any changes to a record. When a related item has a belongsTo or belongsToMany relationship with another item, it might be valuable to mark the other item as updated any time the related item is updated. For example, if a PhoneNumber is updated, maybe the Contact it’s connec‐ ted to should be marked as having been updated as well. We can accomplish this by adding the method name for that relationship to a $touches array property on the child class, as in Example 5-60. Example 5-60. Updating a parent record any time the child record is updated class PhoneNumber extends Model { protected $touches = [‘contact’]; public function contact() { return $this->belongsTo(Contact::class); } } Eager loading By default, Eloquent loads relationships using “lazy loading.” This means when you first load a model instance, its related models will not be loaded along with it. Rather, they’ll only be loaded once you access them on the model; they’re “lazy” and don’t do any work until called upon. This can become a problem if you’re iterating over a list of model instances and each has a related item (or items) that you’re working on. The problem with lazy loading is that it can introduce significant database load (often the N+1 problem, if you’re famil‐ iar with the term; if not, just ignore this parenthetical remark). For instance, every time the loop in Example 5-61 runs, it executes a new database query to look up the phone numbers for that Contact. 152 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent Example 5-61. Retrieving one related item for each item in a list (N+1) $contacts = Contact::all(); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { foreach ($contact->phone_numbers as $phone_number) { echo $phone_number->number; } } If you are loading a model instance, and you know you’ll be working with its relation‐ ships, you can instead choose to “eager-load” one or many of its sets of related items: $contacts = Contact::with(‘phoneNumbers’)->get(); Using the with() method with a retrieval gets all of the items related to the pulled item(s); as you can see in this example, you pass it the name of the method the rela‐ tionship is defined by. When we use eager loading, instead of pulling the related items one at a time when they’re requested (e.g., selecting one contact’s phone numbers each time a foreach loop runs), we have a single query to pull the initial items (selecting all contacts) and a second query to pull all their related items (selecting all phone numbers owned by the contacts we just pulled). You can eager-load multiple relationships by passing multiple parameters to the with() call: $contacts = Contact::with(‘phoneNumbers’, ‘addresses’)->get(); And you can nest eager loading to eager-load the relationships of relationships: $authors = Author::with(‘posts.comments’)->get(); Constraining eager loads. If you want to eager-load a relationship, but not all of the items, you can pass a closure to with() to define exactly which related items to eager-load: $contacts = Contact::with([‘addresses’ => function ($query) { $query->where(‘mailable’, true); }])->get(); Lazy eager loading. I know it sounds crazy, because we just defined eager loading as sort of the opposite of lazy loading, but sometimes you don’t know you want to per‐ form an eager-load query until after the initial instances have been pulled. In this context, you’re still able to make a single query to look up all of the related items, avoiding N+1 cost. We call this “lazy eager loading”: $contacts = Contact::all(); Introduction to Eloquent | 153 if ($showPhoneNumbers) { $contacts->load(‘phoneNumbers’); } To load a relationship only when it has not already been loaded, use the loadMissing() method (available only since Laravel 5.5): $contacts = Contact::all(); if ($showPhoneNumbers) { $contacts->loadMissing(‘phoneNumbers’); } Eager loading only the count If you want to eager-load relationships but only so you can have access to the count of items in each relationship, you can try withCount(): $authors = Author::withCount(‘posts’)->get(); // Adds a “posts_count” integer to each Author with a count of that // author’s related posts Eloquent Events Eloquent models fire events out into the void of your application every time certain actions happen, regardless of whether you’re listening. If you’re familiar with pub/ sub, it’s this same model (you’ll learn more about Laravel’s entire event system in Chapter 16). Here’s a quick rundown of binding a listener to when a new Contact is created. We’re going to bind it in the boot() method of AppServiceProvider, and let’s imagine we’re notifying a third-party service every time we create a new Contact. Example 5-62. Binding a listener to an Eloquent event class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $thirdPartyService = new SomeThirdPartyService; Contact::creating(function ($contact) use ($thirdPartyService) { try { $thirdPartyService->addContact($contact); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error(‘Failed adding contact to ThirdPartyService; canceled.’); return false; // Cancels Eloquent create() } 154 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent }); } We can see a few things in Example 5-62. First, we use Modelname::eventName() as the method, and pass it a closure. The closure gets access to the model instance that is being operated on. Second, we’re going to need to define this listener in a service pro‐ vider somewhere. And third, if we return false, the operation will cancel and the save() or update() will be canceled. Here are the events that every Eloquent model fires: • creating • created • updating • updated • saving • saved • deleting • deleted • restoring • restored • retrieved Most of these should be pretty clear, except possibly restoring and restored, which fire when you’re restoring a soft-deleted row. Also, saving is fired for both creating and updating and saved is fired for both created and updated. retrieved (available in Laravel 5.5 and later) is fired when an existing model is retrieved from the database. Testing Laravel’s entire application testing framework makes it easy to test your database— not by writing unit tests against Eloquent, but by just being willing to test your entire application. Take this scenario. You want to test to ensure that a particular page shows one contact but not another. Some of that logic has to do with the interplay between the URL and the controller and the database, so the best way to test it is an application test. You might be thinking about mocking Eloquent calls and trying to avoid the system hit‐ ting the database. Don’t do it. Try Example 5-63 instead. Testing | 155 Example 5-63. Testing database interactions with simple application tests public function test_active_page_shows_active_and_not_inactive_contacts() { $activeContact = factory(Contact::class)->create(); $inactiveContact = factory(Contact::class)->states(‘inactive’)->create(); $this->get(‘active-contacts’) ->assertSee($activeContact->name) ->assertDontSee($inactiveContact->name); } As you can see, model factories and Laravel’s application testing features are great for testing database calls. Alternatively, you can look for that record directly in the database, as in Example 5-64. Example 5-64. Using assertDatabaseHas() to check for certain records in the database public function test_contact_creation_works() { $this->post(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘jim@bo.com’ ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘jim@bo.com’ ]); } Eloquent and Laravel’s database framework are tested extensively. You don’t need to test them. You don’t need to mock them. If you really want to avoid hitting the data‐ base, you can use a repository and then return unsaved instances of your Eloquent models. But the most important message is, test the way your application uses your database logic. If you have custom accessors, mutators, scopes, or whatever else, you can also test them directly, as in Example 5-65. Example 5-65. Testing accessors, mutators, and scopes public function test_full_name_accessor_works() { $contact = factory(Contact::class)->make([ ‘first_name’ => ‘Alphonse’, ‘last_name’ => ‘Cumberbund’ ]); 156 | Chapter 5: Databases and Eloquent $this->assertEquals(‘Alphonse Cumberbund’, $contact->fullName); } public function test_vip_scope_filters_out_non_vips() { $vip = factory(Contact::class)->states(‘vip’)->create(); $nonVip = factory(Contact::class)->create(); $vips = Contact::vips()->get(); $this->assertTrue($vips->contains(‘id’, $vip->id)); $this->assertFalse($vips->contains(‘id’, $nonVip->id)); } Just avoid writing tests that leave you creating complex “Demeter chains” to assert that a particular fluent stack was called on some database mock. If your testing starts to get overwhelming and complex around the database layer, it’s because you’re allow‐ ing preconceived notions to force you into unnecessarily complex systems. Keep it simple. Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, assertDatabaseHas() should be replaced by seeInDatabase(), get() should be replaced by visit(), assertSee() should be replaced by see(), and assertDontSee() should be replaced by dontSee(). TL;DR Laravel comes with a suite of powerful database tools, including migrations, seeding, an elegant query builder, and Eloquent, a powerful ActiveRecord ORM. Laravel’s database tools don’t require you to use Eloquent at all—you can access and manipu‐ late the database with a thin layer of convenience without having to write SQL directly. But adding an ORM, whether it’s Eloquent or Doctrine or whatever else, is easy and can work neatly with Laravel’s core database tools. Eloquent follows the Active Record pattern, which makes it simple to define a class of database-backed objects, including which table they’re stored in and the shape of their columns, accessors, and mutators. Eloquent can handle every sort of normal SQL action and also complex relationships, up to and including polymorphic manyto-many relationships. Laravel also has a robust system for testing databases, including model factories. TL;DR | 157 CHAPTER 6 Frontend Components Laravel is primarily a PHP framework, but it also has a series of components focused on generating frontend code. Some of these, like pagination and message bags, are PHP helpers that target the frontend, but Laravel also provides a Webpack-based build system called Mix and some conventions around non-PHP assets. Laravel’s Build Tools Before and After Laravel 5.4 Prior to Laravel 5.4, Laravel’s frontend build tool was named Elixer, and it was based on Gulp. In 5.4 and later, the new build tool is named Mix, and it’s based on Webpack. Since Mix is at the core of the non-PHP frontend components, let’s start there. Laravel Mix Mix is a build tool that provides a simple user interface and a series of conventions on top of Webpack. Mix’s core value proposition is simplifying the most common build and compilation Webpack tasks by means of a cleaner API and a series of naming and application structure conventions. A Quick Introduction to Webpack Webpack is a JavaScript tool designed for compiling static assets; the Webpack team describes its purpose as bundling “modules with dependencies” together and produc‐ ing “static assets.” Webpack is similar to Gulp or Grunt in that, like Webpack, those tools are often used for processing and bundling dependencies for websites. This will commonly include 159 running a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less or PostCSS, copying files, and concate‐ nating and minifying JavaScript. Unlike the others, Webpack is speciƒcally focused on bundling together modules with dependencies and producing static assets as a result. Gulp and Grunt are task run‐ ners, which, like Make and Rake before them, can be used to automate any activities that are programmable and repeatable. They all can be used to bundle assets, but that’s not their core focus, and as a result they can be limited in some of the more complex needs for asset bundling—for example, identifying which of the generated assets won’t be used and discarding them from the final output. At its core, Mix is just a tool in your Webpack toolbox. The “Mix file” you’ll use to set your configurations is simply a Webpack configuration file which lives at the root of your project, named webpack.mix.js. However, the configuration you have to set there is a lot simpler than most Webpack configuration is out of the box, and you’ll have to do a lot less work to get most common asset compilation tasks working. Let’s look at a common example: running Sass to preprocess your CSS styles. In a normal Webpack environment, that might look a little bit like Example 6-1. Example 6-1. Compiling a Sass ƒle in Webpack, before Mix var path = require(‘path’); var MiniCssExtractPlugin = require(“mini-css-extract-plugin”); module.exports = { entry: ‘./src/sass/app.scss’, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.s[ac]ss$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, “css-loader”, “sass-loader” ] } ] }, plugins: [ new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, ‘./dist’), filename: ‘app.css’ }) ] } 160 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components Now, I’ve seen worse. There aren’t an unimaginable number of configuration proper‐ ties, and it’s relatively clear what’s going on. But this is the sort of code that you copy from project to project, not code you feel comfortable writing yourself or even modi‐ fying to any significant degree. Working like this can get confusing and repetitive. Let’s try that same task in Mix (Example 6-2). Example 6-2. Compiling a Sass ƒle in Mix let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); mix.sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’); That’s it. And not only is it infinitely simpler, it also covers file watching, browser syncing, notifications, prescribed folder structures, autoprefixing, URL processing, and much more. Mix Folder Structure Much of Mix’s simplicity comes from the assumed directory structure. Why decide for every new application where the source and compiled assets will live? Just stick with Mix’s conventions, and you won’t have to think about it ever again. Every new Laravel app comes with a resources folder, which is where Mix will expect your frontend assets to live. Your Sass will live in resources/sass, or your Less in resources/less, or your source CSS in resources/css, and your JavaScript will live in resources/js. These will export to public/css and public/js. The Assets Subdirectory Prior to Laravel 5.7 In versions of Laravel prior to 5.7, the sass, less, and js directories were nested under the resources/assets directory instead of directly underneath the resources directory. Running Mix Since Mix runs on Webpack, you’ll need to set up a few tools before using it: 1. First, you’ll need Node.js installed. Visit the Node website to learn how to get it running. Once Node (and NPM with it) is installed once, you will not have to do this again for each project. Now you’re ready to install this project’s dependencies. Laravel Mix | 161 2. Open the project root in your terminal, and run npm install to install the required packages (Laravel ships with a Mix-ready package.json file to direct NPM). You’re now set up! You can run npm run dev to run Webpack/Mix once, npm run watch to listen for relevant file changes and run in response, or npm run prod to run Mix once with production settings (such as minifying the output). You can also run npm run watch-poll if npm run watch doesn’t work in your environment, or npm run hot for Hot Module Replacement (HMR; discussed in the next section). What Does Mix Provide? I’ve already mentioned that Mix can preprocess your CSS using Sass, Less, and/or PostCSS. It can also concatenate any sort of files, minify them, rename them, and copy them, and it can copy entire directories or individual files. Additionally, Mix can process all flavors of modern JavaScript and provide autopre‐ fixing, concatenation, and minification specifically as a part of the JavaScript build stack. It makes it easy to set up Browsersync, HMR, and versioning, and there are plug-ins available for many other common build scenarios. The Mix documentation covers all of these options and more, but we’ll discuss a few specific use cases in the following sections. Source maps If you’re not familiar with source maps, they work with any sort of preprocessor to teach your browser’s web inspector which files generated the compiled source you’re inspecting. By default, Mix will not generate source maps for your files. But you can enable them by chaining the sourceMaps() method after your Mix calls, as you can see in Example 6-3. Example 6-3. Enabling source maps in Mix let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); mix.js(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’) .sourceMaps(); Once you configure Mix this way, you’ll see the source maps appear as a .{ƒle‐ name}.map file next to each generated file. Without source maps, if you use your browser’s development tools to inspect a partic‐ ular CSS rule or JavaScript action, you’ll just see a big mess of compiled code. With 162 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components source maps, your browser can pinpoint the exact line of the source file, whether it be Sass or JavaScript or whatever else, that generated the rule you’re inspecting. Pre- and post-processors We’ve already covered Sass and Less, but Mix can also handle Stylus (Example 6-4), and you can chain PostCSS onto any other style calls (Example 6-5). Example 6-4. Preprocessing CSS with Stylus mix.stylus(‘resources/stylus/app.styl’, ‘public/css’); Example 6-5. Post-processing CSS with PostCSS mix.sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’) .options({ postCss: [ require(‘postcss-css-variables’)() ] }); Preprocessorless CSS If you don’t want to deal with a preprocessor, there’s a command for that—it will grab all of your CSS files, concatenate them, and output them to the public/css directory, just as if they had been run through a preprocessor. There are a few options, which you can see in Example 6-6. Example 6-6. Combining stylesheets with Mix // Combines all files from resources/css mix.styles(‘resources/css’, ‘public/css/all.css’); // Combines files from resources/css mix.styles([ ‘resources/css/normalize.css’, ‘resources/css/app.css’ ], ‘public/css/all.css’); Concatenating JavaScript The options available for working with normal JavaScript files are very similar to those available for normal CSS files. Take a look at Example 6-7. Example 6-7. Combining JavaScript ƒles with Mix let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); Laravel Mix | 163 // Combines all files from resources/js mix.scripts(‘resources/js’, ‘public/js/all.js’); // Combines files from resources/js mix.scripts([ ‘resources/js/normalize.js’, ‘resources/js/app.js’ ], ‘public/js/all.js’); Processing JavaScript If you want to process your JavaScript—for example, to compile your ES6 code into plain JavaScript—Mix makes it easy to use Webpack for this purpose (see Example 6-8). Example 6-8. Processing JavaScript ƒles in Mix with Webpack let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); mix.js(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’); These scripts look for the provided filename in resources/js and output to public/js/ app.js. You can use more complicated aspects of Webpack’s feature set by creating a webpack.conƒg.js file in your project root. Copying €les or directories To move either a single file or an entire directory, use the copy() method or the copy Directory() method: mix.copy(‘node_modules/pkgname/dist/style.css’, ‘public/css/pkgname.css’); mix.copyDirectory(‘source/images’, ‘public/images’); Versioning Most of the tips from Steve Souders’s Even Faster Web Sites (O’Reilly) have made their way into our everyday development practices. We move scripts to the footer, reduce the number of HTTP requests, and more, often without even realizing where those ideas originated. One of Steve’s tips is still very rarely implemented, though, and that is setting a very long cache life on assets (scripts, styles, and images). Doing this means there will be fewer requests to your server to get the latest version of your assets. But it also means that users are extremely likely to have a cached version of your assets, which will make things get outdated, and therefore break, quickly. 164 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components The solution to this is versioning. Append a unique hash to each asset’s filename every time you run your build script, and then that unique file will be cached indefinitely— or at least until the next build. What’s the problem? Well, first you need to get the unique hashes generated and appended to your filenames. But you also will need to update your views on every build to reference the new filenames. As you can probably guess, Mix handles that for you, and it’s incredibly simple. There are two components: the versioning task in Mix, and the mix() PHP helper. First, you can version your assets by running mix.version() like in Example 6-9. Example 6-9. mix.version let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); mix.sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’) .version(); The version of the file that’s generated is no different—it’s just named app.css and lives in public/css. Versioning Assets Using Query Parameters The way versioning is handled in Laravel is a little different from traditional versioning, in that the versioning is appended with a query parameter instead of by modifying filenames. It still func‐ tions the same way, because browsers read it as a “new” file, but it handles a few edge cases with caches and load balancers. Next, use the PHP mix() helper in your views to refer to that file like in Example 6-10. Example 6-10. Using the mix() helper in views // Will output something like: Laravel Mix | 165 How Does Mix Versioning Work Behind the Scenes? Mix generates a file named public/mix-manifest.json. This stores the information the mix() helper needs to find the generated file. Here’s what a sample mix-manifest.json looks like: { “/css/app.css”: “/css/app.css?id=4151cf6261b95f07227e” } Vue and React Mix can handle building both Vue (with single-file components) and React compo‐ nents. Mix’s default js() call handles Vue, and you can replace it with a react() call if you want to build React components: mix.react(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’); If you take a look at the default Laravel sample app.js and the components it imports (Example 6-11), you’ll see that you don’t have to do anything special to work with Vue components. A simple mix.js() call makes this possible in your app.js. Example 6-11. App.js conƒgured to work with Vue window.Vue = require(‘vue’); Vue.component(‘example-component’, require(‘./components/ExampleComponent.vue’)); const app = new Vue({ el: ‘#app’ }); And if you switch to react(), this is all you need to run in your file for your first component: require(‘./components/Example’); Both presets also bring in Axios, Lodash, and Popper.js, so you don’t have to spend any time getting your Vue or React ecosystems set up. Hot Module Replacement When you’re writing single components with Vue or React, you’re likely used to either refreshing the page every time your build tool recompiles your components or, if you’re using something like Mix, relying on Browsersync to reload it for you. 166 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components That’s great, but if you’re working with single-page apps (SPAs), that means you’re booted back to the beginning of the app; that refresh wipes any state you had built up as you navigated through the app. Hot Module Replacement (HMR, sometimes called hot reloading) solves this prob‐ lem. It’s not always easy to set up, but Mix comes with it enabled out of the box. HMR works essentially as if you’d taught Browsersync to not reload the entire file that was recompiled, but instead to just reload the bits of code you changed. That means you can get the updated code injected into your browser, but still retain the state you had built up as you got your SPA into just the right spot for testing. To use HMR, you’ll want to run npm run hot instead of npm run watch. In order for it to work correctly, all of your references have to be pulling the right ver‐ sions of your JavaScript files. Essentially, Mix is booting up a small Node server at localhost:8080, so if your tag points to a different version of the script, HMR won’t work. The easiest way to achieve this is to just use the mix() helper to reference your scripts. This helper will handle prepending either localhost:8080 if in HMR mode or your domain if you’re in a normal development mode. Here’s what it looks like inline:
If you develop your applications on an HTTPS connection—for example, if you run valet secure—all your assets must also be served via an HTTPS connection. This is a little bit trickier, so it’s best to consult the HMR docs. Vendor extraction The most common frontend bundling pattern, which Mix also encourages, ends up generating a single CSS file and a single JavaScript file that encompasses both the appspecific code for your project and the code for all its dependencies. However, this means that vendor file updates require the entire file to be rebuilt and recached, which might introduce an undesirable load time. Mix makes it easy to extract all of the JavaScript from your app’s dependencies into a separate vendor.js file. Simply supply a list of the vendor’s library names to the extract() method, chained after your js() call. Take a look at Example 6-12 to see how it looks. Laravel Mix | 167 Example 6-12. Extracting a vendor library into a separate ƒle mix.js(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’) .extract([‘vue’]) This outputs your existing app.js and then two new files: manifest.js, which gives instructions to your browser about how to load the dependencies and app code, and vendor.js, which contains the vendor-specific code. It’s important to load these files in the correct order in your frontend code—first manifest.js, then vendor.js, and finally app.js: Extracting All Dependencies Using extract() in Mix 4.0+ If your project is using Laravel Mix 4.0 or greater, you can call the extract() method with no arguments. This will extract the entire dependency list for your application. Environment variables in Mix As Example 6-13 shows, if you prefix an environment variable (in your .env file) with MIX_, it will become available in your Mix-compiled files with the naming convention process.env.ENV_VAR_NAME. Example 6-13. Using .env variables in Mix-compiled JavaScript # In your .env file MIX_BUGSNAG_KEY=lj12389g08bq1234 MIX_APP_NAME=”Your Best App Now” // In Mix-compiled files process.env.MIX_BUGSNAG_KEY // For example, this code: console.log(“Welcome to ” + process.env.MIX_APP_NAME); // Will compile down to this: console.log(“Welcome to ” + “Your Best App Now”); You can also access those variables in your Webpack configuration files using Node’s dotenv package, as shown in Example 6-14. 168 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components Example 6-14. Using .env variables in Webpack conƒguration ƒles // webpack.mix.js let mix = require(‘laravel-mix’); require(‘dotenv’).config(); let isProduction = process.env.MIX_ENV === “production”; Frontend Presets and Auth Scaffolding As a full-stack framework, Laravel has more connections to and opinions about frontend tooling than your average backend framework. Out of the box it provides an entire build system, which we’ve already covered, but it also builds and has compo‐ nents for Vue and includes Bootstrap, Axios, and Lodash. Frontend Presets You can get a sense of the frontend tools that come along with each new Laravel install by taking a look at package.json, webpack.mix.js (or gulpƒle.js in older versions of Laravel), and the views, JavaScript files, and CSS files in the resources directory. This default set of components and files is called the Vue preset, and every new Lara‐ vel project comes stocked with it. But what if you’d rather work in React? What if you want Bootstrap but not all that JavaScript? And what if you want to just rip it all out? Enter frontend presets, intro‐ duced in Laravel 5.5: these are pre-baked scripts that modify or remove part or all of the Vue- and Bootstrap-loaded default presets. You can use the presets that are pro‐ vided out of the box, or you can pull in third-party presets from GitHub. To use a built-in preset, simply run php artisan present preset_name: php artisan preset react php artisan preset bootstrap php artisan preset none There’s also a vue preset, which is what each new application has applied on a fresh install. Third-party frontend presets If you’re interested in creating your own preset, or using one created by another com‐ munity member, that’s also possible with the frontend preset system. There’s a GitHub organization designed to make it easy to find great third-party frontend presets, and they’re easy to install. For most, the steps are as follows: 1. Install the package (e.g., composer require laravel-frontend-presets/tail windcss). Frontend Presets and Auth Scaffolding | 169 2. Install the preset (e.g., php artisan preset tailwindcss). 3. Just like with the built-in presets, run npm install and npm run dev. If you want to create a preset of your own, the same organization has a skeleton repository you can fork to make it easier. Auth Scaffolding Although they’re technically not a part of the frontend presets, Laravel has a series of routes and views called the auth scaffold that are, essentially, frontend presets. If you run php artisan make:auth, you’ll get a login page, a signup page, a new master template for the “app” view of your app, routes to serve these pages, and more. Take a look at Chapter 9 to learn more. Pagination For something that is so common across web applications, pagination still can be wildly complicated to implement. Thankfully, Laravel has a built-in concept of pagi‐ nation, and it’s also hooked into Eloquent results and the router by default. Paginating Database Results The most common place you’ll see pagination is when you are displaying the results of a database query and there are too many results for a single page. Eloquent and the query builder both read the page query parameter from the current page request and use it to provide a paginate() method on any result sets; the single parameter you should pass paginate() is how many results you want per page. Take a look at Example 6-15 to see how this works. Example 6-15. Paginating a query builder response // PostsController public function index() { return view(‘posts.index’, [‘posts’ => DB::table(‘posts’)->paginate(20)]); } Example 6-15 specifies that this route should return 20 posts per page, and will define which “page” of results the current user is on based on the URL’s page query parame‐ ter, if it has one. Eloquent models all have the same paginate() method. When you display the results in your view, your collection will now have a links() method on it (or render() for Laravel 5.1) that will output the pagination controls, 170 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components with class names from the Bootstrap component library assigned to them by default (see Example 6-16). Example 6-16. Rendering pagination links in a template // posts/index.blade.php @foreach ($posts as $post) @endforeach
{{ $post->title }}
{{ $posts->links() }} // By default, $posts->links() will output something like this: Customizing the Number of Pagination Links in Laravel 5.7 and Later If you’d like to control how many links show on either side of the current page, projects running Laravel 5.7 and later can customize this number easily with the onEachSide() method: DB::table(‘posts’)->paginate(10)->onEachSide(3); // Outputs: // 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 Manually Creating Paginators If you’re not working with Eloquent or the query builder, or if you’re working with a complex query (e.g., one using groupBy), you might find yourself needing to create a paginator manually. Thankfully, you can do that with the Illuminate\Pagination \Paginator or Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator classes. Pagination | 171 The difference between the two classes is that Paginator will only provide previous and next buttons, but no links to each page; LengthAwarePaginator needs to know the length of the full result so that it can generate links for each individual page. You may find yourself wanting to use Paginator on large result sets, so your paginator doesn’t have to be aware of a massive count of results that might be costly to run. Both Paginator and LengthAwarePaginator require you to manually extract the sub‐ set of content that you want to pass to the view. Take a look at Example 6-17 for an example. Example 6-17. Manually creating a paginator use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator; Route::get(‘people’, function (Request $request) { $people = […]; // huge list of people $perPage = 15; $offsetPages = $request->input(‘page’, 1) – 1; // The Paginator will not slice your array for you $people = array_slice( $people, $offsetPages * $perPage, $perPage ); return new Paginator( $people, $perPage ); }); The Paginator syntax has changed over the last few versions of Laravel, so if you’re using 5.1, take a look at the docs to find the correct syntax. Message Bags Another common but painful feature in web applications is passing messages between various components of the app, when the end goal is to share them with the user. Your controller, for example, might want to send a validation message: “The email field must be a valid email address.” However, that particular message doesn’t just need to make it to the view layer; it actually needs to survive a redirect and then end up in the view layer of a different page. How do you structure this messag‐ ing logic? 172 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components Illuminate\Support\MessageBag is a class tasked with storing, categorizing, and returning messages that are intended for the end user. It groups all messages by key, where the keys are likely to be something like errors and messages, and it provides convenience methods for getting all its stored messages or only those for a particular key and outputting these messages in various formats. You can spin up a new instance of MessageBag manually like in Example 6-18. To be honest though, you likely won’t ever do this manually—this is just a thought exercise to show how it works. Example 6-18. Manually creating and using a message bag $messages = [ ‘errors’ => [ ‘Something went wrong with edit 1!’, ], ‘messages’ => [ ‘Edit 2 was successful.’, ], ]; $messagebag = new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag($messages); // Check for errors; if there are any, decorate and echo if ($messagebag->has(‘errors’)) { echo ‘
    ‘; foreach ($messagebag->get(‘errors’, ‘
  • :message
  • ‘) as $error) { echo $error; } echo ‘
‘; } Message bags are also closely connected to Laravel’s validators (you’ll learn more about these in “Validation” on page 189): when validators return errors, they actually return an instance of MessageBag, which you can then pass to your view or attach to a redirect using redirect(‘route’)->withErrors($messagebag). Laravel passes an empty instance of MessageBag to every view, assigned to the vari‐ able $errors; if you’ve flashed a message bag using withErrors() on a redirect, it will get assigned to that $errors variable instead. That means every view can always assume it has an $errors MessageBag it can check wherever it handles validation, which leads to Example 6-19 as a common snippet developers place on every page. Example 6-19. Error bag snippet // partials/errors.blade.php @if ($errors->any())
Message Bags | 173
    @foreach ($errors as $error)
  • {{ $error }}
  • @endforeach
@endif Missing $errors Variable If you have any routes that aren’t under the web middleware group, they won’t have the session middleware, which means they won’t have this $errors variable available. Named Error Bags Sometimes you need to differentiate message bags not just by key (notices versus errors) but also by component. Maybe you have a login form and a signup form on the same page; how do you differentiate them? When you send errors along with a redirect using withErrors(), the second parame‐ ter is the name of the bag: redirect(‘dashboard’)->withErrors($validator, ‘login’). Then, on the dashboard, you can use $errors->login to call all of the methods you saw before: any(), count(), and more. String Helpers, Pluralization, and Localization As developers, we tend to look at blocks of text as big placeholder divs, waiting for the client to put real content into them. Seldom are we involved in any logic inside these blocks. But there are a few circumstances where you’ll be grateful for the tools Laravel pro‐ vides for string manipulation. The String Helpers and Pluralization Laravel has a series of helpers for manipulating strings. They’re available as methods on the Str class (e.g., Str::plural()), but most also have a global helper function (e.g., str_plural()). The Laravel documentation covers all of them in detail, but here are a few of the most commonly used string helpers: e() A shortcut for html_entities(); encodes all HTML entities for safety. 174 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components starts_with(), ends_with(), str_contains() Check a string (first parameter) to see if it starts with, ends with, or contains another string (second parameter). str_is() Checks whether a string (second parameter) matches a particular pattern (first parameter)—for example, foo* will match foobar and foobaz. str_slug() Converts a string to a URL-type slug with hyphens. str_plural(word, count), str_singular() Pluralizes a word or singularizes it; English-only (e.g., str_plural(‘dog’) returns dogs; str_plural(‘dog’, 1′)) returns dog). camel_case(), kebab_case(), snake_case(), studly_case(), title_case() Convert a provided string to a different capitalization “case”. str_after(), str_before(), str_limit() Trim a string and provide a substring. str_after() returns everything after a given string and str_before() everything before the given string (both accept the full string as the first parameter and the string you’re using to cut as the sec‐ ond). str_limit() truncates a string (first parameter) to a given number of char‐ acters (second parameter). Localization Localization allows you to define multiple languages and mark any strings as targets for translation. You can set a fallback language, and even handle pluralization varia‐ tions. In Laravel, you’ll need to set an “application locale” at some point during the page load so the localization helpers know which bucket of translations to pull from. Each “locale” is usually connected to a translation, and will often look like “en” (for English). You’ll do this with App::setLocale($localeName), and you’ll likely put it in a service provider. For now you can just put it in the boot() method of AppServiceProvider, but you may want to create a LocaleServiceProvider if you end up with more than just this one locale-related binding. Setting the Locale for Each Request It can be confusing at first to work out how Laravel “knows” the user’s locale, or provides translations. Most of that work is down to you as the developer. Let’s look at a likely scenario. String Helpers, Pluralization, and Localization | 175 You’ll probably have some functionality allowing the user to choose a locale, or possi‐ bly attempting to automatically detect it. Either way, your application will determine the locale, and then you’ll store that in a URL parameter or a session cookie. Then your service provider—something like a LocaleServiceProvider, maybe—will grab that key and set it as a part of Laravel’s bootstrap. So maybe your user is at http://myapp.com/es/contacts. Your LocaleServiceProvider will grab that es string and then run App::setLocale(‘es’). Going forward, every time you ask for a translation of a string, Laravel will look for the Spanish (es means Español) version of that string, which you will need to have defined somewhere. You can define your fallback locale in conƒg/app.php, where you should find a fallback_locale key. This allows you to define a default language for your applica‐ tion, which Laravel will use if it can’t find a translation for the requested locale. Basic localization So, how do we call for a translated string? There’s a helper function, __($key), that will pull the string for the current locale for the passed key or, if it doesn’t exist, grab it from the default locale. In Blade you can also use the @lang() directive. Example 6-20 demonstrates how a basic translation works. We’ll use the example of a “back to the dashboard” link at the top of a detail page. Example 6-20. Basic use of __() // Normal PHP // Blade {{ __(‘navigation.back’) }} // Blade directive @lang(‘navigation.back’) Let’s assume we are using the es locale right now. Laravel will look for a file in resour‐ ces/lang/es/navigation.php, which it will expect to return an array. It’ll look for a back key on that array, and if it exists, it’ll return its value. Take a look at Example 6-21 for a sample. Example 6-21. Using a translation // resources/lang/es/navigation.php return [ ‘back’ => ‘Volver al panel’, ]; 176 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components // routes/web.php Route::get(‘/es/contacts/show/{id}’, function () { // Setting it manually, for this example, instead of in a service provider App::setLocale(‘es’); return view(‘contacts.show’); }); // resources/views/contacts/show.blade.php {{ __(‘navigation.back’) }} The Translation Helper Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, the __() helper isn’t available. You will instead have to use the trans() helper, which accesses an older translation system that works similarly to what we’re describing here, but can’t access the JSON translation system. Parameters in localization The preceding example was relatively simple. Let’s dig into some that are more com‐ plex. What if we want to define which dashboard we’re returning to? Take a look at Example 6-22. Example 6-22. Parameters in translations // resources/lang/en/navigation.php return [ ‘back’ => ‘Back to :section dashboard’, ]; // resources/views/contacts/show.blade.php {{ __(‘navigation.back’, [‘section’ => ‘contacts’]) }} As you can see, prepending a word with a colon (:section) marks it as a placeholder that can be replaced. The second, optional, parameter of __() is an array of values to replace the placeholders with. Pluralization in localization We already covered pluralization, so now just imagine you’re defining your own plu‐ ralization rules. There are two ways to do it; we’ll start with the simplest, as shown in Example 6-23. Example 6-23. Deƒning a simple translation with an option for pluralization // resources/lang/en/messages.php return [ String Helpers, Pluralization, and Localization | 177 ‘task-deletion’ => ‘You have deleted a task|You have successfully deleted tasks’, ]; // resources/views/dashboard.blade.php @if ($numTasksDeleted > 0) {{ trans_choice(‘messages.task-deletion’, $numTasksDeleted) }} @endif As you can see, we have a trans_choice() method, which takes the count of items affected as its second parameter; from this it will determine which string to use. You can also use any translation definitions that are compatible with Symfony’s much more complex Translation component; see Example 6-24 for an example. Example 6-24. Using the Symfony’s Translation component // resources/lang/es/messages.php return [ ‘task-deletion’ => “{0} You didn’t manage to delete any tasks.|” . “[1,4] You deleted a few tasks.|” . “[5,Inf] You deleted a whole ton of tasks.”, ]; Storing the default string as the key with JSON One common difficulty with localization is that it’s hard to ensure there’s a good sys‐ tem for defining key namespacing—for example, remembering a key nested three or four levels deep or being unsure which key a phrase used twice in the site should use. An alternative to the slug key/string value pair system is to store your translations using your primary language string as the key, instead of a made-up slug. You can indicate to Laravel that you’re working this way by storing your translation files as JSON in the resources/lang directory, with the filename reflecting the locale (Example 6-25). Example 6-25. Using JSON translations and the __() helper // In Blade {{ __(‘View friends list’) }} // resources/lang/es.json { ‘View friends list’: ‘Ver lista de amigos’ } This is taking advantage of the fact that the __() translation helper, if it can’t find a matching key for the current language, will just display the key. If your key is the 178 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components string in your app’s default language, that’s a much more reasonable fallback than, for example, widgets.friends.title. JSON Translations Unavailable Prior to Laravel 5.4 The JSON string translation format is only available in Laravel 5.4 and later. Testing In this chapter we focused primarily on Laravel’s frontend components. These are less likely the objects of unit tests, but they may at times be used in your integration tests. Testing Message and Error Bags There are two primary ways of testing messages passed along with message and error bags. First, you can perform a behavior in your application tests that sets a message that will eventually be displayed somewhere, then redirect to that page and assert that the appropriate message is shown. Second, for errors (which is the most common use case), you can assert the session has errors with $this->assertSessionHasErrors($bindings = []). Take a look at Example 6-26 to see what this might look like. Example 6-26. Asserting the session has errors public function test_missing_email_field_errors() { $this->post(‘person/create’, [‘name’ => ‘Japheth’]); $this->assertSessionHasErrors([’email’]); } In order for Example 6-26 to pass, you’ll need to add input validation to that route. We’ll cover this in Chapter 7. Translation and Localization The simplest way to test localization is with application tests. Set the appropriate con‐ text (whether by URL or session), “visit” the page with get(), and assert that you see the appropriate content. Testing | 179 TL;DR As a full-stack framework, Laravel provides tools and components for the frontend as well as the backend. Mix is a layer in front of Webpack that makes common tasks and configurations much simpler. Mix makes it easy to use popular CSS pre- and post-processors, com‐ mon JavaScript processing steps, and much more. Laravel also offers other internal tools that target the frontend, including tools for implementing pagination, message and error bags, and localization. 180 | Chapter 6: Frontend Components CHAPTER 7 Collecting and Handling User Data Websites that benefit from a framework like Laravel often don’t just serve static con‐ tent. Many deal with complex and mixed data sources, and one of the most common (and most complex) of these sources is user input in its myriad forms: URL paths, query parameters, POST data, and file uploads. Laravel provides a collection of tools for gathering, validating, normalizing, and fil‐ tering user-provided data. We’ll look at those here. Injecting a Request Object The most common tool for accessing user data in Laravel is injecting an instance of the Illuminate\Http\Request object. It offers easy access to all of the ways users can provide input to your site: POSTed form data or JSON, GET requests (query parameters), and URL segments. Other Options for Accessing Request Data There’s also a request() global helper and a Request facade, both of which expose the same methods. Each of these options exposes the entire Illuminate Request object, but for now we’re only going to cover the methods that specifically relate to user data. Since we’re planning on injecting a Request object, let’s take a quick look at how to get the $request object we’ll be calling all these methods on: Route::post(‘form’, function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { // $request->etc() }); 181 $request->all() Just like the name suggests, $request->all() gives you an array containing all of the input the user has provided, from every source. Let’s say, for some reason, you deci‐ ded to have a form POST to a URL with a query parameter—for example, sending a POST to http://myapp.com/signup?utm=12345. Take a look at Example 7-1 to see what you’d get from $request->all(). (Note that $request->all() also contains informa‐ tion about any files that were uploaded, but we’ll cover that later in the chapter.) Example 7-1. $request->all() @csrf // routes/web.php Route::post(‘signup’, function (Request $request) { var_dump($request->all()); }); // Outputs: /** * [ * ‘_token’ => ‘CSRF token here’, * ‘first_name’ => ‘value’, * ‘utm’ => 12345, * ] */ $request->except() and $request->only() $request->except() provides the same output as $request->all(), but you can choose one or more fields to exclude—for example, _token. You can pass it either a string or an array of strings. Example 7-2 shows what it looks like when we use $request->except() on the same form as in Example 7-1. Example 7-2. $request->except() Route::post(‘post-route’, function (Request $request) { var_dump($request->except(‘_token’)); }); // Outputs: /** 182 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data * [ * ‘firstName’ => ‘value’, * ‘utm’ => 12345 * ] */ $request->only() is the inverse of $request->except(), as you can see in Example 7-3. Example 7-3. $request->only() Route::post(‘post-route’, function (Request $request) { var_dump($request->only([‘firstName’, ‘utm’])); }); // Outputs: /** * [ * ‘firstName’ => ‘value’, * ‘utm’ => 12345 * ] */ $request->has() With $request->has() you can detect whether a particular piece of user input is available to you. Check out Example 7-4 for an analytics example with our utm query string parameter from the previous examples. Example 7-4. $request->has() // POST route at /post-route if ($request->has(‘utm’)) { // Do some analytics work } $request->input() Whereas $request->all(), $request->except(), and $request->only() operate on the full array of input provided by the user, $request->input() allows you to get the value of just a single field. Example 7-5 provides an example. Note that the second parameter is the default value, so if the user hasn’t passed in a value, you can have a sensible (and nonbreaking) fallback. Injecting a Request Object | 183 Example 7-5. $request->input() Route::post(‘post-route’, function (Request $request) { $userName = $request->input(‘name’, ‘Matt’); }); $request->method() and ->isMethod() $request->method() returns the HTTP verb for the request, and $request- >isMethod() checks whether it matches the specified verb. Example 7-6 illustrates their use. Example 7-6. $request->method() and $request->isMethod() $method = $request->method(); if ($request->isMethod(‘patch’)) { // Do something if request method is PATCH } Array Input Laravel also provides convenience helpers for accessing data from array input. Just use the “dot” notation to indicate the steps of digging into the array structure, like in Example 7-7. Example 7-7. Dot notation to access array values in user data @csrf // POST route at /employees Route::post(’employees’, function (Request $request) { $employeeZeroFirstName = $request->input(’employees.0.firstName’); $allLastNames = $request->input(’employees.*.lastName’); $employeeOne = $request->input(’employees.1′); var_dump($employeeZeroFirstname, $allLastNames, $employeeOne); }); // If forms filled out as “Jim” “Smith” “Bob” “Jones”: // $employeeZeroFirstName = ‘Jim’; 184 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data // $allLastNames = [‘Smith’, ‘Jones’]; // $employeeOne = [‘firstName’ => ‘Bob’, ‘lastName’ => ‘Jones’]; JSON Input (and $request->json()) So far we’ve covered input from query strings (GET) and form submissions (POST). But there’s another form of user input that’s becoming more common with the advent of JavaScript SPAs: the JSON request. It’s essentially just a POST request with the body set to JSON instead of a traditional form POST. Let’s take a look at what it might look like to submit some JSON to a Laravel route, and how to use $request->input() to pull out that data (Example 7-8). Example 7-8. Getting data from JSON with $request->input() POST /post-route HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { “firstName”: “Joe”, “lastName”: “Schmoe”, “spouse”: { “firstName”: “Jill”, “lastName”:”Schmoe” } } // Post-route Route::post(‘post-route’, function (Request $request) { $firstName = $request->input(‘firstName’); $spouseFirstname = $request->input(‘spouse.firstName’); }); Since $request->input() is smart enough to pull user data from GET, POST, or JSON, you may wonder why Laravel even offers $request->json(). There are two reasons you might prefer $request->json(). First, you might want to just be more explicit to other programmers working on your project about where you’re expecting the data to come from. And second, if the POST doesn’t have the correct application/json head‐ ers, $request->input() won’t pick it up as JSON, but $request->json() will. Facade Namespaces, the request() Global Helper, and Injecting $request Any time you’re using facades inside of namespaced classes (e.g., controllers), you’ll have to add the full facade path to the import block at the top of your file (e.g., use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request). Injecting a Request Object | 185 Because of this, several of the facades also have a companion global helper function. If these helper functions are run with no parameters, they expose the same syntax as the facade (e.g., request()->has() is the same as Request::has()). They also have a default behavior for when you pass them a parameter (e.g., request(‘firstName’) is a shortcut to request()->input(‘firstName’)). With Request, we’ve been covering injecting an instance of the Request object, but you could also use the Request facade or the request() global helper. Take a look at Chapter 10 to learn more. Route Data It might not be the first thing you think of when you imagine “user data,” but the URL is just as much user data as anything else in this chapter. There are two primary ways you’ll get data from the URL: via Request objects and via route parameters. From Request Injected Request objects (and the Request facade and the request() helper) have several methods available to represent the state of the current page’s URL, but right now let’s focus on at getting information about the URL segments. If you’re not familiar with the idea, each group of characters after the domain in a URL is called a segment. So, http://www.myapp.com/users/15/ has two segments: users and 15. As you can probably guess, we have two methods available to us: $request->segments() returns an array of all segments, and $request-> segment($segmentId) allows us to get the value of a single segment. Note that segments are returned on a 1-based index, so in the preceding example, $request-> segment(1) would return users. Request objects, the Request facade, and the request() global helper provide quite a few more methods to help us get data out of the URL. To learn more, check out Chapter 10. From Route Parameters The other primary way we get data about the URL is from route parameters, which are injected into the controller method or closure that is serving a current route, as shown in Example 7-9. 186 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data Example 7-9. Getting URL details from route parameters // routes/web.php Route::get(‘users/{id}’, function ($id) { // If the user visits myapp.com/users/15/, $id will equal 15 }); To learn more about routes and route binding, check out Chapter 3. Uploaded Files We’ve talked about different ways to interact with users’ text input, but there’s also the matter of file uploads to consider. Request objects provide access to any uploaded files using the $request->file() method, which takes the file’s input name as a parame‐ ter and returns an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Uploaded File. Let’s walk through an example. First, our form, in Example 7-10. Example 7-10. A form to upload ƒles @csrf Now let’s take a look at what we get from running $request->all(), as shown in Example 7-11. Note that $request->input(‘profile_picture’) will return null; we need to use $request->file(‘profile_picture’) instead. Example 7-11. €e output from submitting the form in Example 7-10 Route::post(‘form’, function (Request $request) { var_dump($request->all()); }); // Output: // [ // “_token” => “token here”, // “name” => “asdf”, // “profile_picture” => UploadedFile {}, // ] Route::post(‘form’, function (Request $request) { if ($request->hasFile(‘profile_picture’)) { var_dump($request->file(‘profile_picture’)); } }); Uploaded Files | 187 // Output: // UploadedFile (details) Validating a File Upload As you can see in Example 7-11, we have access to $request->hasFile() to see whether the user uploaded a file. We can also check whether the file upload was suc‐ cessful by using isValid() on the file itself: if ($request->file(‘profile_picture’)->isValid()) { // } Because isValid() is called on the file itself, it will error if the user didn’t upload a file. So, to check for both, you’d need to check for the file’s existence first: if ($request->hasFile(‘profile_picture’) && $request->file(‘profile_picture’)->isValid()) { // } Symfony’s UploadedFile class extends PHP’s native SplFileInfo with methods allowing you to easily inspect and manipulate the file. This list isn’t exhaustive, but it gives you a taste of what you can do: • guessExtension() • getMimeType() • store($path, $storageDisk = default disk) • storeAs($path, $newName, $storageDisk = default disk) • storePublicly($path, $storageDisk = default disk) • storePubliclyAs($path, $newName, $storageDisk = default disk) • move($directory, $newName = null) • getClientOriginalName() • getClientOriginalExtension() • getClientMimeType() • guessClientExtension() • getClientSize() • getError() • isValid() 188 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data As you can see, most of the methods have to do with getting information about the uploaded file, but there’s one that you’ll likely use more than all the others: store() (available since Laravel 5.3), which takes the file that was uploaded with the request and stores it in a specified directory on your server. Its first parameter is the destina‐ tion directory, and the optional second parameter will be the storage disk (s3, local, etc.) to use to store the file. You can see a common workflow in Example 7-12. Example 7-12. Common ƒle upload workflow if ($request->hasFile(‘profile_picture’)) { $path = $request->profile_picture->store(‘profiles’, ‘s3’); auth()->user()->profile_picture = $path; auth()->user()->save(); } If you need to specify the filename, you can use storeAs() instead of store(). The first parameter is still the path; the second is the filename, and the optional third parameter is the storage disk to use. Proper Form Encoding for File Uploads If you get null when you try to get the contents of a file from your request, you might’ve forgotten to set the encoding type on your form. Make sure to add the attribute enctype=”multipart/formdata” on your form: Validation Laravel has quite a few ways you can validate incoming data. We’ll cover form requests in the next section, so that leaves us with two primary options: validating manually or using the validate() method on the Request object. Let’s start with the simpler, and more common, validate(). validate() on the Request Object The Request object has a validate() method that provides a convenient shortcut for the most common validation workflow. Take a look at Example 7-13. Example 7-13. Basic usage of request validation // routes/web.php Route::get(‘recipes/create’, ‘RecipesController@create’); Route::post(‘recipes’, ‘RecipesController@store’); Validation | 189 // app/Http/Controllers/RecipesController.php class RecipesController extends Controller { public function create() { return view(‘recipes.create’); } public function store(Request $request) { $request->validate([ ‘title’ => ‘required|unique:recipes|max:125’, ‘body’ => ‘required’ ]); // Recipe is valid; proceed to save it } } We only have four lines of code running our validation here, but they’re doing a lot. First, we explicitly define the fields we expect and apply rules (here separated by the pipe character, |) to each individually. Next, the validate() method checks the incoming data from the $request and determines whether or not it is valid. If the data is valid, the validate() method ends and we can move on with the con‐ troller method, saving the data or whatever else. But if the data isn’t valid, it throws a ValidationException. This contains instruc‐ tions to the router about how to handle this exception. If the request is from Java‐ Script (or if it’s requesting JSON as a response), the exception will create a JSON response containing the validation errors. If not, the exception will return a redirect to the previous page, together with all of the user input and the validation errors— perfect for repopulating a failed form and showing some errors. Calling the validate() Method on the Controller Prior to Laravel 5.5 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.5, this validation shortcut is called on the controller (running $this->validate()) instead of on the request. 190 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data More on Laravel’s Validation Rules In our examples here (like in the docs) we’re using the “pipe” syntax: ‘fieldname’: ‘rule|otherRule|anotherRule’. But you can also use the array syntax to do the same thing: ‘fieldname’: [‘rule’, ‘otherRule’, ‘anotherRule’]. Additionally, you can validate nested properties. This matters if you use HTML’s array syntax, which allows you to, for example, have multiple “users” on an HTML form, each with an associated name. Here’s how you validate that: $request->validate([ ‘user.name’ => ‘required’, ‘user.email’ => ‘required|email’, ]); We don’t have enough space to cover every possible validation rule here, but here are a few of the most common rules and their functions: Require the ƒeld required; required_if:anotherField,equalToThisValue; required_unless:anotherField,equalToThisValue Field must contain certain types of character alpha; alpha_dash; alpha_num; numeric; integer Field must contain certain patterns email; active_url; ip Dates after:date; before:date (date can be any valid string that strtotime() can handle) Numbers between:min,max; min:num; max:num; size:num (size tests against length for strings, value for integers, count for arrays, or size in KB for files) Image dimensions dimensions:min_width=XXX; can also use and/or combine with max_width, min_height, max_height, width, height, and ratio Databases exists:tableName; unique:tableName (expects to look in the same table col‐ umn as the field name; see the docs for how to customize) Validation | 191 Manual Validation If you are not working in a controller, or if for some other reason the previously described flow is not a good fit, you can manually create a Validator instance using the Validator facade and check for success or failure like in Example 7-14. Example 7-14. Manual validation Route::get(‘recipes/create’, function () { return view(‘recipes.create’); }); Route::post(‘recipes’, function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ ‘title’ => ‘required|unique:recipes|max:125’, ‘body’ => ‘required’ ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect(‘recipes/create’) ->withErrors($validator) ->withInput(); } // Recipe is valid; proceed to save it }); As you can see, we create an instance of a validator by passing it our input as the first parameter and the validation rules as the second parameter. The validator exposes a fails() method that we can check against and can be passed into the withErrors() method of the redirect. Custom Rule Objects If the validation rule you need doesn’t exist in Laravel, you can create your own. To create a custom rule, run php artisan make:rule RuleName and then edit that file in app/Rules/{RuleName}.php. You’ll get two methods in your rule out of the box: passes() and message(). passes() should accept an attribute name as the first parameter and the userprovided value as the second, and then return a Boolean indicating whether or not this input passes this validation rule. message() should return the validation error message; you can use :attribute as a placeholder in your message for the attribute name. Take a look at Example 7-15 as an example. 192 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data Example 7-15. A sample custom rule class WhitelistedEmailDomain implements Rule { public function passes($attribute, $value) { return in_array(str_after($value, ‘@’), [‘tighten.co’]); } public function message() { return ‘The :attribute field is not from a whitelisted email provider.’; } } To use this rule, just pass an instance of the rule object to your validator: $request->validate([ ’email’ => new WhitelistedEmailDomain, ]); In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.5, custom val‐ idation rules have to be written using Validator::extend(). You can learn more about this in the docs. Displaying Validation Error Messages We’ve already covered much of this in Chapter 6, but here’s a quick refresher on how to display errors from validation. The validate() method on requests (and the withErrors() method on redirects that it relies on) flashes any errors to the session. These errors are made available to the view you’re being redirected to in the $errors variable. And remember that as a part of Laravel’s magic, that $errors variable will be available every time you load the view, even if it’s just empty, so you don’t have to check if it exists with isset(). That means you can do something like Example 7-16 on every page. Example 7-16. Echo validation errors @if ($errors->any())
    @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
  • {{ $error }}
  • @endforeach
@endif Validation | 193 Form Requests As you build out your applications, you might start noticing some patterns in your controller methods. There are certain patterns that are repeated—for example, input validation, user authentication and authorization, and possible redirects. If you find yourself wanting a structure to normalize and extract these common behaviors out of your controller methods, you may be interested in Laravel’s form requests. A form request is a custom request class that is intended to map to the submission of a form, and the request takes the responsibility for validating the request, authorizing the user, and optionally redirecting the user upon a failed validation. Each form request will usually, but not always, explicitly map to a single HTTP request—for example, “Create Comment.” Creating a Form Request You can create a new form request from the command line: php artisan make:request CreateCommentRequest You now have a form request object available at app/Http/Requests/ CreateCommentRequest.php. Every form request class provides either one or two public methods. The first is rules(), which needs to return an array of validation rules for this request. The sec‐ ond (optional) method is authorize(); if this returns true, the user is authorized to perform this request, and if false, the user is rejected. Take a look at Example 7-17 to see a sample form request. Example 7-17. Sample form request route(‘blogPost’); return auth()->check() && BlogPost::where(‘id’, $blogPostId) ->where(‘user_id’, auth()->id())->exists(); } 194 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data public function rules() { return [ ‘body’ => ‘required|max:1000’, ]; } } The rules() section of Example 7-17 is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s look at authorize() briefly. We’re grabbing the segment from the route named blogPost. That’s implying the route definition for this route probably looks a bit like this: Route::post(‘blog Posts/blogPost’, function () // Do stuff). As you can see, we named the route parameter blogPost, which makes it accessible in our Request using $this- >route(‘blogPost’). We then look at whether the user is logged in and, if so, whether any blog posts exist with that identifier that are owned by the currently logged-in user. You’ve already learned some easier ways to check ownership in Chapter 5, but we’ll keep it more explicit here to keep it clean. We’ll cover what implications this has shortly, but the important thing to know is that returning true means the user is authorized to per‐ form the specified action (in this case, creating a comment), and false means the user is not authorized. Requests Extend Userland Request Prior to Laravel 5.3 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.3, form requests extended App\Http\Requests\Request instead of Illuminate \Foundation\Http\FormRequest. Using a Form Request Now that we’ve created a form request object, how do we use it? It’s a little bit of Lara‐ vel magic. Any route (closure or controller method) that typehints a form request as one of its parameters will benefit from the definition of that form request. Let’s try it out, in Example 7-18. Example 7-18. Using a form request Route::post(‘comments’, function (App\Http\Requests\CreateCommentRequest $request) { // Store comment }); Form Requests | 195 You might be wondering where we call the form request, but Laravel does it for us. It validates the user input and authorizes the request. If the input is invalid, it’ll act just like the Request object’s validate() method, redirecting the user to the previous page with their input preserved and with the appropriate error messages passed along. And if the user is not authorized, Laravel will return a 403 Forbidden error and not execute the route code. Eloquent Model Mass Assignment Until now, we’ve been looking at validating at the controller level, which is absolutely the best place to start. But you can also filter the incoming data at the model level. It’s a common (but not recommended) pattern to pass the entirety of a form’s input directly to a database model. In Laravel, that might look like Example 7-19. Example 7-19. Passing the entirety of a form to an Eloquent model Route::post(‘posts’, function (Request $request) { $newPost = Post::create($request->all()); }); We’re assuming here that the end user is kind and not malicious, and has kept only the fields we want them to edit—maybe the post title or body. But what if our end user can guess, or discern, that we have an author_id field on that posts table? What if they used their browser tools to add an author_id field and set the ID to be someone else’s ID, and impersonated the other person by creating fake blog posts attributed to them? Eloquent has a concept called “mass assignment” that allows you to either whitelist fields that should be fillable (using the model’s $fillable property) or blacklist fields that shouldn’t be fillable (using the model’s $guarded property) by passing them in an array to create() or update(). See “Mass assignment” on page 124 for more infor‐ mation. In our example, we might want to fill out the model like in Example 7-20 to keep our app safe. Example 7-20. Guarding an Eloquent model from mischievous mass assignment only() While it’s important to do a good job of protecting our models from mass assignment, it’s also worth being careful on the assign‐ ing end. Rather than using $request->all(), consider using $request->only() so you can specify which fields you’d like to pass into your model: Route::post(‘posts’, function (Request $request) { $newPost = Post::create($request->only([ ‘title’, ‘body’, ])); }); {{ Versus {!! Any time you display content on a web page that was created by a user, you need to guard against malicious input, such as script injection. Let’s say you allow your users to write blog posts on your site. You probably don’t want them to be able to inject malicious JavaScript that will run in your unsuspecting visitors’ browsers, right? So, you’ll want to escape any user input that you show on the page to avoid this. Thankfully, this is almost entirely covered for you. If you use Laravel’s Blade templat‐ ing engine, the default “echo” syntax ({{ $stuffToEcho }}) runs the output through htmlentities() (PHP’s best way of making user content safe to echo) automatically. You actually have to do extra work to avoid escaping the output, by using the {!! $stuffToEcho !!} syntax. Testing If you’re interested in testing your interactions with user input, you’re probably most interested in simulating valid and invalid user input and ensuring that if the input is invalid the user is redirected, and if the input is valid it ends up in the proper place (e.g., the database). {{ Versus {!! | 197 Laravel’s end-to-end application testing makes this simple. Requiring BrowserKit After Laravel 5.4 If you want to work with test specific user interactions on the page and with your forms, and you’re working in a project running Lar‐ avel 5.4 or later, you’ll want to pull in Laravel’s BrowserKit testing package. Simply require the package: composer require laravel/browser-kit-testing –dev and modify your application’s base TestCase class to extend Laravel\BrowserKitTesting\TestCase instead of Illuminate \Foundation\Testing\TestCase. Let’s start with an invalid route that we expect to be rejected, as in Example 7-21. Example 7-21. Testing that invalid input is rejected public function test_input_missing_a_title_is_rejected() { $response = $this->post(‘posts’, [‘body’ => ‘This is the body of my post’]); $response->assertRedirect(); $response->assertSessionHasErrors(); } Here we assert that after invalid input the user is redirected, with errors attached. You can see we’re using a few custom PHPUnit assertions that Laravel adds here. Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 Prior to Laravel 5.4, the assertRedirect() assertion was named assertRedirectedTo(). So, how do we test our route’s success? Check out Example 7-22. Example 7-22. Testing that valid input is processed public function test_valid_input_should_create_a_post_in_the_database() { $this->post(‘posts’, [‘title’ => ‘Post Title’, ‘body’ => ‘This is the body’]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘posts’, [‘title’ => ‘Post Title’]); } Note that if you’re testing something using the database, you’ll need to learn more about database migrations and transactions. More on that in Chapter 12. 198 | Chapter 7: Collecting and Handling User Data Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects that are running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, assertDatabaseHas() should be replaced by seeInDatabase(). TL;DR There are a lot of ways to get the same data: using the Request facade, using the request() global helper, and injecting an instance of Illuminate\Http\Request. Each exposes the ability to get all input, some input, or specific pieces of data, and there can be some special considerations for files and JSON input. URI path segments are also a possible source of user input, and they’re also accessible via the request tools. Validation can be performed manually with Validator::make(), or automatically using the validate() request method or form requests. Each automatic tool, upon failed validation, redirects the user to the previous page with all old input stored and errors passed along. Views and Eloquent models also need to be protected from nefarious user input. Pro‐ tect Blade views using the double curly brace syntax ({{ }}), which escapes user input, and protect models by only passing specific fields into bulk methods using $request->only() and by defining the mass assignment rules on the model itself. TL;DR | 199 CHAPTER 8 Artisan and Tinker From installation onward, modern PHP frameworks expect many interactions to take place on the command line. Laravel provides three primary tools for command-line interaction: Artisan, a suite of built-in command-line actions with the ability to add more; Tinker, a REPL or interactive shell for your application; and the installer, which we’ve already covered in Chapter 2. An Introduction to Artisan If you’ve been reading through this book chapter by chapter, you’ve already learned how to use Artisan commands. They look something like this: php artisan make:controller PostsController If you look in the root folder of your application, you’ll see that artisan is actually just a PHP file. That’s why you’re starting your call with php artisan; you’re passing that file into PHP to be parsed. Everything after that is just passed into Artisan as argu‐ ments. Symfony Console Syntax Artisan is actually a layer on top of the Symfony Console compo‐ nent; so, if you’re familiar with writing Symfony Console com‐ mands, you should feel right at home. Since the list of Artisan commands for an application can be changed by a package or by the specific code of the application, it’s worth checking every new application you encounter to see what commands are available. 201 To get a list of all available Artisan commands, you can run php artisan list from the project root (although if you just run php artisan with no parameters, it will do the same thing). Basic Artisan Commands There’s not enough space here to cover all of the Artisan commands, but we’ll cover many of them. Let’s get started with the basic commands: clear-compiled Removes Laravel’s compiled class file, which is like an internal Laravel cache; run this as a first resort when things are going wrong and you don’t know why down, up Puts your application in “maintenance mode” in order for you to fix an error, run migrations, or whatever else and restore an application from maintenance mode, respectively dump-server (5.7+) Starts the dump server (see “Laravel Dump Server” on page 218) to collect and output dumped variables env Displays which environment Laravel is running in at the moment; it’s the equiva‐ lent of echoing app()->environment() in-app help Provides help for a command; for example, php artisan help commandName migrate Runs all database migrations optimize Clears and refreshes the configuration and route files preset Changes out the frontend scaffolding for another serve Pins up a PHP server at localhost:8000 (you can customize the host and/or port with –host and –port) tinker Brings up the Tinker REPL, which we’ll cover later in this chapter 202 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Changes to the Artisan Commands List Over time The list of Artisan commands and their names have changed in small ways over the lifetime of Laravel. I’ll try to note any time they’ve changed, but everything here is current for Laravel 5.8. If you’re not working in 5.8, the best way to see what’s available to you is to run php artisan from your application. Options Before we cover the rest of the commands, let’s look at a few notable options you can pass any time you run an Artisan command: -q Suppresses all output -v, -vv, and -vvv Specify the level of output verbosity (normal, verbose, and debug) –no-interaction Suppresses interactive questions, so the command won’t interrupt automated processes running it –env Allows you to define which environment the Artisan command should operate in (local, production, etc.). –version Shows you which version of Laravel your application is running on. You’ve probably guessed from looking at these options that Artisan commands are intended to be used much like basic shell commands: you might run them manually, but they can also function as a part of some automated process at some point. For example, there are many automated deploy processes that might benefit from cer‐ tain Artisan commands. You might want to run php artisan config:cache every time you deploy an application. Flags like -q and –no-interaction ensure that your deploy scripts, not attended by a human being, can keep running smoothly. The Grouped Commands The rest of the commands available out of the box are grouped by context. We won’t cover them all here, but we’ll cover each context broadly: Basic Artisan Commands | 203 app This just contains app:name, which allows you to replace every instance of the default top-level App\ namespace with a namespace of your choosing; for exam‐ ple, php artisan app:name MyApplication. I recommend avoiding this feature and keeping your app’s root namespace as App. auth All we have here is auth:clear-resets, which flushes all of the expired pass‐ word reset tokens from the database. cache cache:clear clears the cache, cache:forget removes an individual item from the cache, and cache:table creates a database migration if you plan to use the database cache driver. config config:cache caches your configuration settings for faster lookup; to clear the cache, use config:clear. db db:seed seeds your database, if you have configured database seeders. event event:generate builds missing event and event listener files based on the defini‐ tions in EventServiceProvider. You’ll learn more about events in Chapter 16. key key:generate creates a random application encryption key in your .env file. Rerunning artisan key:generate Means Losing Some Encrypted Data If you run php artisan key:generate more than once on your application, every currently logged-in user will be logged out. Additionally, any data you have manually encrypted will no longer be decryptable. To learn more, check out the article “APP_KEY and You” by fellow Tightenite Jake Bathman. make make:auth scaffolds out the views and corresponding routes for a landing page, a user dashboard, and login and register pages. All the rest of the make: actions create a single item, and have parameters that vary accordingly. To learn more about any individual command’s parameters, use help to read its documentation. 204 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker For example, you could run php artisan help make:migration and learn that you can pass –create=tableNameHere to create a migration that already has the create table syntax in the file, as shown here: php artisan make:migration create_posts_table –create=posts. migrate The migrate command used to run all migrations was mentioned earlier, but there are several other migration-related commands. You can create the migra tions table (to keep track of the migrations that are executed) with migrate:install, reset your migrations and start from scratch with migrate:reset, reset your migrations and run them all again with migrate:refresh, roll back just one migration with migrate:rollback, drop all tables and rerun all the migrations with migrate:fresh, or check the status of your migrations with migrate:status. notifications notifications:table generates a migration that creates the table for database notifications. package In versions of Laravel prior to 5.5, including a new Laravel-specific package in your app requires registering it manually in conƒg/app.php. However, in 5.5 it’s possible for Laravel to “autodiscover” those packages so you don’t have to man‐ ually register them. package:discover rebuilds Laravel’s “discovered” manifest of the service providers from your external packages. queue We’ll cover Laravel’s queues in Chapter 16, but the basic idea is that you can push jobs up into remote queues to be executed one after another by a worker. This command group provides all the tools you need to interact with your queues, like queue:listen to start listening to a queue, queue:table to create a migration for database-backed queues, and queue:flush to flush all failed queue jobs. There are quite a few more, which you’ll learn about in Chapter 16. route If you run route:list, you’ll see the definitions of every route defined in the application, including each route’s verb(s), path, name, controller/closure action, and middleware. You can cache the route definitions for faster lookups with route:cache and clear your cache with route:clear. schedule We’ll cover Laravel’s cron-like scheduler in Chapter 16, but in order for it to work, you need to set the system cron to run schedule:run once a minute: Basic Artisan Commands | 205 * * * * * php /home/myapp.com/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 As you can see, this Artisan command is intended to be run regularly in order to power a core Laravel service. session session:table creates a migration for applications using database-backed ses‐ sions. storage storage:link creates a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public. This is a common convention in Laravel apps, to make it easy to put user uploads (or other files that commonly end up in storage/app) somewhere where they’ll be accessible at a public URL. vendor Some Laravel-specific packages need to “publish” some of their assets, either so that they can be served from your public directory or so that you can modify them. Either way, these packages register these “publishable assets” with Laravel, and when you run vendor:publish, it publishes them to their specified locations. view Laravel’s view rendering engine automatically caches your views. It usually does a good job of handling its own cache invalidation, but if you ever notice it’s gotten stuck, run view:clear to clear the cache. Writing Custom Artisan Commands Now that we’ve covered the Artisan commands that come with Laravel out of the box, let’s talk about writing your own. First, you should know: there’s an Artisan command for that! Running php artisan make:command YourCommandName generates a new Artisan command in app/Console/ Commands/{YourCommandName}.php. php artisan make:command The command signature for make:command has changed a few times. It was originally command:make, but for a while in 5.2 it was console:make and then make:console. Finally, in 5.3, it was settled: all of the generators are under the make: namespace, and the command to generate new Artisan com‐ mands is now make:command. 206 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Your first argument should be the class name of the command, and you can option‐ ally pass a –command parameter to define what the terminal command will be (e.g., appname:action). So, let’s do it: php artisan make:command WelcomeNewUsers –command=email:newusers Take a look at Example 8-1 to see what you’ll get. Example 8-1. €e default skeleton of an Artisan command each(function ($user) { Mail::to($user)->send(new WelcomeEmail); }); } Now every time you run php artisan email:newusers, this command will grab every user that signed up this week and send them the welcome email. If you would prefer injecting your mail and user dependencies instead of using facades, you can typehint them in the command constructor, and Laravel’s container will inject them for you when the command is instantiated. Take a look at Example 8-3 to see what Example 8-2 might look like using depend‐ ency injection and extracting its behavior out to a service class. 208 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Example 8-3. €e same command, refactored … class WelcomeNewUsers extends Command { public function __construct(UserMailer $userMailer) { parent::__construct(); $this->userMailer = $userMailer } public function handle() { $this->userMailer->welcomeNewUsers(); } Keep It Simple It is possible to call Artisan commands from the rest of your code, so you can use them to encapsulate chunks of application logic. However, the Laravel docs recommend instead packaging the application logic into a service class and injecting that service into your command. Console commands are seen as being similar to controllers: they’re not domain classes; they’re traffic cops that just route incoming requests to the correct behavior. Arguments and Options The $signature property of the new command looks like it might just contain the command name. But this property is also where you’ll define any arguments and options for the command. There’s a specific, simple syntax you can use to add argu‐ ments and options to your Artisan commands. Before we dig into that syntax, take a look at an example for some context: protected $signature = ‘password:reset {userId} {–sendEmail}’; Writing Custom Artisan Commands | 209 Arguments—required, optional, and/or with defaults To define a required argument, surround it with braces: password:reset {userId} To make the argument optional, add a question mark: password:reset {userId?} To make it optional and provide a default, use: password:reset {userId=1} Options—required values, value defaults, and shortcuts Options are similar to arguments, but they’re prefixed with — and can be used with no value. To add a basic option, surround it with braces: password:reset {userId} {–sendEmail} If your option requires a value, add an = to its signature: password:reset {userId} {–password=} And if you want to pass a default value, add it after the =: password:reset {userId} {–queue=default} Array arguments and array options Both for arguments and for options, if you want to accept an array as input, use the * character: password:reset {userIds*} password:reset {–ids=*} Using array arguments and parameters looks a bit like Example 8-4. Example 8-4. Using array syntax with Artisan commands // Argument php artisan password:reset 1 2 3 // Option php artisan password:reset –ids=1 –ids=2 –ids=3 Array Arguments Must Be the Last Argument Since an array argument captures every parameter after its defini‐ tion and adds them as array items, an array argument has to be the last argument within an Artisan command’s signature. 210 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Input descriptions Remember how the built-in Artisan commands can give us more information about their parameters if we use artisan help? We can provide that same information about our custom commands. Just add a colon and the description text within the curly braces, like in Example 8-5. Example 8-5. Deƒning description text for Artisan arguments and options protected $signature = ‘password:reset {userId : The ID of the user} {–sendEmail : Whether to send user an email}’; Using Input Now that we’ve prompted for this input, how do we use it in our command’s handle() method? We have two sets of methods for retrieving the values of argu‐ ments and options. argument() and arguments() $this->arguments() returns an array of all arguments (the first array item will be the command name). $this->argument() called with no parameters returns the same response; the plural method, which I prefer, is just available for better readability, and is only available after Laravel 5.3. To get just the value of a single argument, pass the argument name as a parameter to $this->argument(), as shown in Example 8-6. Example 8-6. Using $this->arguments() in an Artisan command // With definition “password:reset {userId}” php artisan password:reset 5 // $this->arguments() returns this array [ “command”: “password:reset”, “userId”: “5”, ] // $this->argument(‘userId’) returns this string “5” option() and options() $this->options() returns an array of all options, including some that will by default be false or null. $this->option() called with no parameters returns the same Writing Custom Artisan Commands | 211 response; again, the plural method, which I prefer, is just available for better readabil‐ ity and is only available after Laravel 5.3. To get just the value of a single option, pass the argument name as a parameter to $this->option(), as shown in Example 8-7. Example 8-7. Using $this->options() in an Artisan command // With definition “password:reset {–userId=}” php artisan password:reset –userId=5 // $this->options() returns this array [ “userId” => “5”, “help” => false, “quiet” => false, “verbose” => false, “version” => false, “ansi” => false, “no-ansi” => false, “no-interaction” => false, “env” => null, ] // $this->option(‘userId’) returns this string “5” Example 8-8 shows an Artisan command using argument() and option() in its handle() method. Example 8-8. Getting input from an Artisan command public function handle() { // All arguments, including the command name $arguments = $this->arguments(); // Just the ‘userId’ argument $userid = $this->argument(‘userId’); // All options, including some defaults like ‘no-interaction’ and ‘env’ $options = $this->options(); // Just the ‘sendEmail’ option $sendEmail = $this->option(‘sendEmail’); } 212 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Prompts There are a few more ways to get user input from within your handle() code, and they all involve prompting the user to enter information during the execution of your command: ask() Prompts the user to enter freeform text: $email = $this->ask(‘What is your email address?’); secret() Prompts the user to enter freeform text, but hides the typing with asterisks: $password = $this->secret(‘What is the DB password?’); confirm() Prompts the user for a yes/no answer, and returns a Boolean: if ($this->confirm(‘Do you want to truncate the tables?’)) { // } All answers except y or Y will be treated as a “no.” anticipate() Prompts the user to enter freeform text, and provides autocomplete suggestions. Still allows the user to type whatever they want: $album = $this->anticipate(‘What is the best album ever?’, [ “The Joshua Tree”, “Pet Sounds”, “What’s Going On” ]); choice() Prompts the user to choose one of the provided options. The last parameter is the default if the user doesn’t choose: $winner = $this->choice( ‘Who is the best football team?’, [‘Gators’, ‘Wolverines’], 0 ); Note that the final parameter, the default, should be the array key. Since we passed a nonassociative array, the key for Gators is 0. You could also key your array, if you’d prefer: $winner = $this->choice( ‘Who is the best football team?’, [‘gators’ => ‘Gators’, ‘wolverines’ => ‘Wolverines’], Writing Custom Artisan Commands | 213 ‘gators’ ); Output During the execution of your command, you might want to write messages to the user. The most basic way to do this is to use $this->info() to output basic green text: $this->info(‘Your command has run successfully.’); You also have available the comment() (orange), question() (highlighted teal), error() (highlighted red), and line() (uncolored) methods to echo to the command line. Please note that the exact colors may vary from machine to machine, but they try to be in line with the local machine’s standards for communicating to the end user. Table output The table() method makes it simple to create ASCII tables full of your data. Take a look at Example 8-9. Example 8-9. Outputting tables with Artisan commands $headers = [‘Name’, ‘Email’]; $data = [ [‘Dhriti’, ‘dhriti@amrit.com’], [‘Moses’, ‘moses@gutierez.com’], ]; // Or, you could get similar data from the database: $data = App\User::all([‘name’, ’email’])->toArray(); $this->table($headers, $data); Note that Example 8-9 has two sets of data: the headers, and the data itself. Both con‐ tain two “cells” per “row”; the first cell in each row is the name, and the second is the email. That way the data from the Eloquent call (which is constrained to pull only name and email) matches up with the headers. Take a look at Example 8-10 to see what the table output looks like. 214 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Example 8-10. Sample output of an Artisan table +———+——————–+ | Name | Email | +———+——————–+ | Dhriti | dhriti@amrit.com | | Moses | moses@gutierez.com | +———+——————–+ Progress bars If you’ve ever run npm install, you’ve seen a command-line progress bar before. Let’s build one in Example 8-11. Example 8-11. Sample Artisan progress bar $totalUnits = 10; $this->output->progressStart($totalUnits); for ($i = 0; $i output->progressAdvance(); } $this->output->progressFinish(); What did we do here? First, we informed the system how many “units” we needed to work through. Maybe a unit is a user, and you have 350 users. The bar will then divide the entire width it has available on your screen by 350, and increment it by 1/350th every time you run progressAdvance(). Once you’re done, run progressFinish() so that it knows it’s done displaying the progress bar. Writing Closure-Based Commands If you’d prefer to keep your command definition process simpler, you can write com‐ mands as closures instead of classes by defining them in routes/console.php. Every‐ thing we discuss in this chapter will apply the same way, but you will define and register the commands in a single step in that file, as shown in Example 8-12. Example 8-12. Deƒning an Artisan command using a closure // routes/console.php Artisan::command( ‘password:reset {userId} {–sendEmail}’, function ($userId, $sendEmail) { $userId = $this->argument(‘userId’); // Do something… Writing Custom Artisan Commands | 215 } ); Calling Artisan Commands in Normal Code While Artisan commands are designed to be run from the command line, you can also call them from other code. The easiest way is to use the Artisan facade. You can either call a command using Artisan::call() (which will return the command’s exit code) or queue a command using Artisan::queue(). Both take two parameters: first, the terminal command (password:reset); and sec‐ ond, an array of parameters to pass it. Take a look at Example 8-13 to see how it works with arguments and options. Example 8-13. Calling Artisan commands from other code Route::get(‘test-artisan’, function () { $exitCode = Artisan::call(‘password:reset’, [ ‘userId’ => 15, ‘–sendEmail’ => true, ]); }); As you can see, arguments are passed by keying to the argument name, and options with no value can be passed true or false. In Laravel 5.8+, you can call Artisan commands much more naturally from your code. Just pass the same string you’d call from the command line into Artisan::call(): Artisan::call(‘password:reset 15 –sendEmail’) You can also call Artisan commands from other commands using $this->call(), (which is the same as Artisan::call()) or $this->callSilent(), which is the same but suppresses all output. See Example 8-14 for an example. Example 8-14. Calling Artisan commands from other Artisan commands public function handle() { $this->callSilent(‘password:reset’, [ ‘userId’ => 15, ]); } 216 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Finally, you can inject an instance of the Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel contract, and use its call() method. Tinker Tinker is a REPL, or read–eval–print loop. If you’ve ever used IRB in Ruby, you’ll be familiar with how a REPL works. REPLs give you a prompt, similar to the command-line prompt, that mimics a “wait‐ ing” state of your application. You type your commands into the REPL, hit Return, and then expect what you typed to be evaluated and the response printed out. Example 8-15 provides a quick sample to give you a sense of how it works and how it might be useful. We start the REPL with php artisan tinker and are then presented with a blank prompt (>>>); every response to our commands is printed on a line pref‐ aced with =>. Example 8-15. Using Tinker $ php artisan tinker >>> $user = new App\User; => App\User: {} >>> $user->email = ‘matt@mattstauffer.com’; => “matt@mattstauffer.com” >>> $user->password = bcrypt(‘superSecret’); => “$2y$10$TWPGBC7e8d1bvJ1q5kv.VDUGfYDnE9gANl4mleuB3htIY2dxcQfQ5” >>> $user->save(); => true As you can see, we created a new user, set some data (hashing the password with bcrypt() for security), and saved it to the database. And this is real. If this were a production application, we would’ve just created a brand new user in our system. This makes Tinker a great tool for simple database interactions, for trying out new ideas, and for running snippets of code when it’d be a pain to find a place to put them in the application source files. Tinker is powered by Psy Shell, so check that out to see what else you can do with Tinker. Tinker | 217 Laravel Dump Server One common method of debugging the state of your data during development is to use Laravel’s dump() helper, which runs a decorated var_dump() on anything you pass to it. This is fine, but it can often run into view issues. In projects running Laravel 5.7 and later, you can now enable the Laravel dump server, which catches those dump() statements and displays them in your console instead of rendering them to the page. To run the dump server in your local console, navigate to your project’s root directory and run php artisan dump-server: $ php artisan dump-server Laravel Var Dump Server ======================= [OK] Server listening on tcp:// // Quit the server with CONTROL-C. Now, try using the dump() helper function in your code somewhere. To test it out, try this code in your routes/web.php file: Route::get(‘/’, function () { dump(‘Dumped Value’); return ‘Hello World’; }); Without the dump server, you’d see both the dump and your “Hello World.” But with the dump server running, you’ll only see “Hello World” in the browser. In your con‐ sole, you’ll see that the dump server caught that dump(), and you can inspect it there: GET http://myapp.test/ ——————– ———— ——————————— date Tue, 18 Sep 2018 22:43:10 +0000 controller “Closure” source web.php on line 20 file routes/web.php ———— ——————————— “Dumped Value” 218 | Chapter 8: Artisan and Tinker Testing Since you know how to call Artisan commands from code, it’s easy to do that in a test and ensure that whatever behavior you expected to be performed has been performed correctly, as in Example 8-16. In our tests, we use $this->artisan() instead of Arti san::call() because it has the same syntax but adds a few testing-related assertions. Example 8-16. Calling Artisan commands from a test public function test_empty_log_command_empties_logs_table() { DB::table(‘logs’)->insert([‘message’ => ‘Did something’]); $this->assertCount(1, DB::table(‘logs’)->get()); $this->artisan(‘logs:empty’); // Same as Artisan::call(‘logs:empty’); $this->assertCount(0, DB::table(‘logs’)->get()); } In projects running Laravel 5.7 and later, you can chain on a few new assertions to your $this->artisan() calls that make it even easier to test Artisan commands—not just the impact they have on the rest of your app, but also how they actually operate. Take a look at Example 8-17 to see an example of this syntax. Example 8-17. Making assertions against the input and output of Artisan commands public function testItCreatesANewUser() { $this->artisan(‘myapp:create-user’) ->expectsQuestion(“What’s the name of the new user?”, “Wilbur Powery”) ->expectsQuestion(“What’s the email of the new user?”, “wilbur@thisbook.co”) ->expectsQuestion(“What’s the password of the new user?”, “secret”) ->expectsOutput(“User Wilbur Powery created!”); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘users’, [ ’email’ => ‘wilbur@thisbook.co’ ]); } TL;DR Artisan commands are Laravel’s command-line tools. Laravel comes with quite a few out of the box, but it’s also easy to create your own Artisan commands and call them from the command line or your own code. Tinker is a REPL that makes it simple to get into your application environment and interact with real code and real data, and the dump server lets you debug your code without stopping the code’s execution. Testing | 219 CHAPTER 9 User Authentication and Authorization Setting up a basic user authentication system—including registration, login, sessions, password resets, and access permissions—can often be one of the more timeconsuming pieces of creating the foundation of an application. It’s a prime candidate for extracting functionality out to a library, and there are quite a few such libraries. But because of how much authentication needs vary across projects, most authentica‐ tion systems grow bulky and unusable quickly. Thankfully, Laravel has found a way to make an authentication system that’s easy to use and understand, but flexible enough to fit in a variety of settings. Every new install of Laravel has a create_users_table migration and a User model built in out of the box. Laravel offers an Artisan make:auth command that seeds a collection of authentication-related views and routes. And every install comes with a RegisterController, a LoginController, a ForgotPasswordController, and a ResetPasswordController. The APIs are clean and clear, and the conventions all work together to provide a simple—and seamless—authentication and authoriza‐ tion system. Differences in Auth Structure in Laravel Before 5.3 Note that in Laravel 5.1 and 5.2, most of this functionality lived in the AuthController; in 5.3 and higher, this functionality has been split out into multiple controllers. Many of the specifics we’ll cover here about how to customize redirect routes, auth guards, and such are different in 5.1 and 5.2 (though all the core function‐ ality is the same). So, if you’re on 5.1 or 5.2 and want to change some of the default authentication behaviors, you’ll likely need to dig a bit into your AuthController to see how exactly you should customize it. 221 The User Model and Migration When you create a new Laravel application, the first migration and model you’ll see are the create_users_table migration and the App\User model. Example 9-1 shows, straight from the migration, the fields you’ll get in your users table. Example 9-1. Laravel’s default user migration Schema::create(‘users’, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->bigIncrements(‘id’); $table->string(‘name’); $table->string(’email’)->unique(); $table->string(‘password’); $table->rememberToken(); $table->timestamps(); }); We have an autoincrementing primary key ID, a name, a unique email, a password, a “remember me” token, and created and modified timestamps. This covers everything you need to handle basic user authentication in most apps. The Difference Between Authentication and Authorization Authentication means verifying who someone is, and allowing them to act as that person in your system. This includes the login and logout processes, and any tools that allow the users to identify themselves during their time using the application. Authorization means determining whether the authenticated user is allowed (authorized) to perform a specific behavior. For example, an authorization system allows you to forbid any nonadministrators from viewing the site’s earnings. The User model is a bit more complex, as you can see in Example 9-2. The App\User class itself is simple, but it extends the Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User class, which pulls in several traits. Example 9-2. Laravel’s default User model ‘datetime’, ]; } check() returns true if the current user is logged in; auth()->guest() returns true if the user is not logged in) and to get the currently logged-in user (use auth()->user(), or auth()->id() for just the ID; both return null if no user is logged in). Take a look at Example 9-3 for a sample usage of the global helper in a controller. Example 9-3. Sample usage of the auth() global helper in a controller public function dashboard() { if (auth()->guest()) { return redirect(‘sign-up’); } return view(‘dashboard’) ->with(‘user’, auth()->user()); } Using the auth() Global Helper and the Auth Facade | 225 The next section explores how the auth system works behind the scenes. It’s useful information but not vital, so if you want to skip it for now, check out the following section, “The Auth Scaffold” on page 231. The Auth Controllers So, how do we actually log users in? And how do we trigger those password resets? It all happens in the Auth-namespaced controllers: RegisterController, Login Controller, ResetPasswordController, and ForgotPasswordController. RegisterController The RegisterController, in combination with the RegistersUsers trait, contains sensible defaults for how to show new users a registration form, how to validate their input, how to create new users once their input is validated, and where to redirect them afterward. The controller itself just contains a few hooks that the traits will call at given points. That makes it easy to customize a few common behaviors without having to dig deeply into the code that makes it all work. The $redirectTo property defines where users will be redirected after registration. The validator() method defines how to validate registrations. And the create() method defines how to create a new user based on an incoming registration. Take a look at Example 9-4 to see the default RegisterController. Example 9-4. Laravel’s default RegisterController … class RegisterController extends Controller { use RegistersUsers; protected $redirectTo = ‘/home’; … protected function validator(array $data) { return Validator::make($data, [ ‘name’ => ‘required|string|max:255′, ’email’ => ‘required|string|email|max:255|unique:users’, ‘password’ => ‘required|string|min:6|confirmed’, ]); } protected function create(array $data) 226 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization { return User::create([ ‘name’ => $data[‘name’], ’email’ => $data[’email’], ‘password’ => Hash::make($data[‘password’]), ]); } } RegistersUsers trait The RegistersUsers trait, which the RegisterController imports, handles a few primary functions for the registration process. First, it shows users the registration form view, with the showRegistrationForm() method. If you want new users to reg‐ ister with a view other than auth.register you can override the showRegistration Form() method in your RegisterController. Next, it handles the POST of the registration form with the register() method. This method passes the user’s registration input to the validator from the validator() method of your RegisterController, and then on to the create() method. And finally, the redirectPath() method (pulled in via the RedirectsUsers trait) defines where users should be redirected after a successful registration. You can define this URI with the $redirectTo property on your controller, or you can over‐ ride the redirectPath() method and return whatever you want. If you want this trait to use a different auth guard than the default (you’ll learn more about guards in “Guards” on page 236), you can override the guard() method and have it return whichever guard you’d like. LoginController The LoginController, unsurprisingly, allows the user to log in. It brings in the AuthenticatesUsers trait, which brings in the RedirectsUsers and ThrottlesLogins traits. Like the RegistrationController, the LoginController has a $redirectTo prop‐ erty that allows you to customize the path the user will be redirected to after a suc‐ cessful login. Everything else lives behind the AuthenticatesUsers trait. AuthenticatesUsers trait The AuthenticatesUsers trait is responsible for showing users the login form, vali‐ dating their logins, throttling failed logins, handling logouts, and redirecting users after a successful login. The Auth Controllers | 227 The showLoginForm() method defaults to showing the user the auth.login view, but you can override it if you’d like it to use a different view. The login() method accepts the POST from the login form. It validates the request using the validateLogin() method, which you can override if you’d like to custom‐ ize the validation. It then hooks into the functionality of the ThrottlesLogins trait, which we’ll cover shortly, to reject users with too many failed logins. And finally, it redirects the user to either their intended path (if the user was redirected to the login page when attempting to visit a page within the app) or the path defined by the redi rectPath() method, which returns your $redirectTo property. The trait calls the empty authenticated() method after a successful login, so if you’d like to perform any sort of behavior in response to a successful login, just override this method in your LoginController. There’s a username() method that defines which of your users columns is the “user‐ name”; this defaults to email, but you can change that by overwriting the username() method in your controller to return the name of your username column. And, like in the RegistersUsers trait, you can override the guard() method to define which auth guard (more on that in “Guards” on page 236) this controller should use. ThrottlesLogins trait The ThrottlesLogins trait is an interface to Laravel’s Illuminate\Cache \RateLimiter class, which is a utility to rate-limit any event using the cache. This trait applies rate limiting to user logins, limiting users from using the login form if they’ve had too many failed logins within a certain amount of time. This functionality does not exist in Laravel 5.1. If you import the ThrottlesLogins trait, all of its methods are protected, which means they can’t actually be accessed as routes. Instead, the AuthenticatesUsers trait looks to see whether you’ve imported the ThrottlesLogins trait, and if so, it’ll attach its functionality to your logins without any work on your part. Since the default LoginController imports both, you’ll get this functionality for free if you use the auth scaffold (discussed in “The Auth Scaffold” on page 231). ThrottlesLogins limits any given combination of username and IP address to 5 attempts per 60 seconds. Using the cache, it increments the “failed login” count of a given username/IP address combination, and if any user reaches 5 failed login attempts within 60 seconds, it redirects that user back to the login page with an appropriate error until the 60 seconds is over. 228 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization ResetPasswordController The ResetPasswordController simply pulls in the ResetsPasswords trait. This trait provides validation and access to basic password reset views, and then uses an instance of Laravel’s PasswordBroker class (or anything else implementing the PasswordBroker interface, if you choose to write your own) to handle sending pass‐ word reset emails and actually resetting the passwords. Just like the other traits we’ve covered, it handles showing the reset password view (showResetForm() shows the auth.passwords.reset view) and the POST request that is sent from that view (reset() validates and sends the appropriate response). The resetPassword() method actually resets the password, and you can customize the broker with broker() and the auth guard with guard(). If you’re interested in customizing any of this behavior, just override the specific method you want to customize in your controller. ForgotPasswordController The ForgotPasswordController simply pulls in the SendsPasswordResetEmails trait. It shows the auth.passwords.email form with the showLinkRequestForm() method and handles the POST of that form with the sendResetLinkEmail() method. You can customize the broker with the broker() method. Veri€cationController The VerificationController pulls in the VerifiesEmails trait, which handles veri‐ fying the email addresses of newly signed-up users. You can customize the path to send users to after validation. Auth::routes() Now that we have the auth controllers providing some methods for a series of predefined routes, we’ll want our users to actually be able to hit those routes. We could add all the routes manually to routes/web.php, but there’s already a convenience tool for that, called Auth::routes(): // routes/web.php Auth::routes(); As you can probably guess, Auth::routes() brings a bundle of predefined routes into your routes file. In Example 9-5 you can see the routes that are actually being defined there. Auth::routes() | 229 Example 9-5. €e routes provided by Auth::routes() // Authentication routes $this->get(‘login’, ‘Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm’)->name(‘login’); $this->post(‘login’, ‘Auth\LoginController@login’); $this->post(‘logout’, ‘Auth\LoginController@logout’)->name(‘logout’); // Registration routes $this->get(‘register’, ‘Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm’) ->name(‘register’); $this->post(‘register’, ‘Auth\RegisterController@register’); // Password reset routes $this->get(‘password/reset’, ‘Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm’) ->name(‘password.request’); $this->post(‘password/email’, ‘Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail’) ->name(‘password.email’); $this->get(‘password/reset/{token}’, ‘Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm’) ->name(‘password.reset’); $this->post(‘password/reset’, ‘Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset’); // If email verification is enabled $this->get(’email/verify’, ‘Auth\VerificationController@show’) ->name(‘verification.notice’); $this->get(’email/verify/{id}’, ‘Auth\VerificationController@verify’) ->name(‘verification.verify’); $this->get(’email/resend’, ‘Auth\VerificationController@resend’) ->name(‘verification.resend’); Basically, Auth::routes() includes the routes for authentication, registration, and password resets. As you can see, there are also optional routes for email verification, a feature introduced in Laravel 5.7. To enable Laravel’s email verification service, which requires new users to verify they have access to the email address they signed up with, update your Auth::routes() call to enable it, as shown here: Auth::routes([‘verify’ => true]); We’ll discuss this further in “Email Verification” on page 235. In applications running Laravel 5.7+, you can use Auth::routes() but disable the registration and/or password reset links by adding “register” and “reset” keys to the array you’re passing to Auth::routes(): Auth::routes([‘register’ => false, ‘reset’ => false]); 230 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization The Auth Scaffold At this point you have a migration, a model, controllers, and routes for your authenti‐ cation system. But what about your views? Laravel handles these by providing an auth scaffold (available since 5.2) that’s intended to be run on a new application and provide you with even more skeleton code to get your auth system running quickly. The auth scaffold takes care of adding Auth::routes() to your routes file, adds a view for each route, and creates a HomeController to serve as the landing page for logged-in users; it also routes to the index() method of HomeController at the /home URI. Just run php artisan make:auth, and the following files will be made available to you: app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php resources/views/auth/login.blade.php resources/views/auth/register.blade.php resources/views/auth/verify.blade.php resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php resources/views/home.blade.php At this point, you have / returning the welcome view, /home returning the home view, and a series of auth routes for login, logout, registration, and password reset pointing to the auth controllers. Each of the seeded views has Bootstrap-based layouts and form fields for all necessary fields for login, registration, and password reset, and they already point to the correct routes. You now have all of the pieces in place for every step of the normal user registration and authentication flow. You can tweak all you want, but you’re entirely ready to reg‐ ister and authenticate users. Let’s review quickly the steps from new site to full authentication system: laravel new MyApp cd MyApp # Edit your .env file to specify the correct database connection details php artisan make:auth php artisan migrate That’s it. Run those commands, and you will have a landing page and a Bootstrapbased user registration, login, logout, and password reset system, with a basic landing page for all authenticated users. The Auth Scaffold | 231 “Remember Me” The auth scaffold has this implemented out of the box, but it’s still worth learning how it works and how to use it on your own. If you want to implement a “remember me”–style long-lived access token, make sure you have a remember_token column on your users table (which you will if you used the default migration). When you’re normally logging in a user (and this is how the LoginController does it, with the AuthenticatesUsers trait), you’ll “attempt” an authentication with the user-provided information, like in Example 9-6. Example 9-6. Attempting a user authentication if (auth()->attempt([ ’email’ => request()->input(’email’), ‘password’ => request()->input(‘password’), ])) { // Handle the successful login } This provides you with a user login that lasts as long as the user’s session. If you want Laravel to extend the login indefinitely using cookies (as long as the user is on the same computer and doesn’t log out), you can pass a Boolean true as the second parameter of the auth()->attempt() method. Take a look at Example 9-7 to see what that request looks like. Example 9-7. Attempting a user authentication with a “remember me” checkbox check if (auth()->attempt([ ’email’ => request()->input(’email’), ‘password’ => request()->input(‘password’), ]), request()->filled(‘remember’)) { // Handle the successful login } You can see that we checked whether the input has a nonempty (“filled”) remember property, which will return a Boolean. This allows our users to decide if they want to be remembered with a checkbox in the login form. And later, if you need to manually check whether the current user was authenticated by a remember token, there’s a method for that: auth()->viaRemember() returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the current user authenticated via a remember token. This will allow you to prevent certain higher-sensitivity features from being accessible by remember token; instead, you can require users to reenter their pass‐ words. 232 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Manually Authenticating Users The most common case for user authentication is that you’ll allow the user to provide their credentials, and then use auth()->attempt() to see whether the provided cre‐ dentials match any real users. If so, you log them in. But sometimes there are contexts where it’s valuable for you to be able to choose to log a user in on your own. For example, you may want to allow admin users to switch users. There are four methods that make this possible. First, you can just pass a user ID: auth()->loginUsingId(5); Second, you can pass a User object (or any other object that implements the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable contract): auth()->login($user); And third and fourth, you can choose to authenticate the given user for only the cur‐ rent request, which won’t impact your session or cookies at all, using once() or onceUsingId(): auth()->once([‘username’ => ‘mattstauffer’]); // or auth()->onceUsingId(5); Note that the array you pass to the once() method can contain any key/value pairs to uniquely identify the user you’d like to authenticate as. You can even pass multiple keys and values, if it’s what is appropriate for your project. For example: auth()->once([ ‘last_name’ => ‘Stauffer’, ‘zip_code’ => 90210, ]) Manually Logging Out a User If you ever need to log out a user manually, just call logout(): auth()->logout(); Invalidating Sessions on Other Devices If you’d like to log out not just a user’s current session, but also those on any other devices, you’ll need to prompt the user for their password and pass it to the logoutOtherDevices() method (available in Laravel 5.6 and later). In order to do this, you’ll have to add the (commented-out-by-default) AuthenticateSession mid‐ dleware to your web group in app\Http\Kernel.php: Manually Authenticating Users | 233 ‘web’ => [ // … \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\AuthenticateSession::class, ], Then you can use it inline anywhere you need: auth()->logoutOtherDevices($password); Auth Middleware In Example 9-3, you saw how to check whether visitors are logged in and redirect them if not. You could perform these sorts of checks on every route in your applica‐ tion, but it would very quickly get tedious. It turns out that route middleware (see Chapter 10 to learn more about how they work) are a perfect fit for restricting certain routes to guests or to authenticated users. Once again, Laravel comes with the middleware we need out of the box. You can see which route middleware you have defined in App\Http\Kernel: protected $routeMiddleware = [ ‘auth’ => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate::class, ‘auth.basic’ => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class, ‘bindings’ => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings::class, ‘cache.headers’ => \Illuminate\Http\Middleware\SetCacheHeaders::class, ‘can’ => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize::class, ‘guest’ => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class, ‘signed’ => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ValidateSignature::class, ‘throttle’ => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests::class, ‘verified’ => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\EnsureEmailIsVerified::class, ]; Four of the default route middleware are authentication-related: auth restricts route access to authenticated users. auth.basic restricts access to authenticated users using HTTP Basic Authentication. guest restricts access to unauthenticated users. can used for authorizing user access to given routes. It’s most common to use auth for your authenticated-user-only sections and guest for any routes you don’t want authenticated users to see (like the login form). auth.basic is a much less commonly used middleware for authenticating via request headers. 234 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Example 9-8 shows an example of a few routes protected by the auth middleware. Example 9-8. Sample routes protected by auth middleware Route::middleware(‘auth’)->group(function () { Route::get(‘account’, ‘AccountController@dashboard’); }); Route::get(‘login’, ‘Auth\LoginController@getLogin’)->middleware(‘guest’); Email Veri€cation Laravel 5.7 introduced a new feature that makes it possible to require a user to verify that they have access to the email address they registered with. In order to enable email verification, update your App\User class and make it imple‐ ment the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail contract, as shown in Example 9-9. Example 9-9. Adding the MustVerifyEmail trait to an Authenticatable model class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail { use Notifiable; // … } The users table must also contain a nullable timestamp column named email_verified_at, which the new default CreateUsersTable migration will have already provided for you in apps created in 5.7 or later. Finally, you’ll need to enable the email verification routes in your controller. The easi‐ est method is to use Auth::routes() in your routes file with the verify parameter set to true: Auth::routes([‘verify’ => true]); Now, you can protect any routes you’d like from being accessed by any users who haven’t verified their email address: Route::get(‘posts/create’, function () { // Only verified users may enter… })->middleware(‘verified’); You can customize the route where users are redirected after verifying in your Verifi cationController: protected $redirectTo = ‘/profile’; Email Veri€cation | 235 Blade Authentication Directives If you want to check whether a user is authenticated, not at the route level but in your views, you can, with @auth and @guest (see Example 9-10). Example 9-10. Checking a user’s authentiƒcation status in templates @auth // The user is authenticated @endauth @guest // The user is not authenticated @endguest You can also specify which guard you’d like to use with both methods by passing the guard name as a parameter, as shown in Example 9-11. Example 9-11. Checking a speciƒc auth guard’s authentiƒcation in templates @auth(‘trainees’) // The user is authenticated @endauth @guest(‘trainees’) // The user is not authenticated @endguest Guards Every aspect of Laravel’s authentication system is routed through something called a guard. Each guard is a combination of two pieces: a driver that defines how it per‐ sists and retrieves the authentication state (for example, session), and a provider that allows you to get a user by certain criteria (for example, users). Out of the box, Laravel has two guards: web and api. web is the more traditional authentication style, using the session driver and the basic user provider. api uses the same user provider, but it uses the token driver instead of session to authenticate each request. You’d change drivers if you wanted to handle the identification and persistence of a user’s identity differently (for example, changing from a long-running session to a provided-every-page-load token), and you’d change providers if you wanted to change the storage type or retrieval methods for your users (for example, moving to storing your users in Mongo instead of MySQL). 236 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Changing the Default Guard The guards are defined in conƒg/auth.php, and you can change them, add new guards, and also define which guard will be the default there. For what it’s worth, this is a relatively uncommon configuration; most Laravel apps just use one guard. The “default” guard is the one that will be used any time you use any auth features without specifying a guard. For example, auth()->user() will pull the currently authenticated user using the default guard. You can change this guard by changing the auth.defaults.guard setting in conƒg/auth.php: ‘defaults’ => [ ‘guard’ => ‘web’, // Change the default here ‘passwords’ => ‘users’, ], If you’re using Laravel 5.1, you’ll notice that the structure of the authentication infor‐ mation is a little different from this. Don’t worry—the features all still work the same; they’re just structured differently. Con€guration Conventions You may have noticed that I refer to configuration sections with references like auth.defaults.guard. What that translates to is: in conƒg/auth.php, in the array section keyed defaults, there should be a property keyed guard. Using Other Guards Without Changing the Default If you want to use another guard but not change the default, you can start your auth() calls with guard(): $apiUser = auth()->guard(‘api’)->user(); This will, just for this call, get the current user using the api guard. Adding a New Guard You can add a new guard at any time in conƒg/auth.php, in the auth.guards setting: ‘guards’ => [ ‘trainees’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘session’, ‘provider’ => ‘trainees’, ], ], Here, we’ve created a new guard (in addition to web and api) named trainees. Let’s imagine, for the rest of this section, that we’re building an app where our users are Guards | 237 physical trainers and they each have their own users—trainees—who can log in to their subdomains. So, we need a separate guard for them. The only two options for driver are token and session. Out of the box, the only option for provider is users, which supports authentication against your default users table, but you can create your own provider easily. Closure Request Guards If you want to define a custom guard, and your guard conditions (how to look up a given user against the request) can be described simply enough in response to any given HTTP request, you might just want to throw the user lookup code into a clo‐ sure and not deal with creating a new custom guard class. The viaRequest() auth method makes it possible to define a guard (named in the first parameter) using just a closure (defined in the second parameter) that takes the HTTP request and returns the appropriate user. To register a closure request guard, call viaRequest() in the boot() method of your AuthServiceProvider, as shown in Example 9-12. Example 9-12. Deƒning a closure request guard public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); Auth::viaRequest(‘token-hash’, function ($request) { return User::where(‘token-hash’, $request->token)->first(); }); } Creating a Custom User Provider Just below where guards are defined in conƒg/auth.php, there’s an auth.providers section that defines the available providers. Let’s create a new provider named train ees: ‘providers’ => [ ‘users’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘eloquent’, ‘model’ => App\User::class, ], ‘trainees’ => [ ‘driver’ => ‘eloquent’, ‘model’ => App\Trainee::class, ], ], 238 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization The two options for driver are eloquent and database. If you use eloquent, you’ll need a model property that contains an Eloquent class name (the model to use for your User class); and if you use database, you’ll need a table property to define which table it should authenticate against. In our example, you can see that this application has a User and a Trainee, and they need to be authenticated separately. This way, the code can differentiate between auth()->guard(‘users’) and auth()->guard(‘trainees’). One last note: the auth route middleware can take a parameter that is the guard name. So, you can guard certain routes with a specific guard: Route::middleware(‘auth:trainees’)->group(function () { // Trainee-only routes here }); Custom User Providers for Nonrelational Databases The user provider creation flow just described still relies on the same UserProvider class, which means it’s expecting to pull the identifying information out of a relational database. But if you’re using Mongo or Riak or something similar, you’ll actually need to create your own class. To do this, create a new class that implements the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth \UserProvider interface, and then bind it in AuthServiceProvider@boot: auth()->provider(‘riak’, function ($app, array $config) { // Return an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider… return new RiakUserProvider($app[‘riak.connection’]); }); Auth Events We’ll talk more about events in Chapter 16, but Laravel’s event system is a basic pub/sub framework. There are system- and user-generated events that are broadcast, and the user has the ability to create event listeners that do certain things in response to certain events. So, what if you wanted to send a ping to a particular security service every time a user was locked out after too many failed login attempts? Maybe this service watches out for a certain number of failed logins from certain geographic regions, or something else. You could, of course, inject a call in the appropriate controller. But with events, you can just create an event listener that listens to the “user locked out” event, and register that. Take a look at Example 9-13 to see all of the events that the authentication system emits. Auth Events | 239 Example 9-13. Authentication events generated by the framework protected $listen = [ ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Attempting’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Authenticated’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Failed’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Logout’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\Lockout’ => [], ‘Illuminate\Auth\Events\PasswordReset’ => [], ]; As you can see, there are listeners for “user registered,” “user attempting login,” “user authenticated,” “successful login,” “failed login,” “logout,” “lockout,” and “password reset.” To learn more about how to build event listeners for these events, check out Chapter 16. Authorization (ACL) and Roles Finally, let’s cover Laravel’s authorization system. It enables you to determine whether a user is authorized to do a particular thing, which you’ll check using a few primary verbs: can, cannot, allows, and denies. The access control list (ACL) system was introduced in Laravel 5.2. Most of this authorization control will be performed using the Gate facade, but there are also convenience helpers available in your controllers, on the User model, as mid‐ dleware, and as Blade directives. Take a look at Example 9-14 to get a taste of what we’ll be able to do. Example 9-14. Basic usage of the Gate facade if (Gate::denies(‘edit-contact’, $contact)) { abort(403); } if (! Gate::allows(‘create-contact’, Contact::class)) { abort(403); } De€ning Authorization Rules The default location for defining authorization rules is in the boot() method of the AuthServiceProvider, where you’ll be calling methods on the Auth facade. 240 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization An authorization rule is called an ability and is comprised of two things: a string key (e.g., update-contact) and a closure that returns a Boolean. Example 9-15 shows an ability for updating a contact. Example 9-15. Sample ability for updating a contact class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); Gate::define(‘update-contact’, function ($user, $contact) { return $user->id == $contact->user_id; }); } } Let’s walk through the steps for defining an ability. First, you want to define a key. In naming this key, you should consider what string makes sense in your code’s flow to refer to the ability you’re providing to the user. You can see the code sample uses the convention {verb}-{modelName}: create-contact, update-contact, etc. Second, you define the closure. The first parameter will be the currently authenticated user, and all parameters after that will be the object(s) you’re checking for access to— in this instance, the contact. So, given those two objects, we can check whether the user is authorized to update this contact. You can write this logic however you want, but in the app we’re looking at the moment, authorization depends on being the creator of the contact row. The closure will return true (authorized) if the current user created the contact, and false (unauthorized) if not. Just like with route definitions, you could also use a class and method instead of a closure to resolve this definition: $gate->define(‘update-contact’, ‘ContactACLChecker@updateContact’); The Gate Facade (and Injecting Gate) Now that you’ve defined an ability, it’s time to test against it. The simplest way is to use the Gate facade, as in Example 9-16 (or you can inject an instance of Illuminate \Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate). Authorization (ACL) and Roles | 241 Example 9-16. Basic Gate facade usage if (Gate::allows(‘update-contact’, $contact)) { // Update contact } // or if (Gate::denies(‘update-contact’, $contact)) { abort(403); } You might also define an ability with multiple parameters—maybe a contact can be in groups, and you want to authorize whether the user has access to add a contact to a group. Example 9-17 shows how to do this. Example 9-17. Abilities with multiple parameters // Definition Gate::define(‘add-contact-to-group’, function ($user, $contact, $group) { return $user->id == $contact->user_id && $user->id == $group->user_id; }); // Usage if (Gate::denies(‘add-contact-to-group’, [$contact, $group])) { abort(403); } And if you need to check authorization for a user other than the currently authentica‐ ted user, try forUser(), like in Example 9-18. Example 9-18. Specifying the user for Gate if (Gate::forUser($user)->denies(‘create-contact’)) { abort(403); } Resource Gates The most common use for ACLs is to define access to individual “resources” (think an Eloquent model, or something you’re allowing users to administer from their admin panel). The resource() method makes it possible to apply the four most common gates, view, create, update, and delete, to a single resource at once: Gate::resource(‘photos’, ‘App\Policies\PhotoPolicy’); This is equivalent to defining the following: 242 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Gate::define(‘photos.view’, ‘App\Policies\PhotoPolicy@view’); Gate::define(‘photos.create’, ‘App\Policies\PhotoPolicy@create’); Gate::define(‘photos.update’, ‘App\Policies\PhotoPolicy@update’); Gate::define(‘photos.delete’, ‘App\Policies\PhotoPolicy@delete’); The Authorize Middleware If you want to authorize entire routes, you can use the Authorize middleware (which has a shortcut of can), like in Example 9-19. Example 9-19. Using the Authorize middleware Route::get(‘people/create’, function () { // Create a person })->middleware(‘can:create-person’); Route::get(‘people/{person}/edit’, function () { // Edit person })->middleware(‘can:edit,person’); Here, the {person} parameter (whether it’s defined as a string or as a bound route model) will be passed to the ability method as an additional parameter. The first check in Example 9-19 is a normal ability, but the second is a policy, which we’ll talk about in “Policies” on page 247. If you need to check for an action that doesn’t require a model instance (for example, create, unlike edit, doesn’t get passed an actual route model–bound instance), you can just pass the class name: Route::post(‘people’, function () { // Create a person })->middleware(‘can:create,App\Person’); Controller Authorization The parent App\Http\Controllers\Controller class in Laravel imports the AuthorizesRequests trait, which provides three methods for authorization: authorize(), authorizeForUser(), and authorizeResource(). authorize() takes an ability key and an object (or array of objects) as parameters, and if the authorization fails, it’ll quit the application with a 403 (Unauthorized) sta‐ tus code. That means this feature can turn three lines of authorization code into just one, as you can see in Example 9-20. Authorization (ACL) and Roles | 243 Example 9-20. Simplifying controller authorization with authorize() // From this: public function edit(Contact $contact) { if (Gate::cannot(‘update-contact’, $contact)) { abort(403); } return view(‘contacts.edit’, [‘contact’ => $contact]); } // To this: public function edit(Contact $contact) { $this->authorize(‘update-contact’, $contact); return view(‘contacts.edit’, [‘contact’ => $contact]); } authorizeForUser() is the same, but allows you to pass in a User object instead of defaulting to the currently authenticated user: $this->authorizeForUser($user, ‘update-contact’, $contact); authorizeResource(), called once in the controller constructor, maps a predefined set of authorization rules to each of the RESTful controller methods in that controller —something like Example 9-21. Example 9-21. €e authorization-to-method mappings of authorizeResource() … class ContactsController extends Controller { public function __construct() { // This call does everything you see in the methods below. // If you put this here, you can remove all authorize() // calls in the individual resource methods here. $this->authorizeResource(Contact::class); } public function index() { $this->authorize(‘view’, Contact::class); } public function create() { $this->authorize(‘create’, Contact::class); } 244 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization public function store(Request $request) { $this->authorize(‘create’, Contact::class); } public function show(Contact $contact) { $this->authorize(‘view’, $contact); } public function edit(Contact $contact) { $this->authorize(‘update’, $contact); } public function update(Request $request, Contact $contact) { $this->authorize(‘update’, $contact); } public function destroy(Contact $contact) { $this->authorize(‘delete’, $contact); } } Checking on the User Instance If you’re not in a controller, you’re more likely to be checking the capabilities of a spe‐ cific user than the currently authenticated user. That’s already possible with the Gate facade using the forUser() method, but sometimes the syntax can feel a little off. Thankfully, the Authorizable trait on the User class provides three methods to make a more readable authorization feature: $user->can(), $user->cant(), and $user->cannot(). As you can probably guess, cant() and cannot() do the same thing, and can() is their exact inverse. That means you can do something like Example 9-22. Example 9-22. Checking authorization on a User instance $user = User::find(1); if ($user->can(‘create-contact’)) { // Do something } Authorization (ACL) and Roles | 245 Behind the scenes, these methods are just passing your params to Gate; in the preced‐ ing example, Gate::forUser($user)->check(‘create-contact’). Blade Checks Blade also has a little convenience helper: the @can directive. Example 9-23 illustrates its usage. Example 9-23. Using Blade’s @can directive You can also use @else in between @can and @endcan, and you can use @cannot and @endcannot as in Example 9-24. Example 9-24. Using Blade’s @cannot directive

{{ $contact->name }}

@cannot(‘edit-contact’, $contact) LOCKED @endcannot Intercepting Checks If you’ve ever built an app with an admin user class, you’ve probably looked at all of the simple authorization closures so far in this chapter and thought about how you could add a superuser class that overrides these checks in every case. Thankfully, there’s already a tool for that. In AuthServiceProvider, where you’re already defining your abilities, you can also add a before() check that runs before all the others and can optionally override them, like in Example 9-25. Example 9-25. Overriding Gate checks with before() Gate::before(function ($user, $ability) { if ($user->isOwner()) { return true; } }); 246 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Note that the string name for the ability is also passed in, so you can differentiate your before() hooks based on your ability naming scheme. Policies Up until this point, all of the access controls have required you to manually associate Eloquent models with the ability names. You could have created an ability named something like visit-dashboard that’s not related to a specific Eloquent model, but you’ll probably have noticed that most of our examples have had to do with doing something to something—and in most of these cases, the something that’s the recipient of the action is an Eloquent model. Authorization policies are organizational structures that help you group your author‐ ization logic based on the resource you’re controlling access to. They make it easy to manage defining authorization rules for behavior toward a particular Eloquent model (or other PHP class), all together in a single location. Generating policies Policies are PHP classes, which can be generated with an Artisan command: php artisan make:policy ContactPolicy Once they’re generated, they need to be registered. The AuthServiceProvider has a $policies property, which is an array. The key of each item is the class name of the protected resource (almost always an Eloquent class), and the value is the policy class name. Example 9-26 shows what this will look like. Example 9-26. Registering policies in AuthServiceProvider class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { protected $policies = [ Contact::class => ContactPolicy::class, ]; A policy class that’s generated by Artisan doesn’t have any special properties or meth‐ ods. But every method that you add is now mapped as an ability key for this object. Policy Auto-Discovery In applications running Laravel 5.8+, Laravel tries to “guess” the links between your policies and their corresponding models. For example, it’ll apply the PostPolicy to your Post model automati‐ cally. If you need to customize the logic Laravel uses to guess this map‐ ping, check out the Policy docs. Authorization (ACL) and Roles | 247 Let’s define an update() method to take a look at how it works (Example 9-27). Example 9-27. A sample update() policy method id == $contact->user_id; } } Notice that the contents of this method look exactly like they would in a Gate defini‐ tion. Policy Methods That Don’t Take an Instance What if you want to define a policy method that relates to the class but not a specific instance—for example, “can this user create contacts at all?” rather than just “can this user view this spe‐ cific contact?” In Laravel 5.3, you can treat this just like a normal method. In Laravel 5.2, when you create that method, you’ll need to add “Any” at the end of its name: … class ContactPolicy { public function createAny($user) { return $user->canCreateContacts(); } Checking policies If there’s a policy defined for a resource type, the Gate facade will use the first param‐ eter to figure out which method to check on the policy. If you run Gate::allows(‘update’, $contact), it will check the ContactPolicy@update method for authorization. This also works for the Authorize middleware and for User model checking and Blade checking, as seen in Example 9-28. 248 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization Example 9-28. Checking authorization against a policy // Gate if (Gate::denies(‘update’, $contact)) { abort(403); } // Gate if you don’t have an explicit instance if (! Gate::check(‘create’, Contact::class)) { abort(403); } // User if ($user->can(‘update’, $contact)) { // Do stuff } // Blade @can(‘update’, $contact) // Show stuff @endcan Additionally, there’s a policy() helper that allows you to retrieve a policy class and run its methods: if (policy($contact)->update($user, $contact)) { // Do stuff } Overriding policies Just like with normal ability definitions, policies can define a before() method that allows you to override any call before it’s even processed (see Example 9-29). Example 9-29. Overriding policies with the before() method public function before($user, $ability) { if ($user->isAdmin()) { return true; } } Testing Application tests often need to perform a particular behavior on behalf of a particular user. We therefore need to be able to authenticate as a user in application tests, and we need to test authorization rules and authentication routes. Testing | 249 Of course, it’s possible to write an application test that manually visits the login page and then fills out the form and submits it, but that’s not necessary. Instead, the sim‐ plest option is to use the ->be() method to simulate being logged in as a user. Take a look at Example 9-30. Example 9-30. Authenticating as a user in application tests public function test_it_creates_a_new_contact() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->be($user); $this->post(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘my@email.com’, ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘my@email.com’, ‘user_id’ => $user->id, ]); } You can also use, and chain, the actingAs() method instead of be(), if you prefer how it reads: public function test_it_creates_a_new_contact() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->actingAs($user)->post(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘my@email.com’, ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘contacts’, [ ’email’ => ‘my@email.com’, ‘user_id’ => $user->id, ]); } We can also test authorization like in Example 9-31. Example 9-31. Testing authorization rules public function test_non_admins_cant_create_users() { $user = factory(User::class)->create([ ‘admin’ => false, ]); $this->be($user); 250 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization $this->post(‘users’, [’email’ => ‘my@email.com’]); $this->assertDatabaseMissing(‘users’, [ ’email’ => ‘my@email.com’, ]); } Or we can test for a 403 response like in Example 9-32. Example 9-32. Testing authorization rules by checking status code public function test_non_admins_cant_create_users() { $user = factory(User::class)->create([ ‘admin’ => false, ]); $this->be($user); $response = $this->post(‘users’, [’email’ => ‘my@email.com’]); $response->assertStatus(403); } We need to test that our authentication (signup and sign-in) routes work too, as illus‐ trated in Example 9-33. Example 9-33. Testing authentication routes public function test_users_can_register() { $this->post(‘register’, [ ‘name’ => ‘Sal Leibowitz’, ’email’ => ‘sal@leibs.net’, ‘password’ => ‘abcdefg123’, ‘password_confirmation’ => ‘abcdefg123’, ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘users’, [ ‘name’ => ‘Sal Leibowitz’, ’email’ => ‘sal@leibs.net’, ]); } public function test_users_can_log_in() { $user = factory(User::class)->create([ ‘password’ => Hash::make(‘abcdefg123’) ]); $this->post(‘login’, [ Testing | 251 ’email’ => $user->email, ‘password’ => ‘abcdefg123’, ]); $this->assertTrue(auth()->check()); $this->assertTrue($user->is(auth()->user())); } We can also use the integration test features to direct the test to “click” our authenti‐ cation fields and “submit” the fields to test the entire flow. We’ll talk about that more in Chapter 12. Different Names for Testing Methods Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, assertDatabaseHas() should be replaced by seeInDatabase(), assertDatabaseMissing() should likewise be replaced by dontSeeInDatabase(), assertDatabaseHas() should be replaced by seeInDatabase(), and assertStatus() should be called on $this instead of $response. TL;DR Between the default User model, the create_users_table migration, the auth con‐ trollers, and the auth scaffold, Laravel provides a full user authentication system out of the box. The RegisterController handles user registration, the LoginController handles user authentication, and the ResetPasswordController and the ForgotPasswordController handle password resets. Each has certain properties and methods that can be used to override some of the default behavior. The Auth facade and the auth() global helper provide access to the current user (auth()->user()) and make it easy to check whether a user is logged in (auth()->check() and auth()->guest()). Laravel also has an authorization system built in that allows you to define specific abilities (create-contact, visit-secret-page) or define policies for user interaction with entire models. You can check for authorization with the Gate facade, the can() and cannot() meth‐ ods on the User class, the @can and @cannot directives in Blade, the authorize() methods on the controller, or the can middleware. 252 | Chapter 9: User Authentication and Authorization CHAPTER 10 Requests, Responses, and Middleware We’ve already talked a bit about the Illuminate Request object. In Chapter 3, for example, you saw how you can typehint it in constructors to get an instance or use the request() helper to retrieve it, and in Chapter 7 we looked at how you can use it to get information about the user’s input. In this chapter, you’ll learn more about what the Request object is, how it’s generated and what it represents, and what part it plays in your application’s lifecycle. We’ll also talk about the Response object and Laravel’s implementation of the middleware pattern. Laravel’s Request Lifecycle Every request coming into a Laravel application, whether generated by an HTTP request or a command-line interaction, is immediately converted into an Illuminate Request object, which then crosses many layers and ends up being parsed by the application itself. The application then generates an Illuminate Response object, which is sent back out across those layers and finally returned to the end user. This request/response lifecycle is illustrated in Figure 10-1. Let’s take a look at what it takes to make each of these steps happen, from the first line of code to the last. 253 Figure 10-1. Request/response lifecycle Bootstrapping the Application Every Laravel application has some form of configuration set up at the web server level, in an Apache .htaccess file or an Nginx configuration setting or something simi‐ lar, that captures every web request regardless of URL and routes it to public/ index.php in the Laravel application directory (app). index.php doesn’t actually have that much code in it. It has three primary functions. First, it loads Composer’s autoload file, which registers all of the Composer-loaded dependencies. Composer and Laravel Laravel’s core functionality is separated into a series of components under the Illuminate namespace, which are all pulled into each Laravel app using Composer. Laravel also pulls in quite a few packages from Symfony and several other community-developed packages. In this way, Laravel is just as much an opinionated collection of components as it is a framework. Next, it kicks off Laravel’s bootstrap, creating the application container (you’ll learn more about the container in Chapter 11) and registering a few core services (includ‐ ing the kernel, which we’ll talk about in just a bit). Finally, it creates an instance of the kernel, creates a request representing the current user’s web request, and passes the request to the kernel to handle. The kernel responds with an Illuminate Response object, which index.php returns to the end user. Then, the kernel terminates the page request. Laravel’s kernel The kernel is the core router of every Laravel application, responsible for taking in a user request, processing it through middleware, handling exceptions and passing it to the page router, and then returning the final response. Actually, there are two kernels, 254 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware but only one is used for each page request. One of the routers handles web requests (the HTTP kernel) and the other handles console, cron, and Artisan requests (the console kernel). Each has a handle() method that’s responsible for taking in an Illu‐ minate Request object and returning an Illuminate Response object. The kernel runs all of the bootstraps that need to run before every request, including determining which environment the current request is running in (staging, local, pro‐ duction, etc.) and running all of the service providers. The HTTP kernel additionally defines the list of middleware that will wrap each request, including the core middle‐ ware responsible for sessions and CSRF protection. Service Providers While there’s a bit of procedural code in these bootstraps, almost all of Laravel’s boot‐ strap code is separated into something Laravel calls service providers. A service pro‐ vider is a class that encapsulates logic that various parts of your application need to run in order to bootstrap their core functionality. For example, there’s an AuthServiceProvider that bootstraps all of the registrations necessary for Laravel’s authentication system and a RouteServiceProvider that boot‐ straps the routing system. The concept of service providers can be a little hard to understand at first, so think about it this way: many components of your application have bootstrap code that needs to run when the application initializes. Service providers are a tool for group‐ ing that bootstrap code into related classes. If you have any code that needs to run in preparation for your application code to work, it’s a strong candidate for a service provider. For example, if you ever find that the feature you’re working on requires some classes registered in the container (you’ll learn more about this in Chapter 11), you would create a service provider just for that piece of functionality. You might have a GitHubServiceProvider or a MailerServiceProvider. boot(), register(), and deferring on service providers Service providers have two important methods: boot() and register(). There’s also a DeferrableProvider interface (5.8+) or a $defer property (5.7 and earlier) that you might choose to use. Here’s how they work. First, all of the service providers’ register() methods are called. This is where you’ll want to bind classes and aliases to the container. You don’t want to do anything in register() that relies on the entire application being bootstrapped. Laravel’s Request Lifecycle | 255 Second, all of the service providers’ boot() methods are called. You can now do any other bootstrapping here, like binding event listeners or defining routes—anything that may rely on the entire Laravel application having been bootstrapped. If your service provider is only going to register bindings in the container (i.e., teach the container how to resolve a given class or interface), but not perform any other bootstrapping, you can “defer” its registrations, which means they won’t run unless one of their bindings is explicitly requested from the container. This can speed up your application’s average time to bootstrap. If you want to defer your service provider’s registrations, in 5.8+, first implement the Illuminate\Contracts\Support\DeferrableProvider interface; or, in 5.7 and ear‐ lier, first give it a protected $defer property and set it to true; and then, in all ver‐ sions, give the service provider a provides() method that returns a list of bindings the provider provides, as shown in Example 10-1. Example 10-1. Deferring the registration of a service provider … use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\DeferrableProvider; class GitHubServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider implements DeferrableProvider { public function provides() { return [ GitHubClient::class, ]; } More Uses for Service Providers Service providers also have a suite of methods and configuration options that can provide advanced functionality to the end user when the provider is published as part of a Composer package. Take a look at the service provider definition in the Laravel source to learn more about how this can work. Now that we’ve covered the application bootstrap, let’s take a look at the Request object, the most important output of the bootstrap. 256 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware The Request Object The Illuminate\Http\Request class is a Laravel-specific extension of Symfony’s HttpFoundation\Request class. Symfony HttpFoundation If you’re not familiar with it, Symfony’s HttpFoundation suite of classes powers almost every PHP framework in existence at this point; this is the most popular and powerful set of abstractions available in PHP for representing HTTP requests, responses, headers, cookies, and more. The Request object is intended to represent every relevant piece of information you might care to know about a user’s HTTP request. In native PHP code, you might find yourself looking to $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, and other combinations of globals and processing logic to get information about the cur‐ rent user’s request. What files has the user uploaded? What’s their IP address? What fields did they post? All of this is sprinkled around the language—and your code—in a way that’s hard to understand and harder to mock. Symfony’s Request object instead collects all of the information necessary to repre‐ sent a single HTTP request into a single object, and then tacks on convenience methods to make it easy to get useful information from it. The Illuminate Request object adds even more convenience methods to get information about the request it’s representing. Capturing a Request You’ll very likely never need to do this in a Laravel app, but if you ever need to capture your own Illuminate Request object directly from PHP’s globals, you can use the capture() method: $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture(); Getting a Request Object in Laravel Laravel creates an internal Request object for each request, and there are a few ways you can get access to it. First—and again, we’ll cover this more in Chapter 11—you can typehint the class in any constructor or method that’s resolved by the container. That means you can type‐ hint it in a controller method or a service provider, as seen in Example 10-2. The Request Object | 257 Example 10-2. Typehinting in a container-resolved method to receive a Request object … use Illuminate\Http\Request; class PeopleController extends Controller { public function index(Request $request) { $allInput = $request->all(); } Alternatively, you can use the request() global helper, which allows you to call meth‐ ods on it (e.g., request()->input()) and also allows you to call it on its own to get an instance of $request: $request = request(); $allInput = $request->all(); // or $allInput = request()->all(); Finally, you can use the app() global method to get an instance of Request. You can pass either the fully qualified class name or the shortcut request: $request = app(Illuminate\Http\Request::class); $request = app(‘request’); Getting Basic Information About a Request Now that you know how to get an instance of Request, what can you do with it? The primary purpose of the Request object is to represent the current HTTP request, so the primary functionality the Request class offers is to make it easy to get useful information about the current request. I’ve categorized the methods described here, but note that there’s certainly overlap between the categories, and the categories are a bit arbitrary—for example, query parameters could just as easily be in “User and request state” as they are in “Basic user input.” Hopefully these categories will make it easy for you to learn what’s available, and then you can throw away the categories. Also, be aware that there are many more methods available on the Request object; these are just the most commonly used methods. Basic user input The basic user input methods make it simple to get information that the users them‐ selves explicitly provide—likely through submitting a form or an Ajax component. When I reference “user-provided input” here, I’m talking about input from query 258 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware strings (GET), form submissions (POST), or JSON. The basic user input methods include the following: all() Returns an array of all user-provided input. input(fieldName) Returns the value of a single user-provided input field. only(fieldName|[array,of,field,names]) Returns an array of all user-provided input for the specified field name(s). except(fieldName|[array,of,field,names]) Returns an array of all user-provided input except for the specified field name(s). exists(fieldName) Returns a Boolean indicating whether the field exists in the input. has() is an alias. filled(fieldName) Returns a Boolean indicating whether the field exists in the input and is not empty (that is, has a value). json() Returns a ParameterBag if the page had JSON sent to it. json(keyName) Returns the value of the given key from the JSON sent to the page. ParameterBag Sometimes in Laravel you’ll run into a ParameterBag object. This class is sort of like an associative array. You can get a particular key using get(): echo $bag->get(‘name’); You can also use has() to check for the existence of a key, all() to get an array of all keys and values, count() to count the number of items, and keys() to get an array of just the keys. Example 10-3 gives a few quick examples of how to use the user-provided informa‐ tion methods from a request. The Request Object | 259 Example 10-3. Getting basic user-provided information from the request // form @csrf Name
// Route receiving the form Route::post(‘form’, function (Request $request) { echo ‘name is ‘ . $request->input(‘name’) . ‘
‘; echo ‘all input is ‘ . print_r($request->all()) . ‘
‘; echo ‘user provided email address: ‘ . $request->has(’email’) ? ‘true’ : ‘false’; }); User and request state The user and request state methods include input that wasn’t explicitly provided by the user through a form: method() Returns the method (GET, POST, PATCH, etc.) used to access this route. path() Returns the path (without the domain) used to access this page; for example, http://www.myapp.com/abc/def would return abc/def. url() Returns the URL (with the domain) used to access this page; for example, http:// www.myapp.com/abc would return http://www.myapp.com/abc. is() Returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the current page request fuzzymatches a provided string (e.g., /a/b/c would be matched by $request- >is(‘*b*’), where * stands for any characters); uses a custom regex parser found in Str::is(). ip() Returns the user’s IP address. header() Returns an array of headers (e.g., [‘accept-language’ => [‘enUS,en;q=0.8’]]), or, if passed a header name as a parameter, returns just that header. 260 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware server() Returns an array of the variables traditionally stored in $_SERVER (e.g., REMOTE_ADDR), or, if passed a $_SERVER variable name, returns just that value. secure() Returns a Boolean indicating whether this page was loaded using HTTPS. pjax() Returns a Boolean indicating whether this page request was loaded using Pjax. wantsJson() Returns a Boolean indicating whether this request has any /json content types in its Accept headers. isJson() Returns a Boolean indicating whether this page request has any /json content types in its Content-Type header. accepts() Returns a Boolean indicating whether this page request accepts a given content type. Files So far, all of the input we’ve covered is either explicit (retrieved by methods like all(), input(), etc.) or defined by the browser or referring site (retrieved by meth‐ ods like pjax()). File inputs are similar to explicit user input, but they’re handled much differently: file() Returns an array of all uploaded files, or, if a key is passed (the file upload field name), returns just the one file. allFiles() Returns an array of all uploaded files; useful as opposed to file() because of clearer naming. hasFile() Returns a Boolean indicating whether a file was uploaded at the specified key. Every file that’s uploaded will be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation \File\UploadedFile, which provides a suite of tools for validating, processing, and storing uploaded files. Take a look at Chapter 14 for more examples of how to handle uploaded files. The Request Object | 261 Persistence The request can also provide functionality for interacting with the session. Most ses‐ sion functionality lives elsewhere, but there are a few methods that are particularly relevant to the current page request: flash() Flashes the current request’s user input to the session to be retrieved later, which means it’s saved to the session but disappears after the next request. flashOnly() Flashes the current request’s user input for any keys in the provided array. flashExcept() Flashes the current request’s user input, except for any keys in the provided array. old() Returns an array of all previously flashed user input, or, if passed a key, returns the value for that key if it was previously flashed. flush() Wipes all previously flashed user input. cookie() Retrieves all cookies from the request, or, if a key is provided, retrieves just that cookie. hasCookie() Returns a Boolean indicating whether the request has a cookie for the given key. The flash*() and old() methods are used for storing user input and retrieving it later, often after the input is validated and rejected. The Response Object Similar to the Request object, there’s an Illuminate Response object that represents the response your application is sending to the end user, complete with headers, cookies, content, and anything else used for sending the end user’s browser instruc‐ tions on rendering a page. Just like Request, the Illuminate\Http\Response class extends a Symfony class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response. This is a base class with a series of properties and methods that make it possible to represent and render a response; Illu‐ minate’s Response class decorates it with a few helpful shortcuts. 262 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware Using and Creating Response Objects in Controllers Before we talk about how you can customize your Response objects, let’s step back and see how we most commonly work with Response objects. In the end, any Response object returned from a route definition will be converted into an HTTP response. It may define specific headers or specific content, set cookies, or whatever else, but eventually it will be converted into a response your users’ brows‐ ers can parse. Let’s take a look at the simplest possible response, in Example 10-4. Example 10-4. Simplest possible HTTP response Route::get(‘route’, function () { return new Illuminate\Http\Response(‘Hello!’); }); // Same, using global function: Route::get(‘route’, function () { return response(‘Hello!’); }); We create a response, give it some core data, and then return it. We can also custom‐ ize the HTTP status, headers, cookies, and more, like in Example 10-5. Example 10-5. Simple HTTP response with customized status and headers Route::get(‘route’, function () { return response(‘Error!’, 400) ->header(‘X-Header-Name’, ‘header-value’) ->cookie(‘cookie-name’, ‘cookie-value’); }); Setting headers We define a header on a response by using the header() fluent method, like in Example 10-5. The first parameter is the header name, and the second is the header value. Adding cookies We can also set cookies directly on the Response object if we’d like. We’ll cover Lara‐ vel’s cookie handling a bit more in Chapter 14, but take a look at Example 10-6 for a simple use case for attaching cookies to a response. The Response Object | 263 Example 10-6. Attaching a cookie to a response return response($content) ->cookie(‘signup_dismissed’, true); Specialized Response Types There are also a few special response types for views, downloads, files, and JSON. Each is a predefined macro that makes it easy to reuse particular templates for head‐ ers or content structure. View responses In Chapter 4, I used the global view() helper to show how to return a template—for example, view(‘view.name.here’) or something similar. But if you need to custom‐ ize the headers, HTTP status, or anything else when returning a view, you can use the view() response type as shown in Example 10-7. Example 10-7. Using the view() response type Route::get(‘/’, function (XmlGetterService $xml) { $data = $xml->get(); return response() ->view(‘xml-structure’, $data) ->header(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/xml’); }); Download responses Sometimes you want your application to force the user’s browser to download a file, whether you’re creating the file in Laravel or serving it from a database or a protected location. The download() response type makes this simple. The required first parameter is the path for the file you want the browser to down‐ load. If it’s a generated file, you’ll need to save it somewhere temporarily. The optional second parameter is the filename for the downloaded file (e.g., export.csv). If you don’t pass a string here, it will be generated automatically. The optional third parameter allows you to pass an array of headers. Example 10-8 illus‐ trates the use of the download() response type. Example 10-8. Using the download() response type public function export() { return response() ->download(‘file.csv’, ‘export.csv’, [‘header’ => ‘value’]); } 264 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware public function otherExport() { return response()->download(‘file.pdf’); } If you wish to delete the original file from the disk after returning a download response, you can chain the deleteFileAfterSend() method after the download() method: public function export() { return response() ->download(‘file.csv’, ‘export.csv’) ->deleteFileAfterSend(); } File responses The file response is similar to the download response, except it allows the browser to display the file instead of forcing a download. This is most common with images and PDFs. The required first parameter is the filename, and the optional second parameter can be an array of headers (see Example 10-9). Example 10-9. Using the ƒle() response type public function invoice($id) { return response()->file(“./invoices/{$id}.pdf”, [‘header’ => ‘value’]); } JSON responses JSON responses are so common that, even though they’re not really particularly com‐ plex to program, there’s a custom response for them as well. JSON responses convert the passed data to JSON (with json_encode()) and set the Content-Type to application/json. You can also optionally use the setCallback() method to create a JSONP response instead of JSON, as seen in Example 10-10. Example 10-10. Using the json() response type public function contacts() { return response()->json(Contact::all()); } The Response Object | 265 public function jsonpContacts(Request $request) { return response() ->json(Contact::all()) ->setCallback($request->input(‘callback’)); } public function nonEloquentContacts() { return response()->json([‘Tom’, ‘Jerry’]); } Redirect responses Redirects aren’t commonly called on the response() helper, so they’re a bit different from the other custom response types we’ve discussed already, but they’re still just a different sort of response. Redirects, returned from a Laravel route, send the user a redirect (often a 301) to another page or back to the previous page. You technically can call a redirect from response(), as in return response()->redirectTo(‘/’). But more commonly, you’ll use the redirect-specific global helpers. There is a global redirect() function that can be used to create redirect responses, and a global back() function that is a shortcut to redirect()->back(). Just like most global helpers, the redirect() global function can either be passed parameters or be used to get an instance of its class that you then chain method calls onto. If you don’t chain, but just pass parameters, redirect() performs the same as redirect()->to(); it takes a string and redirects to that string URL. Example 10-11 shows some examples of its use. Example 10-11. Examples of using the redirect() global helper return redirect(‘account/payment’); return redirect()->to(‘account/payment’); return redirect()->route(‘account.payment’); return redirect()->action(‘AccountController@showPayment’); // If redirecting to an external domain return redirect()->away(‘https://tighten.co’); // If named route or controller needs parameters return redirect()->route(‘contacts.edit’, [‘id’ => 15]); return redirect()->action(‘ContactsController@edit’, [‘id’ => 15]); You can also redirect “back” to the previous page, which is especially useful when handling and validating user input. Example 10-12 shows a common pattern in vali‐ dation contexts. 266 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware Example 10-12. Redirect back with input public function store() { // If validation fails… return back()->withInput(); } Finally, you can redirect and flash data to the session at the same time. This is com‐ mon with error and success messages, like in Example 10-13. Example 10-13. Redirect with flashed data Route::post(‘contacts’, function () { // Store the contact return redirect(‘dashboard’)->with(‘message’, ‘Contact created!’); }); Route::get(‘dashboard’, function () { // Get the flashed data from session–usually handled in Blade template echo session(‘message’); }); Custom response macros You can also create your own custom response types using macros. This allows you to define a series of modifications to make to the response and its provided content. Let’s recreate the json() custom response type, just to see how it works. As always, you should probably create a custom service provider for these sorts of bindings, but for now we’ll just put it in AppServiceProvider, as seen in Example 10-14. Example 10-14. Creating a custom response macro … class AppServiceProvider { public function boot() { Response::macro(‘myJson’, function ($content) { return response(json_encode($content)) ->withHeaders([‘Content-Type’ => ‘application/json’]); }); } Then, we can use it just like we would use the predefined json() macro: return response()->myJson([‘name’ => ‘Sangeetha’]); The Response Object | 267 This will return a response with the body of that array encoded for JSON, with the JSON-appropriate Content-Type header. The Responsable interface If you’d like to customize how you’re sending responses and a macro doesn’t offer enough space or enough organization, or if you want any of your objects to be capa‐ ble of being returned as a “response” with their own logic of how to be displayed, the Responsable interface (introduced in Laravel 5.5) is for you. The Responsable interface, Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Responsable, dictates its implementors must have a toResponse() method. This needs to return an Illumi‐ nate Response object. Example 10-15 illustrates how to create a Responsable object. Example 10-15. Creating a simple Responsable object … use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Responsable; class MyJson implements Responsable { public function __construct($content) { $this->content = $content; } public function toResponse() { return response(json_encode($this->content)) ->withHeaders([‘Content-Type’ => ‘application/json’]); } Then, we can use it just like our custom macro: return new MyJson([‘name’ => ‘Sangeetha’]); This probably looks like a lot of work relative to the response macros we covered ear‐ lier. But the Responsable interface really shines when you’re working with more complicated controller manipulations. One common example is to use it to create view models (or view objects), like in Example 10-16. Example 10-16. Using Responsable to create a view object … use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Responsable; class GroupDonationDashboard implements Responsable { public function __construct($group) 268 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware 1 Or an ogre. { $this->group = $group; } public function budgetThisYear() { // … } public function giftsThisYear() { // … } public function toResponse() { return view(‘groups.dashboard’) ->with(‘annual_budget’, $this->budgetThisYear()) ->with(‘annual_gifts_received’, $this->giftsThisYear()); } It starts to make a little bit more sense in this context—move your complex view preparation into a dedicated, testable object, and keep your controllers clean. Here’s a controller that uses that Responsable object: … class GroupController { public function index(Group $group) { return new GroupDonationsDashboard($group); } Laravel and Middleware Take a look back at Figure 10-1, at the start of this chapter. We’ve covered the requests and responses, but we haven’t actually looked into what middleware is. You may already be familiar with middleware; it’s not unique to Lara‐ vel, but rather a widely used architecture pattern. An Introduction to Middleware The idea of middleware is that there is a series of layers wrapping around your appli‐ cation, like a multilayer cake or an onion.1 Just as shown in Figure 10-1, every request passes through every middleware layer on its way into the application, and then the Laravel and Middleware | 269 resulting response passes back through the middleware layers on its way out to the end user. Middleware are most often considered separate from your application logic, and usu‐ ally are constructed in a way that should theoretically be applicable to any applica‐ tion, not just the one you’re working on at the moment. A middleware can inspect a request and decorate it, or reject it, based on what it finds. That means middleware is great for something like rate limiting: it can inspect the IP address, check how many times it’s accessed this resource in the last minute, and send back a 429 (Too Many Requests) status if a threshold is passed. Because middleware also gets access to the response on its way out of the application, it’s great for decorating responses. For example, Laravel uses a middleware to add all of the queued cookies from a given request/response cycle to the response right before it is sent to the end user. But some of the most powerful uses of middleware come from the fact that it can be nearly the ƒrst and the last thing to interact with the request/response cycle. That makes it perfect for something like enabling sessions—PHP needs you to open the session very early and close it very late, and middleware is also great for this. Creating Custom Middleware Let’s imagine we want to have a middleware that rejects every request that uses the DELETE HTTP method, and also sends a cookie back for every request. There’s an Artisan command to create custom middleware. Let’s try it out: php artisan make:middleware BanDeleteMethod You can now open up the file at app/Http/Middleware/BanDeleteMethod.php. The default contents are shown in Example 10-17. Example 10-17. Default middleware contents … class BanDeleteMethod { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { return $next($request); } } How this handle() method represents the processing of both the incoming request and the outgoing response is the most difficult thing to understand about middle‐ ware, so let’s walk through it. 270 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware Understanding middleware’s handle() method First, remember that middleware are layered one on top of another, and then finally on top of the app. The first middleware that’s registered gets ƒrst access to a request when it comes in, then that request is passed to every other middleware in turn, then to the app; then the resulting response is passed outward through the middleware, and finally this first middleware gets last access to the response when it goes out. Let’s imagine we’ve registered BanDeleteMethod as the first middleware to run. That means the $request coming into it is the raw request, unadulterated by any other middleware. Now what? Passing that request to $next() means handing it off to the rest of the middleware. The $next() closure just takes that $request and passes it to the handle() method of the next middleware in the stack. It then gets passed on down the line until there are no more middleware to hand it to, and it finally ends up at the application. Next, how does the response come out? This is where it might be hard to follow. The application returns a response, which is passed back up the chain of middleware— because each middleware returns its response. So, within that same handle() method, the middleware can decorate a $request and pass it to the $next() closure, and can then choose to do something with the output it receives before finally return‐ ing that output to the end user. Let’s look at some pseudocode to make this clearer (Example 10-18). Example 10-18. Pseudocode explaining the middleware call process … class BanDeleteMethod { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { // At this point, $request is the raw request from the user. // Let’s do something with it, just for fun. if ($request->ip() === ‘’) { return response(‘BANNED IP ADDRESS!’, 403); } // Now we’ve decided to accept it. Let’s pass it on to the next // middleware in the stack. We pass it to $next(), and what is // returned is the response after the $request has been passed // down the stack of middleware to the application and the // application’s response has been passed back up the stack. $response = $next($request); // At this point, we can once again interact with the response // just before it is returned to the user $response->cookie(‘visited-our-site’, true); Laravel and Middleware | 271 // Finally, we can release this response to the end user return $response; } } Finally, let’s make the middleware do what we actually promised (Example 10-19). Example 10-19. Sample middleware banning the delete method … class BanDeleteMethod { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { // Test for the DELETE method if ($request->method() === ‘DELETE’) { return response( “Get out of here with that delete method”, 405 ); } $response = $next($request); // Assign cookie $response->cookie(‘visited-our-site’, true); // Return response return $response; } } Binding Middleware We’re not quite done yet. We need to register this middleware in one of two ways: globally or for specific routes. Global middleware are applied to every route; route middleware are applied on a route-by-route basis. Binding global middleware Both bindings happen in app/Http/Kernel.php. To add a middleware as global, add its class name to the $middleware property, as in Example 10-20. 272 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware Example 10-20. Binding global middleware // app/Http/Kernel.php protected $middleware = [ \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode::class, \App\Http\Middleware\BanDeleteMethod::class, ]; Binding route middleware Middleware intended for specific routes can be added as a route middleware or as part of a middleware group. Let’s start with the former. Route middleware are added to the $routeMiddleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php. It’s similar to adding them to $middleware, except we have to give one a key that will be used when applying this middleware to a particular route, as seen in Example 10-21. Example 10-21. Binding route middleware // app/Http/Kernel.php protected $routeMiddleware = [ ‘auth’ => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class, … ‘ban-delete’ => \App\Http\Middleware\BanDeleteMethod::class, ]; We can now use this middleware in our route definitions, like in Example 10-22. Example 10-22. Applying route middleware in route deƒnitions // Doesn’t make much sense for our current example… Route::get(‘contacts’, ‘ContactsController@index’)->middleware(‘ban-delete’); // Makes more sense for our current example… Route::prefix(‘api’)->middleware(‘ban-delete’)->group(function () { // All routes related to an API }); Using middleware groups Laravel 5.2 introduced the concept of middleware groups. They’re essentially prepackaged bundles of middleware that make sense to be together in specific contexts. Laravel and Middleware | 273 Middleware Groups in 5.2 and 5.3 The default routes file in earlier releases of 5.2, routes.php, had three distinct sections: the root route (/) wasn’t under any mid‐ dleware group, and then there was a web middleware group and an api middleware group. It was a bit confusing for new users, and it meant the root route didn’t have access to the session or anything else that’s kicked off in the middleware. In later releases of 5.2 everything’s simplified: every route in routes.php is in the web middleware group. In 5.3 and later, you get a routes/web.php file for web routes and a routes/api.php file for API routes. If you want to add routes in other groups, read on. Out of the box there are two groups: web and api. web has all the middleware that will be useful on almost every Laravel page request, including middleware for cookies, sessions, and CSRF protection. api has none of those—it has a throttling middleware and a route model binding middleware, and that’s it. These are all defined in app/ Http/Kernel.php. You can apply middleware groups to routes just like you apply route middleware to routes, with the middleware() fluent method: Route::get(‘/’, ‘HomeController@index’)->middleware(‘web’); You can also create your own middleware groups and add and remove route middle‐ ware to and from preexisting middleware groups. It works just like adding route mid‐ dleware normally, but you’re instead adding them to keyed groups in the $middlewareGroups array. You might be wondering how these middleware groups match up with the two default routes files. Unsurprisingly, the routes/web.php file is wrapped with the web middleware group, and the routes/api.php file is wrapped with the api middleware group. The routes/* files are loaded in the RouteServiceProvider. Take a look at the map() method there (Example 10-23) and you’ll find a mapWebRoutes() method and a mapApiRoutes() method, each of which loads its respective files already wrapped in the appropriate middleware group. Example 10-23. Default route service provider in Laravel 5.3+ // App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider public function map() { $this->mapApiRoutes(); $this->mapWebRoutes(); } 274 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware protected function mapApiRoutes() { Route::prefix(‘api’) ->middleware(‘api’) ->namespace($this->namespace) ->group(base_path(‘routes/api.php’)); } protected function mapWebRoutes() { Route::middleware(‘web’) ->namespace($this->namespace) ->group(base_path(‘routes/web.php’)); } As you can see in Example 10-23, we’re using the router to load a route group under the default namespace (App\Http\Controllers) and with the web middleware group, and another under the api middleware group. Passing Parameters to Middleware It’s not common, but there are times when you need to pass parameters to a route middleware. For example, you might have an authentication middleware that will act differently depending on whether you’re guarding for the member user type or the owner user type: Route::get(‘company’, function () { return view(‘company.admin’); })->middleware(‘auth:owner’); To make this work, you’ll need to add one or more parameters to the middleware’s handle() method and update that method’s logic accordingly, as shown in Example 10-24. Example 10-24. Deƒning a route middleware that accepts parameters public function handle($request, $next, $role) { if (auth()->check() && auth()->user()->hasRole($role)) { return $next($request); } return redirect(‘login’); } Note that you can also add more than one parameter to the handle() method, and pass multiple parameters to the route definition by separating them with commas: Laravel and Middleware | 275 Route::get(‘company’, function () { return view(‘company.admin’); })->middleware(‘auth:owner,view’); Form Request Objects In this chapter we covered how to inject an Illuminate Request object, which is the base—and most common—request object. However, you can also extend the Request object and inject that instead. You’ll learn more about how to bind and inject custom classes in Chapter 11, but there’s one spe‐ cial type, called the form request, that has its own set of behaviors. See “Form Requests” on page 194 to learn more about creating and using form requests. Trusted Proxies If you use any Laravel tools to generate URLs within the app, you’ll notice that Lara‐ vel detects whether the current request was via HTTP or HTTPS and will generate any links using the appropriate protocol. However, this doesn’t always work when you have a proxy (e.g., a load balancer or other web-based proxy) in front of your app. Many proxies send nonstandard headers like X_FORWARDED_PORT and X_FORWARDED_PROTO to your app, and expect your app to “trust” those, interpret them, and use them as a part of the process of interpreting the HTTP request. In order to make Laravel correctly treat proxied HTTPS calls like secure calls, and in order for Laravel to process other headers from proxied requests, you need to define how it should do so. You likely don’t just want to allow any proxy to send traffic to your app; rather, you want to lock your app to only trust certain proxies, and even from those proxies you may only want to trust certain forwarded headers. Since Laravel 5.6, the package TrustedProxy is included by default with every installa‐ tion of Laravel—but if you’re using an older version, you can still pull it into your package. TrustedProxy makes it possible for you to whitelist certain sources of traffic and mark them as “trusted,” and also mark which forwarded headers you want to trust from those sources and how to map them to normal headers. To configure which proxies your app will trust, you can edit the App\Http \Middleware\TrustProxies middleware and add the IP address for your load bal‐ ancer or proxy to the $proxies array, as shown in Example 10-25. 276 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware Example 10-25. Conƒguring the TrustProxies middleware /** * The trusted proxies for this application * * @var array */ protected $proxies = [ ‘’, ‘’, ]; /** * The headers that should be used to detect proxies * * @var string */ protected $headers = Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL; As you can see, the $headers array defaults to trusting all forwarded headers from the trusted proxies; if you want to customize this list, take a look at the Symfony docs on trusting proxies. Testing Outside of the context of you as a developer using requests, responses, and middle‐ ware in your own testing, Laravel itself actually uses each quite a bit. When you’re doing application testing with calls like $this->get(‘/’), you’re instructing Laravel’s application testing framework to generate request objects that represent the interactions that you’re describing. Then those request objects are passed to your application as these were actual visits. That’s why the application tests are so accurate: your application doesn’t actually “know” that it’s not a real user that’s interacting with it. In this context, many of the assertions you’re making—say, assertResponseOk()— are assertions against the response object generated by the application testing frame‐ work. The assertResponseOk() method just looks at the response object and asserts that its isOk() method returns true—which is just checking that its status code is 200. In the end, everything in application testing is acting as if this were a real page request. Find yourself in a context where you need a request to work with in your tests? You can always pull one from the container with $request = request(). Or you could create your own—the constructor parameters for the Request class, all optional, are as follows: Testing | 277 $request = new Illuminate\Http\Request( $query, // GET array $request, // POST array $attributes, // “attributes” array; empty is fine $cookies, // Cookies array $files, // Files array $server, // Servers array $content // Raw body data ); If you’re really interested in an example, check out the method Symfony uses to create a new Request from the globals PHP provides: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation \Request@createFromGlobals(). Response objects are even simpler to create manually, if you need to. Here are the (optional) parameters: $response = new Illuminate\Http\Response( $content, // response content $status, // HTTP status, default 200 $headers // array headers array ); Finally, if you need to disable your middleware during an application test, import the WithoutMiddleware trait into that test. You can also use the $this->withoutMiddle ware() method to disable middleware just for a single test method. TL;DR Every request coming into a Laravel application is converted into an Illuminate Request object, which then passes through all the middleware and is processed by the application. The application generates a Response object, which is then passed back through all of the middleware (in reverse order) and returned to the end user. Request and Response objects are responsible for encapsulating and representing every relevant piece of information about the incoming user request and the outgoing server response. Service providers collect together related behavior for binding and registering classes for use by the application. Middleware wrap the application and can reject or decorate any request and response. 278 | Chapter 10: Requests, Responses, and Middleware CHAPTER 11 The Container Laravel’s service container, or dependency injection container, sits at the core of almost every other feature. The container is a simple tool you can use to bind and resolve concrete instances of classes and interfaces, and at the same time it’s a power‐ ful and nuanced manager of a network of interrelated dependencies. In this chapter, you’ll learn more about what it is, how it works, and how you can use it. Naming and the Container You’ll notice in this book, in the documentation, and in other edu‐ cational sources that there are quite a few names folks use for the container. These include: • Application container • IoC (inversion of control) container • Service container • DI (dependency injection) container All are useful and valid, but just know they’re all talking about the same thing. They’re all referring to the service container. A Quick Introduction to Dependency Injection Dependency injection means that, rather than being instantiated (“newed up”) within a class, each class’s dependencies will be injected in from the outside. This most com‐ monly occurs with constructor injection, which means an object’s dependencies are injected when it’s created. But there’s also setter injection, where the class exposes a method specifically for injecting a given dependency, and method injection, where one or more methods expect their dependencies to be injected when they’re called. 279 Take a look at Example 11-1 for a quick example of constructor injection, the most common type of dependency injection. Example 11-1. Basic dependency injection mailer = $mailer; } public function welcome($user) { return $this->mailer->mail($user->email, ‘Welcome!’); } } As you can see, this UserMailer class expects an object of type Mailer to be injected when it’s instantiated, and its methods then refer to that instance. The primary benefits of dependency injection are that it gives us the freedom to change what we’re injecting, to mock dependencies for testing, and to instantiate shared dependencies just once for shared use. Inversion of Control You may have heard the phrase “inversion of control” used in conjunction with “dependency injection,” and sometimes Laravel’s container is called the IoC container. The two concepts are very similar. Inversion of control references the idea that, in tra‐ ditional programming, the lowest-level code—specific classes, instances, and proce‐ dural code—“controls” which instance of a particular pattern or interface to use. For example, if you’re instantiating your mailer in each class that needs it, each class gets to decide whether to use Mailgun or Mandrill or Sendgrid. The idea of inversion of control refers to flipping that “control” the opposite end of your application. Now the definition of which mailer to use lives at the highest, most abstract level of the application, often in configuration. Every instance, every piece of low-level code, looks up to the high-level configuration to essentially “ask”: “Can you give me a mailer?” They don’t “know” which mailer they’re getting, just that they’re getting one. 280 | Chapter 11: The Container Dependency injection and especially DI containers provide a great opportunity for inversion of control because, for example, you can define once which concrete instance of the Mailer interface to provide when injecting mailers into any class that needs them. Dependency Injection and Laravel As you saw in Example 11-1, the most common pattern for dependency injection is constructor injection, or injecting the dependencies of an object when it’s instanti‐ ated (“constructed”). Let’s take our UserMailer class from Example 11-1. Example 11-2 shows what it might look like to create and use an instance of it. Example 11-2. Simple manual dependency injection $mailer = new MailgunMailer($mailgunKey, $mailgunSecret, $mailgunOptions); $userMailer = new UserMailer($mailer); $userMailer->welcome($user); Now let’s imagine we want our UserMailer class to be able to log messages, as well as sending a notification to a Slack channel every time it sends a message. Example 11-3 shows what this would look like. As you can see, it would start to get pretty unwieldy if we had to do all this work every time we wanted to create a new instance—espe‐ cially when you consider that we’ll have to get all these parameters from somewhere. Example 11-3. More complex manual dependency injection $mailer = new MailgunMailer($mailgunKey, $mailgunSecret, $mailgunOptions); $logger = new Logger($logPath, $minimumLogLevel); $slack = new Slack($slackKey, $slackSecret, $channelName, $channelIcon); $userMailer = new UserMailer($mailer, $logger, $slack); $userMailer->welcome($user); Imagine having to write that code every time you wanted a UserMailer. Dependency injection is great, but this is a mess. The app() Global Helper Before we go too far into how the container actually works, let’s take a quick look at the simplest way to get an object out of the container: the app() helper. Dependency Injection and Laravel | 281 Pass any string to that helper, whether it’s a fully qualified class name (FQCN, like App \ThingDoer) or a Laravel shortcut (we’ll talk about those more in a second), and it’ll return an instance of that class: $logger = app(Logger::class); This is the absolute simplest way to interact with the container. It creates an instance of this class and returns it for you, nice and easy. It’s like new Logger but, as you’ll see shortly, much better. Different Syntaxes for Making a Concrete Instance The simplest way to “make” a concrete instance of any class or interface is to use the global helper and pass the class or interface name directly to the helper, using app(‘FQCN’). However, if you have an instance of the container—whether it was injected some‐ where, or if you’re in a service provider and using $this->app, or (a lesser-known trick) if you get one by just running $container = app()—there are a few ways to make an instance from there. The most common way is to run the make() method. $app->make(‘FQCN’) works well. However, you may also see other developers and the documentation use this syntax sometimes: $app[‘FQCN’]. Don’t worry. That’s doing the same thing; it’s just a different way of writing it. Creating the Logger instance as shown here seems simple enough, but you might’ve noticed that our $logger class in Example 11-3 has two parameters: $logPath and $minimumLogLevel. How does the container know what to pass here? Short answer: it doesn’t. You can use the app() global helper to create an instance of a class that has no parameters in its constructor, but at that point you could’ve just run new Logger yourself. The container shines when there’s some complexity in the con‐ structor, and that’s when we need to look at how exactly the container can figure out how to construct classes with constructor parameters. How the Container Is Wired Before we dig further into the Logger class, take a look at Example 11-4. Example 11-4. Laravel autowiring class Bar { public function __construct() {} 282 | Chapter 11: The Container } class Baz { public function __construct() {} } class Foo { public function __construct(Bar $bar, Baz $baz) {} } $foo = app(Foo::class); This looks similar to our mailer example in Example 11-3. What’s different is that these dependencies (Bar and Baz) are both so simple that the container can resolve them without any further information. The container reads the typehints in the Foo constructor, resolves an instance of both Bar and Baz, and then injects them into the new Foo instance when it’s creating it. This is called autowiring: resolving instances based on typehints without the developer needing to explicitly bind those classes in the container. Autowiring means that, if a class has not been explicitly bound to the container (like Foo, Bar, or Baz in this context) but the container can figure out how to resolve it anyway, the container will resolve it. This means any class with no constructor depen‐ dencies (like Bar and Baz) and any class with constructor dependencies that the con‐ tainer can resolve (like Foo) can be resolved out of the container. That leaves us only needing to bind classes that have unresolvable constructor param‐ eters—for example, our $logger class in Example 11-3, which has parameters related to our log path and log level. For those, we’ll need to learn how to explicitly bind something to the container. Binding Classes to the Container Binding a class to Laravel’s container is essentially telling the container, “If a devel‐ oper asks for an instance of Logger, here’s the code to run in order to instantiate one with the correct parameters and dependencies and then return it correctly.” We’re teaching the container that, when someone asks for this particular string (which is usually the FQCN of a class), it should resolve it this way. Binding to a Closure So, let’s look at how to bind to the container. Note that the appropriate place to bind to the container is in a service provider’s register() method (see Example 11-5). Binding Classes to the Container | 283 Example 11-5. Basic container binding // In any service provider (maybe LoggerServiceProvider) public function register() { $this->app->bind(Logger::class, function ($app) { return new Logger(‘\log\path\here’, ‘error’); }); } There are a few important things to note in this example. First, we’re running $this->app->bind(). $this->app is an instance of the container that’s always avail‐ able on every service provider. The container’s bind() method is what we use to bind to the container. The first parameter of bind() is the “key” we’re binding to. Here we’ve used the FQCN of the class. The second parameter differs depending on what you’re doing, but essentially it should be something that shows the container what to do to resolve an instance of that bound key. So, in this example, we’re passing a closure. And now, any time someone runs app(Logger::class), they’ll get the result of this closure. The closure is passed an instance of the container itself ($app), so if the class you’re resolving has a depend‐ ency you want resolved out of the container, you can use it in your definition as seen in Example 11-6. Example 11-6. Using the passed $app instance in a container binding // Note that this binding is not doing anything technically useful, since this // could all be provided by the container’s auto-wiring already. $this->app->bind(UserMailer::class, function ($app) { return new UserMailer( $app->make(Mailer::class), $app->make(Logger::class), $app->make(Slack::class) ); }); Note that every time you ask for a new instance of your class, this closure will be run again and the new output returned. Binding to Singletons, Aliases, and Instances If you want the output of the binding closure to be cached so that this closure isn’t rerun every time you ask for an instance, that’s the Singleton pattern, and you can run $this->app->singleton() to do that. Example 11-7 shows what this looks like. 284 | Chapter 11: The Container Example 11-7. Binding a singleton to the container public function register() { $this->app->singleton(Logger::class, function () { return new Logger(‘\log\path\here’, ‘error’); }); } You can also get similar behavior if you already have an instance of the object you want the singleton to return, as seen in Example 11-8. Example 11-8. Binding an existing class instance to the container public function register() { $logger = new Logger(‘\log\path\here’, ‘error’); $this->app->instance(Logger::class, $logger); } Finally, if you want to alias one class to another, bind a class to a shortcut, or bind a shortcut to a class, you can just pass two strings, as shown in Example 11-9. Example 11-9. Aliasing classes and strings // Asked for Logger, give FirstLogger $this->app->bind(Logger::class, FirstLogger::class); // Asked for log, give FirstLogger $this->app->bind(‘log’, FirstLogger::class); // Asked for log, give FirstLogger $this->app->alias(FirstLogger::class, ‘log’); Note that these shortcuts are common in Laravel’s core; it provides a system of short‐ cuts to classes that provide core functionality, using easy-to-remember keys like log. Binding a Concrete Instance to an Interface Just like we can bind a class to another class, or a class to a shortcut, we can also bind to an interface. This is extremely powerful, because we can now typehint interfaces instead of class names, like in Example 11-10. Example 11-10. Typehinting and binding to an interface … use Interfaces\Mailer as MailerInterface; Binding Classes to the Container | 285 class UserMailer { protected $mailer; public function __construct(MailerInterface $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; } } // Service provider public function register() { $this->app->bind(\Interfaces\Mailer::class, function () { return new MailgunMailer(…); }); } You can now typehint Mailer or Logger interfaces all across your code, and then choose once in a service provider which specific mailer or logger you want to use everywhere. That’s inversion of control. One of the key benefits you get from using this pattern is that later, if you choose to use a different mail provider than Mailgun, as long as you have a mailer class for that new provider that implements the Mailer interface, you can swap it once in your ser‐ vice provider and everything in the rest of your code will just work. Contextual Binding Sometimes you need to change how to resolve an interface depending on the context. You might want to log events from one place to a local syslog and from others out to an external service. So, let’s tell the container to differentiate—check out Example 11-11. Example 11-11. Contextual binding // In a service provider public function register() { $this->app->when(FileWrangler::class) ->needs(Interfaces\Logger::class) ->give(Loggers\Syslog::class); $this->app->when(Jobs\SendWelcomeEmail::class) ->needs(Interfaces\Logger::class) ->give(Loggers\PaperTrail::class); } 286 | Chapter 11: The Container Constructor Injection in Laravel Framework Files We’ve covered the concept of constructor injection, and we’ve looked at how the con‐ tainer makes it easy to resolve instances of a class or interface out of the container. You saw how easy it is to use the app() helper to make instances, and also how the container will resolve the constructor dependencies of a class when it’s creating it. What we haven’t covered yet is how the container is also responsible for resolving many of the core operating classes of your application. For example, every controller is instantiated by the container. That means if you want an instance of a logger in your controller, you can simply typehint the logger class in your controller’s construc‐ tor, and when Laravel creates the controller, it will resolve it out of the container and that logger instance will be available to your controller. Take a look at Example 11-12. Example 11-12. Injecting dependencies into a controller … class MyController extends Controller { protected $logger; public function __construct(Logger $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } public function index() { // Do something $this->logger->error(‘Something happened’); } } The container is responsible for resolving controllers, middleware, queue jobs, event listeners, and any other classes that are automatically generated by Laravel in the pro‐ cess of your application’s lifecycle—so any of those classes can typehint dependencies in their constructors and expect them to be automatically injected. Method Injection There are a few places in your application where Laravel doesn’t just read the con‐ structor signature: it also reads the method signature and will inject dependencies for you there as well. The most common place to use method injection is in controller methods. If you have a dependency you only want to use for a single controller method, you can inject it into just that method like in Example 11-13. Constructor Injection in Laravel Framework Files | 287 Example 11-13. Injecting dependencies into a controller method … class MyController extends Controller { // Method dependencies can come after or before route parameters. public function show(Logger $logger, $id) { // Do something $logger->error(‘Something happened’); } } Passing Unresolvable Constructor Parameters Using makeWith() All of the primary tools for resolving a concrete instance of a class —app(), $container->make(), etc.—assume that all of the class’s dependencies can be resolved without passing anything in. But what if your class accepts a value in its constructor, instead of a dependency the container can resolve for you? Use the makeWith() method: class Foo { public function __construct($bar) { // … } } $foo = $this->app->makeWith( Foo::class, [‘bar’ => ‘value’] ); This is a bit of an edge case. Most classes that you’ll be resolving out of the container should only have dependencies injected into their constructors. You can do the same in the boot() method of service providers, and you can also arbitrarily call a method on any class using the container, which will allow for method injection there (see Example 11-14). Example 11-14. Manually calling a class method using the container’s call() method class Foo { public function bar($parameter1) {} } 288 | Chapter 11: The Container // Calls the ‘bar’ method on ‘Foo’ with a first parameter of ‘value’ app()->call(‘Foo@bar’, [‘parameter1’ => ‘value’]); Facades and the Container We’ve covered facades quite a bit so far in the book, but we haven’t actually talked about how they work. Laravel’s facades are classes that provide simple access to core pieces of Laravel’s func‐ tionality. There are two trademark features of facades: first, they’re all available in the global namespace (\Log is an alias to \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log); and sec‐ ond, they use static methods to access nonstatic resources. Let’s take a look at the Log facade, since we’ve been looking at logging already in this chapter. In your controller or views, you could use this call: Log::alert(‘Something has gone wrong!’); Here’s what it would look like to make that same call without the facade: $logger = app(‘log’); $logger->alert(‘Something has gone wrong!’); As you can see, facades translate static calls (any method call that you make on a class itself, using ::, instead of on an instance) to normal method calls on instances. Importing Facade Namespaces If you’re in a namespaced class, you’ll want to be sure to import the facade at the top: … use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; class Controller extends Controller { public function index() { // … Log::error(‘Something went wrong!’); } How Facades Work Let’s take a look at the Cache facade and see how it actually works. First, open up the class Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache. You’ll see something like Example 11-15. Facades and the Container | 289 Example 11-15. €e Cache facade class get(‘key’); There are a few ways to look up exactly what class each facade accessor points to, but checking the documentation is the easiest. There’s a table on the facades documenta‐ tion page that shows you, for each facade, which container binding (shortcut, like cache) it’s connected to, and which class that returns. It looks like this: Facade Class Service container binding App Illuminate\Foundation\Application app … … … Cache Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager cache … … … Now that you have this reference, you can do three things. First, you can figure out what methods are available on a facade. Just find its backing class and look at the definition of that class, and you’ll know that any of its public methods are callable on the facade. Second, you can figure out how to inject a facade’s backing class using dependency injection. If you ever want the functionality of a facade but prefer to use dependency 290 | Chapter 11: The Container injection, just typehint the facade’s backing class or get an instance of it with app() and call the same methods you would’ve called on the facade. Third, you can see how to create your own facades. Create a class for the facade that extends Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade, and give it a getFacadeAccessor() method, which returns a string. Make that string something that can be used to resolve your backing class out of the container—maybe just the FQCN of the class. Finally, you have to register the facade by adding it to the aliases array in conƒg/ app.php. Done! You just made your own facade. Real-Time Facades Laravel 5.4 introduced a new concept called real-time facades. Rather than creating a new class to make your class’s instance methods available as static methods, you can simply prefix your class’s FQCN with Facades\ and use it as if it were a facade. Example 11-16 illustrates how this works. Example 11-16. Using real-time facades namespace App; class Charts { public function burndown() { // … } }

Burndown Chart

{{ Facades\App\Charts::burndown() }} As you can see here, the nonstatic method burndown() becomes accessible as a static method on the real-time facade, which we create by prepending the class’s full name with Facades\. Service Providers We covered the basics of service providers in the previous chapter (see “Service Pro‐ viders” on page 255). What’s most important with regard to the container is that you remember to register your bindings in the register() method of some service provider somewhere. You can just dump loose bindings into App\Providers\AppServiceProvider, which is a bit of a catchall, but it’s generally better practice to create a unique service pro‐ Service Providers | 291 vider for each group of functionality you’re developing and bind its classes in its unique register() method. Testing The ability to use inversion of control and dependency injection makes testing in Lar‐ avel extremely versatile. You can bind a different logger, for instance, depending on whether the app is live or under testing. Or you can change the transactional email service from Mailgun to a local email logger for easy inspection. Both of these swaps are actually so common that it’s even easier to make them using Laravel’s .env config‐ uration files, but you can make similar swaps with any interfaces or classes you’d like. The easiest way to do this is to explicitly rebind classes and interfaces when you need them rebound, directly in the test. Example 11-17 shows how. Example 11-17. Overriding a binding in tests public function test_it_does_something() { app()->bind(Interfaces\Logger, function () { return new DevNullLogger; }); // Do stuff } If you need certain classes or interfaces rebound globally for your tests (which is not a particularly common occurrence), you can do this either in the test class’s setUp() method or in Laravel’s TestCase base test’s setUp() method, as shown in Example 11-18. Example 11-18. Overriding a binding for all tests class TestCase extends \Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase { public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); app()->bind(‘whatever’, ‘whatever else’); } } When using something like Mockery, it’s common to create a mock or spy or stub of a class and then to rebind that to the container in place of its referent. 292 | Chapter 11: The Container TL;DR Laravel’s service container has many names, but regardless of what you call it, in the end its goal is to make it easy to define how to resolve certain string names as con‐ crete instances. These string names are going to be the fully qualified class names of classes or interfaces, or shortcuts like log. Each binding teaches the application, given a string key (e.g., app(‘log’)), how to resolve a concrete instance. The container is smart enough to do recursive dependency resolution, so if you try to resolve an instance of something that has constructor dependencies, the container will try to resolve those dependencies based on their typehints, then pass them into your class, and finally return an instance. There are a few ways to bind to the container, but in the end they all define what to return, given a particular string. Facades are simple shortcuts that make it easy to use static calls on a root namespace– aliased class to call nonstatic methods on classes resolved out of the container. Realtime facades allow you to treat any class like a facade by prepending its fully qualified class name with Facades\. TL;DR | 293 CHAPTER 12 Testing Most developers know that testing your code is A Good Thing. We’re supposed to do it. We likely have an idea of why it’s good, and we might’ve even read some tutorials about how it’s supposed to work. But the gap between knowing why you should test and knowing how to test is wide. Thankfully, tools like PHPUnit, Mockery, and PHPSpec provide an incredible num‐ ber of options for testing in PHP—but it can still be pretty overwhelming to get everything set up. Out of the box, Laravel comes with baked-in integrations to PHPUnit (unit testing), Mockery (mocking), and Faker (creating fake data for seeding and testing). It also provides its own simple and powerful suite of application testing tools, which allow you to “crawl” your site’s URIs, submit forms, check HTTP status codes, and validate and assert against JSON. It also provides a robust frontend testing framework called Dusk that can even interact with your JavaScript applications and test against them. In case this hasn’t made it clear, we’re going to cover a lot of ground in this chapter. To make it easy for you to get started, Laravel’s testing setup comes with sample appli‐ cation test that can run successfully the moment you create a new app. That means you don’t have to spend any time configuring your testing environment, and that’s one less barrier to writing your tests. 295 Testing Basics Testing Terms It’s hard to get any group of programmers to agree on one set of terms to define dif‐ ferent types of tests. In this book, I’ll use four primary terms: Unit tests Unit tests target small, relatively isolated units—a class or method, usually. Feature tests Feature tests test the way individual units work together and pass messages. Application tests Often called acceptance or functional tests, application tests test the entire behav‐ ior of the application, usually at an outer boundary like HTTP calls. Regression tests Similar to application tests, regression tests are a little more focused on describ‐ ing exactly what a user should be able to do and ensuring that behavior doesn’t stop working. The line between application and regression tests is thin, but the difference is primarily based on the level of fidelity of your tests. For example, an application test might say “browser can POST to the people endpoint and then there should be a new entry in the users table” (relatively low fidelity, because you are mimicking what the browser is doing), but a regression test would more likely say “after clicking this button with this form data entered the user should see that result on that page” (higher fidelity, because you’re describing the actual behavior of your users). Tests in Laravel live in the tests folder. There are two files in the root: TestCase.php, which is the base root test which all of your tests will extend, and CreatesApplica‐ tion.php, a trait (imported by TestCase.php) which allows any class to boot a sample Laravel application for testing. There are also two subfolders: Features, for tests that cover the interaction between multiple units, and Unit, for tests that are intended to cover just one unit of your code (class, module, function, etc.). Each of these folders contains an ExampleTest.php file, each of which has a single sample test inside it, ready to run. 296 | Chapter 12: Testing Differences in Testing Prior to Laravel 5.4 In projects running versions of Laravel prior to 5.4, there will be only two files in the tests directory: ExampleTest.php, your sample test, and TestCase.php, your base test. Additionally, if your app is pre-5.4, the syntax in all of the examples in this chapter will not be quite right. All the ideas are the same, but the syntax is a bit different across the board. You can learn more in the Laravel 5.3 testing docs. Here are the four biggest changes: 1. In 5.3 and before, you’re not creating response objects; instead, you’re just calling methods on $this, and the test class stores the responses. So, $response = $this->get(‘people’) in 5.4+ would look like $this->get(‘people’) in 5.3 and earlier. 2. Many of the assertions have been renamed in small ways in 5.4+ to make them look more like PHPUnit’s normal assertion names; for example, assertSee() instead of see(). 3. Some of the “crawling” methods that in 5.4+ have been extrac‐ ted out to browser-kit-testing were built into the core in previous versions. 4. Dusk didn’t exist prior to 5.4. Because testing prior to 5.4 was so different, I’ve made the testing chapter for the first edition of this book available as a free PDF. If you’re working with 5.3 or earlier, I’d recommend skipping this chapter in the book and using this PDF of the testing chapter from the first edition instead. The ExampleTest in your Unit directory contains one simple assertion: $this->assertTrue(true). Anything in your unit tests is likely to be relatively sim‐ ple PHPUnit syntax (asserting that values are equal or different, looking for entries in arrays, checking Booleans, etc.), so there’s not much to learn there. The Basics of PHPUnit Assertions If you’re not yet familiar with PHPUnit, most of our assertions will be run on the $this object with this syntax: $this->assertWHATEVER($expected, $real); So, for example, if we’re asserting that two variables should be equal, we’ll pass it first our expected result, and second the actual outcome of the object or system we’re testing: $multiplicationResult = $myCalculator->multiply(5, 3); $this->assertEqual(15, $multiplicationResult); Testing Basics | 297 As you can see in Example 12-1, the ExampleTest in the Feature directory makes a simulated HTTP request to the page at the root path of your application and checks that its HTTP status is 200 (successful). If it is, it’ll pass; if not, it’ll fail. Unlike your average PHPUnit test, we’re running these assertions on the TestResponse object that’s returned when we make test HTTP calls. Example 12-1. tests/Feature/ExampleTest.php get(‘/’); $response->assertStatus(200); } } To run the tests, run ./vendor/bin/phpunit on the command line from the root folder of your application. You should see something like the output in Example 12-2. Example 12-2. Sample ExampleTest output PHPUnit 7.3.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. .. 2 / 2 (100%) Time: 139 ms, Memory: 12.00MB OK (2 test, 2 assertions) You just ran your first Laravel application test! Those two dots indicate that you have two passing tests. As you can see, you’re set up out of the box not only with a func‐ tioning PHPUnit instance, but also a full-fledged application testing suite that can make mock HTTP calls and test your application’s responses. Further, you’ll soon learn that you have easy access to a fully featured DOM crawler (“A Quick Introduc‐ 298 | Chapter 12: Testing tion to BrowserKit Testing” on page 324) and a regression testing tool with full Java‐ Script support (“Testing with Dusk” on page 324). In case you’re not familiar with PHPUnit, let’s take a look at what it’s like to have a test fail. Instead of modifying the previous test, we’ll make our own. Run php artisan make:test FailingTest. This will create the file tests/Feature/FailingTest.php; you can modify its testExample() method to look like Example 12-3. Example 12-3. tests/Feature/FailingTest.php, edited to fail public function testExample() { $response = $this->get(‘/’); $response->assertStatus(301); } As you can see, it’s the same as the test we ran previously, but we’re now testing against the wrong status. Let’s run PHPUnit again. Generating Unit Tests If you want your test to be generated in the Unit directory instead of the Feature directory, pass the –unit flag: php artisan make:test SubscriptionTest –unit Whoops! This time the output will probably look a bit like Example 12-4. Example 12-4. Sample failing test output PHPUnit 7.3.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. .F. 3 / 3 (100%) Time: 237 ms, Memory: 12.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) Tests\Feature\FailingTest::testExample Expected status code 301 but received 200. Failed asserting that false is true. /path-to-your-app/vendor/…/Foundation/Testing/TestResponse.php:124 /path-to-your-app/tests/Feature/FailingTest.php:20 FAILURES! Tests: 3, Assertions: 3, Failures: 1. Testing Basics | 299 Let’s break this down. Last time there were only two dots, representing the two pass‐ ing tests, but this time there’s an F between them indicating that one of the three tests run here has failed. Then, for each error, we see the test name (here, FailingTest::testExample), the error message (Expected status code…), and a full stack trace, so we can see what was called. Since this was an application test, the stack trace just shows us that it was called via the TestResponse class, but if this were a unit or feature test, we’d see the entire call stack of the test. Now that we’ve run both a passing test and a failing test, it’s time for you to learn more about Laravel’s testing environment. Naming Tests By default, Laravel’s testing system will run any files in the tests directory whose names end with the word Test. That’s why tests/ExampleTest.php was run by default. If you’re not familiar with PHPUnit, you might not know that only the methods in your tests with names that start with the word test will be run—or methods with a @test documentation block, or docblock. See Example 12-5 for which methods will and won’t run. Example 12-5. Naming PHPUnit methods class NamingTest { public function test_it_names_things_well() { // Runs as “It names things well” } public function testItNamesThingsWell() { // Runs as “It names things well” } /** @test */ public function it_names_things_well() { // Runs as “It names things well” } public function it_names_things_well() { // Doesn’t run } } 300 | Chapter 12: Testing The Testing Environment Any time a Laravel application is running, it has a current “environment” name that represents the environment it’s running in. This name may be set to local, staging, production, or anything else you want. You can retrieve this by running app()->environment(), or you can run if (app()->environment(‘local’)) or something similar to test whether the current environment matches the passed name. When you run tests, Laravel automatically sets the environment to testing. This means you can test for if (app()->environment(‘testing’)) to enable or disable certain behaviors in the testing environment. Additionally, Laravel doesn’t load the normal environment variables from .env for testing. If you want to set any environment variables for your tests, edit phpunit.xml and, in the section, add a new for each environment variable you want to pass in—for example, . Using .env.testing to Exclude Testing Environment Variables from Version Control If you want to set environment variables for your tests, you can do so in phpunit.xml as just described. But what if you have environment variables for your tests that you want to be different for each testing environment? Or what if you want them to be excluded from source control? Thankfully, handling these conditions is pretty easy. First, create an .env.testing.exam‐ ple file, just like Laravel’s .env.example file. Next, add the variables you’d like to be environment-specific to .env.testing.example, just like they’re set in .env.example. Then, make a copy of .env.testing.example and name it .env.testing. Finally, add .env.testing to your .gitignore file just below .env and set any values you want in .env.testing. In most versions of Laravel, the framework will automatically load this file for you. In Laravel prior to 5.2, or in some of the earlier minor releases prior to 5.5, you might not have this at the framework level; I’ve written a blog post showing you how to add it when the framework doesn’t have it. The Testing Traits Before we get into the methods you can use for testing, you need to know about the four testing traits you can pull into any test class. The Testing Environment | 301 RefreshDatabase Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase is imported at the top of every newly generated test file, and it’s the most commonly used database migration trait. This trait was introduced in Laravel 5.5 and is only available in projects running on that version or later. The point of this, and the other database traits, is to ensure your database tables are correctly migrated at the start of each test. RefreshDatabase takes two steps to do this. First, it runs your migrations on your test database once at the beginning of each test run (when you run phpunit, not for each individual test method). And second, it wraps each individual test method in a database transaction and rolls back the transaction at the end of the test. That means you have your database migrated for your tests and cleared out fresh after each test runs, without having to run your migrations again before every test—mak‐ ing this the fastest possible option. When in doubt, stick with this. WithoutMiddleware If you import Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware into your test class, it will disable all middleware for any test in that class. This means you won’t have to worry about the authentication middleware, or CSRF protection, or anything else that might be useful in the real application but distracting in a test. If you’d like to disable middleware for just a single method instead of the entire test class, call $this->withoutMiddleware() at the top of the method for that test. DatabaseMigrations If you import the Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations trait instead of the RefreshDatabase trait, it will run your entire set of database migra‐ tions fresh before each test. Laravel makes this happen by running php artisan migrate:fresh in the setUp() method before every test runs. DatabaseTransactions Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions, on the other hand, expects your database to be properly migrated before your tests start. It wraps every test in a database transaction, which it rolls back at the end of each test. This means that, at the end of each test, your database will be returned to the exact same state it was in prior to the test. 302 | Chapter 12: Testing Simple Unit Tests With simple unit tests, you almost don’t need any of these traits. You may reach for database access or inject something out of the container, but it’s very likely that unit tests in your applications won’t rely on the framework very much. Take a look at Example 12-6 for an example of what a simple test might look like. Example 12-6. A simple unit test class GeometryTest extends TestCase { public function test_it_calculates_area() { $square = new Square; $square->sideLength = 4; $calculator = new GeometryCalculator; $this->assertEquals(16, $calculator->area($square)); } Obviously, this is a bit of a contrived example. But you can see here that we’re testing a single class (GeometryCalculator) and its single method (area()), and we’re doing so without worrying about the entire Laravel application. Some unit tests might be testing something that technically is connected to the frame‐ work—for example, Eloquent models—but you can still test them without worrying about the framework. For example, in Example 12-7, we’ll use Package::make() instead of Package::create() so the object is created and evaluated in memory without ever hitting the database. Example 12-7. A more complicated unit test class PopularityTest extends TestCase { use RefreshDatabase; public function test_votes_matter_more_than_views() { $package1 = Package::make([‘votes’ => 1, ‘views’ => 0]); $package2 = Package::make([‘votes’ => 0, ‘views’ => 1]); $this->assertTrue($package1->popularity > $package2->popularity); } Some people may call this an integration or feature test, since this “unit” will likely touch the database in actual usage and it’s connected to the entire Eloquent codebase. Simple Unit Tests | 303 The most important point is that you can have simple tests that test a single class or method, even when the objects under test are framework-connected. All of this said, it’s still going to be more likely that your tests—especially as you first get started—are broader and more at the “application” level. Accordingly, for the rest of the chapter we’re going to dig deeper into application testing. Application Testing: How It Works In “Testing Basics” on page 296 we saw that, with a few lines of code, we can “request” URIs in our application and actually check the status of the response. But how can PHPUnit request pages as if it were a browser? TestCase Any application tests should extend the TestCase class (tests/TestCase.php) that’s included with Laravel by default. Your application’s TestCase class will extend the abstract Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase class, which brings in quite a few goodies. The first thing the two TestCase classes (yours and its abstract parent) do is handle booting the Illuminate application instance for you, so you have a fully bootstrapped application available. They also “refresh” the application between each test, which means they’re not entirely recreating the application between tests, but rather making sure you don’t have any data lingering. The parent TestCase also sets up a system of hooks that allow callbacks to be run before and after the application is created, and imports a series of traits that provide you with methods for interacting with every aspect of your application. These traits include InteractsWithContainer, MakesHttpRequests, and InteractsWithConsole, and they bring in a broad variety of custom assertions and testing methods. As a result, your application tests have access to a fully bootstrapped application instance and application-test-minded custom assertions, with a series of simple and powerful wrappers around each to make them easy to use. That means you can write $this->get(‘/’)->assertStatus(200) and know that your application is actually behaving as if it were responding to a normal HTTP request, and that the response is being fully generated and then checked as a browser would check it. It’s pretty powerful stuff, considering how little work you had to do to get it running. 304 | Chapter 12: Testing HTTP Tests Let’s take a look at our options for writing HTTP-based tests. You’ve already seen $this->get(‘/’), but let’s dive deeper into how you can use that call, how you can assert against its results, and what other HTTP calls you can make. Testing Basic Pages with $this->get() and Other HTTP Calls At the very basic level, Laravel’s HTTP testing allows you to make simple HTTP requests (GET, POST, etc.) and then make simple assertions about their impact or response. There are more tools we’ll cover later (in “A Quick Introduction to BrowserKit Test‐ ing” on page 324 and “Testing with Dusk” on page 324) that allow for more complex page interactions and assertions, but let’s start at the base level. Here are the calls you can make: • $this->get($uri, $headers = []) • $this->post($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->put($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->patch($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->delete($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) These methods are the basis of the HTTP testing framework. Each takes at least a URI (usually relative) and headers, and all but get() also allow for passing data along with the request. And, importantly, each returns a $response object that represents the HTTP response. This response object is almost exactly the same as an Illuminate Response object, the same thing we return out of our controllers. However, it’s actually an instance of Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestResponse, which wraps a normal Response with some assertions for testing. Take a look at Example 12-8 to see a common usage of post() and a common response assertion. Example 12-8. A simple use of post() in testing public function test_it_stores_new_packages() { $response = $this->post(route(‘packages.store’), [ ‘name’ => ‘The greatest package’, ]); HTTP Tests | 305 $response->assertOk(); } In most examples like Example 12-8, you’ll also test that the record exists in the data‐ base and shows up on the index page, and maybe that it doesn’t test successfully unless you define the package author and are logged in. But don’t worry, we’ll get to all of that. For now, you can make calls to your application routes with many different verbs and make assertions against both the response and the state of your application afterward. Great! Testing JSON APIs with $this->getJson() and Other JSON HTTP Calls You can also do all of the same sorts of HTTP tests with your JSON APIs. There are convenience methods for that, too: • $this->getJson($uri, $headers = []) • $this->postJson($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->putJson($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->patchJson($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) • $this->deleteJson($uri, $data = [], $headers = []) These methods work just the same as the normal HTTP call methods, except they also add JSON-specific Accept, CONTENT_LENGTH, and CONTENT_TYPE headers. Take a look at Example 12-9 to see an example. Example 12-9. A simple use of postJSON() in testing public function test_the_api_route_stores_new_packages() { $response = $this->postJSON(route(‘api.packages.store’), [ ‘name’ => ‘The greatest package’, ], [‘X-API-Version’ => ’17’]); $response->assertOk(); } Assertions Against $response There are 40 assertions available on the $response object in Laravel 5.8, so I’ll refer you to the testing docs for details on all of them. Let’s look at a few of the most impor‐ tant and most common ones: $response->assertOk() Asserts that the response’s status code is 200: 306 | Chapter 12: Testing $response = $this->get(‘terms’); $response->assertOk(); $response->assertStatus($status) Asserts that the response’s status code is equal to the provided $status: $response = $this->get(‘admin’); $response->assertStatus(401); // Unauthorized $response->assertSee($text) and $response->assertDontSee($text) Asserts that the response contains (or doesn’t contain) the provided $text: $package = factory(Package::class)->create(); $response = $this->get(route(‘packages.index’)); $response->assertSee($package->name); $response->assertJson(_array $json) Asserts that the passed array is represented (in JSON format) in the returned JSON: $this->postJson(route(‘packages.store’), [‘name’ => ‘GreatPackage2000’]); $response = $this->getJson(route(‘packages.index’)); $response->assertJson([‘name’ => ‘GreatPackage2000’]); $response->assertViewHas($key, $value = null) Asserts that the view on the visited page had a piece of data available at $key, and optionally checks that the value of that variable was $value: $package = factory(Package::class)->create(); $response = $this->get(route(‘packages.show’)); $response->assertViewHas(‘name’, $package->name); $response->assertSessionHas($key, $value = null) Asserts that the session has data set at $key, and optionally checks that the value of that data is $value: $response = $this->get(‘beta/enable’); $response->assertSessionHas(‘beta-enabled’, true); $response->assertSessionHasErrors() With no parameters, asserts that there’s at least one error set in Laravel’s special errors session container. Its first parameter can be an array of key/value pairs that define the errors that should be set and its second parameter can be the string format that the checked errors should be formatted against, as demon‐ strated here: // Assuming the “/form” route requires an email field, and we’re // posting an empty submission to it to trigger the error $response = $this->post(‘form’, []); HTTP Tests | 307 $response->assertSessionHasErrors(); $response->assertSessionHasErrors([ ’email’ => ‘The email field is required.’, ]); $response->assertSessionHasErrors( [’email’ => ‘

The email field is required.

‘], ‘


‘ ); If you’re working with named error bags, you can pass the error bag name as the third parameter. $response->assertCookie($name, $value = null) Asserts that the response contains a cookie with name $name, and optionally checks that its value is $value: $response = $this->post(‘settings’, [‘dismiss-warning’]); $response->assertCookie(‘warning-dismiss’, true); $response->assertCookieExpired($name) Asserts that the response contains a cookie with name $name and that it is expired: $response->assertCookieExpired(‘warning-dismiss’); $response->assertCookieNotExpired($name) Asserts that the response contains a cookie with name $name and that it is not expired: $response->assertCookieNotExpired(‘warning-dismiss’); $response->assertRedirect($uri) Asserts that the requested route returns a redirect to the given URI: $response = $this->post(route(‘packages.store’), [ ’email’ => ‘invalid’ ]); $response->assertRedirect(route(‘packages.create’)); For each of these assertions, you can assume that there are many related assertions I haven’t listed here. For example, in addition to assertSessionHasErrors() there are also assertSessionHasNoErrors() and assertSessionHasErrorsIn() assertions; as well as assertJson(), there are also assertJsonCount(), assertJsonFragment(), assertJsonMissing(), assertJsonMissingExact(), assertJsonStructure(), and assertJsonValidationErrors() assertions. Again, take a look at the docs and make yourself familiar with the whole list. 308 | Chapter 12: Testing Authenticating Responses One piece of your application it’s common to test with application tests is authentica‐ tion and authorization. Most of the time your needs will be met with the actingAs() chainable method, which takes a user (or other Authenticatable object, depending on how your system is set up), as you can see in Example 12-10. Example 12-10. Basic auth in testing public function test_guests_cant_view_dashboard() { $user = factory(User::class)->states(‘guest’)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->get(‘dashboard’); $response->assertStatus(401); // Unauthorized } public function test_members_can_view_dashboard() { $user = factory(User::class)->states(‘member’)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->get(‘dashboard’); $response->assertOk(); } public function test_members_and_guests_cant_view_statistics() { $guest = factory(User::class)->states(‘guest’)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($guest)->get(‘statistics’); $response->assertStatus(401); // Unauthorized $member = factory(User::class)->states(‘member’)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($member)->get(‘statistics’); $response->assertStatus(401); // Unauthorized } public function test_admins_can_view_statistics() { $user = factory(User::class)->states(‘admin’)->create(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->get(‘statistics’); $response->assertOk(); } Using Factory States for Authorization It’s common to use model factories (discussed in “Model Factories” on page 99) in testing, and model factory states make tasks like cre‐ ating users with different access levels simple. HTTP Tests | 309 A Few Other Customizations to Your HTTP Tests If you’d like to set session variables on your requests, you can also chain withSession(): $response = $this->withSession([ ‘alert-dismissed’ => true, ])->get(‘dashboard’); If you’d prefer to set your request headers fluently, you can chain withHeaders(): $response = $this->withHeaders([ ‘X-THE-ANSWER’ => ’42’, ])->get(‘the-restaurant-at-the-end-of-the-universe’); Handling Exceptions in Application Tests Usually, an exception that’s thrown inside your application when you’re making HTTP calls will be captured by Laravel’s exception handler and processed as it would be in normal application. So, the test and route in Example 12-11 would still pass, since the exception would never bubble up the whole way to our test. Example 12-11. An exception that will be captured by Laravel’s exception handler and result in a passing test // routes/web.php Route::get(‘has-exceptions’, function () { throw new Exception(‘Stop!’); }); // tests/Feature/ExceptionsTest.php public function test_exception_in_route() { $this->get(‘/has-exceptions’); $this->assertTrue(true); } In a lot of cases, this might make sense; maybe you’re expecting a validation exception and you want it to be caught like it would normally be by the framework. But if you want to temporarily disable the exception handler, that’s an option; just run $this->withoutExceptionHandling(), as shown in Example 12-12. Example 12-12. Temporarily disabling exception handling in a single test // tests/Feature/ExceptionsTest.php public function test_exception_in_route() { // Now throws an error 310 | Chapter 12: Testing $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); $this->get(‘/has-exceptions’); $this->assertTrue(true); } And if for some reason you need to turn it back on (maybe you turned it off in setUp() but want it back on for just one test), you can run $this->withException Handling(). Database Tests Often, the effect we want to test for after our tests have run is in the database. Imag‐ ine you want to test that the “create package” page works correctly. What’s the best way? Make an HTTP call to the “store package” endpoint and then assert that that package exists in the database. It’s easier and safer than inspecting the resulting “list packages” page. We have two primary assertions for the database: $this->assertDatabaseHas() and $this->assertDatabaseMissing(). For both, pass the table name as the first param‐ eter, the data you’re looking for as the second, and, optionally, the specific database connection you want to test as the third. Take a look at Example 12-13 to see how you might use them. Example 12-13. Sample database tests public function test_create_package_page_stores_package() { $this->post(route(‘packages.store’), [ ‘name’ => ‘Package-a-tron’, ]); $this->assertDatabaseHas(‘packages’, [‘name’ => ‘Package-a-tron’]); } As you can see, the second (data) parameter of assertDatabaseHas() is structured like a SQL WHERE statement—you pass a key and a value (or multiple keys and values), and then Laravel looks for any records in the specified database table that match your key(s) and value(s). As always, assertDatabaseMissing() is the inverse. Database Tests | 311 Using Model Factories in Tests Model factories are amazing tools that make it easy to seed randomized, wellstructured database data for testing (or other purposes). You’ve already seen them in use in several examples in this chapter. We’ve already covered them in depth, so check out “Model Factories” on page 99 to learn more. Seeding in Tests If you use seeds in your application, you can run the equivalent of php artisan db:seed by running $this->seed() in your test. You can also pass a seeder class name to just seed that one class: $this->seed(); // Seeds all $this->seed(UserSeeder::class); // Seeds users Testing Other Laravel Systems When testing Laravel systems, you’ll often want to pause their true function for the duration of the testing and instead write tests against what has happened to those sys‐ tems. You can do this by “faking” different facades, such as Event, Mail, and Notifi cation. We’ll talk more about what fakes are in “Mocking” on page 318, but first, let’s look at some examples. All of the following features in Laravel have their own set of assertions you can make after faking them, but you can also just choose to fake them to restrict their effects. Event Fakes Let’s use event fakes as our first example of how Laravel makes it possible to mock its internal systems. There are likely going to be times when you want to fake events just for the sake of suppressing their actions. For example, suppose your app pushes noti‐ fications to Slack every time a new user signs up. You have a “user signed up” event that’s dispatched when this happens, and it has a listener that notifies a Slack channel that a user has signed up. You don’t want those notifications to go to Slack every time you run your tests, but you might want to assert that the event was sent, or the lis‐ tener was triggered, or something else. This is one reason for faking certain aspects of Laravel in our tests: to pause the default behavior and instead make assertions against the system we’re testing. Let’s take a look at how to suppress these events by calling the fake() method on Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event, as shown in Example 12-14. 312 | Chapter 12: Testing Example 12-14. Suppressing events without adding assertions public function test_controller_does_some_thing() { Event::fake(); // Call controller and assert it does whatever you want without // worrying about it pinging Slack } Once we’ve run the fake() method, we can also call special assertions on the Event facade: namely, assertDispatched() and assertNotDispatched(). Take a look at Example 12-15 to see them in use. Example 12-15. Making assertions against events public function test_signing_up_users_notifies_slack() { Event::fake(); // Sign user up Event::assertDispatched(UserJoined::class, function ($event) use ($user) { return $event->user->id === $user->id; }); // Or sign multiple users up and assert it was dispatched twice Event::assertDispatched(UserJoined::class, 2); // Or sign up with validation failures and assert it wasn’t dispatched Event::assertNotDispatched(UserJoined::class); } Note that the (optional) closure we’re passing to assertDispatched() makes it so we’re not just asserting that the event was dispatched, but also that the dispatched event contains certain data. Event::fake() Disables Eloquent Model Events Event::fake() also disables Eloquent model events. So if you have any important code, for example, in a model’s creating event, make sure to create your models (through your factories or how‐ ever else) before calling Event::fake(). Testing Other Laravel Systems | 313 Bus and Queue Fakes The Bus facade, which represents how Laravel dispatches jobs, works just like Event. You can run fake() on it to disable the impact of your jobs, and after faking it you can run assertDispatched() or assertNotDispatched(). The Queue facade represents how Laravel dispatches jobs when they’re pushed up to queues. Its available methods are assertedPushed(), assertPushedOn(), and assert NotPushed(). Take a look at Example 12-16 to see how to use both. Example 12-16. Faking jobs and queued jobs public function test_popularity_is_calculated() { Bus::fake(); // Synchronize package data… // Assert a job was dispatched Bus::assertDispatched( CalculatePopularity::class, function ($job) use ($package) { return $job->package->id === $package->id; } ); // Assert a job was not dispatched Bus::assertNotDispatched(DestroyPopularityMaybe::class); } public function test_popularity_calculation_is_queued() { Queue::fake(); // Synchronize package data… // Assert a job was pushed to any queue Queue::assertPushed(CalculatePopularity::class, function ($job) use ($package) { return $job->package->id === $package->id; }); // Assert a job was pushed to a given queue named “popularity” Queue::assertPushedOn(‘popularity’, CalculatePopularity::class); // Assert a job was pushed twice Queue::assertPushed(CalculatePopularity::class, 2); // Assert a job was not pushed 314 | Chapter 12: Testing Queue::assertNotPushed(DestroyPopularityMaybe::class); } Mail Fakes The Mail facade, when faked, offers four methods: assertSent(), assertNotSent(), assertQueued(), and assertNotQueued(). Use the Queued methods when your mail is queued and the Sent methods when it’s not. Just like with assertDispatched(), the first parameter will be the name of the maila‐ ble and the second parameter can be empty, the number of times the mailable has been sent, or a closure testing that the mailable has the right data in it. Take a look at Example 12-17 to see a few of these methods in action. Example 12-17. Making assertions against mail public function test_package_authors_receive_launch_emails() { Mail::fake(); // Make a package public for the first time… // Assert a message was sent to a given email address Mail::assertSent(PackageLaunched::class, function ($mail) use ($package) { return $mail->package->id === $package->id; }); // Assert a message was sent to given email addresses Mail::assertSent(PackageLaunched::class, function ($mail) use ($package) { return $mail->hasTo($package->author->email) && $mail->hasCc($package->collaborators) && $mail->hasBcc(‘admin@novapackages.com’); }); // Or, launch two packages… // Assert a mailable was sent twice Mail::assertSent(PackageLaunched::class, 2); // Assert a mailable was not sent Mail::assertNotSent(PackageLaunchFailed::class); } All of the messages checking for recipients (hasTo(), hasCc(), and hasBcc()) can take either a single email address or an array or collection of addresses. Testing Other Laravel Systems | 315 Noti€cation Fakes The Notification facade, when faked, offers two methods: assertSentTo() and assertNothingSent(). Unlike with the Mail facade, you’re not going to test who the notification was sent to manually in a closure. Rather, the assertion itself requires the first parameter be either a single notifiable object or an array or collection of them. Only after you’ve passed in the desired notification target can you test anything about the notification itself. The second parameter is the class name for the notification, and the (optional) third parameter can be a closure defining more expectations about the notification. Take a look at Example 12-18 to learn more. Example 12-18. Notiƒcation fakes public function test_users_are_notified_of_new_package_ratings() { Notification::fake(); // Perform package rating… // Assert author was notified Notification::assertSentTo( $package->author, PackageRatingReceived::class, function ($notification, $channels) use ($package) { return $notification->package->id === $package->id; } ); // Assert a notification was sent to the given users Notification::assertSentTo( [$package->collaborators], PackageRatingReceived::class ); // Or, perform a duplicate package rating… // Assert a notification was not sent Notification::assertNotSentTo( [$package->author], PackageRatingReceived::class ); } You may also find yourself wanting to assert that your channel selection is working— that notifications are sent via the right channels. You can test that as well, as you can see in Example 12-19. 316 | Chapter 12: Testing Example 12-19. Testing notiƒcation channels public function test_users_are_notified_by_their_preferred_channel() { Notification::fake(); $user = factory(User::class)->create([‘slack_preferred’ => true]); // Perform package rating… // Assert author was notified via Slack Notification::assertSentTo( $user, PackageRatingReceived::class, function ($notification, $channels) use ($package) { return $notification->package->id === $package->id && in_array(‘slack’, $channels); } ); Storage Fakes Testing files can be extraordinarily complex. Many traditional methods require you to actually move files around in your test directories, and formatting the form input and output can be very complicated. Thankfully, if you use Laravel’s Storage facade, it’s infinitely simpler to test file uploads and other storage-related items. Example 12-20 demonstrates. Example 12-20. Testing storage and ƒle uploads with storage fakes public function test_package_screenshot_upload() { Storage::fake(‘screenshots’); // Upload a fake image $response = $this->postJson(‘screenshots’, [ ‘screenshot’ => UploadedFile::fake()->image(‘screenshot.jpg’), ]); // Assert the file was stored Storage::disk(‘screenshots’)->assertExists(‘screenshot.jpg’); // Or, assert a file does not exist Storage::disk(‘screenshots’)->assertMissing(‘missing.jpg’); } Testing Other Laravel Systems | 317 Mocking Mocks (and their brethren, spies and stubs and dummies and fakes and any number of other tools) are common in testing. We saw some examples of fakes in the previous section. I won’t go into too much detail here, but it’s unlikely you can thoroughly test an application of any size without mocking at least one thing or another. So, lets take a quick look at mocking in Laravel and how to use Mockery, the mocking library. A Quick Introduction to Mocking Essentially, mocks and other similar tools make it possible to create an object that in some way mimics a real class, but for testing purposes isn’t the real class. Sometimes this is done because the real class is too difficult to instantiate just to inject it into a test, or maybe because the real class communicates with an external service. As you can probably tell from the examples that follow, Laravel encourages working with the real application as much as possible—which means avoiding too great of a dependence on mocks. But they have their place, which is why Laravel includes Mockery, a mocking library, out of the box, and is why many of its core services offer faking utilities. A Quick Introduction to Mockery Mockery allows you to quickly and easily create mocks from any PHP class in your application. Imagine you have a class that depends on a Slack client, but you don’t want the calls to actually go out to Slack. Mockery makes it simple to create a fake Slack client to use in your tests, like you can see in Example 12-21. Example 12-21. Using Mockery in Laravel // app/SlackClient.php class SlackClient { // … public function send($message, $channel) { // Actually sends a message to Slack } } // app/Notifier.php class Notifier { private $slack; 318 | Chapter 12: Testing public function __construct(SlackClient $slack) { $this->slack = $slack; } public function notifyAdmins($message) { $this->slack->send($message, ‘admins’); } } // tests/Unit/NotifierTest.php public function test_notifier_notifies_admins() { $slackMock = Mockery::mock(SlackClient::class)->shouldIgnoreMissing(); $notifier = new Notifier($slackMock); $notifier->notifyAdmins(‘Test message’); } There are a lot of elements at work here, but if you look at them one by one, they make sense. We have a class named Notifier that we’re testing. It has a dependency named SlackClient that does something that we don’t want it to do when we’re run‐ ning our tests: it sends actual Slack notifications. So we’re going to mock it. We use Mockery to get a mock of our SlackClient class. If we don’t care about what happens to that class—if it should simply exist to keep our tests from throwing errors —we can just use shouldIgnoreMissing(): $slackMock = Mockery::mock(SlackClient::class)-shouldIgnoreMissing(); No matter what Notifier calls on $slackMock, it’ll just accept it and return null. But take a look at test_notifier_notifies_admins(). At this point, it doesn’t actually test anything. We could just keep shouldIgnoreMissing() and then write some assertions below it. That’s usually what we do with shouldIgnoreMissing(), which makes this object a “fake” or a “stub.” But what if we want to actually assert that a call was made to the send() method of SlackClient? That’s when we drop shouldIgnoreMissing() and reach for the other should* methods (Example 12-22). Example 12-22. Using the shouldReceive() method on a Mockery mock public function test_notifier_notifies_admins() { $slackMock = Mockery::mock(SlackClient::class); Mocking | 319 $slackMock->shouldReceive(‘send’)->once(); $notifier = new Notifier($slackMock); $notifier->notifyAdmins(‘Test message’); } shouldReceive(‘send’)->once() is the same as saying “assert that $slackMock will have its send() method called once and only once.” So, we’re now asserting that Notifier, when we call notifyAdmins(), makes a single call to the send() method on SlackClient. We could also use something like shouldReceive(‘send’)->times(3) or shouldReceive(‘send’)->never(). We can define what parameter we expect to be passed along with that send() call using with(), and we can define what to return with andReturn(): $slackMock->shouldReceive(‘send’)->with(‘Hello, world!’)->andReturn(true); What if we wanted to use the IoC container to resolve our instance of the Notifier? This might be useful if Notifier had several other dependencies that we didn’t need to mock. We can do that! We just use the instance() method on the container, as in Example 12-23, to tell Laravel to provide an instance of our mock to any classes that request it (which, in this example, will be Notifier). Example 12-23. Binding a Mockery instance to the container public function test_notifier_notifies_admins() { $slackMock = Mockery::mock(SlackClient::class); $slackMock->shouldReceive(‘send’)->once(); app()->instance(SlackClient::class, $slackMock); $notifier = app(Notifier::class); $notifier->notifyAdmins(‘Test message’); } In Laravel 5.8+, there’s also a convenient shortcut to creating and binding a Mockery instance to the container: Example 12-24. Binding Mockery instances to the container more easily in Laravel 5.8+ $this->mock(SlackClient::class, function ($mock) { $mock->shouldReceive(‘send’)->once(); }); 320 | Chapter 12: Testing There’s a lot more you can do with Mockery: you can use spies, and partial spies, and much more. Going deeper into how to use Mockery is out of the scope of this book, but I encourage you to learn more about the library and how it works by reading the Mockery docs. Faking Other Facades There’s one other clever thing you can do with Mockery: you can use Mockery meth‐ ods (e.g., shouldReceive()) on any facades in your app. Imagine we have a controller method that uses a facade that’s not one of the fakeable systems we’ve already covered; we want to test that controller method and assert that a certain facade call was made. Thankfully, it’s simple: we can run our Mockery-style methods on the facade, as you can see in Example 12-25. Example 12-25. Mocking a facade // PeopleController public function index() { return Cache::remember(‘people’, function () { return Person::all(); }); } // PeopleTest public function test_all_people_route_should_be_cached() { $person = factory(Person::class)->create(); Cache::shouldReceive(‘remember’) ->once() ->andReturn(collect([$person])); $this->get(‘people’)->assertJsonFragment([‘name’ => $person->name]); } As you can see, you can use methods like shouldReceive() on the facades, just like you do on a Mockery object. You can also use your facades as spies, which means you can set your assertions at the end and use shouldHaveReceived() instead of shouldReceive(). Example 12-26 illustrates this. Mocking | 321 Example 12-26. Facade spies public function test_package_should_be_cached_after_visit() { Cache::spy(); $package = factory(Package::class)->create(); $this->get(route(‘packages.show’, [$package->id])); Cache::shouldHaveReceived(‘put’) ->once() ->with(‘packages.’ . $package->id, $package->toArray()); } Testing Artisan Commands We’ve covered a lot in this chapter, but we’re almost done! We have just two more pieces of Laravel’s testing arsenal to cover: Artisan and the browser. If you’re working in Laravel prior to 5.7, the best way to test Artisan commands is to call them with $this->artisan($commandName, $parameters) and then test their impact, like in Example 12-27. Example 12-27. Simple Artisan tests public function test_promote_console_command_promotes_user() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->artisan(‘user:promote’, [‘userId’ => $user->id]); $this->assertTrue($user->isPromoted()); } You can also make assertions against the response code you get from Artisan, as you can see in Example 12-28. Example 12-28. Manually asserting Artisan exit codes $code = $this->artisan(‘do:thing’, [‘–flagOfSomeSort’ => true]); $this->assertEquals(0, $code); // 0 means “no errors were returned” Asserting Against Artisan Command Syntax If you’re working with Laravel 5.7 and later, you can also chain three new methods onto your $this->artisan() call: expectsQuestion(), expectsOutput(), and assertExitCode(). The expects* methods will work on any of the interactive 322 | Chapter 12: Testing prompts, including confirm(), and anticipate(), and the assertExitCode() method is a shortcut to what we saw in Example 12-28. Take a look at Example 12-29 to see how it works. Example 12-29. Basic Artisan “expects” tests // routes/console.php Artisan::command(‘make:post {–expanded}’, function () { $title = $this->ask(‘What is the post title?’); $this->comment(‘Creating at ‘ . str_slug($title) . ‘.md’); $category = $this->choice(‘What category?’, [‘technology’, ‘construction’], 0); // Create post here $this->comment(‘Post created’); }); // Test file public function test_make_post_console_commands_performs_as_expected() { $this->artisan(‘make:post’, [‘–expanded’ => true]) ->expectsQuestion(‘What is the post title?’, ‘My Best Post Now’) ->expectsOutput(‘Creating at my-best-post-now.md’) ->expectsQuestion(‘What category?’, ‘construction’) ->expectsOutput(‘Post created’) ->assertExitCode(0); } As you can see, the first parameter of expectsQuestion() is the text we’re expecting to see from the question, and the second parameter is the text we’re answering with. expectsOutput() just tests that the passed string is returned. Browser Tests We’ve made it to browser tests! These allow you to actually interact with the DOM of your pages: in browser tests you can click buttons, fill out and submit forms, and, with Dusk, even interact with JavaScript. Laravel actually has two separate browser testing tools: BrowserKit Testing and Dusk. Only Dusk is actively maintained; BrowserKit Testing seems to have become a bit of a second-class citizen, but it’s still available on GitHub and still works at the time of this writing. Browser Tests | 323 Choosing a Tool For browser testing, I suggest you use the core application testing tools whenever possible (those we’ve covered up to this point). If your app is not JavaScript-based and you need to test actual DOM manipulation or form UI elements, use BrowserKit. If you’re developing a JavaScript-heavy app, you’ll likely want to use Dusk, which we’ll cover next. However, there will also be many instances where you’ll want to use a JavaScriptbased test stack (which is out of scope for this book) based on something like Jest and vue-test-utils. This toolset can be very useful for Vue component testing, and Jest’s snapshot functionality simplifies the process of keeping API and frontend test data in sync. To learn more, check out Caleb Porzio’s “Getting Started” blog post and Saman‐ tha Geitz’s 2018 Laracon talk. If you’re working with a JavaScript framework other than Vue, there are no currently preferred frontend testing solutions in the Laravel world. However, the broad React world seems to have settled on Jest and Enzyme. A Quick Introduction to BrowserKit Testing The BrowserKit Testing package is the code from Laravel pre-5.4 application testing pulled out into a separate package. BrowserKit is a component that parses the DOM and allows you to “select” DOM elements and interact with them. This is great for simple page interactions like clicking links and filling out forms, but it doesn’t work for JavaScript. BrowserKit Testing hasn’t been abandoned, but it’s also not ever mentioned in the docs, and it definitely has the feel of deprecated legacy code. For this reason, and because of the robustness of the built-in application testing suite, I’m going to skip covering it here. However, the first edition of this book covered it extensively, so if you are interested in working with Browserkit Testing, check out the free PDF of the first edition’s testing chapter. Testing with Dusk Dusk is a Laravel tool (installable as a Composer package) that makes it easy to write Selenium-style directions for a ChromeDriver-based browser to interact with your app. Unlike most other Selenium-based tools, Dusk’s API is simple and it’s easy to write code to interact with it by hand. Take a look: $this->browse(function ($browser) { $browser->visit(‘/register’) ->type(’email’, ‘test@example.com’) ->type(‘password’, ‘secret’) 324 | Chapter 12: Testing ->press(‘Sign Up’) ->assertPathIs(‘/dashboard’); }); With Dusk, there’s an actual browser spinning up your entire application and inter‐ acting with it. That means you can have complex interactions with your JavaScript and get screenshots of failure states—but it also means everything’s a bit slower and it’s more prone to failure than Laravel’s base application testing suite. Personally, I’ve found that Dusk is most useful as a regression testing suite, and it works better than something like Selenium. Rather than using it for any sort of testdriven development, I use it to assert that the user experience hasn’t broken (“regressed”) as the app continues to develop. Think of this more like writing tests about your user interface after the interface is built. The Dusk docs are robust, so I’m not going to go into great depth here, but I want to show you the basics of working with Dusk. Installing Dusk To install Dusk, run these two commands: composer require –dev laravel/dusk php artisan dusk:install Then edit your .env file to set your APP_URL variable to the same URL you use to view your site in your local browser; something like http://mysite.test. To run your Dusk tests, just run php artisan dusk. You can pass in all the same parameters you’re used to from PHPUnit (for example, php artisan dusk — filter=my_best_test). Writing Dusk tests To generate a new Dusk test, use a command like the following: php artisan dusk:make RatingTest This test will be placed in tests/Browser/RatingTest.php. Customizing Dusk Environment Variables You can customize the environment variables for Dusk by creating a new file named .env.dusk.local (and you can replace .local if you’re working in a different environment, like “staging”). To write your Dusk tests, imagine that you’re directing one or more web browsers to visit your application and take certain actions. That’s what the syntax will look like, as you can see in Example 12-30. Browser Tests | 325 Example 12-30. A simple Dusk test public function testBasicExample() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->browse(function ($browser) use ($user) { $browser->visit(‘login’) ->type(’email’, $user->email) ->type(‘password’, ‘secret’) ->press(‘Login’) ->assertPathIs(‘/home’); }); } $this->browse() creates a browser, which you pass into a closure; then, within the closure you instruct the browser which actions to take. It’s important to note that—unlike Laravel’s other application testing tools, which mimic the behavior of your forms—Dusk is actually spinning up a browser, sending events to the browser to type those words, and then sending an event to the browser to press that button. This is a real browser and Dusk is fully driving it. You can also “ask” for more than one browser by adding parameters to the closure, which allows you to test how multiple users might interact with the website (for example, with a chat system). Take a look at Example 12-31, from the docs. Example 12-31. Multiple Dusk browsers $this->browse(function ($first, $second) { $first->loginAs(User::find(1)) ->visit(‘home’) ->waitForText(‘Message’); $second->loginAs(User::find(2)) ->visit(‘home’) ->waitForText(‘Message’) ->type(‘message’, ‘Hey Taylor’) ->press(‘Send’); $first->waitForText(‘Hey Taylor’) ->assertSee(‘Jeffrey Way’); }); There’s a huge suite of actions and assertions available that we won’t cover here (check the docs), but let’s look at a few of the other tools Dusk provides. 326 | Chapter 12: Testing Authentication and databases As you can see in Example 12-31, the syntax for authentication is a little different from the rest of the Laravel application testing: $browser->loginAs($user). Avoid the RefreshDatabase Trait with Dusk Don’t use the RefreshDatabase trait with Dusk! Use the Database Migrations trait instead; transactions, which RefreshDatabase uses, don’t last across requests. Interactions with the page If you’ve ever written jQuery, interacting with the page using Dusk will come natu‐ rally. Take a look at Example 12-32 to see the common patterns for selecting items with Dusk. Example 12-32. Selecting items with Dusk // Dusk tests // Option 1: jQuery-style syntax $browser->click(‘.search button’); $browser->click(‘#search-button’); // Option 2: dusk=”selector-here” syntax; recommended $browser->click(‘@expand-nav’); As you can see, adding the dusk attribute to your page elements allows you to refer‐ ence them directly in a way that won’t change when the display or layout of the page changes later; when any method asks for a selector, pass in the @ sign and then the content of your dusk attribute. Let’s take a look at a few of the methods you can call on $browser. To work with text and attribute values, use these methods: value($selector, $value = null) Returns the value of any text input if only one parameter is passed; sets the value of an input if a second parameter is passed. text($selector) Gets the text content of a nonfillable item like a
or a . attribute($selector, $attributeName) Returns the value of a particular attribute on the element matching $selector. Browser Tests | 327 Methods for working with forms and files include the following: type($selector, $valueToType) Similar to value(), but actually types the characters rather than directly setting the value. Dusk’s Selector Matching Order With methods like type() that target inputs, Dusk will start by try‐ ing to match a Dusk or CSS selector, and then will look for an input with the provided name, and finally will try to find a